Medical official path

Chapter 1131 Encountering the Low Tide

Xiang Cheng said, "Well said, after all, a person's strength is limited. Our career cannot be done alone. What we need is concerted efforts and common development."

Zhang Yang said, "What's the matter with looking for me?" Xiang Cheng must not have brought him here in such a hurry to chat with him.

Xiang Cheng said, "I heard that there were some troubles at the exhibition. Has the matter been solved now?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It's all solved, it's just some small things, and it didn't have much impact."

Xiang Cheng coughed and said, "The province attaches great importance to the work of the bonded area. In order to better build the bonded area, the province has decided to increase the investment and management of the bonded area. I have received a notice that the allocation promised by the province will be issued in the near future."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's a good thing!"

Xiang Cheng said, "However, the province has decided to transfer this money to the financial account of Beigang City, which will be uniformly allocated by Beigang, in order to play a certain supervisory role."

Zhang Guanren's face began to look bad.

Xiang Cheng said, "Actually, I personally don't agree with this practice of the province. I think Binhai should be able to deal with these problems well. The province also has provincial considerations. I think they are worried that the funds allocated cannot be used on the blade, so let's play a supervisory role for the construction of the bonded area. Zhang Yang, you should understand.

Zhang Yang said, "Understanding! Anyway, the money is still used in Binhai. Even if we give us the money, we have to report to the superior leaders where the money goes. In this way, it is nothing more than the report has become an application. I believe that Xiang [book] will definitely support our work.

Xiang Cheng said: "The province has just issued a notice. In order to carry out the construction of the bonded area more effectively and strive to successfully complete the planned work in the shortest time, the Binhai National Bonded Zone Management Group has been set up. Comrade Gong Qiwei is the team leader and responsible for the work of the bonded area. Comrade Xu Shuangqi Deputy team leader..." At this point, Xiang Cheng paused for a moment. There was a little sympathy in his eyes. The province's decision was obviously to kick Zhang Yang out of the bonded area. As a member of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, he was not a member of the group. Xiang Cheng asked himself that even he could not do things so well, but that's what the paper document in the province said. That's what the leaders . Looking at Zhang Yang with a depressed expression, Xiang Cheng sighed in his heart. Don't blame others. Who let you offend Song [book]? You were used to being arrogant in the past and almost lost yourself. The reason why you were able to walk in the past. It's not that you have the ability, it's because you have a good life and you have found a good girlfriend. You recognize a powerful godfather. Now that you and Chu Yanran have broken up, Song Huaiming will naturally not like you. You and Wen Haonan are in the same situation, and the Wen family will naturally alienate you.

The reason why Xiang Cheng sympathizes with Zhang Yang is that he is also a fallen person in the world, and he has no political ambition. After Xue Lao's death, he lost his backer. Now his official fortune is fading. The day of retreat is approaching day by day.

Zhang Yang said, "Notice from the province?"

Xiang Cheng handed him the document and said, "Take this document back and have a look." He did this to avoid suspicion.

Zhang Yang didn't move at all, and his eyes didn't glance at the table at all: "Xiang [book], is this to kick me out of the bonded area?"

Xiang Cheng said, "Zhang Yang, I also don't understand the provincial decision, and I also raised questions and objections, but..." He shook his head helplessly: "In the final analysis, we still have to obey the leader's work arrangement."

Zhang Yang said, "Unload the mill and kill the donkey. Isn't it too amazing for the superior to do this!"

Xiang Cheng sighed and said, "Leaderships have leaders' considerations. Zhang Yang, in fact, it's a good thing for you to focus more on the overall management of Binhai.

Zhang Yang said, "Isn't this the disguised way to give me the management of the bonded area? By what? What I worked so hard to do, how can I take advantage of others in the end?

Xiang Cheng said, "Zhang Yang, don't be excited. It's just a work arrangement, not for you personally.

Zhang Daguan suddenly got up and said, "Xiang [book]. I'm not stupid. This kind of thing is put on the surface. There is no doubt about it, and there is no need for doubt. Since the province doesn't trust me, it's better to simply withdraw me.

Xiang Cheng said, "Zhang Yang, calm down."

Zhang Daguan turned around and left. He came to the door and happened to meet Gong Qiwei, the deputy of the Municipal Party Committee who came to find Xiang Cheng.

Gong Qiwei smiled at him, but Zhang Yang turned his eyes, snorted coldly, and strode away from the office.

Gong Qiwei seemed a little confused and said to Xiang Cheng, "What's wrong with this boy?"

Xiang Chengxin said that you still don't understand? The province has handed over the management of the bonded area to you, and no one will be upset. Xiang Cheng pointed to the document on the table with a smile and said, "It's not because of this document in the province."

Gong Qiwei picked up the document. In fact, he had read the content of the document for a long time, and he felt that the province could not bear it. Although it was a play, he was really cruel to Zhang Yang. His expression was not shocked and said, "Zhang Yang is still young and lacks the overall view. He regards the bonded area If a person can stand higher, he can see farther. The cause we are engaged in belongs to the country and the people, not anyone's own. If we only focus on political achievements and only consider personal interests, then it is destined to be narrow.

Xiang Cheng is not interested in Gong Qiwei's words. Everyone will say the truth, what is the overall view? It doesn't hurt to stand and talk. Now you have snatched the limelight of others. Others have worked hard to plant trees. When it comes to enjoying the cool, they will let you occupy it. Xiang Cheng said, "Isn't the province's lack of consideration to exclude Zhang Yang this time?" Xiang Cheng not only fights against Zhang Yang. In his opinion, even if the province deliberately deprives Zhang Yang of his power, it should not be Gong Qiwei's turn to take full responsibility for the bonded area. He is the Beigang Municipal Party Committee [Book]. At this point, he and Zhang Yang were ignored by the province at the same time.

Gong Qiwei said, "Zhang Yang has some ability. As early as in Nancy, I knew him. This young man is energetic and enthusiastic, but he is too impulsive. He is too self-centered. He is a good pioneer, but he is not a smart manager. Binhai Free Trade Zone is the first national bonded zone in our province. The leaders in the province attach great importance to the construction of the bonded zone, and this work assignment is also out of attaching great importance to the bonded zone.

Xiang Cheng said, "I think Zhang Yang doesn't understand the work schedule this time. You'd better take time to talk to him."

Gong Qiwei smiled helplessly: "Xiang [Shu], I'm afraid he can't listen to anything I say. I think he has a big idea about me now."

Xiang Cheng said, "You should be separated from your personal feelings at work. As far as I know, your personal relationship has always been very good."

Gong Qiwei said, "It's easy to say, but in reality, how can it be so easy to separate clearly?"

Zhang Yang did not leave immediately, but went to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] Chen Gang saw him come in with dark clouds on his face, and immediately guessed what caused him like this. Chen Gang got up and invited Zhang Yang to sit down on the sofa. He asked the secretary to make a pot of good tea. He smiled and said, "Zhang [Shu], this trip to the capital has gained a lot, right?"

Zhang Yang said, "I have gained some, but the results have been swallowed up by others."

Chen Gang sighed and said, "I've also heard about the provincial arrangement, Zhang [book], I really feel bad for you. You fought for the Binhai Free Trade Zone, and the current situation is also the result of your hard work, but now, how can the province do this?" Chen Gang pretended to be full of indignation. In fact, this person doesn't sympathize with Zhang Yang at all. Not only does he not sympathize, but he is a little gloating. Fengshui takes turns. Do you have Zhang Yang today? Isn't it awesome now? Don't be arrogant now? If you lose the backers behind you, you are just at the mercy of others, and the province will take the management of the bonded area out of your hands with a single document.

Zhang Yang said, "Someone is targeting me!" After saying this, he did not specify who was targeting him. He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Chen Gang said, "Zhang [Book], I'll tell you something first."

Zhang Yang nodded.

Chen Gang said in a low voice, "I have received a lot of report letters against you recently."

Zhang Guanren disdained and said, "It's the same. When did the report against me stop?"

Chen Gang said, "A few of them..." He paused deliberately for a moment, and then said, "It's about Sang Beibei, saying that you often go to Tianjie and have an affair with this woman named Sang Beibei."

Zhang Yang frowned: "What else did he say?"

Chen Gang said, "I have pressed down all these materials. If these materials fall into the hands of people with intentions, they may be checked." Chen Gang is not alarmist. If these materials fall into the hands of Wen Haonan, with the bad relationship between Wen Haonan and Zhang Yang, he will definitely make some articles.

Zhang Yang said, "Do you all think I'm reciting, and the wall is pushed by everyone? Aren't you afraid of being hit?"

Chen Gang said, "I heard that Zhang [Shu] encountered some trouble in the capital."

Zhang Yang raised his eyes and looked at Chen Gang. The old fox was very concerned about himself.

Chen Gang was a little uncomfortable by him. He coughed drily and said, "There is a kind of person who is a mad dog. If you don't care about him, he will think that you are afraid of him and will follow you and keep biting."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Guanren kept silent. After a while, he sighed and whispered, "I have the good intentions to save his woman, but he would like to send me to hell."

Chen Gang said, "Zhang [Book], although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I also feel deeply upset about you when I hear this."

Zhang Yang said, "What else can I do? He is not kind to me, and I can't be unrighteous to him!" ( To be continued