Medical official path

Chapter 1135 Adjustments on

The blasting experts came soon. According to the on-site investigation, the bomb was designed very exquisitely. The impact point of the explosion was mainly Wen Haonan's car. The impact on the surrounding vehicles was not great, but a few vehicles were shattered. It was certain that the target of the other party was Wen Haonan.

Some news could not be blocked. The leaders of Beigang City soon learned about this matter, and Xiang Cheng was also surprised. Among other things, if this explosion caused casualties, I'm afraid that the black veil on his head would not be safe, and he would not have a chance to go to the end safely.

Xiang Cheng talked to Wen Haonan for the first time and was sure that there were no casualties. Even so, he was already in a cold sweat.

Wen Haonan's voice is full of anger: "Secretary Xiang, don't worry, I will never tolerate the same thing happening in Beigang."

Xiang Cheng said, "Comrade Haonan, what's wrong with you? How did you catch the public security after you came to Beigang? The more you catch it, the more chaotic it becomes. Others have put the bomb in the public security bureau. Will the bomb be put in our government office building some other day? Xiang Cheng had been resentful of Wen Haonan for a long time. Today, he finally couldn't help it anymore, and all his anger poured out.

Although Wen Haonan was unconvinced, he did not contradict him at that time. He whispered, "I will deal with this matter and solve the case in the shortest time."

Xiang Cheng said, "You'd better be mentally prepared. The impact of this matter will be very bad!"

Xiang Cheng is not alarmist. On such a special day, the bombing in the compound of the Beigang Public Security Bureau soon spread to the province. Before Song Huaiming heard about this matter, Luo Huining had already called from Hong Kong before he could react. She only said one sentence: "Huaiming, I don't want Haonan to continue to stay in Beigang."

Song Huaiming did not want to put Wen Haonan in Beigang from the beginning. Zhang Yang also reacted to him more than once in private. Wen Haonan's existence in Beigang has affected their layout, but as the secretary of the provincial party committee, it is not convenient for him to interfere in such small things. If he directly intervenes with Wen Hao People have ideas. There will even be suspicion because of this.

But Luo Huining's phone call solved all the problems. Song Huaiming could naturally transfer Wen Haonan out of Beigang. He called Gao Zhonghe of the Provincial Public Security Department to his office. Basically, Gao Zhonghe is a member of the team brought by Qiao Zhenliang, the former secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, from Yun'an, but the cooperation between them has always been a tacit understanding. Although it is not as good as the relationship between Song Huaiming and Rong Pengfei, this kind of thing is still better through Gao Zhonghe. As the secretary of the provincial party committee, the closer the relationship is, the more we need to avoid suspicion.

Gao Zhonghe quickly appeared in his office after receiving the phone call from Song Huaiming. Gao Zhonghe smiled and said, "Secretary Song, do you have an important task for me to find me in such a hurry?"

Song Huaiming said, "Do you know about the explosion that just happened in Beigang?"

Gao Zhonghe was stunned for a moment: "Secretary Song, I really don't know. Why didn't Beigang report such a big thing?"

Song Huaiming said, "What day is it today? Of course, they don't want this matter to be known to us, so they desperately want to cover it up."

Gao Zhonghe said, "I'll make it clear right away."

Song Huaiming waved his hand and said, "There is nothing to ask. A police car was blown up, and there were no casualties.

Gao Zhonghe was a little strange in his heart. If it was just such a small thing, why would Song Huaiming treat it so solemnly? He soon thought of Wen Haonan.

Song Huaiming's next words really confirmed his idea: "Zhong He, the one who was blown up was the police car that Wen Haonan usually took. Just now, Mrs. Wen called. She was very worried. What would the mother think of such a thing happened to her son?

Gao Zhonghe sighed and said, "Actually, I didn't agree to put Wen Haonan in Beigang at the beginning. He offered to go to Beigang, and Pengfei helped him talk. That's why..." He frowned with some regret and said, "I've only been there for a few days, and I've been in trouble one after another."

Song Huaiming said, "It's lucky that there are no casualties. I heard that his fiancee was kidnapped before, and now he almost hurt himself. Zhong He, the Wen family gave his son to us to take good care of him and guide him, instead of letting him move forward more and more difficult. Although Vice Premier Wen didn't say anything A person's attitude must also represent what he means. There is only one precious son in the Wen family. If something happens to him, what do you think the Wen family will think?

Gao Zhonghe sighed again and said, "I compare my heart. Recently, things in Beigang have made me uneasy. I want to bring Lian Ming back, but I don't know what he is fascinated with. He was ready to come back, but suddenly he changed his mind. He had to stay in Binhai, saying that he wanted to advance and retreat When he said this, he deliberately looked at Song Huaiming's face.

Song Huaiming said, "Then let them advance and retreat together. Wen Haonan's affairs must be handled well."

Gao Zhonghe said, "Secretary Song, don't worry, I will definitely give you a complete explanation for this matter."

Song Huaiming said, "It's not for me, it's for the Wen family. Don't make it difficult for everyone to do in the end."

Gao Zhong and Lian Lian nodded.

After Gao Zhonghe left, Song Huaiming asked the driver to take him to Renhe Rehabilitation Hospital in the south of Dongjiang West, and took his secretary Zhong Peiyuan with a basin of gentleman's orchids prepared for him in advance.

Liu Yanhong is still lying **, but the speed of her physical recovery is very ideal. Zhang Yang's medicine has played a great role in her, supplemented by physical therapy. According to Zhang Yang, if everything goes well, she should be able to get out of bed and walk in a year.

Seeing Song Huaiming coming in with the basin of gentleman's orchid, Liu Yanhong couldn't help laughing and joked, "Secretary Song, it's the first time I've seen a patient coming with a pot of flowers."

Song Huaiming said, "I'm usually busy with work, and it's rare to take time to come here, so I'd better send a long-term, gentleman orchid, a gentleman in the flower, I think it's very suitable for you."

Liu Yanhong said, "In comparison, I still like red roses."

Song Huaiming smiled and did not answer.

Liu Yanhong said, "Today is July 1st, right? You must have a lot of things to do today. Why take time out of your busy schedule to come to see me?"

Song Huaiming said, "There were a lot of activities to welcome the arrival of July 1st, but today there are not so many activities to attend. Most of the celebrations are arranged in the evening, and I am relatively idle during the day."

Liu Yanhong couldn't help laughing when she heard him say this: "The word idle seems to have nothing to do with you."

Song Huaiming said, "People can't live in the world just for work. We national cadres should also be allowed to have our own lives, don't you think so?" He put Jun Zilan on the window sill.

Liu Yanhong said, "I heard that Yanran broke up with Zhang Yang?"

Song Huaiming sat down in the chair by the bed: "I have never asked young people about their feelings."

Liu Yanhong said, "Don't you think it's a pity if the two of them split up?"

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "Do you care so much about my housework?"

Liu Yanhong said, "I'm lying in ** all day now. I'm bored. I can only rely on a strong gossip to spend my lonely time. I care about the short things of the Li family, not to mention that you are my old classmate. I like Zhang Yang and Yanran's two children very much."

Song Huaiming said again, "Are you a pity for Zhang Yang, or a pity for Yanran?"

Liu Yanhong said, "There are both."

Song Huaiming said, "I, a father, can't control their emotional affairs. Even if you care about it, there's nothing you can do."

Liu Yanhong said, "I always feel that they won't break up. Really, old classmates, I have seen so many young couples, but I have never seen a more suitable one than them. When will Yanran return to China? I will help them set up again."

Song Huaiming said, "You really can't be idle."

Liu Yanhong said, "What's going on in Beigang?"

Song Huaiming said, "Gong Qiwei went there to be the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee. Everything has been peaceful recently, but there are some incidents today." He talked about the bombing of the Beigang Public Security Bureau.

Liu Yanhong said, "There must be a considerable problem in Beigang. Wen Haonan's style of doing things is easy to get angry. I'm an example. It's better to keep him away from the circle of right and wrong, so that something will not happen in the future. It's not easy for you to explain when you see Vice

Thinking of Liu Yanhong's disaster, Song Huaiming couldn't help sighing. He whispered, "Yanhong, do you remember why you were in a hurry to go to Jingshan?"

Liu Yanhong frowned. She shook her head and said, "This matter is really strange. After I had a car accident, I forgot this matter. Although I tried very hard to think about it, I can't remember why I want to Jingshan. What kind of emergency will make me go to Jingshan in a heavy rain?"

Song Huaiming comforted her and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't remember it. Your body is still recovering. After recovery, everything will come to mind naturally. Don't force yourself."

Liu Yanhong said, "I don't know if I can stand up again, but Zhang Yang said I should be able to."

Song Huaiming has considerable confidence in Zhang Yang in this regard: "He said he can do it."

Since Song Huaiming had already said something, Gao Zhonghe certainly did not dare to neglect it. At the beginning, it was not proposed by him that Wen Haonan went to Beigang. Rong Pengfei was more active than him in this matter, so Gao Zhonghe naturally came to him to discuss it.

Rong Pengfei listened to Gao Zhonghe's story and sighed: "At the beginning, it was suggested that he go to Beigang, partly because he volunteered to go, and there is another reason. I think since the Wen family put him here, he just wants him to make some achievements and get some exercise, which is very good for his future development. I didn't expect so many things to happen to him after he went to Beigang.

Gao Zhonghe said, "First, his fiancee was kidnapped, and then someone planted a bomb in his car. If he continues to stay there, I don't know what's going to happen."

Rong Pengfei said, "It seems that we really need to consider replacing the candidate." RQ