Medical official path

Chapter 1137 Six Reincarnations

They chose to drink on the platform of the island fishing village. Sitting here, they could just see the beach and sea not far away. The sea and the sky were the same color, which was spectacular. When drinking in such an environment, the mood could not help but open up.

Zhang Yang said, "I also just heard that you and Wen Haonan have exchanged positions."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "I heard that Wen Haonan was very unhappy during his time in Beigang?"

Zhang Yang said, "Isn't it strange?"

Zhao Guoqiang nodded and said, "It's really strange. You were brothers!" His meaning is obvious. The relationship between Zhang Yang and Wen Haonan should have been very harmonious.

Zhang Yang said, "Although I call his parents godfather and godmother, my relationship with him is not as much as a brother."

Zhao Guoqiang said bluntly, "He thinks there is something wrong with your work!"

Zhang Yang put down his glass and said, "It's not at work. He thinks I'm a criminal!"

Zhao Guoqiang said, "I heard that you saved his girlfriend Sophie in the capital before?"

Zhang Yang said, "You probably don't know the details. After I rescued Sophie, I was detained by the police all night. Wen Haonan was at the scene at that time, and he didn't want to say a word for me."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Maybe he thinks you have something to do with Sophie's robbery."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "But it proves that I am innocent afterwards."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "In that case, if it were me, I wouldn't believe that you had nothing to do with that matter. It is necessary to investigate and be responsible for you and others."

Zhang Yang said, "Do you think I will be a traitor?"

Zhao Guoqiang did not answer his question, but took out a photo. Pushed in front of Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang picked up the photo and saw Sang Beibei in the photo. He couldn't help laughing. He shook his head and said, "Did Wen Haonan specifically ask you to investigate this matter before leaving?"

Zhao Guoqiang did not deny it.

Zhang Yang said, "The girl in the photo is called Sambebei."

"Can you tell me her whereabouts?"

Zhang Yang stared at Zhao Guoqiang's eyes and said, "She is an irrelevant person. The reason why Wen Haonan wants to investigate her is to find evidence against me through her. I can tell you clearly now. Sambebe did have a relationship with me for a while, but then we separated, and she left Beigang after resigning. If a woman wants to avoid you, how can she tell you where she is going? I admit that I still have a good impression on her. Director Zhao, if you are willing to spend human and material resources to investigate her like Wen Haonan, I don't object. If you find her whereabouts, can you let me know first?

Zhao Guoqiang said, "What you said is like a love saint, but it's not a good thing for the Commission for Discipline Inspection to hear it."

Zhang Yang said, "The sense of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is much more sensitive than your public security. In fact, I have nothing to be afraid of now. I'm unmarried, and it's normal to fall in love with anyone. No one can label me as a bad style.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "But this is a bar girl."

Zhang Yang said, "Since the state allows this kind of occupation to exist, it proves that she is legal and legitimate. Zhao, do you have a difference between high and low in your eyes?"

Zhao Guoqiang sighed, and he also heard about the breakup between Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran. Although no one wants to admit that there is a difference between high and low in their eyes, this kind of thought is deeply rooted. Naturally, a bar girl and a famous girl can't be compared with each other. Zhao Guoqiang said, "Zhang Yang, if you want to continue on this road, you must be cautious in your words and deeds. Even if it's my advice."

Zhang Yang raised his glass and said, "Thank you!" He took a sip of wine and said, "I'll give you some advice, too."

Zhao Guoqiang nodded and said, "Listen to me."

Zhang Yang said, "Have you ever thought about the reason why Wen Haonan came and went in a hurry?"

Zhao Guoqiang said, "First, his fiancee was robbed, and then his car exploded again. Let him leave Beigang for the purpose of protecting him.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You don't seem to have answered my question directly. If Wen Haonan is not transferred and continues to stay in Beigang, he is likely to encounter greater trouble."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "You seem to know some secrets!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not a secret. Anyone with eyes and a mind can see that the reason why Wen Haonan is facing today's situation is not caused by others, but by himself. The new official's three fires in office should also be divided into places and environment. Even if there are some problems in Beigang, if they are too hasty, they can only force the dog to jump over the wall, and in the end they can only bite themselves.

Zhao Guoqiang smiled. Although Zhang Yang said that although he was Wen Haonan, he was reminded of himself.

Zhang Yang said, "Doing things like playing ball. The heavier you fall, the greater the rebound. Zhao Ju should understand this truth."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "It seems that it is not applicable in Beigang."

Zhang Yang said, "No matter how fast the knife is, it also depends on who holds the knife."

Zhao Guoqiang's eyes lit up. He picked up his glass and said, "I'm worth the trip today!"

Wen Haonan's resignation made many people applaud. Chen Gang was like this, and so did Yuan Xiaoshang. However, Yuan Xiaoshang was a little puzzled. Who put a bomb in Wen Haonan's car? Although Wen Haonan did not come to Beigang for a long time, there were many people who offended him.

Qishan arrived in Beigang on the morning of the 2nd. As soon as he came here, he went straight to his old friend Yuan Xiaoshang's office. Qishan found that Tianjie had been closed. When he saw Yuan Xiaoshang, he couldn't help asking about it.

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "There is nothing we can do about the closure of business. Wen Haonan led people to investigate all day long, and the business plummeted."

Qi Shan smiled and said, "I heard that he has left!"

Yuan Xiaoshang nodded and said, "This news has been confirmed. He and Zhao Guoqiang, the director of Nancy City Public Security Bureau, were reconciled. It seems that he was scared by yesterday's bombing."

Qi Shan didn't know about the bombing. He frowned and said, "The bombing? Is there an explosion at this time?

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "You probably don't know. According to the information I got, there was a vehicle explosion in the Beigang Public Security Bureau yesterday morning. The car that was blown up was Wen Haonan's usual car. Fortunately, he answered the phone and got on the car one step later, otherwise he would have been blown up."

Qi Shan said strangely, "Who is so bold that he dares to attack Wen Haonan?"

Yuan Xiaoshang shook his head and said, "I don't want to understand this matter either. If Wen Haonan is killed, I'm afraid that Beigang will never have a peaceful life in the future. I don't think the person who planned this matter may really want to kill him. The real purpose is to int

Qi Shan said, "From the current situation, this person's goal has obviously been achieved. I'm really curious, who planned this?

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Although Wen Haonan has not been in Beigang for a long time, he has offended a lot of people. Among other things, even his brother Zhang Yang is in the same situation as him. Two days ago, Wen Haonan almost caught Zhang Yang in the capital."

Qi Shan laughed and said, "Zhang Yang seems to have been unlucky recently. I heard a lot of bad things about him."

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "The ups and downs in the political arena are very normal. I think the reason why he is unlucky is that he broke up with Chu Yanran and fell out of favor in front of the secretary of the provincial party committee. It will definitely be difficult in the future."

Qi Shan said, "Zhang Yang is not so easy to be defeated. It's not all about his relationship that he can get to this day."

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Although he said so, his power in Binhai has been gradually weakened recently. Even the management of the bonded area he started has now been recovered by the city, because he and Gong Qiwei, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, are very unhappy about this matter."

Qi Shan said, "If you say so, I'm going to see him more."

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "I just bought a yacht, and I'll ask him to go to sea tomorrow!"

For Yuan Xiaoshang's invitation, Zhang Gao Ren still readily accepted it. When he boarded Yuan Xiaoshang's newly bought yacht, he found that today was not only Yuan Xiaoshang and Qi Shan, but also six beautiful girls.

Zhang Guanren looked at Yingying and Yanyan in front of him and couldn't help smiling.

Qi Shan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Well, are we doing what we like?"

Zhang Daguan said, "QI Shan, you might as well consider being my secretary. How can you know what I mean?"

Qi Shan said, "I dare not be greedy. It's all Yuan Xiaoshang's idea."

Yuan Xiaoshang came over in casual clothes. He greeted Zhang Yang with a smile, and then the commander let go of the cable, and the white yacht slowly sailed into the blue sea. Six girls cheered in unison, and there is no shortage of gold worshippers in today's era.

Qi Shan handed a glass of red wine to Zhang Yang: "I just want to ask you to come out and relax today. It doesn't mean anything else. Don't label us as a conspiracy to corrupt cadres."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's pleasing to the eyes. You are really good at arranging."

Yuan Xiaoshang asked Zhang Yang to take a group photo.

Several girls took off their outerwear and wore all kinds of bikinis. For a moment, the spring was endless on the yacht. They gathered Zhang Yang to the deck and posed in various poses. Yuan Xiaoshang was busy taking pictures.

Zhang Guanren was happy and calm. After taking the photo, he reminded Yuan Xiaoshang and said, "Xiaoshang, give me the photo negative later!"

Yuan Xiaoshang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely not send it to the Commission for Discipline Inspection."

The yacht stopped in a quiet and deep blue sea. Zhang Daguanren changed into swimming trunks. His healthy physique made the group of girls blush. Zhang Daguanren jumped down from the deck, and then two beautiful women jumped down with him and chased the waves in the blue sea. Such sunny air, so many beautiful women Accompanied by him, Zhang Guanren couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy. What I can imagine in my mind is that he enjoys life on the temple island with all his confidants.

climbed back to the deck and saw Yuan Xiaoshang changing into a diving suit. Yuan Xiaoshang said, "There is a sunken ship below. I often come here to dive. Would you like to go down and have a look?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No, you can play by yourself!" Yuan Xiaoshang gave him a thumbs up, and then turned over and fell into the water. RQ