Medical official path

Chapter 1140 Counterattack Begins Next

Cui Xianzhu sat in the living room of the general's mansion. Hearing the sound of the car, she immediately stood up and came to the door to greet her.

Che Minghao quickly walked into the living room.

As soon as the two met, they hugged each other. Che Minghao kissed Cui Xianzhu's lips and kissed so feverishly that Cui Xianzhu could hardly breathe. Cui Xianzhu finally broke away. She was keenly aware that Che Minghao's mood was a little abnormal today and said with concern, "What's wrong?"

Che Minghao did not answer her question and sat down silently in front of the sofa.

Cui Xianzhu came to his side, snuggled up to his shoulder, and said softly, "Minghao, what happened? Did you... go to see him?"

Che Minghao nodded and whispered, "His mouth is very hard and he always refuses to give in."

Cui Xianzhu said, "He has always been like that. It's hard for him to give in."

Che Minghao's eyes suddenly changed: "Do you know him well?"

Cui Xianzhu said, "No, you misunderstood. For so many years, I only have you in my heart. He has never valued me, but just regarded me as a plaything. I have suffered a lot of humiliation in the Jin family..."

Che Minghao raised his hand and said with a blank face, "I don't want to hear you mention the Jin family. Tell me, what are you doing with me in such a hurry?"

Cui Xianzhu said, "Cui Zhijing caught Jin Min'er."

Che Minghao frowned and said, "Really? Isn't he the head of KBR?"

Cui Xianzhu said, "It should be that Jin Min'er found him and asked him for help, but he caught him."

Che Minghao said, "He came to you?"

Cui Xianzhu said, "I made an appointment with him at four o'clock." She looked up at the clock and said, "He should have come over."

Two black modern cars drove into the general's mansion, and Cui Zhijing got off the bus first. He was not accompanied. Zhang Yang and Jin Min'er sat in a car in the back, and two KBR agents pointed guns at them.

Jin Min'er whispered, "Will it be okay?" She was worried that Cui Zhijing could not deceive Cui Xianzhu's eyes.

Zhang Yang said, "Let's see what happens."

Cui Zhijing walked into the living room. Cui Xianzhu greeted him with a smile and took the initiative to reach out to him: "Mr. Cui, it's nice to meet you."

Cui Zhijing shook hands with her and said, "Madam, I'm here today to discuss something important."

Cui Xianzhu said, "Mr. Cui, please sit down!" She introduced Che Minghao behind her to Cui Zhijing.

Cui Zhijing smiled and said, "Colonel. Long time no-time!" He sat down on the sofa, Cui Xianzhu sat opposite him, and Che Minghao sat beside her.

Cui Xianzhu said, "I heard that Mr. Cui has found Jin Min'er."

Cui Zhijing said, "In order to show sincerity. I have brought them here."


Cui Zhi nodded and said, "It's outside!"

Cui Xianzhu glanced at Che Minghao and was obviously asking for his opinion. Her eyes revealed that the mastermind of this matter was not her, and Che Minghao was more critical than her. Che Minghao said, "Since Mr. Cui sent her here. You must have heard something.

Cui Zhijing said, "First of all, I would like to declare that I am a firm supporter of the president."

Che Minghao smiled and said nothing, silently looked at the change of Cui Zhijing's expression, and judged how many credible elements his words were.

Cui Xianzhu said, "Can I see Jin Min'er first?"

Cui Zhijing said, "Yes!"

Che Minghao said, "Mr. Cui showed so much sincerity, what do you want us to do for you?"

Cui Zhijing said, "Although I don't know who the planner of this operation is, I know one thing. Jin Chenghuan is the commander of security, and he has high prestige in the army."

Che Minghao said, "Don't worry, he and his men can no longer pose any threat."

"Is that really the case?" Cui Zhijing's tone has some sarcasm: "I think you should have heard of the Chaoyang Defense System, which was set up in response to North Korea's attack. The start-up password is in the hands of the president and Kim Seung-hwan.

Che Minghao said, "So what? Even if Jin Chenghuan holds the activation password, it is impossible to start this defense system. Do you think he can let the missiles of Chaoyang Defense System fire at Seoul?

Cui Zhijing shook his head and said, "You're wrong. Although he can't start this anti-counterfeiting system, Jin Zhaozhong, the commander of the Chaoyang Missile Force, is his nephew. If the matter here spreads, Jin Zhaozhong does not need to attack Seoul at all. As long as he launches two missiles at North Korea, then..." Cui Zhijing's words did not end, but Che Minghao and Cui Xianzhu have understood what he meant.

Che Minghao's expression was very solemn, and Cui Zhijing said it well. They did not control the Chaoyang missile force. At present, the news of the chaos is strictly confidential. Jin Zhaozhong has not been confirmed. If he really knows about this matter, the possibility of Cui Zhijing's assumption cannot be ruled out.

Cui Zhijing judged from Che Minghao's expression that he began to feel afraid in his heart. No matter what their political position was, no one expected the Civil War to be caused by the coup. Cui Zhijing worked on this point. He also inferred that there were behind-the-scenes people behind Che Minghao. That person should not be the president, and Che Minghao's level was not enough for such a big man. Cui Zhijing said, "I want to meet Kim Seung-hwan. Only when he opens his mouth can Jin Zhaozhong disarm voluntarily, and our entire Korean nation can escape the bad luck of the war."

Che Minghao is still hesitating.

Cui Zhijing said, "I have been in KBR for many years, and I know more than anyone else about the crisis we are facing. If the colonel doesn't believe it, we can go to see Mr. President together."

Che Minghao said, "Where's Jin Min'er?"

Cui Zhijing said, "I brought them!"


Cui Xianzhu knew Zhang Yang. At the beginning, Zhang Yang had diagnosed her pulse and prescribed medicine for her.

Many of Che Minghao's men died in Zhang Yang's hands. He gritted his teeth and said, "Damn!" He took out his pistol and was ready to shoot Zhang Yang on the spot.

Although Zhang's hands are handcuffed, under such circumstances, there should be no difficulty in saving his life. It should be said that he can not only save his life, but also take down Cui Xianzhu and Che Minghao together. Seeing that Che Minghao took out his pistol, Zhang's official naturally did not have the reason to die in vain.

At the critical moment, Cui Zhijing said, "Slow down!"

Che Minghao was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were full of doubts.

Cui Zhijing said, "Colonen, I'm afraid you don't know his identity yet, do you?"

Che Minghao said, "Who is he?"

Cui Xianzhu whispered, "He seems to be the mayor of a small city in China." South Koreans have no concept of secretary in their minds, believing that the highest official in the city is the mayor.

Hearing Cui Xianzhu's words, Che Minghao couldn't help but hesitate. He wanted to kill Zhang Yang with one shot, but this shot was afraid that there would be a major international event, which was probably more impact than the missile hit North Korea.

Cui Zhijing tried his best to protect Zhang Yang. He didn't want Zhang Yang to die innocently. Of course, there was another reason. Before coming here, Zhang Yang swallowed a strange pill for him and Quan Zhengtai. It is said that seven days without his antidote, he and Quan Zhengtai would die. If Zhang Yang died, they would not Cui Zhijing saw that Che Minghao was suspicious again. He whispered, "This man is very big. His father is the vice premier of the Chinese government!" In fact, Wen Guoquan is Zhang Yang's godfather. In order to increase the persuasion, Cui Zhijing simply said that he became Zhang Yang's own father. Anyway, Che Minghao did not know how many vice premiers there are in China.

Che Minghao believed most of his words. The reason why Zhang Yang got into this matter was Jin Min'er. It was impossible for ordinary people to have contact with Jin Chenghuan's daughter. Che Minghao nodded and finally temporarily gave up the idea of killing Zhang Yang.

Jin Min'er and Zhang Yang looked at each other and were secretly relieved. Jin Min'er was worried about Zhang Yang, and Zhang's official was glad that he didn't have to help for the time being.

Cui Zhijing said, "I'll give the two of them to you. I hope to see Jin Chenghuan as soon as possible."

Che Minghao did not promise him immediately, but went outside to make a phone call. After coming back, he said to Cui Zhijing, "Mr. Cui can come with me."

Zhang Yang and Jin Min'er naturally gave it to Cui Xianzhu. Che Minghao asked Zhang Yang an injection of anesthetic. He was not an ordinary person. Zhang Yang killed so many of his powerful men in Qinghe Hospital was obviously not an ordinary person. He was not at ease with Zhang Yang. He not only gave Zhang Yang an anesthetic, but also Live.

Zhang Guanren did not immediately resist. Although the other party used twice the dose of anesthetics of ordinary people, it would not have any impact on him. Zhang Guanren's action also has a bottom line. The first is that someone wants to hurt Jin Min'er, and the second is that someone has threatened his life, as long as others do not violate He will still endure it. If he can't bear it, he will make a big plan. Before Cui Zhijing finds Jin Chenghuan's whereabouts, they'd better not expose it.

However, Zhang Yang is not very sure of Cui Xianzhu, a woman. She is the most poisonous woman. She came up with the idea to let the soldiers invade Jin Min'er. Now Jin Min'er has fallen into her hands again, and she doesn't know what vicious ideas this woman will come up with. Zhang's official has already made up his mind not to separate from Jin Min'er. As long as Cui Xianzhu dares to be unfavorable to Jin Min'er, he will definitely control her.

Seeing that Zhang Yang collapsed to the ground after being injected with anesthetic, Cui Xianzhu sighed softly and her eyes fell on Jin Min'er. She didn't say much. She waved her hand and said, "Fate them in the basement first."

Zhang Guan felt a great sense of comfort in his heart. It seems that Cui Xianzhu has no idea to deal with Jin Min'er for the time being.

Two soldiers dragged Zhang Yang, one of them escorted Jin Min'er and locked them in the basement. Hearing the sound of the door being locked outside, Jin Min'er just rushed to Zhang Yang's side and said with concern, "Zhang Yang, are you okay?"

Zhang Daguan laughed in a low voice in the dark. Hearing his laughter, Jin Min'er knew that he was fine. She breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "I was really scared to death just now."

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