Medical official path

Chapter 1149 Chain Reactions Next

Zhang Yang followed the topic just now: "After Wen Haonan came to Beigang, he took some vigorous measures. On the surface, he seemed to have done something, but in fact, he just made Beigang more chaotic. He also received enough anonymous phone calls. It was this anonymous phone call that guided him to make the situation in Beigang. It's getting more and more chaotic."

Zhao Guoqiang put his mobile phone on the coffee table and looked at the flashing signal light. He whispered, "You mean that this anonymous man repeated his old tricks and wanted to lead me?"

Zhang Yang said, "I don't know what he wants to do, but he will never have too much kindness to you."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "But Chen Kai is likely to have escaped."

Zhang Yang said, "Zhao, I feel that there may be a big deal in Beigang this time!"

Zhao Guoqiang looked at him: "Zhang Yang, how many things are you hiding from me?"

Zhang Yang said, "I can't say anything that I'm not sure about."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "No matter what purpose you use to maintain Chen Gang, I can only apologize to you. I can't cover Chen Gang's affairs. I must report his violation of discipline to you."

Zhang Yang said, "But his matter should have nothing to do with the case itself. Do you think that Hong Changqing's death may be just the beginning. Someone has brought out a series of people and things through her death, and what we see is only part of the chain reaction?"

Zhao Guoqiang said, "What's the chain reaction?"

Zhang Yang said, "I can't explain it clearly, but I feel that this incident is a little strange."

Zhao Guoqiang stood up again: "Zhang Yang. I advise you not to ask about this case. Only our public security organ can investigate the case. As for Chen Gang, you'd better not care about his affairs. With all due respect, you can't control, you can't control anything! The development of things. It's not what you can master.

Zhao Guoqiang's words were not wrong. The development of the matter was really beyond Zhang Yang's control. Chen Kai absconded. After he knew that the eldest brother had been implicated in Hong Changqing's matter, he began to be pessimistic and desperate. He thought that the eldest brother could not escape the legal sanctions no matter what Although he is his own brother, he is obviously not prepared to share the hardships with Chen Gang. It was long after being caught by Zhang Yang. He began to plan his departure. Hong Changqing's death, the eldest brother was implicated, and he suddenly made up his mind that he had to leave. At this time, if he continued to hesitate, I'm afraid he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

Chen Kai left without telling anyone. Including his eldest brother, Chen Kai's absconding is very sudden for everyone. Chen Gang was the hardest hit. Chen Gang suddenly realized that he had been abandoned by the people around him. Even his own brother ran away, and he didn't even want to tell him when he fled.

Chen Gang expected that it would only be a matter of time before he was double-regulated. Liu Zhao, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, was still in Linmeng. It was impossible for him not to hear about the matter here. Even if he didn't know, Zhao Guoqiang had mastered the diary and recordings left by Hong Changqing. Prison. For a cadre like him, fame and life are equally important, but this time, I'm afraid he can't save his reputation. As for life, God knows where it will go?

It's just that there is still no leader talking to him until now. Chen Gang still sticks to his job. In fact, he doesn't want to, but he has no other choice at all. He is sitting here not to use his power, but waiting for the arrival of sanctions.

Xiang Cheng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, took the initiative to call and asked him to come to his office.

Chen Gang came to Xiang Cheng in a trance.

Xiang Cheng looked at Chen Gang. In just two days from the news of Hong Changqing's death, Chen Gang was obviously much older. Xiang Cheng was not surprised by this. Anyone can change under such great psychological pressure. It is not easy for Chen Gang to insist on not falling down.

Xiang Cheng's eyes seemed a little stern: "Do you know what I asked you to come here for?"

Chen Gang shook his head. Although he had guessed something, he didn't want to answer. Anyway, there would be nothing good.

Xiang Cheng said, "Where did Chen Kai go?"

Chen Gang shook his head again: "I don't know. He is an adult. What do you think? There is no need to explain to me!"

Xiang Cheng said, "As far as I know, Chen Kai has left Beigang. At present, no one knows his whereabouts. Why did he leave quietly? I think you, as a brother, should know something."

"I don't know! If I had known, I wouldn't let him go."

Xiang Cheng's tone became stern: "I think I should tell you something. I found a diary of her in Hong Changqing's home, and some recordings, a considerable part of which are related to you. Lao Chen, do you have anything to explain about this?"

Chen Gang said, "Do you need to explain? I admit that there is an improper relationship between Hong Changqing and me. Don't you know?

"You?" Xiang Cheng was angered by Chen Gang's attitude. He slapped the table again and said, "Chen Gang, haven't you realized your mistake yet? Up to now, only taking the initiative to explain your mistakes to the organization is what you should do.

Chen Gang said, "What's wrong with explaining? Do you have an affair with Hong Changqing? Do you take the initiative to ask the organization to double me? Or do you admit that I killed Hong Changqing in order to save my reputation and official position?

Xiang Cheng glared at Chen Gang: "You have to recognize the reality!"

Chen Gang said, "Secretary Xiang, don't you have to remind me again and again to let me come out and plead guilty? Let me shoulder all the responsibilities alone? By what? I admit that I am not clean, but with so many officials in Beigang, who dares to stand up and pat their chests and say that he is innocent?

Xiang Cheng said angrily, "You have made a mistake yourself. Why do you put the blame on others?"

Chen Gang sneered and said, "I just think it's ridiculous. I, Chen Gang, am not a good person. I, Chen Gang, like women. You have known for a long time. Many people know. Why did you tolerate me in the past, but now you have to push me out in a hurry. Should I die or am I bull I can admit what I have done. Why should I admit what I haven't done? Hong Changqing's death has nothing to do with me!"

Xiang Cheng said, "Who said that her death had something to do with you? But your relationship with her can't be covered. It's not that I don't want to help you, but that the boss already knows about you. No one can protect you this time.

Chen Gang shook his head and said, "Do you think I can't see through it? I've seen through it for a long time. It's better for me to be fine this time. If I have something to do, you know the consequences better than anyone else. Chen Gang has torn his face. Even in the face of Xiang Cheng, the secretary of the municipal party committee, he no longer cares about his face.

Xiang Cheng said angrily, "You are threatening me. Why do you threaten me? If you do something ugly by yourself, you will take responsibility for it!"

Chen Gang said, "No one is clean!" After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, not to care about Xiang Cheng's face at all.

Xiang Cheng's face had been twisted by Chen Gang's anger. He felt a little pain in his heart. It took a long time to ease. He thought about it and finally picked up the phone.

After the phone rang a few times, the other party picked it up.

Xiang Cheng said, "He's a little crazy. I'm afraid he will talk nonsense."

The other party was silent for a while and whispered, "Don't worry about him. He dares not talk nonsense."

"Chen Kai escaped!"

"Someone is behind the layout and planning a series of conspiracies. I will find him out!"

Chen Gang returned to his office, and the almost showdown in front of Xiang Cheng made him feel a little more comfortable. The secretary sneaked in, and he also heard the news. He knew that Chen Gang was in a bad mood and did not dare to talk to him, but silently put a letter in front of Chen Gang.

Chen Gang picked up the envelope and opened it. There was only one photo in the envelope. His family portrait frightened Chen Gang. Except for him, everyone's face was hit with a red pen. Chen Gang's hand trembled. He closed his eyes tightly and felt that his heart was torn apart in an instant.

Chen Gang picked up the phone, just pressed two numbers and put them down immediately. He was very uneasy. I stood up and walked out of the door. I don't know when it began to rain outside.

Chen Gang got into his car and drove away by himself. As he drove, he paid attention to the movement behind the car. There seemed to be a gray car following him. Chen Gang picked up his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Yang's phone: "Zhang Yang, I'm in trouble. Someone is following me."

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Chen, you are too nervous. Things may not be what you think."

Chen Gang said, "I know you all want me to die. I'm going to die. The bad things you have done will not be known."

Zhang Yang reminded him, "Lao Chen, don't talk nonsense. Don't you worry about your phone being tapped?"

"It's just a life. What's there to be afraid of!" Chen Gang's voice is full of desolation.

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Chen, calm down. Where are you now? I'll come to you!"

Chen Gang said, "No, I'm going to turn myself in."


Chen Gang said, "I'm going to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. I admit the relationship between me and Hong Changqing. I took the initiative to be double-regulated. Are you satisfied? Are you all satisfied?"

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Chen, calm down. We need to have a good talk. Maybe things have not deteriorated to that extent."

Chen Gang sighed: "You don't deserve my trust. Like them, you want to kill me!" Chen Gang hung up the phone and threw his mobile phone on the co-driver. The police light flashed in front of him, and two police cars blocked his way.

Chen Gang shook his head, stepped on the brakes, pushed the door and walked out in the rain.

Zhao Guoqiang, the director of the Public Security Bureau, also led several policemen out of the car. Zhao Guoqiang said, "Secretary Chen, where are you going in such a heavy rain?"

A strange smile appeared on Chen Gang's face: "I'm going to go to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to explain my mistake!"

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