Medical official path

Chapter 1151 Right up

The mountain rain was about to come to the building. After the meeting, Liu Zhao and Xiang Cheng did not leave immediately. The Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection was obviously touched and was really angry. The vent just now did not make him completely vent his anger. He questioned Xiang Cheng and said, "Comrade Xiang Cheng, I want to ask you, since you Why don't you report his problem to the province as soon as possible?

Xiang Cheng said, "Secretary Liu, this incident happened very suddenly. The police also found her diary and recording when investigating the scene of Hong Changqing's death, so they knew the improper relationship between her and Chen Gang. The reason why we didn't report to the province in time was that we could not determine the relationship between them. The relationship between the relationship and the murder case, if blindly reported, may make the matter more complicated, so we decided to suppress the matter first and find out the case as soon as possible. We also closely monitored Chen Gang, but not long after, Chen Kai absconded in fear of crime, so I decided to inform the situation to the superior. Originally tomorrow I'm about to send Chen Gang to the province, but I didn't expect something to happen tonight.

Liu Zhao said rudely, "Chen Kai absconded for fear of crime and was killed on the way to escape. Zan Shijie and his wife hurriedly escaped, and Chen Gang is now nowhere to be found. These officials under your rule are really more capable. As the top leader of Beigang, didn't you have any awareness before? Your use of human vision and ability is really doubtful.

Xiang Cheng blushed slightly and said awkwardly, "Secretary Liu, I admit that I have made a mistake. After this matter is over, I will make a profound self-criticism, no matter how the leaders deal with me. I won't have a word of complaint."

Liu Zhao said: "Punishment and treatment are not the purpose. Our ultimate goal is to maintain the integrity and purity of the cadres. Now that it has happened, the biggest problem you face is to solve the problem as soon as possible and find out the truth behind this series of things. I don't believe that only these three officials in Beigang have problems, and maybe there are more. No matter how many people in Beigang have problems, as long as there is a problem, they must be dug out for me. I don't care how big the background and deep background of these people are. As long as they make a mistake, they can't pass me.

Xiang Cheng stayed up all night. When he held the Standing Committee of Beigang City early the next morning, his eyes were full of blood and his spirit was very poor. I'm not in a good mood. Liu Zhao, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, left last night. But this does not mean that this crisis can be passed. A series of events have made Beigang the focus of Pinghai's attention again. Provincial leaders have stated that they want to thoroughly investigate this matter, but this time the province did not immediately send a working group, which shows that the province's trust in Zhao Guoqiang.

Zhao Guoqiang was also invited to attend the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee today.

Xiang Cheng took a sip of tea and felt thirsty. The throat is like smoke, moistening the throat with warm tea. He coughed again and said, "Everyone knows everything. Some of us really give me a long face. It's really the face of the governor of Beigang!"

This sentence made many people at the scene very uncomfortable to hear. Obviously, this matter has little to do with everyone. Xiang Cheng is a boat of people, but everyone can see that Xiang Cheng is angry, and no one refutes and takes the initiative to touch this mold.

Xiang Cheng said, "I'm still a few months away. To be honest, I just want to transition this period of time safely. I want to complete my duties without wind and waves and stand on the last post of the revolution, but some people don't let me be clean. Some comrades have failed to live up to the trust of the Party and the trust of the people. On the surface, they are sanctimonious, but they can do male thieves and women's prostitutes behind their backs, damaging the public and private affairs. I want to ask, when doing these things, why don't you touch your conscience? Xiang Cheng paused the glass heavily, banged, and a lot of tea splashed out.

There was no sound at the scene, and Xiang Cheng said angrily, "Why don't you talk? Today is a meeting. I'm asking you to come here to discuss where the future of Beigang should go. Why don't you talk? Am I the only leader in Beigang? What do you do? Is it a decoration to sit there one by one?"

In the impression of the members of the Standing Committee, Xiang Cheng has never been so angry.

Gong Qiwei, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, said: "Secretary Xiang, I think that since the matter has happened, we must face the reality. From now on, we must fundamentally put an end to the corruption that exists in us. First of all, we must ensure that there will be no more corruption and dereliction of cadres from today on, and If you find out, if you make a mistake, you will be punished, and you will be severely punished.

The mayor's palace returned to the mountain: "Beigang has been investigating for the past two years, but things are still endless. In fact, it is not just our city that has the problem. How many cadres have been implicated in the case of Xu Guangran in Nancy? Comrades Qiwei and Guoqiang should know best.

Gong Qiwei and Zhao Guoqiang looked at each other, and Gong Huanshan said it well.

Gong Huanshan said, "To go further, something happened in Jiangcheng and something happened in Dongjiang. I can say that now the crime of corruption among cadres has become a common phenomenon."

Gong Qiwei nodded and said, "Comrade Huanshan is right. Every time we wait for a problem to solve the problem, it is often caused by bad consequences. The interests of the country and the people have been damaged. Even if we dig out the corrupt elements in it, the losses caused by him are irreparable. Finally It is the country that has suffered losses, and the credibility of our cadres has been affected. It can be said that both sides have failed. I think we must pay attention to the ideological work of cadres. Gong Qiwei paused for a moment, looked at the reactions of the people around him, and found that everyone listened carefully.

Gong Qiwei continued: "With the deepening of reform and opening up, with the continuous development of the economy, there are more and more **s in the outside world, which means that our power departments, our cadres in charge of all aspects of power, are facing more and more tests, peaceful times, comfortable life, stable rank The order is easy to paralye people, which makes many people relax their vigilance. In fact, in my opinion, in times of peace, the challenges faced by us cadres are no less than those in the war years, and the harm of sugar-coated shells must not be underestimated. If someone asks you, what is the purpose of being an official? I believe that everyone present will answer, I am a public servant of the people, and I am an official to serve the people better. I can say it, but how many of them can really do it? Many of us just regard the word official as a symbol of honor. Being an official means that you can hold power, and being an official means that many things can be above the people. With such an idea, you will make mistakes sooner or later, and you will inevitably make mistakes in the end.

Xiang Cheng picked up the teacup and wanted to drink tea, but found that the tea in the teacup was dry. The secretary beside him quickly came forward to help him continue the tea. Xiang Cheng looked at Gong Qiwei with an impassioned expression, and suddenly found that at today's standing committee meeting, the focus of everyone' This made Xiang Cheng have a sense of loss. The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves. Is he about to become the wave of being slapped to death on the beach by the back waves? As a result, Xiang Cheng's heart became more and more complicated.

Gong Qiwei said, "I hope that each of us should start from now on and take every step of our feet carefully. Power is a double-edged sword. If you are not careful, you will hurt yourself and others. We don't want to see such a result. All our cadres need to make one thing clear. The party puts us in this position. We are required to do things in a down-to-earth way and work for the people, instead of using power to show our power, use power to make things difficult for the people, use power to harm the public and private interests, and use power to trample on the dignity of the four words of national cadres. No matter what happened to Beigang in the past, no matter what The political arena of Beigang will blow a new trend. Every official puts integrity and public service in his heart, and every official puts the interests of the people first!"

The scene was silent, and all the members of the Standing Committee were shocked by Gong Qiwei's words. Gong Qiwei's words were deafening. He said some people's voices, but Gong Qiwei's direction was quite clear. He clearly said that Beigang was politically unsuccessful in the past few years, which was tantamount to Sincere governance achievements.

Xiang Cheng's face turned pale. He looked at Gong Qiwei, and the anger in his eyes was unconcealed.

Gong Qiwei looked at him without fear. He had made enough psychological preparations before he came to Beigang. His principle of being an official was never to please others, to benefit one party. Being an official should be worthy of his conscience, not to please leaders and superiors. A sentence that came to Gong Qiwei's mind was It's better to bend than to bend. Since he has come, Beigang will change, and Beigang must change!

Everyone felt the tense atmosphere at the scene. For the first time, Gong Huanshan felt that he could not be compared with Gong Qiwei in terms of momentum and courage, and the same thing could never happen to him. In his concept, blatant opposition to his superiors is an unimaginable thing, and it is also an extremely stupid act, but Gong Qiwei dares to challenge. This is strength, and this is confidence. Gong Huanshan thought to the end, and he was relieved of everything in front of him a lot. After all, behind Gong Qiwei is Song Huaiming Support, otherwise, he would not have been so bold.

Someone applauded at the scene. There was only one person, Zhao Guoqiang, who was specially invited to attend today's meeting. He was not a member of the Standing Committee. He should have been only a listener and should not have expressed his opinions, but Zhao Guoqiang applauded, which meant his clear support for Gong Qiwei, firm support, and Knowing his attitude, he was not afraid of Xiang Cheng. RQ