Medical official path

Chapter 1156 Hidden Pain in

Gu Yangyang quietly came behind Zhang Yang and whispered, "Do you miss my sister?"

Zhang Yang turned his face and looked at her, with a smile on the corners of his lips.

Gu Yangyang said, "If my sister is still alive, will you marry her?"

Zhang's official was a little stunned by her question, and he was obviously stunned for a moment before saying, "Yes!" Zhang's official did not lie. His thought in the past was to marry all these confidants into the door to sleep together and enjoy the blessings of the people.

Gu Yangyang said, "Although I know it's impossible, I still believe in you. I don't know why." When she said this, her eyes inevitably showed some tenderness, and her feelings were very strange. Just as she said to Zhang Yang, publicity in her mind is always a perfect existence, and no one can replace it. She said again, "Which one do you love the most in your heart?"

Zhang Yang said, "Nurf, I'm not a good person, and I'm not as perfect as you think."

Gu Yangyang didn't say anything, but shook his head against his words. In her heart, publicity was perfect.

Zhang Yang smiled. His smile was very complicated. He whispered, "I'm leaving!"

"Why don't you stay for dinner?"

Zhang Yang said, "I can't do it today. I still have important things to do."

What Zhang Daguan said was important to find Wu Zhiying. Although Cheng Yandong found him in Dongjiang, according to Qishan's feedback, Wu Zhiying did not return to his hotel for the past two days.

But Qishan has his relationship in Dongjiang after all. He soon helped Zhang Yang find out the whereabouts of Wu Zhiying. The purpose of this boy's coming to Dongjiang was probably to avoid the limelight. The matter of Binhai made a lot of noise. Although no one in Japan recognized him, there were still many Chinese workers around him. They were likely to recognize themselves, so Wu Zhiying came to the east. Jiang temporarily avoided.

There are many Japanese businessmen in Dongjiang, and Hideo Takeo's father is the Japanese deputy ambassador to China. His connections are also very extensive. Nakajima Kawata, president of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in Dongjiang, is his good friend. Take Nao didn't want to bother these people when he first came to Dongjiang, but this boy couldn't stand loneliness and couldn't help visiting. Nakajima Kawata was also very enthusiastic about him for his father's face. He lent him his villa in Fenghuang Mountain in the eastern suburbs of the Dongjiang River. Therefore, Wu Zhiying has not returned to the hotel for the past two days.

Qi Shan explained the situation to Zhang Yang one by one.

Zhang Yang had a relationship with Nakajima Kawata many years ago, and planted a bone needle on this person at the earliest. Later, Nakajima Kawata learned to be a good boy. He is also obedient to him. When Zhang Yang served in various places, he also organized Japanese business groups to support him several times.

Although there is such a relationship, Zhang Yang still can't alarm Nakajima Kawata. Zhang Daguan defined this incident as a contradiction between the two countries. When it comes to this level, it is difficult for Nakajima Kawata to stand in his own position.

Wu Zhiyingnan has been singing at night since he came to Dongjiang. In fact, it was the same in Beigang, when Zhang Daguan broke into this villa in Fenghuang Mountain. Wu Zhiying is playing a happy game with two Japanese girls in his eyes.

For this kind of scene, Zhang Daguan naturally wants to take pictures as a souvenir. Wu Zhiying and the two Japanese girls were obviously scared by the sudden intruder. They pulled **'s quilt and tried to dodge the camera. Unfortunately, the three people went to grab it at the same time. As a result, no one succeeded in protecting themselves. Zhang Daguan successfully captured a lot of wonderful pictures. This guy judged by years of experience in snapping and secretly This kind of photo is very lethal. If the photo is shaken out, Wu Zhiying will lose face at most, but his father, Masano Take Nao, as the deputy ambassador to China, may encounter an unprecedented political crisis.

Wu Zhiyingnan reacted from the initial panic. He pulled out an oriental knife from the knife holder at the head of the bed, was naked**, and rushed up with his teeth: "Eight grids..."

Zhang Daguan kicked him to the ground with just one foot, and snapped again.

Two Japanese girls screamed in horror.

Zhang Daguan smiled, put away the camera, walked over, clicked Wu Zhiying's acupuncture point, came to the bedside, pulled off the quilt used by two Japanese girls to cover their bodies, wrapped Wu Zhiying, carried him out.

Outside the villa, Qishan waited in the car. Seeing Zhang Yang wearing silk stockings and carrying a ball of things off the wall, he quickly dumped the car. Zhang Yang stuffed Wu Zhiying and his man into the back seat. Then he came to the co-driver and sat down, took off the stockings on his face and said, "Let's go!"

Wu Zhiying opened his eyes and found that he was in a dark environment. The surroundings were cold and should be underground. He opened his eyes in horror and shouted, "Who? Who the hell are you?"

The strong light shone on him, forcing Wu Zhiying to lower his head. He said in a trembling voice, "Who are you? What do you want to do?

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "Do you think you can leave if you do something bad? Throw the mess to others and run to the Dongjiang River to be free? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

Wu Zhiying said, "I don't understand what you're talking about?"

"It's right to pretend to be stupid!"

Wu Zhiying said, "Do you know who I am? Do you know the consequences of the hijacking of me?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Hijack you? I'm not interested in bringing you out naked in order to say a few words to you alone. You stabbed a worker in Beigang, thinking that you could get rid of it if you left? Dream, remember, I'll give you three days to stand up and explain this matter clearly and clearly, otherwise..."

Wu Zhiying said, "Threate me? If you don't let me go now, the whole Chinese police will come to you tomorrow.

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "I'm really a little scared when you say that! Do you think the Japanese media will be interested in these photos today?

Wu Zhiying said in his heart, "Do you want to threaten me?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'll give you three days. If you don't stand up and explain this in three days, I will make you regret it!"

Wu Zhiying said, "Who the hell are you? If you have the guts to stand up, what kind of hero is hiding his head and showing his tail?

Zhang Daguan went out of the darkness and came to Wu Zhiying. Wu Zhiying asked at him in surprise. He didn't expect that the hijacker dared to show up and meet him: "You..." He didn't expect that Zhang Yang, the secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, dared to break into the private house and kidnap

Zhang Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Kid, you are a man. You are not afraid to admit what you do. Remember, three days, only three days!" He untied Wu Zhiying's acupuncture point, threw him a dress, pointed to the back and said, "Get out of the bomb shelter and go up the mountain along the path. I can see your residence. My patience is limited. I'll wait for you in Dongjiang for three days. After you figure it out, call me at any time."

Although Wu Zhiying was full of resentment, he did not dare to speak. He fled in panic in the clothes Zhang Yang gave him. Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief and left from the side.

Qi Shan and Zhang Yang stood side by side on the top of the mountain. Looking at Wu Zhiyingnan, who stumbled and fled along the path at the foot of the mountain, Qi Shan was a little puzzled and said, "Why did you let him go?"

Zhang Yang said, "If you don't let him go, will you kill him? I'm a national cadre, not a terrorist.

Qi Shan laughed: "I just don't understand why you wear silk stockings to hide your identity to catch him, but after catching him, it's so easy to let him go and reveal your identity. You should not be an easy person to be provoked. Do you think you can threaten Wu Zhiying with those photos? Even if you expose those photos, Wu Zhi Masano can completely put aside the four words of teaching his son, which will not affect his political career. Wu Zhiying is a prodigal son himself. He may not care so much about his reputation. Think about it, if he comes forward, then what awaits him is legal sanctions. Photo exposure It's just a damage to reputation at most. If it were you, which one would you choose?"

Zhang Yang said, "Since I let him go, I have enough confidence."

Although Wu Zhiying's disappearance has not been long, it has shocked many people. Well-known Japanese figures in the Chinese business world, including Nakajima Kawata and Inoue Yasushi, have rushed to the Phoenix Mountain Villa. They are not in a hurry to call the police, believing that this is likely to be a hijacking and extortion incident. When Wu Zhiying's father reported the incident, Wu Zhiying came back from the outside in a shabby blue windbreaker.

Nakajimagawa greeted him in a hurry and said with concern, "British man, are you all right?"

Wu Zhiying was in a hurry to escape, and his body was marked with several blood marks by the thorns on the mountain. He took a breath and sat down on the sofa.

Inoue Yasushi and Nakajima Kawata looked at each other, and both of them looked very confused. Yasushi Inoue went out to make a phone call. Now that Wu Zhiyingnan had returned, the people he sent out to look for did not have to continue to act.

Wu Zhiying calmed down for a while, rubbed his hair with both hands, and whispered, "Zhang Yang, it's Zhang Yang who did it!"

Nakajima Kawata was shocked when he heard Zhang Yang's name. He didn't know what kind of contradictions there was between Wu Zhiyingnan and Zhang Yang, but he knew more about Zhang Yang's power than anyone else.

Nakajima Kawata waved his hand and signaled that everyone else in the room had retreated. Yasushi Inoue came back after the phone call. Nakajima Kawata nodded to him and whispered, "Are you sure it's Zhang Yang? The two women just said that a masked man took you away.

Wu Zhiying said, "I also know that he turned into ashes. It's him, Zhang Yang, Secretary of Binhai Municipal Party Committee!"

Yasushi Inoue frowned: "Why did he kidnap you?"

Wu Zhiyingnan could no longer hide what he had done in Binhai at this time. He told them in a low voice about his stabbing Zhang Zhanbei. After hearing this, their expressions on their faces looked heavy.

From now on, I will try my best to code words, ask for a monthly ticket, and make progress! RQ