Medical official path

Chapter 1158 Make a step forward

Nakajima Kawata knew that it was useless to find anyone about this matter. Even if they sent Wu Zhiying back to China, the boy had to come back obediently to apologize. Since Zhang Yang released him back, he was fully sure.

Sure enough, Wu Zhiyingnan was close to collapse in the afternoon of the same day. The thing under his body was swollen like an eggplant at this time. He didn't even dare to leave. The urologist in the hospital couldn't see what disease he had. Wu Zhiyingnan was not a fool. Thinking of the three-day deadline given by Zhang Bai, Shiyou ** Zhang Yang tampered with himself. At the beginning, he thought that Zhang Yang only mastered a few of his indecent photos. Wu Zhiyingnan was ready to think about it. At worst, you can expose Zhang Yang. Anyway, my reputation in this regard is not very good, but now it's different. ** is given by others. It's calculated that it's getting bigger and bigger. If it goes on like this, it won't be as thick as his thighs without waiting for three days. Wu Zhiying is afraid. He thought about it over and made up his mind to call Zhang Yang in order to bow his head and admit his mistake.

But now Zhang Guanren didn't listen to him at all, and said coldly, "You are not qualified to talk to me."

It was in this case that Nakajimagawa went to the Huiyuan Hotel and met Zhang Yang who lived there. Zhangguan's mouth had subsided. For him, it was a piece of cake to deal with this matter, but although the scars faded, the pain in his heart was still there.

On the surface, Mr. Zhang was still kind. He invited Nakajima River into the room and said with a smile, "How does Mr. Nakajima know that I live here?"

Nakajimakawa cursed in his heart. Pretend, you broke into my villa and robbed people, but now you pretend to be innocent. What hypocritical! He slandered Zhang Yang in his heart. In fact, he didn't have a hypocritical face. He said with a smile on his face, "To be honest, I'm entrusted to come this time."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Sit down!"

Nakajima Kawata followed him to the sofa and sat down, and Zhang Yang poured him a cup of tea.

Nakajimakawa took the cup too politely. Instead of putting down the teacup, he held it in the palm of his hand and whispered, "I heard that there was some misunderstanding between Secretary Zhang and Yuanhe Group."

Zhang Yang smiled, picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip and said, "Mr. Nakajima hasn't told me who entrusted you?"

Nakajima Kawata said, "Mr. Take Nao!"

Zhang Yang frowned: "Which Mr. Wu Zhi?"

Nakajima Kawata said, "It's Mr. Takeshi Masano, the ambassador of our country."

Zhang Yang said, "Didn't he put pressure on China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deal with me seriously through diplomatic channels?"

Nakajima Chuan laughed and said, "Secretary Zhang must have misunderstood. Mr. Wu Zhi didn't know about this, and he just knew what had happened. Let me apologize to Mr. Zhang on his behalf.

Zhang Yang said, "I have never known this Ambassador Wu Zhi in my life. What does he have to do for me? Why did you apologize to me again?

Nakajima Kawata said, "Just now, Wu Zhiyingnan has admitted that Binhai's behavior of stabbing your worker was his own. At that time, the situation was very complicated. He was also panicked for a moment and injured the worker by mistake. After the incident, he was very scared. So I fled from Binhai.

Zhang's eyes turned around and said, "Is Mr. Nakajima excuseting him? What does it mean to be complicated? What is a panic for a while? The matter has not been clarified yet. Did you help characterize it as a mistake and hurt someone?"

Nakajimakawa was worried about this master from the bottom of his heart, if he hadn't been forced to do it. He won't come to meet Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang added, "This matter seems to have nothing to do with Mr. Nakajima. If you want to talk about it, it should be Wu Zhiyingnan who came to talk to me, or Yuanhe Group, don't you think so?"

Nakajima Kawata scolded in his heart that you didn't talk to Wu Zhiying, and now you say that to me? Isn't this a trick to make trouble? However, no matter how depressed Nakajima was, he did not dare to attack in front of Zhang Yang. He smiled and said, "I took the initiative to invite you to come. After all, I have known Secretary Zhang for so many years, and I thought I had this face."

Zhang Yang looked at Nakajima Kawata with a smile and thought to himself who your mother thought he was? Why should I give you face? He slowly put down the teacup and sighed, "Mr. Nakajima, in fact, this matter should not have been brought to the current point. Yuanhe Group clashed with the construction workers in our port, and some workers were stabbed. If they showed some sincerity at that time, it would be okay to hand over the perpetrator, but I went to talk to them. At the time of the judgment, the group of Yuanhe Group were arrogant and domineering. If they didn't agree, they fought against me. Mr. Nakajima, if we get along easily, it would be in your country. If an outsider was so arrogant to you, would you swallow your anger?

The smile on Nakajima Kawata's face is still there, but it looks a little stiff. He whispered, "Secretary Zhang, do I have something I don't know whether to say it or not?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Say it!"

Nakajima Kawata said, "This time, it was caused by the youthful nature of Take Zhiying, and he has little to do with the Yuanhe Group. Now that he has expressed his willingness to take responsibility, I think it's better to reconcile this matter. After all, Yuanhe Group will still cooperate with you in the future, because it is always bad to hurt the harmony.

Zhang Yang said, "No rules can be made. I always welcome foreign investment, but don't think that investment can have privileges. Since you come here, you must abide by the rules here. Mr. Nakajima thinks I'm right?"

Nakajimagawa said, "I understand what Secretary Zhang said. I just think everyone still regards peace. Even if Wu Zhiying is sent to prison, it doesn't seem to have any special significance. I understand what Secretary Zhang means. Wu Zhiying has agreed to apologize publicly and paid the injured worker a large amount of compensation. What do you think of Secretary Zhang's compensation?

Zhang Yang said, "Where's Mrs. Yuanhe? It's about Yuanhe Group. Why didn't she show up?

Nakajima Kawata said, "Mrs. Yuanhe is outside."

Yuan and Sachiko slowly walked into Zhang Yang's room in kimono. Her eyes looked at Zhang Yang's face and involuntarily fell on his lips, but her face was slightly hot. Nakajima Kawata didn't see the subtle change in her expression and got up to leave.

Yuan and Sachiko sat down on the sofa, and their jaws were raised slightly. They looked noble and indifferent, and their eyes were calm and flat. They seemed to regard the publicity on the opposite side as a passer-by.

Zhang Daguan said, "Since you have been here for a long time, why don't you want to show up?"

Yuan and Sachiko said, "It's not a big deal in the first place. I thought Mr. Nakajima could solve it if he came forward, but I just couldn't think..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What can't you think of?"

"I didn't expect Secretary Zhang to be so difficult to deal with!"

Zhang Yang laughed, shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm difficult to deal with, but you're going too much. Go and ask Yuan and Qiu Zhi. Did I go to your office that day to solve the problem? What did he do to me? He rushed to me and besieged me with a group of warriors in Liu Shengzheng. I really don't understand that this is obviously our territory. Who gave them such great courage?

"It's our people who can suffer losses."

Zhang Yang said, "Who will complain if the skill is not as good as others?"

Yuan and Sachiko said, "As the leader of Binhai, don't you feel that you are too arrogant?"

Zhang Yang said, "I've always been like this!"

"We invested in Binhai, but we didn't get the respect we deserved. Your police illegally detained Liu Shengzheng Road without investigation."

Zhang Yang said, "If you want others to respect you, you must first understand the rules. When you come to Binhai to invest, it does not mean that you have kindness to Binhai, and it does not mean that your people can be above China's laws. The reason why Liu Shengzheng Road was taken away was that he admitted at that time that the knife Now although it is clear that he did not do it, he is also guilty of the crime, interfering with the normal handling of cases by our public security organs. Do you think this kind of person should be arrested?

Yuan and Sachiko said, "Now that Wu Zhiying has promised to apologize, what else do you want?"

Zhang Yang said, "If you show your sincerity early in the morning and hand over to the murderer, how can the matter be so far? But instead of the sincerity to solve the problem, you put pressure on our Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the embassy. The most ridiculous thing is that you actually got a lawyer to send me a lawyer's letter to sue me?"

Yuan and Sachiko said, "I didn't know that it was by Wu Zhiying before!"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know now?"

Yuan and Sachiko nodded and said, "I've come to you again and again, which is enough to prove my sincerity. I'll give you one last chance. If you agree to sit down and talk calmly, then well, everyone gives way. If you insist on continuing to make trouble, I will accompany you to the end." As she spoke, she couldn't help but feel a little angry, and her beautiful eyes were wide open.

Zhang Daguan laughed heartlessly: "Say something you don't like to hear, now you are not qualified to negotiate with me."


Zhang Yang said, "However, I don't want to do anything. Wu Zhiying's affairs can only be judged by law on him. I think the accomplices of the Yuanhe Group are not to blame for your face."

Yuan and Sachiko made their own conditions: "Let Wu Zhiying apologize publicly, and then compensate the injured worker for a sum of money. What do you think?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not that simple. Everything else is easy to say. Wu Zhiying must be tried by the law."

Yuan and Sachiko said, "Killing people can't do anything. It has happened. Even if you send him to prison, it doesn't make any sense."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm happy to do this!"

Yuan and Sachiko took out an agreement from the handbag and showed it to Zhang Yang: "Not everyone is as excessive as you. Zhang Zhanbei has agreed to accept compensation and will no longer hold Wu Zhiyingnan accountable."

Zhang Daguan did not expect such a change in things. Yuan and Sachiko really had some means.

There are still 9 monthly tickets to reach 900, and the brothers and sisters of the monthly ticket, help add more firewood! RQ