Medical official path

Chapter 1164 The Storm Is Coming

The blue sky reappeared in everyone's vision, and the sun was brighter than before. Xiang Cheng said, "We are lucky enough to see this rare natural wonder..." Before he finished speaking, another bird droppings fell on his shoulder, and Xiang Cheng's expression froze awkwardly.

People around saw such a scene, but no one laughed. Gong Qiwei said, "Secretary Xiang, animals are the earliest to perceive before major natural disasters. Maybe this is the warning they give to human beings."

Xiang Cheng didn't say anything. He took the towel handed over by his secretary, wiped off the bird shit on his body, and got into the car with a fresh smell.

Gong Qiwei then got on the car, and he was waiting for Xiang Cheng's response.

Xiang Cheng said: "Get off work an hour early, inform the whole city of the possible news of the possible tropical storm, let departments at all levels make emergency preparations, notify the public security department, enter a state of emergency within 24 hours from now, communicate with Political Commissar Ge of the military sub-district, and let the troops prepare to assist in the disaster Good coastal alert, let all citizens withdraw to the safe range. Whether this tropical storm will come or not, we must be prepared to ensure the safety of all citizens' lives and property. From Xiang Cheng's words, it can be seen that he has paid enough attention to this possible tropical storm.

The closer to Beigang, the more sultry the temperature is. It was already 4:30 p.m. when Zhang Yang got off the highway. The air pressure was very low, but the weather was very sunny, and the sun was still strong. There was no wind in the sky, and there was no cloud. Zhang Yang stopped the car in front of a cold drink He rushed all the way to Beigang. He had run out of water and felt a little thirsty at this time.

Zhang Yang asked for a bottle of iced mineral water. After filling half a bottle, he felt more comfortable.

The shop owner complained, "The weather forecast is not reliable, saying that there is a tropical storm, bullshit. It's a sunny day, and it's so hot!"

Zhang Yang threw the empty bottle he had drunk in the trash can and asked him to bring him another box. Throw it in the trunk of the car.

After starting the car, Zhang Yang dialed Fu Changzheng's phone: "Long March, do you have any latest news?"

Fu Changzheng said, "I just asked the Oceanic Bureau. It is said that the tropical storm has slowed down, which may be later than expected, or maybe this storm will slip directly from the gate of Beigang and will not affect Beigang. Who knows, it's hard to say about nature.

Zhang Yang said, "I mean, has the city taken any good measures to deal with it?"

Fu Changzheng said, "Mayor Xu has just held a meeting, and coastal cities still have some experience in dealing with such bad weather. However, Beigang has just issued a notice requiring departments at all levels to take countermeasures, and the school is on holiday. Enterprises and institutions also leave work an hour early, attaching great importance to the possible tropical storm.

Zhang Yang looked out of the car window. The sky was still clear. He smiled and said, "Maybe there is indeed something wrong with the Meteorological Bureau this time, and there is no sign that a storm is coming so far."

Fu Changzheng said, "Whether this storm comes or not. It is still necessary for the city to take preventive measures to prevent problems before they happen!"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Long March, you speak more and more like a leader."

Fu Changzheng said, "I am the soldier you lead, and you are my leader."

Zhang Daguanren suddenly saw a dark thing in front of him drilling under the wheel and hurriedly stepped on the brake, but it was too late. I really couldn't be distracted when driving, and something happened to my mobile phone while driving.

Fu Changzheng heard Zhang Yang's exclamation on the phone. He thought something big had happened to him, so he quickly asked.

Zhang Yang didn't have time to talk to him in detail, but said that it was nothing serious. Although he didn't see what was under the wheel, he could conclude that it was definitely not a human.

Zhang Yang got out of the car and heard the wailing under the wheel. He followed the sound, but saw a black native dog lying on the right rear wheel. The native dog looked at Zhang Yang pitifully.

The official Zhang looked around and there was no one around. Others would have left long ago, but the official Zhang was a very responsible person, and the local dog's eyes were full of helpless begging for mercy, which actually touched Zhang's compassion, so Zhang Yang came to the local dog Pang and checked the left front leg of the local dog. It was run over by a wheel and broken. Zhang Yang found a wooden stick to fix the broken leg of the local dog, and then put it in the trunk.

If others see it, Shi You ** will think that Zhang Yang is a dog thief.

After getting the injured dog into the car, Zhang Yang drove straight to Binhai and came to Binhai Administrative Center. He saw Executive Vice Mayor Dong Yuwu coming out of it. When Dong Yuwu saw Zhang Yang get out of the car, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile: "Secretary Zhang, are you back?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I heard that a tropical storm is coming, so come back and have a look."

Dong Yuwu looked up at the sky and said, "It seems that it won't come. This weather station is not as reliable as my eyes."

At this time, Fu Changzheng also came out of it. He saw Zhang Yang's car coming to the parking lot, so he came out to greet him. Zhang Yang threw the car key to him and said, "Long March, a dog was injured in the car. Please take care of it for me."

Fu Changzheng thought he had heard it wrong. He opened the trunk and saw a local dog lying there. He couldn't help laughing: "Secretary Zhang, when did you start to have a pet?"

Zhang Yang said, "I was hit on the road. I don't know who the owner is. I can't throw it halfway. My front leg is broken. I'm the perpetrator, so I have to be responsible."

Dong Yuwu and Fu Changzheng both found it a little funny.

Zhang Yang said to Dong Yuwu Dao: "Did Mayor Xu convey the story of the tropical storm?"

Dong Yuwu nodded, and he followed Zhang Yang back to the secretary's office.

Zhang Yang walked over and turned on the TV. The latest ocean weather forecast is being broadcast on the TV. The Zeus storm, which was originally scheduled to land in the afternoon, slowed down its forward speed. At the current speed, even if it arrives at Beigang, it will be noon tomorrow, but another tropical cyclone is approaching rapidly from the south.

Dong Yuwu looked at the satellite cloud map: "Secretary Zhang, it seems that you don't have to worry about it today."

Zhang Yang said, "It's always good to be careful."

Dong Yuwu Dao: "This time, the city attaches great importance to this tropical storm, and I also agree to attach importance to this natural storm, but countless experiences in history have proved that there has never been too much wind disaster in our Beigang area, and we attach so much importance to this tropical storm. There should be no big problem. ."

Zhang Yang said, "No problem is the best. No one can figure out the temper of nature. If we really start to be powerful, we have no way."

Dong Yuwu smiled and said, "Didn't you say that people will win the sky?"

Zhang Yang said, "It depends on whether you are Shuntian or against the sky. If you don't respect nature, nature will not respect you. Have there been few things to do because of the environment in the past two years?"

Dong Yu Wudao: "The environment in our area is not bad."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't think it's good. Now the whole world is full of natural transformation. As a result, the earth's greenhouse effect has been created. I don't know anything else. Anyway, natural disasters are getting more and more every year."

Dong Yuwu Dao: " Fortunately, everyone has realized the importance of protecting the environment." He looked at the time and said, "Secretary Zhang, I have to go. Mayor Xu asked me to go to the bonded area to inspect the safety situation."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll go with you."

The weather station's forecast did make the people in Binhai nervous for a period of time, but at six o'clock that night, the weather was still clear. Many people thought that the storm had passed by Beigang. The most talked about after dinner was why the weather station so great ability, and why was the error rate so high?

The bonded area is still extremely important in Zhang Yang's heart. Although he has been relieved of the management of the bonded area, the real situation is to show others. In the matter of the bonded area, Zhang Yang has put too much effort into it. Of course, he does not want to see that this storm will have too much impact on the bonded

Walking on the breakwater and looking at the calm sea, half of the sunset in the distance has fallen into the sea, dyeing the sky and water red. Countless golden lights jump with the waves, and the color of the sea is getting closer and deeper. Although it is at the seaside, it still feels stuffy.

Chang Haitian was also among his entourage. He said to Zhang Yang, "Secretary Zhang, it seems that the storm will not come." Not only does he think so, but most of the people present think so. Everyone believes that their eyes are more than the weather forecast. What kind of storm is there on a sunny day?

Zhang Yang said, "Whether the storm comes or not, it is necessary to be cautious."

Chang Haitian nodded and said, "All the construction projects in the bonded area have been suspended, and the workers have gone back to rest. For the key projects, special personnel have been arranged to be on duty day and night."

Zhang Yang said, "If the Zeus Tropical Storm hasn't passed for a day, we can't take it lightly for a day." He said a few words about the focus of prevention, and then motioned everyone to disperse and do their own things.

Chang Haitian has been waiting for him in place. After others left, Chang Haitian said, "Secretary Zhang, the last time the matter in Fulong Port has been solved. Japan has borne the medical expenses of the injured workers and given financial compensation. Thanks to you, if you hadn't gone to Dongjiang to find Wu Zhiyingnan and forced him to come out The Japanese must be aggressive. "That's right."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's how they are. Even if they steal something, if you don't grab their hands on the spot, they will never admit it. This is caused by the thief."

Chang Haitian sighed: "But after that incident, the workers in Fulong Port have a lot of hatred for Japan, and their work has not returned to normal so far."

Zhang Yang said, "You have to talk to Secretary Gong about this matter. Now I am not in charge of the bonded area." RQ