Medical official path

Chapter 1176 Love is not over

The plan is not as good as change. Zhang Yang originally planned to go to Beiyuan to visit Margaret with Chu Yanran in the afternoon. Of course, this escort was also based on the fact that he wanted to escape from the capital as soon as possible. But just as they were about to leave, they learned that Song Huaiming had arrived in the capital that afternoon. When his father arrived, his daughter could not be avoided. Chu Yanran put the trip off for one night. After she explained the situation to her grandmother, Margaret asked her not to return to Beiyuan in a hurry. She said that she would come to the capital tomorrow. Zhang Yang doesn't have to rush back.

Song Huaiming had long known that Zhang Yang had come to the capital and asked his daughter and Zhang Yang to come to the Pinghai Office in Beijing to meet him.

The previous breakup between Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran was only an illusion deliberately caused. It was an idea that Song Huaiming came up with with Zhang Yang when he was investigating the leadership of Beigang. However, Gong Qiwei's sacrifice this time announced the failure of their plan, making the previous layout meaningless, and the incident in Beigang was also It has become a huge setback in Song Huaiming's political career. During this period, Song Huaiming's mood has always been heavy, because of Gong Qiwei's sacrifice and this series of sudden events in Beigang.

Seeing his daughter again, Song Huaiming felt old for the first time. For some reason, he just felt that he was old and that the world belonged to these young people in front of him.

Song Huaiming stood in front of his daughter. His waist was still straight and his eyes were still bright, but Chu Yanran found a lot of new white hair from her father's temples. Seeing that the wrinkles on her father's forehead seemed to be deeper than when she saw him last time, she felt sore in her heart and her eyes couldn't help , gently called Dad.

Song Huaiming smiled and opened his arms, gently hugged his daughter, and then looked at Zhang Yang who followed her and walked into the room and smiled.

Zhang Daguan also smiled, but this man smiled a little unnaturally today. No wonder, with something in his heart, the black widow was like a shadow covering his heart. Even Chu Yanran's happy thing when she returned to China, he could not get him out of this shadow.

Song Huaiming took the initiative to stretch out his hand to Zhang Yang, shook hands with him, and then patted the back of his hand gently. There was no need to say something at all, and they all knew it.

After the three sat down, Song Huaiming looked at his daughter and said, "I just talked to your grandmother on the phone, and she said she would come tomorrow."

Chu Yanran nodded: "I originally wanted to rush to Jing'an with Zhang Yang today. As soon as she came, we didn't have to go. It's just that grandma had to run around again."

Song Huaiming said, "It's good for the old man to walk around. He can't always stay in the same place."

Chu Yanran said, "Since my grandfather's death, my grandmother has been on that island most of the time. It seems that she has made up her mind to die on the island."

Song Huaiming said, "What she loves most is you. This time you will stay for a while when you come back and spend more time with the elderly."

Chu Yanran's mobile phone suddenly rang, and Zhang's official was shocked, but he immediately thought that he had turned off the mobile phone, but the change in his expression still attracted the attention of Song Huaiming's father and daughter. Chu Yanran looked at him and was not easy to ask in front of his father. She picked up her mobile phone

Zhang Yang smiled at Song Huaiming. Today, he was sharp and became a little silent.

Song Huaiming picked up the tea cup and took a sip. He looked into his eyes and said, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Zhang Yang knew that in front of a political master like Song Huaiming, many of his subtle changes could not escape his eyes. He whispered, "There have been too many things that have happened recently, so I have always been a little depressed."

Song Huaiming sighed with the same feeling and gently dropped the tea cup on the coffee table: "I have to bear the main responsibility for this matter in Beigang."

Zhang Yang shook his head, indicating that he did not agree with Song Huaiming's statement.

Song Huaiming said, "I underestimated my opponent's IQ, and I still thought about Beigang too simply." His expression was full of regret.

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Song, you don't have to blame yourself. It must be that I didn't do it well and let them find something."

Song Huaiming shook his head and said, "It was a mistake for me to send Qiwei to Beigang too early. At the beginning, I didn't realize that I thought I could take this as an opportunity to solve the long-standing problem in Beigang. It was not until this incident that we realized that if we hadn't sent Qiwei there ."

Zhang Yang didn't understand what Song Huaiming meant. Song Huaiming said, "If I hadn't decided to deal with Jiang Honggang so early, the current situation would have been much better." After saying that, he sighed, "It's too late to say anything now. The natural disaster in Beigang has given this potential character an opportunity."

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Song, have you ever thought about who is behind Xiang Cheng?"

Song Huaiming didn't say anything. He knew that Zhang Yang was reminding him of something. In fact, he didn't think about it. No one knew the relationship between Xiang Cheng and the Xue family. Of course, Song Huaiming would not turn a blind eye to this relationship, but he must be considerate and comprehensive in officialdom. There Previously, even if there was doubt, it could not be broken.

Song Huaiming said, "Zhang Yang, the matter of Beigang must be put away."

Zhang Yang looked at Song Huaiming puzzledly. Did he mean that Gong Qiwei died in vain?

Song Huaiming whispered, "Looking back at what we have done before, our consideration is not thorough, so we have caused such a big loss and such a big sacrifice. We have lost such a good party member and cadre as Comrade Qiwei, and we have also lost the important clue of Xiang Cheng. Continue to investigate. The other party has already With enough vigilance, you will never make mistakes easily in a short time. He paused for a moment and said, "Now the politics of Beigang is turbulent, and the previous natural disaster has made the people panic. What Beigang needs most at present is stability."

Zhang Yang also agreed with Song Huaiming's words, but if he temporarily put Gong Qiwei's death up, he would not be reconciled.

Song Huaiming said, "During this period, you have also suffered a lot of grievances. You and Yanran have also made sacrifices. Seeing that you are so entangled in your feelings, I, as an elder, feel bad."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Uncle Song, don't say that. Nothing has changed between me and Yanran."

Song Huaiming looked at the next room. His daughter had not come back yet. Obviously, he deliberately reserved a space for them to talk.

Song Huaiming said, "Zhang Yang, there is another important reason why the old lady came from Beiyuan this time. She wants to force marriage!"

Zhang Yang unconsciously laughed and remembered that the marriage between himself and Chu Yanran had indeed been delayed long enough, and there should indeed be a result.

Song Huaiming said, "I didn't have to come to this meeting, but I heard that Yanran came back, and the old lady called me to ask for it, so I also decided to come temporarily."

Of course, Zhang Yang knew Chu Yanran's position in the Song family and the Chu family. He smiled and said, "Uncle Song, if I had known this, I should have invited my mother."

As soon as his voice fell, Chu Yanran came out of it and handed him her mobile phone and said, "Phone!"

Zhang Yang was stunned: "My?"

Chu Yanran nodded and said, "Of course, your phone is turned off, so you called me."

The official Zhang answered the phone with anxiety. This black widow called Chu Yanran. Other things are okay. If Chu Yanran knows what happened last night, I'm afraid that their happy marriage will be ruined. People really can't do anything wrong, even if it's unconscious, it's a loss. !

Hearing his mother's voice from the receiver, Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled and said, "Mom, how do you know Yanran's phone number?" Indeed, Chu Yanran's number in China was just handled by Lin Xiu for her. It is reasonable that her mother should not know.

Xu Lihua laughed at the end of the phone: "San'er, I'm with Grandma Yanran. She asked me and your father to pick me up from Chunyang. Let's go to the capital together tomorrow."

Zhang Guanren laughed and said, "That's good. I'll treat you to roast duck tomorrow."

Xu Lihua said in a low voice, "Son, don't let her go when she comes back this time."

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "You just have a hundred hearts." I had a brief chat with my mother and returned the phone to Chu Yanran. Seeing her blush, she knew that Chu Yanran had guessed what her mother was talking to her.

Song Huaiming has another meeting in the afternoon. He got up and was ready to go out.

Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran also went out with him. At the gate, they met Hong Weidong, deputy director of the Provincial Office in Beijing. After Hong Weidong respectfully sent Song Huaiming to the car, he ran over to greet Zhang Yang. Of course, Hong Weidong also heard about the breakup of Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran before, but today People who live on their eyelids can see through the old feelings of Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran at a glance, and it seems that the feelings are better than the past, so they don't miss the opportunity to get close to it.

Zhang Yang said a few perfunctorily and left. Chu Yanran started the locomotive. Zhang Guanren hugged Wenxiang from behind him. Chu Yanran said, "In broad daylight, you don't care about the image of party members and cadres at all."

Zhang Yang said, "Is it illegal for me to hold my wife?"

Chu Yanran smiled and said, "Who is your wife? Don't talk nonsense. By the way, what did Aunt Xu tell you just now?"

Zhang Yang said, "I didn't say anything, that is to say, let me take you closely this time. Don't let such a good daughter-in-law run away."

Chu Yanran smiled more and more happily, and suddenly accelerated. Zhang Daguan leaned back, and then hugged Chu Yanran more encryptedally.

Recently, the weather has suddenly become cold and warm. The octopus has a sad cold. It has a headache, a dizziness, and a drowsy brain. It is inefficient to write. Yesterday, it was updated, but I sat in front of the computer for nearly eight hours. I got up early today to send Can I get a monthly ticket? The patient stretched out his hand for comfort!