Medical official path

Chapter 1190 Keep the Distance Below

Zhang's official was unwilling to go ashore even if he was beaten to death. The river gave him a good excuse. In the end, the black widow had no choice but to drive away.

Zhang Guanren was sure that the black widow had left, so he climbed to the river bank. He was wet and a little embarrassed, but he also had a way to deal with it. He could carry the internal force and steam the clothes on his body in a short time.

The Wen family's disturbance has been passed safely. Coupled with the black widow's quarrel, Zhang's official can't avoid the capital. After saying goodbye to his relatives and friends on the phone, he went to the Beijing office to rest for a while, took the ticket, and went straight to the railway station.

Zhang's official is most afraid to meet acquaintances now, but he met two people at the railway station. Speaking of which, these two also know each other, Cheng Yuan and Yu Lan. The couple opened a red tattoo studio in Dongjiang. Cheng Yuan is a good friend of Zhong Changsheng, and Zhang Yang met him through Zhong Changsheng.

Cheng Yuan was very surprised to see Zhang Yang. After Zhang Yang went to Binhai to be the secretary of the municipal party committee, Cheng Yuan once looked for him. At that time, for a batch of strange stones, Binhai happened to engage in green construction, and Zhang Yang helped him contact a business.

Cheng Yuan said, "Why is Secretary Zhang so coincidental?"

Zhang Guanren smiled and said, "I'm just about to meet acquaintances everywhere. Brother Cheng, when did you and your sister-in-law come to the capital?"

Cheng Yuan said, "I've been here for more than a week to inspect the stone market in the capital."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't you want your sister-in-law's tattoo shop?"

Yu Lan said, "I've been doing it all the time, but now that the store has expanded, the trained tattoo artist can be alone, otherwise I don't have time to accompany Cheng Yuan out."

After they checked the tickets and got on the bus, not long after Cheng Yuan and his family specially changed their rooms and came to the soft sleeping box where Zhang Yang was located. Zhang Daguanren had planned to go to the dining car to make a meal, but when he met the couple of them, they really brought a lot of things. Lan took out the braised vegetables Two bottles of Red Star Erguotou were drunk with Zhang Yang.

After the train started, Zhang Yang felt relaxed. He was finally about to return to his own acre of land. Of course, he could not return directly to Binhai this time. He and Chu Yanran had called before, went to Dongjiang to meet her first, and then took the old lady to Binhai to have a look. In this way, he happened to All the way.

Zhang Yang is an official. Cheng Yuan has little understanding of officialdom. He will not take the initiative to ask. Zhang is too lazy to mention his own affairs, so their topics are focused on Cheng Yuan's business.

Zhang Yang took a sip of the wine bottle and said, "Brother Cheng is still in the stone business?"

Cheng Yuan nodded and said, "I'm still doing it. I'm going to get a mine. This time I'm coming to Beijing to inspect the market."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "The business is getting bigger and bigger."

Cheng Yuan said, "It's not a big business. The water in the stone industry is very deep. At first, I just made strange stones, but now there are too many people in this industry. A swarm of people rush in. If there are more people, they will naturally dilute the profits, so I can only find another way." He took a sip and said, "But it's not so easy to open a mine now, and the state's audit of mining is becoming more and more strict. There are no new mining projects in Pinghai Province. I initially plan to go to the northwest."

Zhang Yang said, "Although I don't know how to do business, I know that I have to be ahead of others in everything I do. If I blindly follow the trend, it will not be so easy to succeed."

Yu Lan said, "I don't agree with him tossing around. How much is the money? Maybe our woman's family is short of knowledge, and she always feels that it's enough to eat enough flowers. The most important thing is that the family can be together. He is going to the northwest to open a mine, and we will be left at home in the future. I don't know how many times we can see each other in a year.

Cheng Yuan said, "While I'm still young, work a few more years and save more money, so that we can retire early."

Yu Lan sighed and said, "Now that I think it was better to work safely in the unit at the beginning. Although I have made more money now than in the past, I always feel that I am not as down-to-earth as in the past. I really envy you who have iron rice bowls."

Zhang Yang laughed: "Iron rice bowl? There is no real iron rice bowl in the world. It's said to be an iron rice bowl, but you have to be extra careful when you pick it up. In case you make a mistake, you will hit your foot, and you may not even be able to walk on the road.

Cheng Yuan said, "It's not easy to do anything."

They arrived in Dongjiang the next morning. When they broke up, Cheng Yuan gave Zhang Yang a pair of stone paperweights. The reddish-brown stones were covered with white spiral patterns, which looked like money one by one and were inlaid with conchs.

Cheng Yuan told Zhang Yang that this is called a money stone, which is actually a kind of paleontological fossil. Recently, the market of this kind of stone has broken its position and is bullish.

Zhang Daguan didn't have much research on stones in the first place. He left this pair of paperweights and planned to give it to Qiao Lao when he had a chance in the future.

After Zhang Yang and Cheng Yuan broke up, they went directly to the Song family. Not long after ringing the doorbell, they heard Chu Yanran's voice: "It must be Zhang Yang back."

After the door was opened, he saw Chu Yanran in sportswear walking towards him quickly.

Zhang Daguan greeted him and accepted Chu Yanran's affectionate hug with a smile.

The two came to the small building hand in hand.

The old lady and Song Huaiming are watching the news together, and Liu Yuying and the babysitter are preparing breakfast.

Zhang Yang said hello to everyone. Song Huaiming smiled and said, "I'm back."

Zhang Yang said, "I just received a call from Binhai, and I may have to leave today."

Song Huaiming said, "You are the secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee. The post-disaster reconstruction work there cannot be relaxed. You should go back as soon as possible."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll be back in the afternoon."

Margaret said, "I went with Yanran with you. I asked Lin Xiu to prepare some relief supplies. She has sent them over. I will go to the field to investigate the disaster situation there to see if there is anything else I can help."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Grandma, on behalf of the Binhai Party and the government, I would like to thank you for your loving action. Later, I plan to give you the title of honorary citizen."

The old lady smiled and said, "I don't want any honor."

Liu Yuying came to greet everyone to have breakfast. After breakfast, Song Huaiming was ready to go to work. Before leaving, he called Zhang Yang to his side and whispered, "How's the matter in Xiangshan Courtyard?"

Zhang Yang told him the specific situation. Song Huaiming frowned after listening to it. From the beginning, he firmly believed that Wen Guoquan could survive this storm safely, but he did not expect that so many other things were involved because of this incident, and even hurt a lot of people's lives. Song Huaiming thought that this disturbance was just the beginning and would never end there.

Song Huaiming gave Zhang Yang a suggestion: "Zhang Yang, since the matter of Xiangshan Hospital has passed, you can work in Binhai at ease. The province has allocated a donation for the natural disaster in Beigang, which will be in place soon. I hope you cadres in Beigang can do well. Use this money to lead the people in Beigang out of trouble as soon as possible.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Uncle Song, don't worry, I will do a good job of reconstruction."

Song Huaiming said, "What is the focus of the reconstruction work?"

Zhang Yang thought for a moment and said, "I think the focus is not on construction, but on re-establishing the confidence of the people and making their hearts full of hope. Only in this way can we mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and make every effort to do a good job in the reconstruction work."

Song Huaiming nodded with a smile and said, "You have finally gained some experience after being an official for so many years. If you have the Tao, you win the hearts of the people and the world. You must let the people regard you as your own people. You think that our national cadres sincerely work for them, and think that we can represent their interests. Only With one heart, our strength can be used in one direction. By the way, your deputy office has been approved. Take time to go to the Organization Department.

In the past, Zhang Daguan must have been happy about the news, but now he is quite calm. He realizes that his freshness and excitement in the officialdom has passed, and even a promotion can't bring him enough stimulation.

Song Huaiming patted him on the shoulder and said, "Perform well." This represents the encouragement of leaders to their subordinates.

Zhang Guanren has never discussed with his father-in-law where his official career should go. Since Gong Qiwei was killed, Song Huaiming has obviously changed his original intention. He does not want Zhang Yang to continue to adventure in Beigang. He knows Zhang Yang's position in his daughter's heart and can't risk her daughter's happiness.

Zhang Yang did not go with Song Huaiming in the same car. He stayed at Song's house until nine o'clock and left. He came to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. Jiao Naiwang, the head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, heard that he was coming and put down his work at hand to meet him.

Seeing Zhang Yang walking into the office, Jiao Naiwang got up to greet him with a smile. Zhang Yang once saved his grandson's life, which was when Jiao Naiwang was the secretary of the Nanwu Municipal Party Committee.

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Jiao, I heard from Secretary Song that you want to see me."

Jiao Naiwang smiled and said, "It's nothing to do. I'll ask you to come here for two things. One is to inform you in person that your deputy hall has been officially approved, which must be congratulated. According to me, there has never been such a young deputy hall as you in the history of Pinghai Province. You are only

Zhang's official said that I'm only twenty-five, and I can count them nationwide.

Jiao Naiwang asked him to sit down and asked his secretary to make him a cup of tea. When the secretary served tea to Zhang, he was also envious. Look at others, he mixed up in the deputy hall at a young age. He has been mixed for half of his life, and he had to bring tea and pour water behind others. It's

The second chapter has been sent. Now there must be no problem with the third update. Because my son has chickenpox, the recent update may be irregular. I hope you can understand. As long as you have time, the octopus will definitely update more. I hope you can support me! RS