Medical official path

Chapter 1211 Fire Under Fire

This palm didn't seem to be too heavy, but it made the warrior feel an endless sense of emptiness from the bottom of his heart. In an instant, his body seemed to suddenly lose its strength. He snorted and his body swung to the back. Originally, he wanted to find a place to settle down with the echoing momentum, but He couldn't even grasp the rope. As soon as his palm slipped, he fell from the cliff and fell dozens of meters before a scream broke out.

Another samurai watched his companion fall straight down the cliff, and disappeared in an instant. Only the screams echoed in the empty valley, and his eyes also showed fear. However, the worm quickly calmed down, pulled a knife in the void in his hand, looked at Chen Xue, and gathered his strength to launch a second attack.

The wrist detoured twice on the black rope, and the warrior's right foot was heavy on the cliff. From his perspective, he could see Chen Xue's appearance. The moonlight enveloped a faint halo on Chen Xue's beautiful face. Her whole body was like a lily growing in a secluded valley, so beautiful and extraordinary. Vulgar.

The murderous intention in the warrior's heart couldn't help shaking, but after all, he was a professional killer, and soon became firm. He raised his knife in his hand, and a beast-like roar broke out between his throat.

However, the roar was only half heard, and a powerful big hand pinched his cervical spine from the rear. With a click, the warrior's neck was broken, and the samurai sword fell into the hands of the sneaker. Zhang Daguan fell from the sky and broke his head before the warrior launched an attack. With a casual push, the warrior's body fell from the high cliff and followed his companions.

Zhang Daguan grabbed the rope in one hand and the Dongyang knife in the other hand. He looked at Chen Xue, who was flat on the cliff with a smile: "That slap just now was the seal of life and death?"

Chen Xue smiled faintly, and the night wind blew up her hair, like black silk flying behind her head. She stretched out her white and tender delicate hand and swept up a wisp of hair scattered around her cheeks. Although it was just a simple action, it showed infinite grace. She whispered, "You should grab him and ask him a question."

Chen Xue's words are obviously blaming Zhang Yang for not being alive.

Zhang Guanren sighed lazily and said, "There are some words that don't have to ask him." He heard a sound of footsteps rapidly approaching from far and near.

Six dark shadows rushed over the cliff. Although relying on the help of ropes, it is already very difficult to run at such a speed on this high cliff. It requires not only a strong balance ability, but also a superior psychological quality.

Zhang's official snorted coldly, grabbed the rope, and formed a near-vertical angle between his body and the cliff. Then, his feet flew out on the cliff, drew a big arc in the void, and faced the six warriors in black.

Six warriors in black originally lined up and rushed to Zhang Yang, but at the moment Zhang Yang jumped off the cliff, they quickly dispersed. A warrior in black actually loosened the rope, leaped into the air, and rushed forward with the momentum of fish jumping. His goal was not Zhang Yang, but the rope between Zhang Yang and the cliff. In his opinion, cutting off the rope means cutting off the other party's lifeline.

While he started, another warrior in black rushed from below at a high speed to prepare for the response. After long-term cooperation between the six-person team, they had a very tacit understanding with each other.

The warrior in black raised the oriental knife with both hands high, bent his legs, and made such an action on the cliff. He must have the momentum of giving up his life and death, and the blade accurately chopped on the rope.

The rope in Zhang's hand broke, but his expression did not show any panic. Instead, a proud smile appeared at the corners of his lips and broke away from the rope. His body changed its angle incredibly in the air, like a big bird. He rushed to the samurai slanted down. The samurai was preparing to pick it. The companion who should cut off the rope.

He raised his head and stretched out his arm to make a response, but he saw a sad knife light in his eyes, which came from Zhang Daguanren. Zhang Yang was never ambiguous at the critical moment. He cut off the warrior's head with one knife, grabbed the rope with his left hand, and used the impact to swing forward with the rope.

The wind was loud in his ear. The warrior who cut the rope first fell from above. The companion who was originally responsible for receiving him was cut off his head by Zhang Yang. He tried to grab the rope, but the rope was opened by Zhang Yang. The man's eyes were about to crack, and his hands danced back and forth, trying to catch something. In vain, he fell down screaming.

Zhang Daguan laughed and squinted at the only four remaining warriors.

The four warriors suddenly raised their arms. Zhang Guanren had seen their intentions in advance. He kicked his right foot on the cliff, and his body swung out like a pendulum. A series of iron tumbles fell on his foothold. The iron tumbles hit the stone wall, and the sparks were shining like stars in the night

Zhang Daguanren has judged from the action of these people that this group of people are undoubtedly Japanese ninjas. They threw out the Middle Eastern foreign knife. The foreign knife rotated like a windmill and shot forward in an arc. One of the warriors in black could not dodge and nailed the cliff by the blade.

Several warriors focused all their attention on Zhang Yang, but ignored Chen Xue's existence. At this time, Chen Xue appeared silently behind a ninja and imprinted his shoulder. The warrior only felt a burst of soreness in his limbs and fell down without saying a word.

The remaining two warriors only realized that something was wrong at this time. If they continue to stay, I'm afraid they will lose their lives. They will no longer attack. They shoot at the rocks on the opposite side with ropes and grab the rope and swing to the opposite side.

Zhang Guanren couldn't allow them to escape at this time. His body broke away from the cliff. A hungry tiger caught a ninja in black. The ninja didn't expect that he really dared to fly up. He raised his elbow and hit Zhang Yang's chest back, trying to knock him down the cliff, but his elbow hit Zhang Yang On the top, I can't exert any power at all.

Zhang Yangzhong clicked his acupuncture point and pulled out the oriental knife from his waist. The warrior who fled in front of him threw it hard. Under his full force, the oriental knife was tantamount to a strong crossbow, penetrating the body of the warrior in black, and fell into the abyss with his screams.

The fire in Zixiaguan did not weaken at all. Du Tianye, with red eyes, held Su Yuanyuan in his arms and ran in the direction of the gate like crazy. Li Xinyi, an old Taoist priest, stopped him and said, "No, the road ahead is blocked by fire and can't get out."

Du Tianye roared, "She's dying!" Su Yuanyuan's wound is still bleeding. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid she will die of bleeding too much.

The old Taoist priest Li Xinyi looked at Su Yuanyuan's pale face and had no idea for a moment. Chen Chongshan said, "We must find a way to save this child." While talking, the courtyard wall in the front right finally collapsed due to the burning of the fire, revealing a big hole.

Qiu Hesheng was surprised and said, "You should be able to go out there."

Several people protected Su Yuanyuan and Qiu Fengxian to the gap. Before they came to the gap, they found that there was still more than ten meters above the foot of the mountain, and there was no place to stay. Even if they were on weekdays, they could not go up and down freely, not to mention that there are still two injured people.

While they were thinking about how to get out of trouble, Zhang Yang appeared in Zixia Temple. He shouted, "Come with me!"

When Du Tianye saw Zhang Yang, he seemed to see a savior. He ran over with Su Yuanyuan in his arms: "Zhang Yang, come on, save her, she's going to die..."

Zhang Yang only cared about chasing the murderer just now, but he didn't expect Su Yuanyuan to be so seriously injured. You know, Su Yuanyuan is still his half-sister, flesh and blood. Seeing Su Yuanyuan's miserable situation, Zhang's official was also heartbroken. He quickly clicked on Su Yuanyuan's acupuncture point He said, "We must send her down the mountain as soon as possible." Looking at Du Tianye with an anxious face, Zhang Yang comforted him, "Don't worry, with me to protect her heart with Zhenyuan, life will be fine. This crossbow arrow penetrates her body and must be taken out by surgery." Surgery is not a strong point.

Zhang Yang let the crowd follow him. He knocked down the burning mountain gate with one punch and led the crowd over the ruins. Chen Xue escorted the warrior in black and waited outside.

Zhang Yang helped Qiu Fengxian stop the bleeding. A group of people were divided into two groups, one of which went down the mountain overnight. The old Taoist priest Li Xinyi did not accompany him, because the little Taoist boy lost the news in the fire. He chose to stay to find the little Taoist boy. Chen Chongshan was worried that he would stay alone Qiu Hesheng was old and weak, and he didn't want to add a burden to them at this time, so he simply stayed with Chen Chongshan. Chen Xue also stayed, which is both her own meaning and publicity. After all, Chen Xue's martial arts skills are the highest in this group. If there is any trouble again, Chen Xue has the ability to deal with it. Besides, she will be in charge of the Japanese ninja.

Zhang Yang, Du Tianye, Qiu Zuodong and Qiu Qiming escorted Su Yuanyuan and Qiu Fengxian down the mountain.

Du Tianye always held Su Yuanyuan. Qiu Zuodong and Qiu Qiming took turns to carry Qiu Fengxian, but their physical strength was not good in the middle, and Zhang Yang took over. Chen Xue

Qiu Zuodong didn't say anything, but Qiu Qiming looked angry. When he approached the Dragon Waterfall, Qiu Qiming said, "I didn't expect the security of the mainland to be so bad."

Zhang Guan Ren glanced at him coldly and ignored him. Qiu Zuodong took Qiu Qiming's sleeves and motioned him to talk less so as not to make people unhappy.

After several people got on the car, Zhang Yang immediately contacted Yu Ziliang. Su Yuanyuan's injury was very serious. It must be because Ziliang took the knife in person. In terms of Western medicine, Zhang Daguan's most trusted person was Yu Ziliang.

Send another 3,000 words of chapters, and you will have to work at the unit at 6:30 tomorrow. In the past month, I have been so busy. The peak work season is coming. Octopus is a part-time writer. Most of the time, I can't help myself, but I have worked very hard! After a while, I will update more! RS