Medical official path

Chapter 1213 There are always variables below

All seven corpses of Japanese ninjas who set fire in Zixia were found, and Japan also showed great importance to this matter, and sent Takenao Masano, the deputy ambassador to China, to Jiangcheng to deal with this matter.

At the request of Wuzhi Zhengye, Cao Xiangdong, the mayor of Jiangcheng, specially invited Zhang Yang, the person concerned, to meet him to explain the situation that night.

On the way to Zhang Yang to meet Takenao Masano with the Jiangcheng Government, he received a bad news that the Japanese ninja he caught alive died inexplicably during his detention, which was no proof of death.

When Zhang Daguan heard the news, he hung up the phone and scolded depressedly, "Damn it!"

Du Yufeng, who is in charge of driving, said, "What's the matter, making you so angry?"

Zhang Yang said, "The little Japanese I caught died inexplicably."

Du Yufeng said, "One less death, little Japan doesn't have a good thing." Du Yufeng is a real old cynic, and what he hates most in his heart is the Japanese.

Zhang Yang said, "Wu Nao Masano is an old fox. I have had contact with him." After saying that, he couldn't help laughing: "Last time I beat his son up."

Du Yufeng also laughed: "I wish you were there when you beat Japan."

Those who come are not good, and those who are good are not coming. Zhang Yang's estimate of Take Nao Masano is right. Jiangcheng still showed considerable courtesy to the Japanese deputy ambassador to China, and arranged a small building No. 5 for him to stay temporarily.

When Zhang Yang came to the No. 5 small building, Cao Xiangdong, the mayor of Jiangcheng, had a deep conversation with Wu Zhizhengye.

Takeshio Masano did not come this time as a confession, but he did not have the attitude of confession. Instead, he put on a posture of asking guilty. He first questioned the preliminary investigation of the Jiangcheng police. He did not think that the eight Japanese warriors were killers, and also denied that they were related to the arson of Zixiaguan.

The conversation between Cao Xiangdong and Takeo Masano was not pleasant, but he still tried to restrain himself. After all, Take Nao Masano is the Japanese deputy ambassador to China, and he can't be rude in diplomacy. Besides, so far they have no solid evidence. It should be said that they once caught a Japanese alive. Killer. But now that the Japanese killer is dead, not only can he not testify in this matter, but his death will give Japan an excuse to take responsibility.

When Zhang Yang walked into the living room, he happened to hear Masano Wu Nao say, "Mayor Cao, I want to see the suspect you caught first."

Cao Xiangdong has learned the news of the sudden death of the Japanese ninja, but the news is too sudden. He hasn't figured out how to tell Take Nao Masano. It's not as easy as expected to deal with diplomatic matters. Zhang Yang's arrival just gave Cao Xiangdong a chance to buffer. Zhang Yang has always had a lot of ghost ideas, and it may not be known that he can restrain the Japanese ambassador.

Zhang's official took the initiative to extend his hand to Masano Wu Nao: "Mr. Wu Nao!"

Takeo Masano did not reach out his hand. He looked at Zhang Yang coldly and said, "Your hands are still stained with a strong smell of blood. Sorry, I can't shake hands with a person who killed my compatriot coldly."

Zhang Guanren grinned and smiled, revealing his snow-white and neat teeth: "I'm not surprised by the logic of your country. I went to other countries to kill and set fire, but I have to pretend to be a victim's face. Mr. Wu Zhi, don't you sure about the situation? Or do you pretend to be confused?"

Cao Xiangdong looked at Zhang Yang in astonishment with some questions. He didn't expect that there would be smoke between Zhang Yang and Wuzhi Zhengye after his arrival. With a strong bayonet, Cao Xiangdong wanted to say something, but when he talked to his lips, he felt that there was nothing suitable to say. It's better to look at the development of things first.

Takenao Masano said, "Last night, seven of our citizens fell off a cliff in Qingyun Peak. Mr. Zhang should be able to make a reasonable explanation for me."

Zhang Daguan said: "Japanese citizens? I advise Mr. Wu Zhi not to use the word "citizen" easily. There were a total of eight Japanese who appeared on Qingyun Peak last night. I believe that ordinary Japanese citizens will not commit murder and arson. These eight people are all well-trained and cold-blooded killers. Mr. Takenao should be very familiar with Japanese martial arts schools. These eight people are Japanese ninjas. They set fire to the Zixia Temple in an attempt to burn everyone in the Zixia Temple. After we found the fire in time, they used the crossbow to shoot at a long distance, seriously injuring two innocent women on our side.

Wu Nao Zhengye said, "You Chinese have a saying that there is no excuse to add guilt. Now they are all dead. You can say whatever you want. Do you want to put all the blame on them?"

Zhang Daguan said: "Mr. Wu Zhi, if it hadn't been for Mayor Cao's request, I wouldn't have come to explain the situation to you. First of all, I want to understand that what I have explained is facts. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. If you want to listen, don't talk. When Go on and talk."

Cao Xiangdong said, "Xiao Zhang, don't be angry. Mr. Wu Zhi has no other meaning. He came to Jiangcheng to unite us to find out the truth of the matter."

Zhang Yang said, "The truth is that the eight Japanese ninjas want to carry out a murder case, but it's a pity that they are not good at chess, no! It should be said that the skills are not as good as others. In this world, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. They can't beat me, and they are all beaten away by me.

Takeshi Masano said, "How can you do this? He killed seven lives without knowing the truth of the matter.

Zhang Yang said, "If others use knives to cut you, you won't honestly stand there and wait for them to cut the knife. We Chinese have a principle that if people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I will kill them. It's true that the seven ninjas died in my I'll put it here. I really want to file a lawsuit with me. Even if I get to The Hague Court, I won't be afraid.

Cao Xiangdong listened and couldn't help laughing. I'm afraid that this case would not disturb the Hague Court.

Masano Takeo's face turned pale when Zhang Yang was angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely find out this matter."

Zhang Yang said, "Welcome to check, but it seems that the mortality rate of Japanese people in China is a little high recently. Mr. Wu Zhi, as a senior Japanese diplomat, you should know the principle of following the local customs. When you go to any country, you should abide by the laws of which country. In addition, do you want to improve the quality of people who go abroad? In Japan, they are so-called citizens, but as soon as they go abroad, they have all become criminals of murder and arson. I know that they are only a few bad elements among the Japanese people, but if you don't know, I think you Japanese are all like this, Mr. Wu You are not afraid that these people will humiliate the country!"

Wu Zhizheng looked at Zhang Yang's eyes and was about to spit out fire. He whispered, "The truth of what happened last night has not been found out. How can Mr. Zhang conclude that they are murderers?"

Zhang Yang pointed to his eyes and said, "I can see clearly. They are all professional killers."

Takeshio said, "They don't have any criminal record in China."

Zhang Yang said, "Din the Second World War, Japan invaded China and burned, killed, looted and looted on Chinese soil. How dare you say that they are not criminals if they have not committed crimes in Japan? To do is to do. Why do you dare not admit it? Why don't you dare to bear the mistakes you have made? Mr. Wu Zhi, let me tell you a fact that there have been earth-shaking changes when China and Japan invaded China. It's not that we don't welcome the Japanese to come here, but we can. We must abide by our rules, plot to do bad things, and come here to commit adultery. They are all hostile to us Chinese people. We have always made it clear to the enemy's attitude, that is, to fight resolutely and show no mercy.

Cao Xiang Dongxin said, well, after this boy's stirring up, Wuzhi Zhengye's arrogance really faded a lot. The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, which really makes sense. Cao Xiangdong said, "I think we will talk about this tonight. Mr. Ambassador also has a preliminary understanding of what happened yesterday. I can assure you that this case will come out in the shortest time."

Takenao Masano didn't take any advantage in front of Zhang Yang. At this time, he was full of fire. Hearing Cao Xiangdong's words, he nodded and said, "I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer in three days, and I want to see the Japanese citizen detained by you."

Zhang Guanren couldn't help interrupting, "What kind of citizen? It's just a criminal who was caught, but Mr. Wu Zhi is afraid that he won't see him.

Cao Xiangdong quickly winned at him, but Zhang Guanren continued to say, "He committed suicide in fear of sin!"

"What?" Takeshi Masano's eyes widened.

Zhang said: "You should not be surprised. When your citizens encounter major events that they can't handle, they often choose this way to end their lives. Although he is dead, it does not mean that we will not pursue his criminal responsibility. We will investigate to the end and try to find out every Japanese involved in the case."

Wuzhi Zhengye was so angry that Zhang Yang was full of smoke, but he also saw that Zhang Yang was not afraid of him at all. No matter the literary and martial arts, he would accompany him to the end.

Cao Xiangdong saw that Wuzhi Zhengye's face turned blue and red for a while. He saw that the situation was still intensifying. He didn't want things to continue to deteriorate. He got up and said goodbye to Wuzhi Zhengye: "Mr. Wuzhi has come from afar. He must be tired. Let's say goodbye first. You We will inform you of the progress as soon as possible.

Takeo Masano said coldly, "It's not far away!" ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to the starting point (qidian.) Vote for recommendation and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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