Medical official path

Chapter 1214 On the compass

A flash of lightning flashed outside the window, tore the dark night sky, and instantly lit up the night like day. Wuzhi Zhengye opened his eyes and saw a man in black stockings looking at him face to face. Wuzhi Zhengye was shocked and wanted to sit up, but he was pressed on his chest by the masked man. Wuzhi Zhengye was The general generation reached out to get the short knife on the pillow, but as soon as his hand touched the handle of the knife, he felt that his wrist was pinched. The other party's palm was like a vise, which made Wu Zhizheng's bones about to crack. He opened his mouth to shout. The other party bent his elbow and nodded on his chest. Wu Nao Zhengye snorted, and suddenly lost the ability to speak.

The masked man picked up the short knife collected by Wuzhi Zhengye on the pillow. As soon as his wrist moved, a cold light from the body of the knife went straight to Wuzhi Zhengye's face. Wuzhi Zhengye was so scared that he opened his mouth and shouted, but unfortunately he couldn't make any sound.

The tip of the knife stagnated about two millimeters away from Wuzhi Zhengye's right eye. The tip of the knife has touched Wuzhi Zhengye's eyelashes. Because of fear, Wuzhi Zhengye's pupils suddenly expanded, and the other party controlled the knife freely. Just because of the cultivation shown by this knife, few .

The masked man hoarsely said, "Who is a good friend of the mountain?"

Takeo Masano shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

The masked man sneered and said, "What kind of deal do you have with Yan Guozhaozhang Bijun?"

Take Nao Masano shook his head again. At this time, all behind him were soaked with cold sweat. As long as the other party was a little unsatisfactory, he could take his own life. For the first time in his life, he had the feeling of being played in the palm of his hand.

The masked man pulled out a transparent ice needle. Shining blue in the dark night, he picked up Wuzhi Zhengye's pajamas with a short knife, let his chest ** out, and then inserted a silver needle into Wuzhi Zhengye's Zhitang hole.

Takeo Masano looked at the slender ice needle and poked into his chest like this. Unfortunately, he lost the ability to move and could only bear it with his eyes, and the fear in his heart was indescribable.

Masked humane: "This is called a concentric needle. I won't give it to ordinary people. You are lucky."

Wuzhi Zhengye felt that the slender long needle penetrated into his body. The cold air from the needle almost coagulated his blood. Hearing that the masked man actually used the word luck to describe his situation, he really cried. Anyone can find such luck. Don't find yourself. In fact, they left this luck to themselves.

The ice needle was less than a centimeter long on Takenao Masano's chest. The masked man suddenly handed it forward, and the ice needle completely disappeared in Takenao Masano's body. A copper-sized gray plaque was left on the skin of the chest.

The masked man reached out to untie Masano's dumb hole, and moved the short knife in his hand to the position of the gray plaque on his chest. The blade pressed down slightly, and Takeo Masano couldn't feel any pain. It seemed that this piece of skin was numb.

Masked man: "I'll give you a warning not to stay in Jiangcheng and continue to work."

Takeno's eyes were wide open. He seemed to realize something and whispered, "You... are..."

The masked man said coldly, "It doesn't matter who I am. You just need to keep it in mind. Now your life and death are in my hands, and I will let you live. You can live, I let you die, and you will never see the sun tomorrow morning. After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and slapped Takenao Masano twice. After that, he inserted the sharp knife into the head of the bed, and then turned around and left Takenao Masano's room from the window.

until 9:00 a.m. the next day. Wuzhi Zhengye's restrained acupuncture point was automatically untied. Looking at the sharp knife flashing with cold light at the head of the bed, Wuzhi Zhengye shuddered, and he slowly sat up. He touched his chest, and the place where his chest was pierced into the compass was still cold. He looked down and saw that the skin on his chest was pale, as if he had white spots.

Take Nao Masano came to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. The two slapped by the masked man last night were still hot and painful, his cheeks were high and swollen, and the finger marks were clearly visible. Wu Nao Masano suddenly burst into a beast-like roar, punched the mirror, smashing the mirror The fragments of the glass were cut, and the blood kept dripping.

Because this incident involved both Japan and Taiwan, Jiangcheng police responded quickly. After preliminary investigation, they initially determined that the eight Japanese who died were professional killers. They were the real culprits of Zixia's arson and murder. As for the disappearance of Qiu Fengxian, Jiangcheng mobilized almost all the police, but they were far away from Qiu Twelve hours have passed since Fengxian disappeared, but no clues have been found. This case has been initially designated as kidnapping, but what is the motive for the other party's kidnapping? Until now, no one has taken the initiative to contact the Qiu family.

For Qiu Zuodong's family, this period of time can be said to be like a year. Qiu Zuodong did not tell his father the news of Qiu Fengxian's disappearance, and asked Cha Jinbei to tell a lie. He only said that Xingdiao had something to do at the last minute and asked Qiu Fengxian to rush back to deal with Although the old man is old, his brain is not confused. It is difficult to hide this far-fetched reason.

In the morning, Zhang Yang came to visit the place where Qiu's family checked in. He saw Qiu Zuodong sitting at the round table in the courtyard and was stunned. Zhang Yang came to his side and coughed gently.

Qiu Zuodong just came to his senses, looked at Zhang Yang, sighed and said, "You're here!"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you have any news?"

Qiu Zuodong turned around and looked at the small building, and then shook his head and said, "No, no one has contacted me so far. Even if it is kidnapped, they will have a purpose and put forward their conditions."

Zhang Guanren looked at him sympathetically.

Qiu Zuodong said, "I only have one daughter. No matter what the conditions are, I will agree as long as they propose it."

If Zhang Yangxin said this sentence, it would be troublesome for the kidnappers to listen to it. He whispered, "How about Mr. Qiu?"

Qiu Zuodong said, "I haven't got up. I think he hasn't slept well all night. Although we have made an appointment to hide it from him and asked Cha Jinbei to temporarily transfer Fengxian to the capital to deal with some urgent matters. I'm afraid he may not believe it."

Zhang Yang said, "Maybe he has known it for a long time, but he just doesn't want to make it clear and increase your psychological pressure."

Qiu Zuodong nodded and said, "I wanted to persuade him to go back to Taiwan first, but he refused."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm afraid he won't leave if he can't see Miss Qiu come back safely."

Qiu Zuodong sighed and said, "It's been twelve hours, and there has been no news so far. What on earth do they want to do?" ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to the starting point (qidian.) Vote for recommendation and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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