Medical official path

Chapter 1224 Amateur Translation in

And Yuan said, "What's wrong with you and Bernie?"

Andavin said, "Nothing, just..."

Andeyuan said, "Did she find out when she was playing outside?"

Andavin didn't say anything, which is a default in a sense.

An Deyuan smiled and said, "It's a very common thing for men to be romantic outside. It's a vain thing for young people to be romantic. I was not the same when I was young. Lao Liang took this matter too seriously."

Andavin knew his father's temperament, and he said awkwardly, "Dad, I'm sorry, I'm upset you about this."

And Yuan said, "There's nothing to be upset about. That's what our An family is like. We do what we want and dare to do what we want! Your grandfather wanted to be a good man all his life, but the Hong Kong Royal Police always regarded him as a bad man and stared at him for decades. Your uncle finally became an inspector, but later he was also investigated and removed by the ICAC. Obviously, it was black. Why must he be forced to turn white? Ande Yuan shook his head: "I can't figure it out!"

Andavin whispered, "Dad, times have changed!"

And Yuan nodded and said, "I know, I'm old, and my mind and vision can't keep up with this era."

Andawen said, "Dad, you don't have to worry about my affairs. I have the ability to deal with my own affairs, anything."

An Deyuan squeezed his lips and patted his son on the shoulder gently: "Liang's daughter, forget it if you don't like it. Our An family is not short of money. There is no need to force this in-laws."

Andawen said, "Dad, aren't you busy helping Uncle Hong run for election? Don't worry about what's going on here."

Andeyuan said, "It's very strange to talk about this. Recently, a huge amount of sponsorship has been credited into the campaign fund account."

Andavin was slightly stunned: "How much is it?"

Andeyuan said, "Ten million dollars! It's really strange that someone is so generous and has donated such a large amount of money, but he is still anonymous.

Andavin closed his eyes and thought hard. He suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, "It's not good!"

Andeyuan was shocked by his son's sudden reaction: "What's wrong?"

Andavin said, "Dad, do you still remember what happened to the Qiu family two days ago?"

And Yuan frowned and said, "The Qiu family was assassinated in Qingtai Mountain? And then Qiu Fengxian, the only daughter of Qiu Zuodong, was kidnapped?

Andawen nodded and said, "Qiu Fengxian has always been like a stone sinking into the sea without any news."

Andeyuan said, "Do these things have anything to do with you?"

Andavin shook his head and said, "In the eyes of outsiders, our An family supports Hong Enzheng's election. Qiu Zuodong and we belong to different camps, and our relationship is the same. If something happens to the Qiu family, we will benefit the most."

And Yuan whispered, "You mean, someone wants us to take the blame!"

Andawen said, "Dad, let someone find out the source of this 10 million dollars immediately. Be sure to deal with it carefully."

Qiu Fengxian came back safe and sound. Zhang Yang still got the news from Cha Jinbei. Nearly half a month after his disappearance, Qiu Fengxian was released by the kidnappers. She has been hidden in Jiangcheng. On the one hand, the intensive search by the local police made the kidnappers unable to move smoothly. Another reason is probably that the The place was safer, so they simply hid hostages under the eyes of the Jiangcheng police. In the past half month, Qiu Fengxian had not been abused or violated. After finding her, the police conducted a comprehensive physical examination for her and concluded that everything was normal, and Qiu Fengxian had nothing to do with the identity of the kidnappers. The most important thing she knew was that the kidnapper extorted 10 million dollars. The fundamental reason why she was able to be released safely was that her family took out the ransom.

The day after Qiu Fengxian returned to the capital, Cha Jinbei drank wine for her, and Zhang's official in the capital was also invited.

All the people who arrived that day were acquaintances, Cha Wei, Jiang Guangya and Qiu Qiming. Qiu Fengxian is the protagonist. Although he has experienced half a month of being tied up, it seems that Qiu Fengxian is still as bright as before, and his face and temperament have not been affected at all.

Zhang Yang came to the Golden Palace, saw Qiu Fengxian, and took the initiative to open his arms to give her a warm hug: "Welcome back safely!"

Several people laughed, and Cha Wei said, "Take the opportunity to take advantage of others!"

Zhang Daguan let go of Qiu Fengxian and said with a smile, "I've been worried for half a month. Miss Qiu is so beautiful. When she meets the kidnappers, I'm afraid that the sheep will enter the tiger's mouth and it's hard to go back."

Qiu Fengxian smiled and said, "It's as if she can't wait for me to come back."

Zhang Yang sat down, and Cha Wei reserved a seat for him. Of course, the other side had been sat down by Qiu Qiming, who was not interesting.

Zhang Yang sat down on Cha Wei's left hand side.

Zha Jinbei said: "I invite you here today to suppress the fright of Fengxian. I hope that from now on, Fengxian will live a safe life without illness or disaster." He raised the glass in his hand, and everyone responded together.

Zhang Yang put down his glass and said, "Miss Qiu, where have you been caught in the past half month?"

Qiu Fengxian said, "I'm not sure. I just know that in the middle of eating that day, I went to the bathroom and met a woman. She took out a tube of things and sprayed at me. After inhaling the gas, I suddenly turned around and lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was locked in an empty factory."

Cha Wei said, "These kidnappers are really abominable!"

Qiu Fengxian said, "There are three of them, two men and one woman. Except for delivering meals to me regularly, they rarely come here. A few days ago, they suddenly disappeared. I was hungry for a day and a night, and then the police came to me. It was the address they provided."

Jiang Guangya said, "In this way, these kidnappers still have some conscience."

Qiu Qiming said angrily, "What conscience do the kidnappers have? If we hadn't taken out 10 million dollars, they wouldn't know what despicable means to use."

Mr. Zhang has never seen this person. He smiled and said, "Does Mr. Qiu feel sorry for this ten million dollars?"

Qiu Qiming angrily said, "What are you talking about?"

Zha Jinbei saw that the two were in a bad relationship and hurriedly said, "Money is something outside the body. The most important thing for us is that Fengxian can return safely. Now it is a gift from God that she is safe and sound!"

Zhang Yang said, "This matter is still a little strange. These kidnappers are just looking for money. Why did the Qiu family offend someone at this time? Why are you attacked again and again?

Qiu Fengxian said, "I don't understand some things, but according to the current situation, the arson and assassination in Qingtai Mountain should not be the same group of people who kidnapped me this time."

Cha Jinbei: "It is not difficult to find the messenger behind the scenes. As long as you monitor the movement of the funds and see where they eventually flow, you can know who is the suspect."

Cha Wei nodded and said, "Ten million dollars is not a small amount. It can't disappear out of thin air."

Qiu Fengxian said, "Yes, the whereabouts of this money can definitely be found." She is quite confident about this performance.

Zha Jinbei Road: "I heard that some foreign businessmen have recently gone to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to protest against the unfair treatment at your place. You came to the capital this time to solve this matter, right?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Zha's news is always very well-informed."

Qiu Fengxian said, "Zhang Yang, this matter still has something to do with us. If it weren't to save us, you wouldn't have offended the Japanese."

Qiu Qiming said, "Sister, this seems to be a two-way street." In his heart, he doesn't think that Zhang Yang has helped the Qiu family. Until now, he feels that this series of troubles have been brought by Zhang Yang to the Qiu family. Many people are like this. If they hate a person, they will put all the blame on him. The conflict between Qiu Qiming and Zhang Yang began with Cha Wei, although Qiu Fengxian He and Cha Jinbei intended to promote their marriage, but it was a pity that King Xiang had a dream goddess, and Cha Wei didn't even bother to look at him.

When dealing with Zhang Yang, Cha Wei never let go of a joke on his expression, and often smiled because of his words. Qiu Qiming saw it in his eyes, and his heart was even more jealous.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Qiu is right. Even if I didn't take action in Zixia that day, you would be fine. The conflict between me and the Japanese has a long history, and it was not caused by that night."

Qiu Fengxian understood that if Zhang Yang stood by and watched in Zixia that day, then even if someone in the Qiu family was lucky to escape, they could not guarantee that they would all be safe and sound. Except for her cousin who was overwhelmed by jealousy, no one in the Qiu family denied this fact.

Qiu Fengxian said, "We are quite sorry about the matter of Zixiaguan. I discussed with my grandfather. Our Qiu family will bear all the losses of Zixiaguan. At present, we are arranging the reconstruction and will rebuild a larger Taoist temple on the original site of Zixiaguan."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I have communicated with Taoist priest Li about this matter. He is a person who is convinced of fate. The Taoist temple is not completely burned, and some people are willing to contribute to the reconstruction. If Miss Qiu's family has such a wish, it is better to discuss the use of the donation with the Taoist priest."

Qiu Fengxian nodded, and it was a little strange in his heart who had invested in the reconstruction so soon.

Since he walked into the room, Zhang Yang has been observing Qiu Fengxian all the time. He found that Qiu Fengxian was no different from the past. After experiencing the horror of kidnapping, it was indeed impossible for ordinary people to appear in front of everyone so quickly and calmly. Zhang Daguan has always had doubts about the kidnapping of Qiu Fengxian. I think she is not simple, and there may be something else in this kidnapping.

After dinner, Cha Jinbei invited everyone to play cards and chat together. Zhang Yang was not interested in this kind of thing and said that he still had something to do.

Zha Wei took the initiative to mention playing cards. Seeing that Zhang Yang was leaving, Cha Wei also said that she had an appointment in the afternoon. People with discerning eyes could see that her change was related to Zhang Yang. Although Qiu Qiming was angry, he could only help it. RS