Medical official path

Chapter 1226 Extraordinary Origin

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Xue doesn't seem to know much about some recent events. It is true that Yuanhe Group wants to withdraw capital from Binhai Fulong Port. They also proposed to claim a huge amount of money from us. Of course, I can't agree, so they came up with an idea to transfer the project of Fulong Port."

Xue Shilun is actually very clear about what Zhang Yang said, but he is also willing to listen to what Zhang Yang said. He smiled indifferently and said, "After all, the Japanese are Japanese. They don't know our national conditions. The local government does not nod and wants to transfer the project. It's a joke."

Zhang Yang said, "Hong Kong Dingtian Group is very interested and is ready to take over all the business of Yuanhe Group in China."

Xue Shilun said, "Liang Qiyou does have this ability, and he also has this relationship. If he says that he will move the high-level to come forward, you are afraid to give him this face." Xue Shilun has rich experience and knows a lot about it.

Zhang Yang said, "I also had a headache. As you said, Liang Qiyou has a wide relationship in China, and he even has a close relationship with my immediate boss."

Xue Shilun said, "Anything in China needs a relationship. As long as there is a relationship, nothing is impossible."

Zhang Yang said, "But the exhibition of things has turned around..." At this point, he deliberately paused for a moment, and it was obvious that he was selling the question.

Xue Shilun's patience is very good. Zhang Yang didn't say anything, and he didn't take the initiative to ask.

Zhang Guanren took out the treasured photos of Andawen and Masami Yamano and handed them to Xue Shilun.

Zhang Bijun's death gave Zhang Yang an important message. Andawen had two hearts for Xue Shilun for a long time. Even if this group of people cooperated, they came together because of their interests and had different aspirations. Although Xue Shilun was powerful. But he may not know everything about Andavin like the back of his hand.

The purpose of Zhang Yang taking out this photo is to test Xue Shilun's recognition of Masami Yamano.

After Xue Shilun saw the photo, his eyes were obviously cold, but his expression soon calmed down and whispered, "So that's it."

Zhang Yang said, "Liang Bernie revealed the fact that Andavin was hiding in the golden house outside, so she insisted on divorce and has returned to Hong Kong to find a lawyer to handle relevant matters."

Xue Shilun said, "Liang Qiyou is not a fool. Of course, he will not contribute to a person who betrays his daughter."

Zhang Yang said, "Liang Qiyou may not know about this at present, but Liang Boni insists on divorce, although Andawen is reluctant. This matter is also irreparable.

Xue Shilun said, "Where did you get this photo from?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Everyone has some secrets."

Xue Shilun sighed, looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Zhang Yang, although you don't say it, I know that you are very wary of me in your heart!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What's the matter!"

Xue Shilun said, "I know what the outside world says about me. I don't care!" At this time, the dark clouds in the sky went back. Shrouded the sky above, the atmosphere in the glass house became depressing and low.

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Xue, what do you think is the real meaning of life?"

Xue Shilun was stopped by him. He thought for a moment and asked, "What do you think?"

Zhang Yang said, "I think it's the meaning of my life to make myself happy and the people around me happy. I don't have any lofty ambitions. There is no ambition.

Xue Shilun said, "When you reach my age, there are very few happy things in your life."

"The more things you experience, the more difficult it is to be happy and think about more things. The less happy you will be."

Xue Shilun smiled and said, "Maybe a person's life is destined by heaven."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't believe it!"

A flash of lightning flashed through the air, and the sultry thunder seemed to roll over their heads.

After looking at each other for a while, Xue Shilun laughed. He sighed, "I have to admit that I am old. Today's world is already your young people's.

Zhang Yang said, "People always want to possess the world, but in fact, anyone is just a passer-by in the world. No matter how brilliant he can live, it is destined to be only short-lived. It will only appear when he leaves. In fact, he has not changed anything. The world is still that world.

Zhang Yang's words made Xue Shilun think deeply. He was surprised that the cynical Zhang Yang could say such deep words.

The rain fell again, the soybean-sized raindrops hit the glass roof, and the world around it became hazy.

Leaving Fengyuan Villa, Zhang Yang went to Tsinghua Garden in the rain and found Chen Xue in the university library. Chen Xue sat in the corner reading a thick book of historical materials.

Zhang Yang sat down beside her. In fact, Chen Xue had already noticed his arrival as early as he entered the gate. Chen Xue's life and death seal was already small, and his body became more and more sensitive.

Chen Xue will always have calmness and calmness beyond the reach of ordinary people. Such a temperament should not belong to her age.

Zhang Daguan had hoped that his arrival would bring her some surprises. It could be seen that Chen Xue immediately understood that it was difficult to really touch her heartstrings.

Chen Xuehe, the previous historical materials above, whispered, "I didn't tell you, don't come to me at school."

Zhang Daguan said with a hippie smile, "Are you afraid that others will say I'm your boyfriend? Well, in fact, my appearance is not a disgrace to you, is it?

Chen Xue said, "What's wrong with your nose?"

The nose of Zhang's official who was attacked by Cha Wei is still a little red and swollen. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it, but Chen Xue, a girl with a little observation, appeared at a glance.

Zhang Guanren coughed awkwardly and said, "Well... I drank too much yesterday and accidentally bumped into the glass door." It also sounds like a reasonable explanation.

Chen Xue obviously didn't care about the reason and whispered, "This is not the place to talk. Go out and talk!"

Zhang Daguan can't ask for it. Talking with this cold and gorgeous school beauty is bound to become the target of many students. Zhang Daguan has shown the jealous expressions of countless boys in the library. This is also the psychology of normal people. Beauty belongs to our school, and we can't be soaked away by others for nothing!

Chen Xue followed Zhang Yang to the black Mercedes-Benz in Pinghai's office in Beijing. Her long black eyelashes flashed and whispered, "Don't go to the Sanbao Hall if you have anything to do. You must have something very important to come to me, right?"

Zhang Yang said, "I saw Liu Danchen yesterday!"

Chen Xue's beautiful eyes showed the light of concern.

Zhang Yang said, "At that time, the poison in my body was caused by her, and then I had a sharp pain in the back of my head, like a needle prick."

Chen Xue stretched out her hand, held Zhang Yang's pulse, and explored his pulse. About three minutes later, she let go of his wrist and whispered, "The life and death charm I planted in your body in advance has indeed done something. As you said, Liu Danchen is most likely the person who planted deeds in your body.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm thinking about whether to give back to him in his way?"

Chen Xue said, "This is a good way. Since she can be in your body, we can treat her in the same way and force her to hand over the antidote."

The unbearable look flashed in Zhang's eyes. He has always been compassionate to women.

Chen Xue said, "Although I use the life-and-death charm to suppress the poison in your body, it is not a long-term solution after all. The longer it takes, the greater the damage to your body. The sooner you get the antidote and relieve the poison in your body, the better it will be for you.

Zhang Yang said, "I really can't figure it out. Why did she do it to me?"

Chen Xue said, "Maybe it's being instructed, or maybe it's because of love!"

Zhang Guanren shook his head and said, "The latter is impossible. I have no feelings for her at all."

Chen Xue said, "I'll accompany you to find her!" Chen Xue made such a decision because she was worried that Zhang Yang had made a mistake. Although Zhang Yang has excellent martial arts skills, he is not facing an open opponent this time. All kinds of signs indicate that Liu Danchen is likely to be the person in his body. Zhang Yang has many variables in the face of Liu Danchen.

Although the rain does not stop, the Liyuan Grand Theatre is still full of people, and the Bi Gongyuan, starring Liu Danchen in the Peking Opera, is being staged.

Zhang Yang and Chen Xue also bought tickets and came to the scene. They came a little late, and the rest of the seats were in remote places.

Once Liu Danchen was on the stage, he immediately radiated with dazzling brilliance, which was completely different from the haggard depression that Zhang Yang had seen a few days ago. Singing and playing, all of them showed her first-class talent for Peking Opera. The cheers at the scene were endless. The two-hour performance was never cold, and the applause was thunderous at the end. Feeling the enthusiasm of the audience, Liu Danchen had to come out for the curtain call three times.

The dressing room was already full of flowers and flower baskets. Liu Danchen didn't look at it and began to remove her makeup in front of the mirror. Originally, there was a celebration banquet in the Beijing Theater in the evening. Liu Danchen was not interested. She excused herself that she had something to do and left first.

Liu Danchen left from the small door of the Grand Theatre, walked on the main road, and was ready to take a taxi home.

Zhang Guanren leaned over in a Mercedes-Benz, but before he came to Liu Danchen, he saw that a black Land Rover had parked in front of Liu Danchen. The door opened, and a tall man appeared in front of Liu Danchen with a bouquet of roses in his hand and a smile on his face. Zhang Yang was not familiar with this person, This man's style should have an extraordinary identity.

Liu Danchen frowned and obviously did not accept his intention to present flowers. He turned around and walked in the direction of Zhang Yang. The man said, "Miss Liu, let's have supper together!"

Liu Danchen did not intend to talk to him, but when she turned around and took a few steps, she was seeing the Mercedes-Benz behind her. With the light of the street lamp, she saw the publicity in the car, and her beautiful eyes suddenly rolled round.

Zhang Yang said to Chen Xue, who was beside him, "It's broken, she showed it!"

Liu Danchen stopped, turned around again, took the flowers in the man's hand, sniffed them in front of his nose, and whispered, "Thank you, Mr. Fu." To be continued)

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