Medical official path

Chapter 1249 Difficult to level in

He and Zhao Guoqiang returned to the office and saw more and more reporters gathered at the door from the window. Yu Qianghua couldn't help but have a headache. He complained, "What on earth does Wen Haonan sing? He can't kill his brothers. Why bother to go to the wind and rainy streets of the city?"

Zhao Guoqiang sighed, "What a hatred! However, Wen Haonan did not agree with Vice Premier Wen and his wife.

Yu Qianghua said, "You can't show off your family's ugliness. Wen Haonan's move is not beautiful."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Maybe he forced his family to draw a clear line with Zhang Yang in this way."

After Luo Huining learned that her son had officially called the police, her disappointment was more than anger. When Wen Haonan went home, she called her mother, but Luo Huining turned around and returned to her room as if she didn't hear it. She expressed her dissatisfaction and anger towards her son in this way.

Wen Haonan had considered the possible consequences before doing this. He did not follow his mother, but came to his sister Wen Ling's side and sat down: "Sister, when did you come back?"

Wen Ling looked at him and said, "What did you do? Do you make your mother so angry?"

Wen Haonan sighed and said, "It's not because of Zhang Yang. The matter of planting bombs in my car has been found out. He planned everything!"

Wen Ling said, "Mom doesn't want you to be mutilated!"

Wen Haonan sneered and said, "What kind of slap in me and him? I only have one sister in the world. When did I have this younger brother?

At this time, his mobile phone rang. Wen Haonan answered the phone, but his father Wen Guoquan called.

Wen Guoquan is on a foreign trip. At this time, there must be something important when he calls back. Wen Haonan guessed that this matter must have something to do with Zhang Yang. It should be his mother who told him what happened.

Wen Guoquan did not get angry or say anything to blame his son. He said in a low voice, "Cancel all accusations against publicity immediately and don't be used by people with intentions."

Wen Haonan did not argue, and it was futile for him to argue in front of his father. He only used silence to express his objections.

Although Wen Guoquan can't see his son's appearance, he can also figure out his son's psychology and whispered, "Family harmony and everything is prosperous. You should understand this simple truth." In fact, what Wen Guoquan really wants to say is that the ugliness of his family should not be exposed. Whether it is Zhang Yang's use of car bombs to intimidate his son, or his son's retaliation action now, it gives him a headache. None of these two boys is worry-free. Wen Guoquan said, "I

Wen Haonan heard a busy sound on the other end of the phone, so he slowly put down his mobile phone.

Wen Ling said, "Is it Dad's phone?"

Wen Haonan nodded and whispered, "He asked me to let Zhang Yang go!"

Wen Ling said, "Is he really going to blow you up? Why?"

Wen Haonan gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Mengmeng, he doesn't want me to be with Qin Mengmeng."

Wen Ling said, "A woman should not be."

Wen Haonan said, "I won't let him go!"

At this time, Luo Huining came out of the room, came to the middle of the stairs, stopped, and looked coldly at Wen Haonan. It was the first time that Wen Haonan saw such a strange look from his mother's eyes.

Luo Huining said, "If you don't give up pursuing this matter, I will never have you as a son again!"

Wen Haonan nodded, and endless sadness appeared in his heart. His mother actually wanted to break off the relationship with him in order to show his god son. He didn't say anything and turned around and walked outside, leaving his mother a stubborn and unyielding back.

When Luo Huining heard the sound of cars outside, she suddenly felt dizzy. Her legs softened and knelt down on the stairs.

Wen Ling found in time that before her mother's forehead hit the stairs, an arrow rushed over, blocked her at an amazing speed, and held her mother's body with arms.

When Luo Huining woke up, she found herself lying on the sofa. Wen Ling sat next to her to accompany her. She sat up and pinched her eyebrows: "What's wrong with me?"

Wen Ling said, "It's okay. The doctor just showed it to you. He said it was hypoglycemia. Just take a break."

Luo Huining said, "Is he gone?"

Wen Ling said, "Haonan doesn't know about your fainting."

"Don't tell him, don't tell anyone!"

Wen Ling said, "Mom, I'll pour you a glass of water."

Luo Huining grabbed her palm and said, "Xiaoling, don't go anywhere, just sit here with me."

Wen Ling's skin was very cold. Luo Huining couldn't help worrying and said, "The weather is getting colder and colder. Why are you still dressed so thinly?"

Wen Ling said, "I don't feel cold. That's good."

Luo Huining sighed and said, "Suddenly, I found that I care too little about you and Haonan."

Wen Ling said, "It's a great kindness for our parents to raise us to be human beings."

Luo Huining said, "Sometimes, I really want our family to live a plain life, because of your father, you have been living in the attention of others since you were young, and these concerns are also a kind of pressure for you."

Wen Ling said, "Mom, don't think too much. You'd better have a good rest."

Luo Huining said, "I often think that if I hadn't interfered in your love life at the beginning, maybe you would be much happier now."

Wen Ling felt that her mother's hand was getting tighter and tighter. She said softly, "After so long, I forgot everything. I found that living alone is more suitable for me."

Luo Huining said, "A lot of things are reluctant..."

Wen Haonan didn't expect that Qin Mengmeng would take the initiative to call him.

If it hadn't been for Zhang Yang's detention by the police, Qin Mengmeng would never have called Wen Haonan. Hearing the news that Zhang Yang was detained by the Xijing Branch, Qin Mengmeng suddenly messed up. She secretly called Wen Haonan.

Wen Haonan was even more jealous when he heard that she wanted to publicize things, but Wen Haonan did not show up on the phone, but said indifferently, "Let's talk about it later."

Qin Mengmeng asked for something and had to agree to his request to meet.

Qin Mengmeng did not go far, but waited for him in Xiangshan courtyard. Wen Haonan drove to the door of the courtyard and did not go in, but honked the car horn and let Qin Mengmeng come out to see him.

Wen Haonan believes that he has fully taken the initiative in this matter.

Chen Xue does not agree with Qin Mengmeng's pleading with him. Although she knows little about Wen Haonan, she has been disgusted with Wen Haonan for a limited number of times she has come into contact with.

Qin Mengmeng said to Chen Xue before going out, "Don't worry, he dares not do anything to me."

Chen Xue nodded and said, "Don't go far. Call me if you need anything!"

Qin Mengmeng smiled gently, shook Chen Xue's slender hand, and walked out of the door.

Wen Haonan stood in front of the off-road vehicle. After the rain, the sky was clear and clear, the trees and mountains, and all the scenery in front of him became particularly bright.

Qin Mengmeng wore a black windbreaker, with a slender waist, and slowly walked to Wen Haonan.

Wen Haonan said, "It seems that you are willing to have a good talk with me this time."

Qin Mengmeng looked at Wen Haonan with bright and clear eyes and whispered, "Go in and talk or in the car?"

Wen Haonan pointed to the stone steps hidden in the woods in front of him: "Walk around."

Qin Mengmeng's eyes showed some hesitation.

Wen Haonan smiled and said, "Don't be so vigilant, I'm a policeman!"

Qin Mengmeng said, "Good and evil have nothing to do with people's identity!" She walked to the stone steps first.

Wen Haonan followed her. His stride was very large, and soon caught up with Qin Mengmeng: "Are you looking for me this time to show off?"

Qin Mengmeng said, "Yes, I want you to let Zhang Yang go!"

Wen Haonan said, "If a person wants to kill you, will you forgive him for no reason?" He paused for a moment and said, "Give me a reason."

Qin Mengmeng said, "After all, you are brothers."

Wen Haonan interrupted her coldly and said, "We don't have any blood relationship."

Qin Mengmeng said, "Why do you hate him so much?"

Wen Haonan said, "The reason why I came here is not to satisfy your curiosity, but that I have a question to ask you."

Qin Mengmeng stopped, raised her head and looked at Wen Haonan's eyes without fear.

Wen Haonan said, "Why did you kill Qin Zhendong?"

Qin Mengmeng was shocked. She bit her lips hard, and her cute face turned white in an instant.

Wen Haonan said, "After all, you are brothers and sisters. What kind of hatred prompted you to pick up a gun and kill him?"

The last thing Qin Mengmeng wants to think of is everything about Qin Zhendong. From Wen Haonan's eyes, she saw the madness hidden in it. She suddenly understood that Wen Haonan was using this way to revenge on herself.

The deeper the love, the deeper the hatred.

Qin Mengmeng said, "I didn't kill him!"

Wen Haonan said, "I found that you and Zhang Yang really have the same place. They also want to murder their own brothers. They also dare not admit it, but you have succeeded."

Qin Mengmeng said angrily, "Shold up, Wen Haonan, if you hate me, then you just come at me. Why are you angry with Zhang Yang and angry with someone who has helped you? You are simply a revenge!"

Wen Haonan sneered and said, "Will you take revenge? What has he done for me? Is it worth my gratitude to him? I heard that he saved your son. Did you fall in love with him because of this?

Qin Mengmeng shook her head vigorously.

Wen Haonan said, "I know that they entrusted Zhang Yang to investigate that you had an illegitimate child. They wanted to use this matter to make me retreat and destroy the feelings between us."

Qin Mengmeng said, "Wen Haonan, we have never started, and we are not even ordinary friends! If my family hadn't forced me, I wouldn't have met you. You don't understand that I'm not worthy of you at all. I have self-knowledge. So many years have passed. Why are you still obsessed?

Wen Haonan said: "I'm obsessed? Do you all think I'm easy to deceive and think everything can be hidden from my eyes? He shook his head: "I know why you killed Qin Zhendong, because Qin Huan is simply you and his son!"

"Sit, shut up!" Qin Mengmeng seemed to have been stabbed into her heart with a knife. Her heart was bleeding. Looking at Wen Haonan in front of her, she just found the cruelty and coldness of this person. RS