Medical official path

Chapter 1257 Reputation

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Dad, you don't know her!"

Zhao Yongfu still didn't say anything or even look at his son.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Have you never doubted where her funds came from? Haven't you paid attention to the nature of the industry she has been engaged in over the years?

Zhao Yongfu said, "Over the years, I have devoted most of my energy to work, so I have ignored many people and things around me." He looked at his son: "I'm sorry for your mother. I didn't fulfill the responsibility of a husband and a father." It was very difficult for him to say this, and it took a lot of courage to admit his mistake in front of his son.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Dad, we are father and son, and there is no need to apologize between us!"

Zhao Yongfu said, "Today, he came to talk to me and asked me about the things between you and Aunt Geng over the years. They suspected that there was still an economic entanglement between me and her."

Zhao Guoqiang looked at his father quietly.

Zhao Yongfu said, "I have a clear conscience in this regard! I have never used my power to create any convenience for her.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "I believe in you!"

"Thank you!" When Zhao Yongfu said this, there was a bitter smile on the corners of his lips. He clenched his fists on the rattan chair: "When your mother was seriously ill, I knew her. At that time, she was completely different from now. The reason why she became like this is entirely because of me..."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Dad, some responsibilities should not have been borne by you."

Zhao Yongfu squeezed his lips and said with difficulty, "I know what you are doubting, and I understand your real intention to investigate her."

Zhao Guoqiang did not hide from his father. He nodded and said, "There is no shortage of love and hate in this world."

"She won't do this. She has always liked Guoliang very much. It's impossible to attack Guoliang!" Zhao Yongfu still didn't believe that Geng Qianqiu would attack his son.

Zhao Guoqiang stared at his father: "Dad, you don't need to convince anyone!"

Zhao Yongfu closed his eyes in pain. Of course, he understood what his son meant. Guoqiang was saying that he wanted him to convince himself first. Zhao Yongfu whispered, "You found her induced labor record... It has something to do with me!"

Zhao Guoqiang was not shocked, but felt embarrassed, because he had already guessed that he was humiliated by his father's behavior, but as a son of man, he could not blame his father, but could only repay his disappointed eyes. This was the disappointment that his father's glorious image collapsed in his heart.

Zhao Yongfu's hands firmly grasped the armrest of the rattan chair: "Your mother's health has been very bad in the years before she left. We often quarreled and there were cracks in our relationship."

Zhao Guoqiang nodded. Of course, he remembered that two years before his mother's death, his parents often quarreled with each other. Later, when he fell into a cold war, he did not blame his father, because he knew that his mother's bad temper, and almost every war was provoked by her. He still remembered that his mother took his hand Tears told him to take care of his brother and be kind to his father.

Zhao Yongfu said, "After knowing Geng Qianqiu, I found some comfort in her. At that time, she was very gentle and understanding."

Zhao Guoqiang didn't want to hear his father praise her too much. He said indifferently, "Everyone's understanding is different."

Zhao Yongfu said, "I did something wrong. I took her as a safe haven. I thought I had found happiness, but the so-called happiness is short-lived." He took a sip of tea, held a cup in his hands, lowered his head, and did not look directly at his son's eyes. At this time, Zhao Yongfu lost his old aura and was like a criminal who bowed his head and admitted his mistake in front of his son.

Zhao Guoqiang has guessed the result, but he is still willing to listen to his father say it himself.

Zhao Yongfu said, "Soon after, she was pregnant, and she didn't tell me immediately. It was not until it could be seen on the surface that she confessed everything to me. At that time, your mother was in the hospital. She asked me to choose between the family and her. We had a conflict for the first time. In the dispute, I accidentally pushed her to the ground. Zhao Yongfu closed his eyes tightly, and the expression on his face was extremely regretful.

Zhao Guoqiang whispered, "So, you caused her inducing labor, and my mother passed away soon."

Zhao Yongfu said sadly, "I'm guilty. I'm sorry to any of you."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Is the death of my mother ** related to this matter?"

Zhao Yongfu bit his lip and looked at his son. He saw the anger in his son's eyes. Zhao Yongfu said, "Guo Qiang, these things have been tormenting me all the time."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "All the past things are over. We can't change anything, but there is one thing that I must investigate to the end. I want to ask for justice for the country!"

Zhao Yongfu said, "National strength, someone wants to use Geng Qianqiu's things to drag me into the water. I'm not afraid of what kind of retribution I will suffer. I'm just worried that it will affect you.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "You are my father. No matter what happens, I will carry it with you."

"The country is strong!" Zhao Yongfu was moved by his son's words.

Zhao Guoqiang got up and patted his father on the shoulder: "Dad, go to rest. Don't think too much. There will always be a solution to the problem."

Zhao Guoqiang went to his grandfather's house that night. His grandfather Jiang Dayang was the former vice premier. Zhao Guoqiang came here to think of his grandfather to resolve the current dilemma his father.

When Jiang Guangya saw his cousin coming, he quickly greeted him: "Brother Guoqiang!"

Zhao Guoqiang nodded and said, "Is Grandpa there?"

Jiang Guangya looked upstairs, quietly pulled Zhao Guoqiang aside, and whispered, "Grandpa is in a bad mood today. I think you'd better find him another day."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "No, I have to see him today."

Jiang Guangya said, "When I was having dinner just now, my father was scolded by him for no reason. I also saw that the situation was not right and came out for a walk. Brother Guoqiang, why don't I accompany you out for a drink?"

Zhao Guoqiang shook his head and said, "I'm going to see him!"

Mr. Jiang is sitting alone in the bedroom, with his back to the gate. He hasn't recovered since he had a stroke three years ago, and now he needs to rely on a wheelchair.

The door was not closed. Zhao Guoqiang knocked on the door: "Unchy!"

Mr. Jiang didn't say anything and still looked ahead, but the window was completely blocked by the curtains, and he could not see outside.

Zhao Guoqiang shouted carefully again.

Mr. Jiang just hummed.

Hearing Grandpa's response to him, Zhao Guoqiang came to him confidently and boldly. He bowed down and leaned close to his left ear and said, "Dai, it's me!"

Mr. Jiang's eyelids turned over: "I'm not old enough not to even know my grandchildren!"

Zhao Guoqiang smiled. He knew that Grandpa was a very serious person. In his impression, the old man rarely smiled: "Grandpa, who are you angry with sitting here alone?"

Zhao Guoqiang is not a person who is good at words. In eloquence, he is far inferior to his younger brother Zhao Guoliang, who died young. In fact, among their group of young people, the old man's favorite is Zhao Guoliang, who can speak well. Thinking of the tragic death of his brother, Zhao Guoqiang felt a faint pain in his heart.

Mr. Jiang said, "I'm not angry. Even if I'm angry, who cares? I'm so old that I can't even walk on the road.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Union, I'm going back tomorrow. I'm here to say goodbye to you today."

"Is it just to say goodbye to me?" Mr. Jiang turned around and looked up at his grandson. His eyes became more and more eye-catching under the grinding of the years, as if they could directly penetrate the depths of other people's hearts.

Zhao Guoqiang lowered his head, and he didn't dare to look directly at his grandfather.

Mr. Jiang said, "Did you come here for your father?"

Zhao Guoqiang's throat knot moved, but he still didn't open his mouth, because he didn't know how to speak out.

Mr. Jiang sighed, and his voice was full of sadness: "Your mother has been gone for more than ten years. Why can't you stop a little? Why can't you let her sleep at ease?" What's wrong with our Jiang family? Why does he treat my daughter like this?

Zhao Guoqiang understood that the affair between his father and Geng Qianqiu had been exposed to the public with the development of the investigation, and even his grandfather had learned the truth of what happened in those years, but it should not be all. It was impossible for him to know that Geng Qianqiu had induced labor for his father. Otherwise, his grandfather's straightforward I will definitely not spare my father.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Daddy, my father regrets it..."

Mr. Jiang shook his head: "I regret that I can't make up for anything. I know what you want to say. Guoqiang, you are a good boy. Although your surname is Zhao, you have half of your body that belongs to our Jiang family. In my heart, no one cares you and Guoliang and Guangya! You are all my good grandchildren!"

"Dad!" Zhao Guoqiang bent his legs and knelt in front of the old man.

Mr. Jiang gently stroked the top of his head: "Guoqiang, I know you are filial. Grandpa wants to teach you one thing today. Men must be responsible for doing things. Whoever causes the trouble will bear it by himself. This time, it is the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate your father's style. I don't feel Fu has cheated for so many years. If the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection hadn't investigated him, I wouldn't have known that my daughter had died so wrongedly!"

Zhao Guoqiang said with tears in his eyes, "My grandfather, but my father has no financial problems."

"Is there any problem with his own business? If there is no problem, no one will wrong him!" Mr. Jiang withdrew his hand and turned the wheelchair towards the window for a distance.

Zhao Guoqiang is still kneeling there.

Mr. Jiang said, "Get up and help me tell your father that this time he is responsible for himself. From now on, he is not allowed to step into the threshold of our Jiang family again, and he is not allowed to go to my daughter's grave again!"

Send another update. If it hadn't been for this outbreak, the octopus would have almost forgotten the enthusiasm for writing. Have you forgotten the days when you rushed to the list with the doctor? My blood is hot. What about you? My outbreak is not to win anyone, not to prove anything, but to repay my brothers and sisters for four years of follow-up. I want to give the doctor a brilliant ending. Brothers and sisters, the octopus can still talk about youth crazy. Would you like to accompany me to be crazy once, hot blood once! Take out all our energy and see how far our medicine can go! I believe that as long as we work together, everything is possible! RS