Medical official path

Chapter 1258 The Road of No Return

Zhang Yang lacked trust in these Jianghu characters who came to contow. He reminded Andawen that it was not out of concern for him, but to let him strictly control this barrier, so as not to get into dangerous people. Andawen's life and death would not care.

Back to An Yuchen, when he saw that the old Taoist priest was still there, he couldn't help smiling. The old Taoist priest really loved his granddaughter.

An Yuchen saw him come back and greeted him: "Have you said that?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "He should know how to do it!"

An Yuchen said worriedly, "The kidnapper hasn't called until now."

Zhang Yang said, "In my opinion, it is very unlikely that they will kidnap their uncle here to hide. Maybe it's just a prank."

An Yuchen sighed and whispered, "Tomorrow is the day of my uncle's burial. I'd better stay for him tonight."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll accompany you!"

When the good night Yuchen was in the mourning hall, Zhang Yang sat outside the mourning hall, his eyes were not far from An Yuchen.

The old Taoist priest did not go back to sleep. In the name of Chaodu, he babbling in the mourning hall. He didn't want the An family to suffer bad luck again.

Since Andavin talked to Zhang Yang, he has also become much more cautious. He quietly let his confidants strictly investigate the guests who came to mourn and did not allow anyone to carry weapons. Judging from the preliminary situation, there should be no problem for the time being. Anda Wen is suspicious, and he began to suspect that what Zhang Yang said may not be the truth.

At one o'clock in the morning, An Yuchen continued the incense candle. Andawen said, "Sister, go back and have a rest. I can have it here."

An Yuchen saw that there were more than a dozen Jianghu figures accompanying Andawen. She was full of worry. When she saw that if she didn't go back to rest, Zhang Yang and the old Taoist priest were also there. She nodded and said, "Awen, I'll go back first. I'll come early tomorrow morning."

Andavin said, "Don't worry, it won't be buried until tomorrow evening!" Looking at An Yuchen and Zhang Yang following the old Taoist priest back to Zixia Temple. Andavin frowned and winked at his cronie Da Erdong. The two walked out of the mourning hall. Anda Wen pulled out a cigarette, and Da Erdong hurried forward to light it for him.

Andavin took a puff of cigarette, spit out a cloud of smoke, and whispered, "Have you found anything?"

Da Erdong said respectfully, "Brother Wen, we have issued a follow-up order. As long as we can provide Andeheng with a reward of 500,000 yuan for specific clues, we can kill him and give him a head reward of 5 million."

Andavin said coldly, "That means you haven't found any information about him at all?"

Da Erdong looked embarrassed: "An Deheng has been dead for so many years. Even if it was a fraud, no one has paid attention to his whereabouts for so many years. He has cut off all the connections in the past. I'm afraid it's not so easy to find him."

Andawen said, "A lot of people will come tomorrow. Whether what he said is true or not, we can't take it lightly."

Da Er Dong said, "Brother Wen, don't worry, I have temporarily transferred a lot of people here."

Anda Wen said, "This is the mainland, not Hong Kong. It's better not to be too high-profile. In case it attracts the attention of the police, it will add a lot of unnecessary trouble. In addition, many of the people who came this time are my father's friends. They are all shameless people in Taiwan. If we behave too Yes, it may arouse their disgust.

Big Ear host: "It's still Brother Wen's thoughtful."

Andawen said, "That cow's nose is very strange. Every time something happens to our An family, he is always very enthusiastic. When my grandfather died, he was also present. Before his death, he specially called him in to help me check his background and see what he has to do with our An's family."

Da Er Dong said, "The eavesdropping device has been arranged in the Zixia Temple in advance."

Andavin nodded with satisfaction and said, "My sister said that my uncle was kidnapped by the kidnappers and hid here in Qingtai Mountain."

Da Erdong whispered, "Brother Wen, I don't think this matter is that simple. He disappeared in Hong Kong. Even if he is kidnapped, he must pass through many customs if he wants to be transported to the mainland. Is the customs of the mainland all decorated? There is no record of a big living person being transported in?

Andawen said, "Maybe it's smuggling."

Da Erdong shook his head and said, "It's not like the past now. The mainland's sea inspectors are among the world's first-class level in terms of equipment and manpower. It's not so easy to smuggle. It's better to kill people and transport the ashes." After saying that, he realized that this sentence was a little disrespectful to Ande Ming, and he was so scared that he lowered his head: "Brother Wen, I just said it casually. Don't be surprised."

Andavin sighed and said, "If you were a robber, you wouldn't do such a stupid thing. In my opinion, my uncle is probably more and less auspicious."

Da Er Dong said, "Are these kidnappers really for money?"

Andawen said, "If you are a kidnapper, will you take this opportunity to be against my sister?"

Da Erdong was stunned, and he didn't understand the meaning of Andawen.

Andavin added, "If something really happens to my sister, it must be done by the kidnappers, don't you think so? No one will doubt me, right?

At this time, Da Erdong realized that he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Andawen actually wanted to take this opportunity to attack his cousin. The boss's heart was really dark!

Andawen said, "Tomorrow, the knife head and the hunter will come. You just need to cooperate with their actions." Andawen looked up at the direction of Zixiaguan. No matter whether the kidnapper appeared this time or not, he would not let Zhang Yang leave alive. As for An Yuchen, she may still live for a while. After all, the huge fortune left by her grandfather is still unknown. Thinking of Grandpa, Anda Wen couldn't help but hate it. The old man, it was himself who tried to turn the tide in order to settle down, but he actually

For An Yuchen, this is a sleepless night. In fact, she has had a bad rest recently. Zhang Yang felt sorry for her recent hard work and quietly lit her sleeping hole so that she could have a good rest.

He closed the door and came to the courtyard of Zixiaguan. The old Taoist priest was still standing outside. Seeing Zhang Yang coming out, he said with concern, "Have you slept yet?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I clicked her acupuncture point and let her sleep well for a while."

The old Taoist priest sighed and said, "This child's life is too hard."

Zhang Yang said, "I think Ande Ming is likely to be killed."

Li Xinyi looked up at the dark night sky. The clouds in the sky covered the moon and the stars. The old Taoist priest's heart was like a heavy haze. Li Xinyi whispered, "My eldest brother abandoned evil and followed the good. I recited the scriptures of my life in front of Lao Jun and did good all my life, Is it the sin of a family? If God wants to repay, why not repay us old guys, and why torture the descendants of the An family? When the old Taoist priest said this, he couldn't control the sadness in his heart and couldn't help bursting into tears.

Zhang Yang said, "Taoist priest, you don't have to be too sad. I believe that auspicious people have their own appearance, and God will never repay the little demon."

Li Xinyi said, "Zhang Yang, have you told her the string of numbers I told you about?"

Zhang Daguanren patted the back of the head and said, "Taoist priest, if you don't say it, I almost forgot it!"

The old Taoist priest couldn't help saying annoy, "You boy, how can you casually forget such an important thing that my eldest brother told me at the beginning?"

Zhang Yang said, "There have been too many things recently. How can the little demon be in the mood to listen to this this time? I'll tell her when I have time tomorrow." Speaking of this, he smiled and said, "Taoist priest, I think you should tell her all the truth and let Xiaoyao know that she has a grandfather in this world. She must be happy."

The old Taoist priest shook his head and said, "How can a monk miss these family feelings in the secular world? As long as she is safe, I have nothing else to ask for."

Zhang Yang said, "That boy Andavin is very scheming. You should always pay more attention to this boy. In the past two days, you have gone to the shed. In case he is suspicious of you, I'm afraid it will be a little trouble."

The old Taoist priest sighed and said, "How come Deyuan is also my nephew? I'm going to help with the super degree. Besides, it's normal for me to do this as a monk. What does he have to doubt?"

Zhang Yang said, "Your grandson, he can't be aboveboard, but conspiracy and trick is his strength. Come on, I won't move the trouble of your family in front of you. In short, you'd better be careful."

The old Taoist priest said, "Listen to people's advice to have enough to eat. At worst, I won't show up tomorrow."

An Yuchen slept soundly. When she woke up, it was already 9:00 a.m. the next day. After washing up, she hurried out, but saw Zhang Yang and the old Taoist priest drinking tea under the ginkgo tree. The little Taoist boy was not there, no one was cleaning, and the yard was full of ginkgo leaves.

An Yuchen couldn't help saying annoy, "Zhang Yang, why didn't you call me? It's nine o'clock."

Zhang Yang said, "At the foot of the mountain, there are a group of Jianghu figures saying goodbye to your third uncle. It doesn't work if you go there. It's better to have a good rest here."

An Yuchen said, "Where's my mobile phone?"

Zhang Yang will hand her the mobile phone she has collected: "No one called at all this night. The so-called kidnapper is probably a fake, and now he doesn't even dare to show his face."

An Yuchen said, "But this matter is not like a prank at all. Why did you trick me all the way here?"

The old Taoist priest said, "There are too many bad-hearted people in the world."

An Yuchen took over the mobile phone and looked through the mobile phone record. Sure enough, no one called last night. She couldn't help sighing. If the previous call from the kidnapper was fake, where did her father go? Is it dead or alive? When An Yuchen was melancholy, the phone suddenly rang again.

The official Zhang and the old Taoist priest looked at each other and thought that it would not be so coincidental. As soon as the mobile phone was given to her, the kidnapper called.

On the fourth day of rushing to the list, the octopus is exhausted. What should be said has been said. I don't know how to inspire everyone's enthusiasm. Maybe the length of 10 million has made most people ** retreat, but the octopus still wants to fight. I only want a symbolic monthly ticket, and it must be sent A monthly ticket can't change the ranking of the doctor, but it will convince the octopus that there will always be a reader behind me! Let me know that I am not alone on the way forward! RS