Medical official path

Chapter 1275 Stealing the Day

Ande Heng muttered, "It's impossible... It's impossible..."

Lifu said, "Zhang Bijun or her accomplices have been staring at you for more than a day. Long before our Guoan took action on you, she had already investigated everything about you clearly. Their original intention to do it was not because of hatred, but because An Zhiyuan's golden basin washed hands and cut off their way of money. In the past, Hong Kong has always been the biggest channel they used for money laundering. After An Zhiyuan withdrew, they had to find a new replacement. They had already been optimistic about you, but they didn't expect that An Lao would be so powerful and sweep you out of Hong Kong.

Andeheng roared, "You're lying to me!"

Liv said, "Why did I lie to you? You must know Wang Zhan. What is the purpose of his approach to you? In order to provoke the infighting of the An family, Wang Zhan is a multiple spy and one of Zhang Bijun's collaborators. Now you should understand, right?

An Deheng's face was pale, and his mood fell to the bottom in an instant. If everything Liv said was true, then he fell into other people's traps from the beginning. Every step he took was carefully planned by others. He killed his siblings, killed so many nephews, and even killed his relatives. After giving birth to his father and tearing up his family, An Deheng shook his head hard: "You lied to me, you must have lied to me!"

Liv said, "Is that necessary for you? You said that Qi Shan killed And Yuan. If it hadn't been for your instigation, how could Qi Shan have locked his brother's death on Anda Wen so quickly? Whether you take action directly or not, you killed Andeyuan. You killed your brother. You can't deny this fact!"

Andeheng's body has begun to tremble, and the facts revealed by Liv have completely destroyed his inner defense: "You lied to me! In order to ask the person behind me, you don't hesitate to deceive me with such a lie.

Liv smiled and said, "An Deheng, you think you cover it up well and think you have done everything cleverly, but no matter how clever your methods are, you can't change the fact that you are a pawn. You must have done it. Have you killed him?

Andeheng just shook his head. He felt that he had been surrounded by boundless fear, which was ubiquitous and squeezed him to crush him to pieces.

Lifu said, "There are some things you don't need to say at all. The planner behind you is Xue Shilun. In the case of Zhang Bijun's murder, he always thinks that Andawen has an inextricable relationship, so he uses you to deal with Andavin, because no one hates Anjia more than you, and She paused for a moment: "You are really unfortunate!"

Andeheng squeezed his lips: "I have nothing to say!"

Liv said, "You can already be sentenced to death for the crime of Anjia's bloody case alone. In fact, sometimes knowing the truth will make life worse than death. I know you would rather die than accept reality. Andeheng, let me ask you for the last time, is An Deming still alive?

Andeheng lowered his head and stared at the ground under his feet. The blood he had just flowed has now condensed.

Liv stood up, winned at Zhang Yang, and the two retreated.

And Heng suddenly raised his head at the moment when the two were about to walk out of the iron gate: "He is in the cabin of the fishing boat in No. 79 fish steak in Fushui Port..."

"Is An Deheng really Mr. An's biological son?" Zhang's expression was full of doubts.

Liv nodded: "Before Mr. An washed his hands, Hong Kong used to be the main channel for these people to launder money."

Zhang Yang sighed: "That is to say, An Lao..."

Liv said, "Everyone does something wrong, but not everyone may have the courage to correct it."

Zhang Yang said, "What is the relationship between Ande Heng and Yamano Masami? If all his actions are dictated by Xue Shilun behind his back, will Xue Shilun and Masami Yamano have collusion?

Lifu said, "It's completely different to deal with Xue Shilun and Andeheng. We don't need evidence for Andeheng, but we must have sufficient evidence for Xue Shilun. Even if all the doubts point to him, we still can't act without having the exact evidence."

Zhang Yang said, "An Deheng's psychological defense line has been loosened, and he may become our stained witness!"

Liv said, "The time is not ripe enough." She stopped and said to Zhang Yang, "Don't tell anyone about today. Come on, keep an eye on Yuan and Sachiko. She must have an unknown purpose when she comes to China this time."

Zhang Yang said, "Compared with Yuan and Sachiko, I'm more worried about Masami Yamano. That woman is not simple. I dare to conclude that she is the key to the problem. Only by controlling her can I bring out the people of Yoshiyoshi Yamano behind the scenes."

Liv said, "But now we don't have any solid evidence. It's impossible to detain her for a long time."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not easy to control her. Don't let her go back. I have a way."

Liv approached him a little. Zhang Yang whispered a few words in Liv's ear. After listening to it, Liv's beautiful eyes were round, and then smiled: "Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang, how did you come up with such a damaging trick?"

Masami Yamano's situation was obviously much better than that of Andeheng. Although she was also questioned by Guoan, Guoan did not embarrass her. She not only gave her a comfortable chair, but also gave her a cup of sweet and fragrant coffee.

Masami Yamano took a sip of coffee and looked calmly at Sang Beibei on the opposite side.

Sang Beibei was still wearing the work uniform of the waitress of Hefeng Hot Spring. Masami Yamano nodded to her, with a smile on the corners of her lips and said, "The hidden kung fu is very good!"

Sang Beibei said, "If you want to find out the truth, you must use some means."

Masami Yamano said, "I will protest to your Ministry of Foreign Affairs on this matter. You have seriously damaged our interests and reputation."

Sang Beibei said, "If your interests are based on harming the interests of other countries, then I can tell you now that any of your actions in China are not protected by the laws of our country."

Masami Yamano said, "I have not violated the laws of your country. You have no right to treat me like this!"

Sang Beibei said: "Rights can be given to everyone who abides by the law, but they will never be abused by some conspirators with ulterior motives. Why did Liu Qiansheng appear in Hefeng Hot Spring Village? Did you invite him?"

Masami Yamano said, "I don't know this person!"

Sang Beibei laughed and said, "I really admire your ability to turn against others. Don't you know Liu Qiusheng?"

Masami Yamano said, "Why should I lie to you? I have no impression of this name at all. You took action against me for someone I don't know, disrupted my dinner, and caught me here, so that my hot spring village's reputation was damaged before it opened. Do you know how to respect human rights? If there is something wrong with the person you want to catch, why don't you inform me in advance? As the owner of Hefeng Hot Spring Village, I think I should have the minimum right to know, right?

Sang Beibei threw a pile of photos in front of her, which recorded the cordial conversation between Yamano Masami and Liu. Sanbeibei said, "You have a good talk with this stranger."

Masami Yamano said, "I am the host of the dinner party. Of course, I have to show my courtesy and politeness to every guest who attend the dinner party. Even if we meet for the first time, you China claim to be a country of etiquette, and you don't even understand this minimum hospitality, do you?"

Sang Beibei said, "Do you know who this Liu Qiansheng is?"

Masami Yamano said, "I don't know him. I just exchanged a few greetings last night. Unexpectedly, you took photos. It seems that there are really a lot of agents you have placed beside me."

"You are too careful. Our goal is Liu Qiangsheng, not you!"

Masami Yamano said, "That means it's my business. Can I go?"

At this time, Liv pushed the door and came in. She smiled at Sang Beibei: "What did you find?"

Sang Beibei put away the photos on the table and said, "Miss Yamano insisted that she didn't know Liu Yongsheng."

Liv took the photo in Sam Beibei's hand and looked at it. She smiled and said, "It looks very familiar. Since I don't know him, how could this person appear at the dinner party?"

Masami Yamano counterattacked, "I don't know you either, and you are also uninvited."

Lifu said, "Since Miss Yamano is sure that she doesn't know Liu Yusheng, it seems that this is a misunderstanding."

Masami Yamano said, "Can I go?"

Liv nodded and said, "Yes, we just asked you to help understand the situation. Make it clear, you can leave at any time.

Masami Yamano nodded: "Well, I'm leaving!" No time she could stand up, Liv had put the hidden electric shock stick against her neck, and a blue arc suddenly appeared.

Masami Yamano's body trembled and fell down and fainted to the ground.

Even Sam Beibei didn't expect that Liv's action would be so decisive. She said in a shocked voice, "Do you really want to arrest her? It will have an impact!" What Sang Beibei said is not unreasonable. After Masami Yamano was brought to them, Japan has protested in various ways. After all, Masami Yamano's record in China is very innocent, and there is no evidence that she has committed a crime. Although they highly suspect that Masami Yamano has a problem, before the lack of evidence You can't take action against her rashly.

Liv said, "Since they won't say anything, they have to lead the snake out of the hole."

Sang Beibei said, "What do you mean?" She still doesn't understand Liv's intention.

Liv said, "With your camouflage technology, it should not be difficult to dress up as Masami Yamano."

Sang Beibei said, "My figure is almost the same. If you disguise her appearance, you may be like a 70% or 80%, that is, an outsider who is not familiar with her. If you meet someone you really know her, you will wear it."

Liv smiled and said, "If Masami Yamano has a car accident, her appearance will change more or less after a person is injured."

Sang Beibei's eyes lit up. RS