Medical official path

Chapter 1281 The veteran comes out

Luo Huining said, "Seeing Zhang Yang like this, I am as sad as you. Although I am his godmother, in my heart, this godson has the same weight as my biological son."

Xu Lihua nodded with tears. Of course, she could feel Luo Huining's love for Zhang Yang.

Luo Huining said, "My daughter has been in a coma for ten years. In that decade, I have also thought many times about how good it is to let her suffer and let her sleep forever. But every time I am about to make up my mind and see this child, I give up this idea, again and again, until I met Zhang Yang later He gave Wen Ling a chance to reborn.

Luo Huining sighed in her heart that her daughter's awakening was not a good thing for herself.

Xu Lihua choked and said, "Mrs. Wen, I know, and I understand, but I really can't bear to suffer. For the sake of the unreachable hope in our hearts, let him spend like this. When will it be the end? One day? One year? For the rest of my life, I don't want to see him getting thinner and thinner. I don't want to see him die in this state..." Luo Huining held Xu Lihua's hand and said, "I understand, really, I understand everything."

At this time, the nurse outside ran in in a panic. She said in a shocked voice, "The patient seems to be working..." Everyone present was shocked. They came to the guard room and through the floor-to-ceiling window of the guard room, they could see that the medical staff inside were busy.

Zhang Yang's blood pressure plummeted, and his heartbeat also suddenly stopped. Yu Ziliang asked people to raise his pressure while starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

When Xu Lihua saw the nurse's electric shock recovery of Zhang Yang, his face lost its blood color.

My legs were soft and I fainted again.

Luo Huining hurriedly commanded everyone to send Xu Lihua back to the lounge.

At this time, the guardianship room also realized that this scene should not be seen by Zhang Yang's family.

A nurse came over and closed the curtains.

Although Chu Yanran knew that there was another emergency here, she never dared to walk over. She just held her hands against her forehead and prayed silently in the depths of her heart.

Luo Huining came to Chu Yanran's side, stretched out his arm and wrapped her slender waist. Chu Yanran leaned her head against her shoulder and said in a trembling voice, "Zhang Yang will be fine.

He must have nothing to do!" Luo Huining hugged the girl tightly. Time passed minute by minute. After half an hour, when she saw Yu Ziliang coming out, Luo Huining and Chu Yanran walked over together. She felt that Chu Yanran's delicate body trembled like a frightened bird. If it hadn't been for her support, I'm afraid Chu Yanran might have fallen down at

Yu Ziliang said, "My heartbeat has recovered!" Chu Yanran's eyes turned red at first, and then she hugged Luo Huining, and tears quickly wet her shoulders.

Yu Ziliang said, "Although my heartbeat has recovered.

But such a situation may happen again at any time, and his blood pressure continues to drop.

At present, it is all maintained by infusion and booster drugs. The effect of the drug will not last long, and the condition will further deteriorate. According to the results of the latest test, his physical function has begun to be damaged in all aspects.

Luo Huining said, "Professor Yu, according to you, how long can Zhang Yang last?" Yu Ziliang frowned, and he finally gave a specific number: "If you are lucky for three days, you may not survive tonight..." Chu Yanran had regained control of her emotions in a short time. She said with tears, "Isn't there a chance?" Yu Ziliang's face was full of helpless expression: "Unless there is a miracle."

Xu Lihua's crying came from the side. She helped her children down to Chu Yanran's side. Suddenly, she bent her knees and knelt down for Chu Yanran.

Chu Yanran lost her face and knelt down like her: "Auntie, what are you doing? You... Don't do this... Don't do this..." Xu Lihua burst into tears: "Yanran, auntie, please, forget it! San'er has suffered enough. Don't let him suffer anymore. I beg you, let San'er get rid of it early and walk quietly, okay? Is it good?" Chu Yanran cried silently. In the face of Xu Lihua's plea, she was speechless.

Luo Huining said, "Don't do this. Get up first, get up first!" Xu Lihua showed unprecedented persistence: "If you don't agree, I'll kneel here..." Chu Yanran bit the cherry lips and said, "Auntie! Although Zhang Yang and I haven't married yet, in my heart, he has not married for a long time. Whether he dies or not, I am his daughter-in-law. If you are willing to kneel down, I will kneel with you. If you have a story or two, I will apologize with death. However, I still insist that as long as there is ."

Zhao Jing also knelt down beside her mother: "Yanran, my brother is already brain dead. He is already a dead man. Why do you have to do such a meaningless thing? In the end, it is not in vain. It makes my brother suffer and makes everyone more sad. We all know your feelings for my brother, but... but I We have to think about the dead..." Chu Yanran said with tears, "There is no reason for you to talk here!" Zhao Jing was stunned for a moment. She said in a shrill voice, "Why can't I say that he is my brother? I can't let my brother let you to toss around..." Before she finished her words, Luo Huining raised her hand and gave her a loud slap in the face.

Zhao Jing was beaten there.

Luo Huining said with feng eyes, "Yangran is right. There is no part for you to talk here! Do you know the relationship between your brother and Yanran? Do you know how they feel now? Your mother can say, you can't say, Ding Zhaoyong, take your daughter-in-law away, don't make trouble here!" Zhao Jing cried, "He is my brother!" Xu Lihua also scolded, "Let's go! You go... It's your business here!" Ding Zhaoyong hurried over and pulled Zhao Jing up.

Luo Huining took Xu Lihua's arm and said, "Why don't you get up first?" Xu Lihua shook his head and said, "No, I can't see San'er suffer. If Yanran doesn't agree, I won't get up..." Chu Yanran said with tears, "In order to be public, I'm willing to do anything, even if I sacrifice my life. Auntie, I can tell you clearly that I stick to it, More perfect, because he is alive, my life is meaningful. If he dies, I... I will never live another day..." Luo Huining looked at Chu Yanran in front of her in surprise. From her tears, she fully understood her mind.

Xu Lihua said, "Yanran, I thank you, but I also want to tell you that I don't need you to die for the third child. Each of you has your own life, and everyone's life is given by your parents. You have no right to decide when it will end. There are not only feelings in this world, but also Your parents, your family, I'm very touched that you have invested so much in Zhang Yang, but don't forget your parents..." The surroundings suddenly calmed down. Luo Huining took the lead in noticing this change. She raised her head and saw an old man coming over accompanied by a young man and woman. It turned out to be Mr. Qiao, his body On the side are Qiao Mengyuan and Qiao Pengfei.

Luo Huining's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't expect that Mr. Qiao would come here laboriously. Did Mr. Qiao just want to see the last side of Zhang Yang? Joe said, "Am I late?" Luo Huining said, "Mr. Qiao, why are you here?" Joe nodded and continued to ask, "Am I late?" No one knows how to answer the old man's question.

Chu Yanran knelt there and whispered, "It's not too late. Zhang Yang is still alive. How can you be late?" Mr. Qiao said, "Since people are still alive, why are they all crying? In fact, life, old age, illness and death are things that everyone must go through. We came to this world crying at the beginning. Even if we want to leave, we have to walk happily. Do you still think we haven't shed enough tears? Luo Huining gently took Xu Lihua's sleeve and whispered in her ear. Xu Lihua finally stood up.

Chu Yanran still knelt there. Qiao Mengyuan walked over and took her arm: "Yangran!" Chu Yanran looked at Qiao Mengyuan with tears in her eyes and said, "Do you believe he is dead?" Qiao Mengyuan shook her head and whispered in Chu Yanran's ear, "If he dies, I will accompany him!" No one is willing to share love, but most people are willing to share their pain with others. Qiao Mengyuan and Chu Yanran have understood what each other is thinking.

Mr. Qiao looked at the two girls and sighed secretly in his heart. He was accompanied by Qiao Pengfei to the guard room and did not go in.

Yu Ziliang learned that it was Qiao Lao, so he quickly asked someone to open the curtains.

Looking at the sleeping Zhang Yang inside through the floor-to-ceiling window, Mr. Qiao frowned: "Why is this?" Qiao Pengfei was worried that Grandpa would be sad when he saw Zhang Yang's appearance. He whispered, "Grandpa, let's go to the lounge first."

Mr. Qiao nodded and waved to Luo Huining. On the way to accompany Mr. Qiao to the lounge, Luo Huining briefly said what had just happened.

After hearing this, Mr. Qiao frowned and thought for a moment and said, "Peng Fei, you go and invite Zhang Yang's mother and Yan Ran to come in.

Come on, you can also call the attending doctor.

Not long after, Xu Lihua, Chu Yanran and Qiao Mengyuan came to the lounge together, and Yu Ziliang also came in.

Mr. Qiao asked everyone to sit down. He looked at Xu Lihua and said, "I heard that something happened to Zhang Yang, so I came from the capital specially for nothing else, because Zhang Yang is my benefactor and the benefactor of our Qiao family. What we Chinese pay most attention to is to repay kindness, so I, an old man, have You have to go to the bed in person to see Zhang Yang.

Xu Lihua said with tears in his eyes, "Thank you, Mr. Qiao!" Thinking that his son can get the care of so many big shots, Xu Lihua is proud of his son's achievement, but he can't help but feel sad.

The second update is sent, please double the ticket! ( To be continued...) RT