Medical official path

Chapter 1283 Three Lives and Three Thirds

Zhang Daguan nodded to Sui Yangdianguang and walked in without saying anything.

Emperor Sui Yang looked at his back and said to the old eunuch, "What is he? How dare you nod to me, with no respect or inferiority at all?"

The old eunuch bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I think I'm busy giving birth to the noble concubine, ignoring the etiquette of the king and minister." He said a good word for Zhang Yang.

A cold murder flashed in Emperor Sui's eyes.

Zhang Daguan walked into the palace, and the scream behind the mantle became clearer and clearer.

The stable woman ran out with her hands full of blood. Seeing Zhang Yang, the panic on her face suddenly turned into a surprise: "Zhang... Dr. Zhang... You, you are finally here!" Zhang Yizhen is quite famous in the Sui Dynasty, and everyone knows his name inside and outside the palace.

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "Mother He, don't worry, I'm in everything." He naturally called out the surname of the stable woman, and the familiar feeling of the past surged into his heart in an instant, but Zhang Daguan did not feel warm because of this feeling, but gave birth to an unspeakable bitterness.

Zhang Daguan restrained his mind and got rid of all kinds of distractions in his mind. The maid of honor standing in front of him raised the mantle. Zhang Daguan knew in his heart that although he walked into this mantle was to save people, but in fact, he completely offended the mediocre Emperor Sui Yang. He not only looked at it Why didn't I have such an awareness in the first place? Unexpectedly, he thought that he had saved the lives of Lan Guifei's mother and son, and Emperor Yang of Sui would reward him. It seems that this life experience in the 20th century has not been in vain, and my emotional intelligence has improved a lot. Zhang Guanren quietly observed the surrounding environment, and he had to think of a way out first.

Several maids of honor were all busy around the bed.

When Zhang Daguan came to the bed, he first saw Lan Guifei's two snow-white thighs trying to separate. The white cotton sheet in front of it has been stained with a lot of blood. Zhang's eyes fell on Lan Guifei's face first. Concubine Lan's hair is messy. His forehead was full of cold sweat, and his lips were pale and bloodless. Her eyes saw Zhang Yang, and her lips trembled. Zhang Yang walked over and was not in a hurry to give birth to her, but put it on her pulse first. Feeling that Concubine Lan's pulse is faint, which is extremely familiar to her. He has seen it on Wen Ling in the past.

Zhang Yang said to her with a voice: "Jin Wenling. Listen to me, Yang Guang already knows your real identity. Even if I save you, you can't escape.

Concubine Lan looked at him coldly, but didn't say anything.

Zhang Yang continued, "After I save you, I hope you can take your own way and take your child to escape for your life."

At this moment, I suddenly heard the maid of honor say in surprise, "Bred out, born out..."

The stable woman picked up the newborn child from between the legs of Concubine Lan. He was surprised and said, "God has eyes. He is a little prince. Mother and son are safe! The emperor's grace is magnificent, and the emperor's grace is magnificent!"

Zhang Daguan was stunned for a moment, damn it! It was not like this in the past. What's wrong? What the hell is going on? She obviously had a difficult labor, and she needed to do it herself to save her.

Concubine Lan breathed a sigh of relief. The stable woman over there cut the umbilical cord and slapped the newborn's buttocks. The child's loud crying suddenly resounded throughout the palace.

Yang Guang's overjoyed voice came from the outside: "I was born, I was born! How about the beloved concubine? What about the concubine?"

Zhang Guanren stared at Concubine Lan, but saw an unpredictable and deep sneer flashed at the corners of Concubine Lan's lips. He whispered, "Is my child beautiful? Shall I give it to you?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help but be stunned, but he didn't know what Lan Guifei's words meant?

Concubine Lan picked up the baby, shook it gently, kissed his little face, and looked at the baby's cute little face, with an unprecedented light of love in her eyes. A maid of honor picked up the newborn and sent it outside, and heard Yang Guang's happy laughter.

Lan Guifei's cherry lips opened gently, and also said to Zhang Yang with a voice: "You'd better care about yourself. The mud bodhisattva can't protect himself when he cross the river!"

Zhang Daguanren saw a familiar look in her eyes, which he only saw in front of Wen Ling's eyes. Zhang Yang shook his head vigorously, retreated and went outside.

But he heard Emperor Yang of Sui laugh happily and said, "The magic doctor Zhang Yizhen really lives up to his reputation. Come on, give me wine!"

Zhang scolded in his heart: "Gend it to your mother! Can't you hurt me?" But now, unlike in the past, the emperor gave wine, which is not something you can refuse if you want to refuse. Zhang's official frowned and frowned. He respectfully said to Emperor Sui Yang, "Your Majesty, although the mother and son are safe, the little prince is innate and let the grass people ask for him." It's not that easy for me to drink poisoned wine.

Emperor Yang of Sui didn't know it was a trick, so he sent the child to Zhang Yang's hand.

The official Zhang hugged the child. Suddenly, he raised his hand, and slapped the two big mouths of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty in a row, which made the Venus in front of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. He was dizzy and sat down on the ground. The golden crown was also crooked, and the dragon robe on his body was Just now, he wanted to give Zhang a shot of poisoned wine. He was paralyzed. You dare to touch my woman.

Who would have thought that this official Zhang not only dared to touch his woman, but also dared to slap his big mouth, not only dared to smack his mouth, but also dared to rob his son. I'm paralyzed. I'm kind to save your wife and son. Your son-in-law actually avenged you, and it's you who beat you.

Before Sui Yang lost his light and got up from the ground, Zhang Daguanren had rushed out like lightning.

The old eunuch was also a master of the inner family. Seeing Zhang Yang rushing out of the inside with the child in his arms, he went forward and slapped Zhang Yang. Zhang's body pulled up several feet in place and dodged the old eunuch's palm. When he landed, he was already outside the palace wall.

The movement inside had alarmed the bodyguards outside. Seeing a man leaping out, the bodyguards took bows and shot arrows one after another. Zhang Daguan gently tapped on the snow, like a wild goose, and flew again. The rabbit had come to the front of the carriage carrying him. He punched down the groom, grabbed the carriage I galloped away.

The feather arrows shot behind him, and he heard someone shouting, "Don't shoot arrows!" The little prince is in his hands..."

Zhang Guanren can stay intact in the explosion caused by 11 powerful bombs, and he is not afraid of these ancient cold weapons. Now he has already integrated the Mahayana formula. No one in the Sui Dynasty is his opponent. If he wants to leave, who can stop him?

After escaping from the Sui Palace, Zhang Daguan has been to Chun Xueqing's painting house. The painting house is still there, but Chun Xueqing has already gone empty.

Zhang Yang left Suidu with the baby. He did not really want to rob Concubine Lan's son. At that time, the starting point was to let Yang Guang throw rat taboos, and the other was to ask Concubine Lan to have scruples and not change history easily. Who would have thought that when he changed the child's diaper The book says, "Please, the word Wenling is clearly written in the signature."

Zhang's official just realized that Wen Ling really returned to the Great Sui Dynasty like herself, and her consciousness finally returned to the body. Judging from this blood book, Wen Ling had calculated that she would take her child away, which also showed her intention to hand over the child to Zhang Yang to take away for upbringing.

Zhang Yang did not know whether Jin Wenling would continue his revenge on Yang Guang, and whether history would change because of their return.

Zhang Yang fostered the baby in the home of his old friend Zhu Zewen. The couple had been married for many years and had no children, which was also very happy.

After Zhang Daguan rejected this wish, he embarked on a journey to find the mark of the past.

Back to this familiar world, Zhang Guanren could no longer find any sense of belonging. The whole world became so strange. Every time he dreamed back at midnight, Chu Yanran, Qin Qing, Qiao Mengyuan, An Yuchen... The girls's faces appeared in turn in his mind. Zhang Yang knew that he had finally completely returned to the past, but But he could no longer be happy... Seven days after he fostered the baby to his old friend, a horse appeared at the foot of Qingtai Mountain. A tall man in black sable dress galloped in the snow. This man came to Qingtai Mountain to remember Zhang Daguan. In the Sui Dynasty, there was no one around Qingtai Mountain. Near Qingtai Mountain, the more I felt empty and lonely here. When passing through Chunxi Valley, Zhang Yang couldn't help but think of the romantic and charming story between him and Qin Qing in the hot springs here. After the slow 18th set, he remembered Chu Yanran again. How clear his memory was, but Yi Ren had already been far away in another time and space. The strength of the great official couldn't help but shed the tears of heroes.

The heavy snow sealed the mountain. When Zhang Yang came to the Qingyun Peak with the memory of the past, the sky was already dark. At this time, there was no boundless blue cloud bamboo sea, let alone the horse bandit who occupied the mountain as the king.

Zhang Daguanren stood on the snow and looked up at Qingyun Peak. Qingyun Peak did not seem to be much different from the past. The vicissitudes of the millennium and the change of stars did not change much here.

Walking slowly up the Qingyun Peak, Zhang Yang saw the plank road circling up the peak. It turned out that in the Sui Dynasty, there were already people on Qingyun Peak.

A crescent moon slowly rose, and Zhang Guanren could no longer remember what it was today. Looking at the bright moon, he seemed to think of something, but the memory in his mind was so hazy that all he could think of was a full moon.

There is no Taoist temple at the top of Qingyun Peak, and the ancient trees are towering in the sky. Zhang Daguanren found the thousand-year-old ancient tree in the Zixia Temple in the past. At this time, the ginkgo tree was only the thickness of the mouth of the bowl. Thinking of the scene that there would be three people

Only the mountain wind and moonlight accompanied Zhangguan. He turned to look at the place where Chen Chongshan used to live, but was surprised to see that there was really a stone house there. The orange light penetrated from the window of the stone house. Although it seemed insignificant in the barren mountain, the light made Zhang Yang lonely and sad. An indescribable warmth surged up in my heart...