A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 43 Sisterhood

Bixi must have a lover. I don't know which young man he is?


"Sister, for my own good, I naturally know it. It's just that my sister is not very well at present. How can my sister bear to let her work for me? Let's discuss these things later. Su Siman smiled and lowered his head and stroked his skirt. The most important thing is that my sister should cheer up quickly.

Hearing Su Siman's answer, Feng Wan Wan couldn't say anything more. He turned over in the quilt and closed his eyes slightly.

Su Siman saw that her face was tired, as if she wanted to eviate guests, and she was also very interesting, so she got up and said, "Sister, take a rest, and I won't disturb you. Er, His Royal Highness may have been busy with chores recently, so he has no time to visit his sister. Please forgive him. Even if you are in a bad mood, you have to eat something, otherwise it will be heartbreaking to see your sister's haggard appearance when your Highness comes to visit.

Feng Wan's shoulders trembled slightly, and his face went to the inside of the pillow. A drop of tears quickly fell on the pillow towel. She sighed: "Thank you for your concern. Even if others don't care about my body, I will still love myself." This sound seems to contain countless grievances.

When Su Siman walked out, he heard Feng Wan Wan turn over several times. Obviously, he had something on his mind and couldn't help shaking his head secretly. It seemed that Feng Wan Wan had too much affection for Liang Shaojun.

She just threw out such a topic, but she just wanted to play emotional cards to make herself take the initiative to disappear from Liang Shaojun, right?

It seems that Feng Wan Wan has also been neglected by him now. Seeing that he is getting better and better for himself, Feng Wan Wan is very jealous. Well, I didn't expect that Feng Wan, who had been taking the lead and was favored, gave birth to such a strong sense of crisis. In this way, His Royal Highness is really for himself...

Thinking of this, Su Siman was slightly evilly happy in his heart, and a faint smile unconsciously floated to the corners of his lips. At this time, don't say that Feng Wan Wan can't talk about her. I'm afraid that the Heavenly King can't persuade her.

"Princess, what are you laughing at?" Xiang'er, who was with the waiter, asked curiously.

"Nothing." Su Siman coughed gently, restrained the smile between his eyebrows, and lowered his head and accelerated his pace.

After returning to the Chuxiang Pavilion, he went straight to the tourmaline room. The door was closed, and Baoqin was sitting on the side of ** wiping his forehead for the tourmaline. Su Siman left Xianger outside the door and went into the inner room by himself.

The tourmaline lay on ** with his eyes closed, tilted his face on the folded arms, pale, sweating, and frowned tightly. His lips were black, and his lower lip was covered with several dark red blood scabs, which appeared to have been bitten during the execution.

Su Siman felt sad and walked lightly to the bedside. Baoqin retreated early and saluted silently. Taking the cold towel in her hand, Su Siman also beat her out and sat at the head of the bed and carefully wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Even in his sleep, Bixi frowned, as if he was tightly gripped by some pain. Su Siman looked at the moving eyes under her closed eyelids and knew that she must have had a terrible dream. Maybe I've been pillowing my arm for too long, and it's a little numb. Is this posture uncomfortable? Su Siman thought about it and reached out to get her pillowed hand and change her to a more comfortable posture.

touched Bixi's hand and was tightly grasped by Bixi's wrist. About the torture had exhausted her physical strength, and the strength on her wrist was not very strong. Su Siman's hand was not very tight by her, and finally couldn't bear to let go and let her hold it. Unexpectedly, Bixi seemed to have caught the life-saving grass. She couldn't help closing her five fingers, and the other hand also gathered over. Ten white fingers tightly grasped Su Siman, making her wrist painful. Su Siman looked away from the two exposed little hands and looked at Tourmaline's face. At this time, the Tourmaline seemed to be entangled by some nightmare. Her eyebrows frowned, her thick eyelashes couldn't help tremble, and her forehead was full of sweat. Su Siman wanted to reach out to help her wipe it. Her wrist just moved, and Tourmaline's hand was entangled like a vine. She also began to talk nonsense.

"Don't go! Ana, don't leave me... Don't go... Don't go..." Bixi couldn't help shaking her head in her dream and grabbed Su Siman, as if she had grasped the thin branch in the abyss. She would never let go. As soon as she let go, she would fall to pieces.

Su Siman had to stay still and let her clenched.

Looking at Bixi's abnormal red face at this time, as well as her rapid breathing and trembling lips, Su Siman only felt that her heart was cut like a knife. He stretched out another empty hand and took a towel to wipe the sweat of the tourmaline, and then touched her forehead. Although it had just wiped it with a wet towel, it was still as hot as fire, as if to light a person. No wonder the tourmaline was even completely unconscious and even shouted nonsense.

She hooked up with Xianger, who was guarding the door, and Su Siman gently told her to call a doctor.

As soon as Xiang'er left, Bixi suddenly shouted angrily.

"I didn't do anything wrong, they all deserve to die! You kill me, kill me, I don't want to live! It's not enough to add more beds and broken mats!" Bixi unconsciously grabbed Su Siman's hand, and her nails almost scratched her hand and whispered sadly, "I can't even bury Ana. How can I have a face to live... Ana, Ani..."

whispered several times, and Bixi's voice gradually lowered. Just as Su Siman thought that her nightmare would stop and calmed down, Bi Xi changed her posture slightly and finally loosened her hand holding Su Siman. She shook her hand and whispered softly to her lover: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's me. Wrong... I just... I just can't see it... Don't be angry, I won't next time, I promise..."

Su Siman stared at Bixi's extremely restless sleeping face with melancholy and joy, and her hand wiping her sweat stopped.

I never expected that there were so many things hidden in Bixi's heart. Looking at her expression just now, she obviously had a crush. I don't know which prince is it?

Is this girl really doing a good job in underground? She has always been inseparable from her, but she didn't notice it at all. Hidden deep enough and well concealed enough.

What did you say last time? Well, you have to serve your master all your life and never marry, this mouthful girl! Ask tomorrow which young man it is, and I'll tell you the matchmaker for you!

Thinking of this, Su Siman couldn't help but smile and smile on his lips.

The royal doctor finally came and liberated Su Siman from the hand of the tourmaline.

Under the careful care of everyone, Bixi's injury gradually improved, and Dr. Li didn't know what medicine he had used. After a dose of medicine, the tourmaline's fever subsided. Without saying any more nonsense, the wound began to scab. Because of both internal and external clothing, the injury of the tourmaline is also very good.

I don't know what Liang Shaojun is busy with these days, and he hasn't been to Chuxiang Pavilion for several days. Su Siman had to put all her thoughts on the tourmaline, either guarding her room or going to the kitchen to see if the medicine had been cooked. She was very considerate and undressed. Bixi looked ashamed and always felt that it dragged down the master. Su Siman had no good words to comfort each other. The two were as close as sisters. Don't look at themselves.

When there was no one else in the room for a day, Bixi solemnly reminded his master to beware of Feng Wan Wan. Su Siman smiled and nodded. Feng Wanwan seems to be gentle and gentle, but he doesn't know what kind of person he is inside. Of course, he has to be on guard. What's more, it's still a rival in love. Naturally, you still need to be more or lessware.

Love is blind, and I don't know what means Feng Wan Wan will use under the drive of love. Now it has just begun. I hope that I will take the initiative to disappear from Liang Shaojun's side. Maybe I will take some abnormal measures to force myself to leave in the future. It's not bragging. Su Siman's love novels have read a lot. Even if he hasn't personally experienced the entanglement, he hasn't killed a pig and hasn't seen a pig run away. Besides, it's understandable to defend his love. Soldiers can block the water and cover the earth.

Of course, Su Siman understands that the so-called heart of harming people is indispensable and the intention of preventing others is indispensable.