A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 60 See Broken Sleeve Again

helped the tourmaline back to the room and placed it in **.

Su Siman opened the door and was about to breathe outside. As soon as he turned out of the room, he caught a glimpse of a dazzling robe nearby. It was Gongsun Mu. Su Siman didn't expect that he would wait at the door, but he was shocked. Fortunately, this surprise covered her up very well, but it just flashed by.

"Song Su!"

Before Su Siman could speak, Gongsun Mu, who was waiting outside the door, paid attention to it early. Almost while seeing Su Siman's figure, he couldn't wait to call out this sound.

"Ah, it turned out to be Gongsun." Su Siman's face was smiling.

Gongsun Mu smiled and was stunned again. He stared at her and said some messy words: "Mr. Su has figured it out. I'm really worried that something will happen to you."

"Uh..." Su Siman was confused. She went back to her room and stayed for a while. What's so strange about this? This person's idea is really strange!

"Is the amount sent by my little boy just now enough? Do you need to add it?" Gongsun Mu asked attentively.

"Enough, ask Gongsun for more after using it. I hope Gongsun won't be annoyed." Su Siman shook the folding fan and moved aside quietly.

"It's okay, it's okay. Anyway, there are many of them in my place. Gongsun Mu stepped forward and said, "At first sight with Mr. Su, I hope that Mr. Su will not be separated from me, but if there is anything he can get from his help, he will open his mouth and he will not hesitate."

"Thank you very much for your kindness." Su Siman held a gentle tone and shook the folding fan quietly. The end was romantic, and the beauty was unparalleled.

"I just said not to be polite to me. If Mr. Su doesn't mind, you might as well be a brother, okay?" Gongsun Mu proposed with an expectant face.

Su Siman thought for a moment and said, "It's so good."

How can Gongsun Mu know that Su Siman's calculation of Xiao Jiujiu? She is sure that Gongsun Mu is rich and not short of money. There is no harm in making friends with him anyway. If she can take him and get some food or something, it would be more perfect. Who told her that she has been in a difficult life recently and doesn't have much money on hand. Then save 30 taels of silver in exchange for jewelry.

Seeing that she agreed, Gongsun Mu was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "I'm 22 years old this year. How old are you?"

Su Siman turned his eyes and said, "I'm 20 years old this year."

Why did she say twenty instead of answering honestly? It turned out that she was afraid that she would say that she was young, and the other party thought there was a generation gap with her. Besides, according to her age in modern times, it is almost this age, and it is not a lie. She comforted herself, so she answered with peace of mind. In fact, after staying in ancient times for so long, she has found that her ability to make up lies has made great progress. She often lies without drafting and opens her mouth.

"I have nothing to do on the boat. Fortunately, I met Brother Su, otherwise I would be very idle and moldy on the ship these days."

Su Siman flattered and flattered: "Brother Gongsun is very true. It's a great honor to meet Brother Gongsun.

"If we don't go for tea, let's play a few games. Time is really hard to deal with.

"Vit's very good. However, my younger brother is not good at chess, so I'm afraid he will laugh generously.

"It doesn't matter. It's just a pleasure. It doesn't need to be serious."

It turns out that what Su Siman said is true. He can't beat him in chess. He was killed by Gongsun Mu for three games, leaving only a scum in a second. In the next few days, Gongsun Mutian devoted efforts to cultivate her chess skills, but Su Siman had no talent for this, which was really difficult. However, Gongsun Mu is very happy. He thinks that his chess skills can't be stinky among a group of friends. Now he is not happy to meet someone who is worse than himself. Su Siman was full of face. Even he felt that his father always said that he was unlearned. In fact, he made a big mistake and wronged him. He was actually a good man with both talent and appearance.

It is also because of this that his favorable impression of Su Siman rose sharply. He couldn't wait to stay at the same bed and eat at his desk for a moment. When he arrived in Shazhou, he was completely reluctant to separate from him, so he proposed to invite Su Siman's master and servant to his house.

Su Siman thought about it, and she just got a free place to stay, and she was also in charge of food and drink. What a good thing. If she didn't agree, she would be stupid. Moreover, on the boat these days, Gongsun Mu took special care of her and was very thoughtful. I heard him say that his family is a big family in Shazhou. His father has opened several Goulan gambling houses, and his family background must be very rich. It's not a big deal that she went to eat and drink for a few days. She can't eat them, so she doesn't feel guilty in her heart. . In fact, the most important thing is that during the first time she left the palace, she suffered too much. In fact, she still wanted to find a comfortable place to settle down and enjoy life. Since she had this plan, it was a good choice to go to a rich family. Besides, Gongsun Mu is a local. Wouldn't it be better to let him be a tour guide? So Susman agreed without saying a word.

In the past few days on the water, the tourmaline has suffered a lot, and his legs are a little weak when he got off the boat. The small face thinned a large circle, making the big eyes more black and white.

When I got off the boat, there was a carriage waiting to pick me up on the dock.

Gongsun Mu personally helped Su Siman into the carriage. Su Siman felt that the space in the carriage was small, so he sat alone. It was really too awkward, so he also called the tourmaline up. Gongsun Mu ordered his two handsome little men to help Bixi in.

In fact, Su Siman vaguely felt that the prince treated him too attentively and sometimes told her not to know what to do. So La Bixi came up as a shield to block the big light of five kilowatts.

The carriage was on the wide green brick road, and the horse's hoof made a sound. The probe looked out. The carriage was full of traffic, bustling, and the hawker's hawking was endless. Seeing such prosperity again, Su Siman was a little excited.

When he walked to the most prosperous street, Gongsun Mu pointed out from time to time: Well, that's my gambling house. Well, this fence courtyard is also my home. See, that tall building is also my home, and that...

I heard that Su Siman was envious and jealous.

I don't know how long it took, and the carriage finally stopped in front of a tall and linted courtyard. The two stone lions at the door were actually coated with gold paint and butter and oil, which was a little... nondescript.

Entering the courtyard, there are artificial ponds and flower houses in the rockery. Unfortunately, there is some confusion in the arrangement, which can't give people beautiful enjoyment. Then he went to the hall, the celebrity calligraphy and paintings hung randomly, and the walls were also coated with gold paint. The eyes were full of glitter, full of the breath of upstarts. In fact, Su Siman can already guess the taste of the owner's family from those valuable rockery layouts.

Seeing that the young master came back with another handsome prince, the housekeeper made it clear*. He smiled flatteringly: "Young master, you are back. It happened that the master went out today and came back tomorrow. Fortunately, you came back, otherwise, the family would be like missing the backbone of the Lord.

When Gongsun Mu heard that his father was not at home, his eyes suddenly lit up and ordered the housekeeper to prepare the guest room immediately.

At dinner that day, Su Siman was drunk by Gongsun Mu and was so drunk. Su Siman stumbled and was carried into the house by several little maids by the housekeeper. Su Siman had hazy eyes and didn't know where he had entered. As soon as he was next to the bed, he couldn't move like mud on the beach.

But she felt uncomfortable all over, depressed and wanted to vomit. He spit a spit, turned over, and lay on his back**.

I don't know how long it took. She only felt that someone was pulling her clothes in a daze. The action was not gentle, so that she was half asleep and half awake, barely opened her eyes.

At a glance, she was shocked. It was Gongsun Mu who half knelt on her and tore her clothes. His eyes were red, and his eyes were burning with inexplicable flames, as if to burn her.

Su Siman pushed him out of bed without thinking about it.

Gongsun Mu didn't seem to expect her to be like this. He got up and said in a hoarse voice, "Brother Su, I like you so much. You don't have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life, okay?"