A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 62 Escape Day

Soon, Su Siman knew what it was like to be teased.

When he woke up again, he was directly in the Luo Yu mandarin duck tent. Su Siman only felt that his nose was a little blocked and was not used to the smell in the air - the smell of fat powder was too strong.

Before I could look at the environment, I heard a sharp voice and was surprised: "I'm awake." It means a sigh of relief.

Su Siman looked at the sound and saw a young woman in red with heavy makeup, looking at herself with a smile. Su Siman looked at her dress and quickly glanced at the layout of the room, and he understood a little in his heart. There was no one in the room except the woman in front of him, and the blue seal was not there. This discovery made Su Siman somewhat panicked. He was put into such a place. Where was Bixi?

She was sent to Huichun Building, and she knew what she was doing after hearing the name.

What's hateful is that Gongsun Mu was stunned and thrown into a sack and thrown straight into the brothel.

Su Siman turned over and sat up, holding the quilt tightly in one hand, and his knuckles were a little white. Gongsun Mu, a bastard, actually sent her to the place of fireworks, intending to turn her into a man's plaything. He had no choice but to ask other men to insult her. OK, good, tough enough, despicable enough! Thinking of this, a trace of fierceness also flashed in Su Siman's eyes.

The woman didn't know what Su Siman was thinking. Seeing that she woke up, she got up and poured her a glass of water.

"Thank you very much, sister." After drinking the water, Su Siman said.

"You're welcome." The woman in red laughed.

Seeing that her attitude was gentle and her temper did not seem to be bad, Su Siman intentionally or unintentionally exchanged greeting her and inquired about some information. When he learned that Gongsun Mu asked the old woman to "conceive" more about himself, he sneered unconsciously.

After a conversation, Su Siman has known that the name of the woman in red is Yinghong, who was originally an abandoned woman who was abandoned by her husband's family. However, after returning to her mother's house, she was plotted by her gambling stepmother and was sold into the kiln. Poor her father and brother are still in the dark. Yinghong said and wiped his tears, and the rouge on his face was scattered. Su Siman was waiting to comfort her for a few words when she heard the door bang and was pushed away from the outside.

The old lady with heavy makeup appeared at the door with a fan, followed by several strong ghost slaves.

Su Siman stood up and worshiped Yingying: "I've met my mother."

When the old woman saw her understanding, she smiled and said, "It's good to wake up. Can you play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?

"No." Su Siman answered astringently.

The old woman glanced at her left and right and was very satisfied with her appearance, but she couldn't play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She couldn't help but be a little disappointed. She only gave her a month to study and said, "You have to study every day and night, and I will test you in person. Don't smash the signboard of our Huichun Building, do you understand?!"

Su Siman quickly said, "Yes, you must study hard. Please don't worry."

Send the old pimp away, and Su Siman was slightly relieved. One month to study is enough, and you will definitely find a way to escape.

But it turned out that Su Siman was too naive. She thought that she didn't need to receive guests during the so-called one-month study time. As a result, she was driven to the duck on the shelves by the pimp the next day and was kicked out to drink with the guests. The guests took a fancy to her and called her to spend the night with her. Su Siman refused to die. As a result, he was dragged down and tortured severely by several turtle slaves. When he was dragged back to the room, he was half dead. His body was full of whip marks, crisscrossed, and he could hardly find a piece of intact skin. When she was beaten, Su Siman once felt that she was going to die, but she just didn't let go and refused to receive guests. Seeing her fierceness, the old lady was only ready to slowly grind her temper according to Gongsun Mu's instructions.

Because those turtle slaves looked closely, Su Siman was seriously injured and couldn't find a chance to escape. What it means to be difficult to fly with wings? She finally realized it. What's more abominable is that these people forcibly took blood while she had no resistance, making her body so empty that she felt full of stars and the world spinning.

I don't know who released the rumor that using her blood as medicine can cure all diseases. For a while, the big family in the city competed to buy her blood. Later, her body was really weak, and the blood she could release every day was limited. Those blood-sucking things were secretly put up for bidding.

Su Siman has completely become a food for others this time. She doesn't have to pick up guests, but she can bring money to brothels. Every day, people come to collect blood, and she has known her situation. Clearly, she is in a worse situation than when she was in the palace before, and now she has completely become someone else's medicine. Others sell blood, at least the money is still their own. Only she, except that the blood released is her own, nothing is her own.

The old woman regarded her as a cash cow and a strange treasure. She planned for the long-term and ordered the turtle slave to fill her with soup every day. Su Siman only clenched her teeth and refused to eat. She barely poured something in, and all of them were spit out by her. At this time, Su Siman seemed to have no idea of running away, and was obviously desperate to find death. This made the old man anxious. Ling Langzhong treated her and ordered Yinghong to take good care of her.

When the injury gradually recovered, Su Siman also began to eat normally. Seeing that she was as fierce as a fire, she did not dare to rush for a moment. He was afraid that she would hunger strike to death again and lack her money.

Seeing that Su Siman is recovering day by day, his face is also moist, and the old pimp is also much relieved.

During this period of recuperation, no one came to cut meat and get blood. Although Su Siman was a little puzzled, she was more fortunate. If it goes on like this, no matter how much you want to nourish yourself, you will be in vain. So she didn't think much and just warned herself to hurry up.

This day, Su Siman asked Ying Hong to breathe into the old woman, which means that she had suffered a lot during this period, and she finally figured it out and was willing to receive guests. The old lady was really overjoyed to hear the news. In the evening of the same day, he was ordered to dress her up beautifully to pick her up.

Su Siman excused to go for convenience when she accompanied the guests, but in fact, they went to Ying Hong. The two had already agreed to escape tonight. The drug poisons Su Siman asked her to collect were still with her. She had to quench the hairpin on the venom and try to kill it with one blow, otherwise it would be difficult to escape.

When he came out, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure from afar. Su Siman was stunned and immediately recognized that the man was the king who led the army and the charm of night in Yancheng and almost destroyed Ling Yun. And the people beside him who laughed and talked with him turned out to be Zhong Yeli and Gongsun Mu! Su Siman also said that he was dazzled. As soon as he rubbed his eyes, those people had disappeared.

When she met these people in such a ghost place, Su Siman was stunned and did not dare to chase them at present. She only quietly went to find Ying Hong and vaccinated her, telling her to cooperate well, otherwise both of them could not escape, and there would be no good end if they were caught. Yinghong didn't know this, but nodded repeatedly to reassure her.

He inserted the hairpin with the poisoned hairpin into his hair again. Su Siman was afraid that it would be suspicious for a long time, so he dared not stay any longer. He told Ying Hong to be careful and return.

When she returned to her room at night, Su Siman closed the door tightly, and the prostitute was silenced by her before she could react. Su Siman slipped out of the room to find Ying Hong. Ying Hong was being haunted by the prostitute in the room. Her clothes were stripped in a mess, leaving only her belly pocket. Su Siman, who stood at the door, couldn't stand it. He pulled out a hairpin between his index finger and middle finger, and tried his best to roll it in the middle of his neck. The blood flowed to Ying Hong's neck, which made her scream. As soon as Su Siman saw something bad, she rushed to cover her mouth. Only then did Yinghong realize that her scream might be bad. She shook her hand and pushed away the prostitute. Just as she was about to tidy up her clothes, Su Siman wrapped the balsam scattered on the ground, pulled her up from **, and whispered, "Escape!"

Yinghong didn't care about fear. She pedaled her shoes randomly and ran out with Su Siman.

At this time, the blowing and singing in the brothel was still hot. The scream just made by Yinghong did not seem to attract much attention. It was covered by the sound of silk bamboo. Su Siman was actually a little panicked. She had planned for so long and suffered so much. If she couldn't get out this time, even if she could never turn over, she I have already planned to sink the boat, and if I don't succeed, I will become benevolent. If she runs away alone tonight, there is no doubt that she will win. Yinghong is just an ordinary woman and doesn't have the courage. But without her cooperation these days, she would not have been able to get today's opportunity to leave her alone, but she could not do it. But with this burden, Su Siman is really not 100% sure to escape.

The two sneaked to the previously selected hiding place. Su Siman took out the sewn long cloth belt from his arms and began to put it down.

Yinghong looked at the dark and blurred downstairs and felt that it was frighteningly high, and her legs were a little weak.

Fortunately, in order to avoid the girl from escaping, the brothel is a three-high wall behind it, which looks a little loosely. Although there are turtle slaves patrols at three or five o'clock, fortunately, Su Siman has figured out their time pattern. However, the wall is still several feet away from where Susman and others are located, so it can only take more effort to go downstairs first and then climb out of the wall.

Su Siman knotted the end of the cloth on the guardrail and whispered to Yinghong, "Don't be afraid. You go down first. I'll come down later. Don't make a sound when you get there. Just wait for me in the dark." With that, Su Siman handed the cloth to Ying Hong and looked at her encouragingly.

Yinghong was encouraged and finally summoned up her courage to take the cloth. She clenched her hands and began to climb down. When she got to the hanging place, she almost called out again. Fortunately, Su Siman wrapped the cloth in advance and gagged her mouth. After Yinghong went down, Su Siman took out the scissors and cut the cloth strip. He estimated that it could support her down and left a piece of it without cutting it, because it will be used later. After going down, it will be torn and rotten for reuse.

Unexplorable, Su Siman climbed up and down the cloth and heard mixed footsteps leaning over, faintly with a voice, "Go and have a look. Don't let him run away!" Unexpectedly, his whereabouts were discovered!

Su Siman was so feroded that he didn't have time to think too much about it, and he couldn't care about the burning pain in his hands and quickly slid down from the third floor. While his feet were on the ground, he stretched out his hand to pull down the cloth. The Yinghong bamboo tube on the ground had been tied with the thickness of its arms. Su Siman hurled the end of the bamboo tube into the wall with a bang. The footsteps over there are getting closer and closer, and the red legs are completely soft. Su Siman asked her to go first. She shook her head with tears and asked Su Siman to go quickly.

At such a moment, Su Siman stamped his feet and whispered to Ying Hong, "Then I'll go out first and come back to save you!" Hurry up and hide!"

She tried the stability of the cloth strip, and the bamboo tube had hooked the corner of the eaves, which was very firm. Su Siman did not dare to delay any longer and struggled to climb to the wall.

Seeing that it was about to come to an end, suddenly a strong cold wind came behind her. She turned around and a knife was thrusting straight into herself.