A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 17 Ecstasy Bone

The tourmaline leaned against the thick trunk of the old tree, looked at Li Yuan with his arms in his arms, and waited for him to answer.

Li Yuan laughed angrily and resolutely refused: "It's ridiculous! What's the difference from disolying? Even if you die, you can't agree!"

"General, don't say anything. Maybe the general will change his mind in two days? I'm waiting for the general's good sound. The blue smiles beautifully, her eyebrows are full of spring, and it is as beautiful as a pan under the moonlight. The scattered shadows of the moonlight fall on her exquisite face, like a beautiful and dazzling picture, shining with a breathtaking beauty in the dark.

"Delusion!" Li Yuan sneered and his eyes were as sharp as a knife. "Don't say that Xu Baolin is still pregnant with the flesh and blood of His Royal Highness. Even if he doesn't, I will never respond to you."

"Let's wait and see. I'd like to see when the general can be. What is the current situation? The general must be more transparent than my little woman. If the general has to go west at this time, it is tantamount to breaking the prince's arm. What's the difference between unkindness and unrighteousness and abandoning the Lord? Even I can see that His Royal Highness doesn't like Xu Baolin. You are his favorite general. Don't you know?

With a solemn face, Bixi suddenly leaned forward and moved forward to approach him. Li Yuan couldn't help but take a step back. Unexpectedly, Bixi just made a momentum and didn't really want to get close to him. Seeing Li Yuan's reaction, Bixi began to laugh proudly again, and the rectification on his face turned out perfectly.

Li Yuan had a feeling of being fooled, which made him feel embarrassed. It's unbearable to be fooled by a woman!

But if you think about it carefully, her words are reasonable. His Royal Highness is in the bright place, but the harem court is turbulent. The people who cove of the throne are lurking in a place where there is no light and are ready to make trouble at any time. At this time, he is poisoned and will undoubtedly lead the situation in an unfavorable direction. At this time, you can't let go! Bixi saw through this point to eat him to death. Hateful, hateful! Women are really like snakes and scorpions, and they are not kind at all! She didn't just fall in her hands this time. The last time in the courtyard of Huichun Building, she was attacked by her and her waist card was taken away. After that, the bloody case of Yaoyun Villa naturally could not escape and was on his head. It's just that he couldn't figure out why he was in front of Huangfu Chong that day, but he didn't say anything about.

I have been tricked by her several times, but why haven't I made any progress? I've been fooled on the ground again and again. Is it really crazy! How can a woman with a tremorous personality like her not beware? How can she be hurt by her again? How can she not expect that her dagger will be quenched! Li Yuan gritted his teeth with hatred. He lived so big that he had never eaten so many times in anyone's hand!

If she is a man, he must have killed her openly to vent his anger, but the question is that she is a woman or a woman who is not as good as him, especially she is the most trusted maid of the crown princess. He found a reason to show mercy to his subordinates many times. However, this did not reduce the bitterness and anger in his heart.

Li Yuan's face looked like a tide, and the waves and clouds were difficult to determine. The blue veins on his forehead jumped, and there was a crazy light in his eyes, and even the few stars hanging in the sky were gloomy.

"Do you really want to kill me?" The tourmaline approached him unknowingly, his eyes were bent like the crescent moon in the sky, and his bottomless pupils exuded a lovely dark light.

This time, Liyuan did not retreat and looked straight at her. The air seemed to condense into ice in the narrow space of the two. He saw her thick curly eyelash agitator ** opening and closing like butterfly wings, close at hand. He didn't say anything, but this did not prevent Bixi from clearly feeling the murderous spirit all over his body and the uncontrollable fierceness in his eyes. He obviously forced himself to endure, but his hand holding the scabbard had trembled slightly and his knuckles turned pale.

She knows very well that he can't kill her now. He is also aware of this, so it makes patience - this thing that he has always been good at becomes particularly painful.

The two faced each other coldly, with their eyes intertwined, and their resentment was unspoken.

Finally, he finally regained his senses from the out of control of anger, and his face was as calm as a bowl of flat water.

After a long silence, he finally asked coldly, "Why did you save Xu and the maid of honor?"

"If I say, it's really my conscience, do you believe it?" In the dark, Bixi's eyes were frightening, his voice was quiet, and there seemed to be an unspeakable melancholy.

"Is that really the case?" Li Yuan pulled out a sarcastically with a smile.

"Believe it or not. I might as well tell the general that even if the general doesn't help, I will try to save them. The tourmaline's eyes wandered, floated over his shoulder to the distance, and was lost in the vast night. Somehow, she sighed softly at the end.


"If you stay in the palace, there is only one dead word. Whether it is success or failure, it is a death. Perhaps in the hands of the prince, he can die with respect. That's all. The blue face was sad, and the corners of his mouth were also drooping.

"You can see through, but unfortunately she is not as smart as you." Li Yuan was unmoved and still expressionless. "So far, I'm still afraid that I'm still in the dark, and I'm still thinking about how to revenge you and the princess."

"The general also saw it thoroughly, and the things in the East Palace can't be hidden from your eyes. Since I didn't feel sorry for the Xu family first and she wanted to revenge on me, I didn't complain, but now I'm very sorry for the princess. I thought that if they were all sent out of the palace, the emperor would no longer have any entanglement with the right and wrong in the palace, and would no longer help Zhou. Mei and her also have a good care. Isn't it good to arrange it like this?" When Bixi said this, his eyes stared at him with burning light, and his eyes were mixed with joy and encouragement.

Li Yuan said no, and his eyes gradually softened.

"The child can't be preserved. Sooner or later, she will die. Instead of the crown princess being framed again, it's better to send her away now."

"What?" Li Yuan was obviously stunned and his eyebrows tightened. "How do you know their plan? How do you know that the fetus can't be preserved?

"Xu was originally cultivated into a killer. On the way to marriage, you also fought with her, almost hurt her life, and her abdominal cavity was almost pierced. After that, she experienced skin change and bone grafting and changed her appearance. Her body has long been not as good as ordinary people. The doctor has long said that she is afraid that she will not be a complete woman in her life. Even if you are pregnant, you will slip the tire.

"Why do you want to tell me this?" Li Yuan clenched his fist and his fingers turned white.

"Will you save her? Not only to save her, but also to remove hidden dangers for the East Palace, causing the current situation, the general also has an inescapable responsibility. Bixi smiled and looked very eye-catching. You will save her, won't you?"

"You..." Li Yuan unconsciously took a step back, restrained the weakness of the previous moment, pointed to her and roared in hatred, "How on earth did you know this? Why did you tell me?"

"How do I know, you know..." Bixi smiled sadly.

"Liar, you hateful double liar!!!" Li Yuan raised his palm, but he was less than two inches away from her cheek.

They are so close that they breathe and tangled with each other. Li Yuan's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his palm trembled unknowingly.

Bixi took his hand, pressed it on his beating heart, and said in a trembling voice, "You must want to see what color the heart hidden under this leather bag is, isn't it? I'm waiting for you to cut her with your sword. I also want to see it. Come on!" Her chest heaved violently, and her eyes burned with unpredictable madness. The last three words seemed to add a spell and eagerly summoned him.

Li Yuan seemed to be burned and quickly wanted to pull his hand away. He thought vaguely that she was crazy, and he was about to be driven crazy by her!

Bixi didn't know where he came from. He held his hand with his hands, and he struggled several times but couldn't get rid of it. Both of them were short of breath, as if they were fighting between trapped beasts, and the air around them seemed to be about to burn, forcing people to breathe like sparks.

Li Yuan didn't know what he was doing, but wanted to get rid of her in vain.

And the tourmaline stand on tiptoe, loosened his hands and suddenly wrapped around his neck, and his cold lips touched Li Yuan's two thin lips. She picked greedily, as if to intercept all the breath and completely destroy him. Li Yuan's mind was blank, his hands were slightly drooping, and his throat knot shrugged fiercely. I don't know when he turned passive into active and controlled her powerfully.

The kiss changed from a simple and cold skin blind date to a plunder in full swing, almost draining all his strength.

The tourmaline bit hard on the inside of his lower lip, and the smell of blood suddenly spread between each other's lips and tongues. She suddenly pushed him away, and her eyes were unclear: "Bastard!"

He looked at her slender figure swept away like a wind and stroked his lips in place.