A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 55 Dream Rosemary

The dream was full of wet, full of ice-cold, dark and blurred, and I don't know where it is. Obviously, I was dreaming, and I vaguely understood that I was dreaming, but the people in the dream were also conscious. Looking at the dark and wet chaotic world, I always felt scared and scared in my subconscious. This fear is probably caused by a deep chill.

Su Siman was immersed in a nightmare.

She walked and walked, and everywhere was wet and dark. There was no one, no tree, no sound, and she didn't know where it was. I only felt that I was trembling all over. I spread my legs and ran wildly, trying to escape from this lonely and dark world, but I couldn't see a trace of anger no distance.

In her dream, she has been running wildly. I don't know how long she has been running. She doesn't feel tired at all. Instead, her body is very light. She herself feels strange, but there are many things in the dream that can't be explained by common sense.

It seemed that he was going around in a maze all the time. Su Siman finally gave up and sat down.

As soon as he sat for a long time, he suddenly heard the conversation. Su Siman felt strange and looked around. His sight was dark and could not see anything. She listened to it, but someone was really talking.

"Do you think it's too immoral for us to do this?"

A familiar voice penetrated into Su Siman's ears, and Su Siman was even more surprised this time. Isn't this the sound of a crane and half fairy? Why can't you see anyone when you hear the sound? Su Siman was wondering, and another slightly hoarse voice sounded.

"What is immoral or immoral? We are just sent to do things, and we have no choice but to do it. Besides, this arrangement was written clearly in black and white as early as in my book, and we didn't interfere with it. That's how fate is arranged.

The voice also seemed to be a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was. Su Siman was so surprised. The conversation seemed to come from above his head, but when he looked up, there was no half a person. Strange thing, didn't Hebanxian come to find himself this time? Otherwise, why don't you show up?

book? What book? Su Siman's mind turned quickly. Could it be that the person who talked to the crane half fairy was Si Ming Xingjun? In this way, the book must be a life book. I don't know what is written on the life book? Does it have something to do with her? Well, if only she could take a look at what is written in that book!

Of course, this is just a good wish of Su Siman, which will definitely not be realized. How can you show her the immortal things casually? That's what she thought. She didn't know what Si Mingxingjun looked like, and she had no friendship with him. It was impossible for him to show her such a secret thing.

Su Siman is still sitting in the dark. Obviously, he has always felt that he is wet and clingy around him, but he has no feeling it, but he has been psychologically occupied by this damp and cold feeling.

Only heard the crane half-fairy say, "Just now, the boy surnamed Wang wanted to die. Why did you disturb his mind and suddenly make him change his mind? Yang Shou, the boy surnamed Wang, should have been exhausted. Didn't you see that the Underworld sent a bull-headed horse to attract souls?

Si Ming Xingjun said, "If you don't let him live, Yaozhou will also be drowned with him. Even if you and I mess up, how can we restore your life to the Queen Mother? The robbery died before she crossed the body, and then let her turn to the next cycle? Then what should you do with Fu Xie (ye, Ersheng)? Is it also called to return to the west and reincarnation? They haven't finished their doom yet. Alas, this matter has been stirred up by you. The fate of mortals can still be modified by the company. At that time, the Underworld will investigate and I will deal with it. What are you worried about?

At this point, Si Mingxingjun already has the impulse to hit the wall. The partner Hebanxian is too much. It doesn't matter if he is not efficient. He is always so brainless and always adds chaos! It's not messy enough!

"Well, I didn't mean that." Hebanxian coughed dryly, and his old face seemed to be a little hung up. "I just don't think you need to mess up the fate of a mortal. You are Si Mingxingjun, and you should know that your fate can't be changed randomly."

Si Mingxingjun snorted coldly: "Thanks, you know that your fate can't be changed, but this fate is already a mess! If you hadn't put them in the wrong place, would you have had to go around in such a big circle now? The queen treats you well. She only cuts your path for thousands of years and makes you a semi-immortal. Don't you think about making progress and make up for your achievements?

Hebanxianxian knew that what he had done was not very beautiful, so he was very modest and said twice to show that he knew his mistake and whispered, "Then you don't have to change the fate of a mortal. Just wake up Yaozhou with the soul-rejumation technique while they are all drowned.

Si Mingxingjun was obviously not interested in the saying of Hebanxian, and snorted coldly again: "Didn't you use the immortal method to save her once last time on the fault cliff? This is in the lower world. You can't use magic indiscriminately. If you use more, you will definitely be known by heaven. Don't you know what the Queen Mother means? She just didn't want to disturb too much, so she ordered you and me to secretly supervise them to survive the disaster? If you always use fairy magic, this matter will be noticed by your majesty, and we can't afford to carry it. It's not that you don't know that your majesty has always been in love with Yaozhou, otherwise the Empress Won't have taken advantage of him to go to the West to discuss Taoism and demote Yaozhou to the lower world, saying that she was going through the love disaster, alas..."

Su Siman was confused and didn't make sense. It seemed that he was talking about her? It doesn't seem to be true. It's about a Yaozhou who has something to do with her... or does it matter? Alas, it's amazing that she overheard the sky? Su Siman's head was similar to the dark situation around him, falling into the clouds.

He Banxian was shocked and said, "Is there such a thing? Xiaoxian really doesn't know! What else does Xingjun know? You might as well talk to Xiaoxian and listen to it. Knowing the context of the matter, Xiaoxian can handle the proportion of doing things!"

"You really don't know?"

He Banxian said sincerely, "I don't know."

Si Mingxingjun was obviously a little impatient and said lazily, "You can inquire about it yourself later. I'm too lazy to talk to you."

After a moment of silence, I heard the sound of Hebanxian: "Speaking of which, Xiaoxian still doesn't understand what these have to do with changing the fate of that mortal."

"It doesn't matter? If the boy surnamed Wang dies, the following things will be out of control, and the disaster of Fuxie Shangjun will change again. So when will the disaster arranged in my book be completed? They survived the disaster earlier, so you and I don't have to worry about it anymore.

"Oh, I said, Xingjun, can you show me your book another day? Otherwise, we will be at the same pace, and I don't know how things will develop. In fact, if you had shown me that book earlier, I would not have gone wrong with that many things, don't you think?

Si Mingxingjun said without thinking, "This is a heavenly machine. How can you show it casually!"

The crane half-fairy thief smiled and said, "It's also true. The sky can't be leaked. I know your difficulties. Then if I always do something wrong, don't talk about me again.

"..." Si Mingxingjun lamented repeatedly, "If I had known that you were all messing with, I should have refused to ask you to help me in this job!"


"I didn't bring the book with me. I'll show it to you next time. Let me tell you roughly, that is, Fu Xie Shangjun has been going through an important disaster recently. To sum up, it is seven words: the death of the family is sad. Don't mess it up then, remember? In addition, you must protect his life. The disaster has not been completed yet. If a person dies, I will ask you.

Hebanxian muttered with a bitter face: "Why are you always so immoral... I feel that since I took this errand, I have basically done all the immoral things, which is against immortality. Alas, when I was found by the Empress Dowager, I thought it was a good job that could help me get through the disaster smoothly. I was happy for a long time. How can I do these immoral things? When this thing is done, maybe there will be a loss of virtue. When I was hit by the heavenly disaster, I only needed to be struck by three thunders and fire, but when I split nine roads, wouldn't the little fairy be extinguished... Besides, even if he was lucky enough not to die when the heavenly disaster, Yaozhou was the daughter of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and she also had a good status in the aquarium. The evil emperor is even more amazing, and the magic is unfathomable. If these two come to me for revenge, I might as well be killed by the thunder and fire.

Si Mingxingjun was muttered by him like this, and he was also a little scared. After meditating for a while, he said, "No. When they were reincarnated, they all drank Mengpo soup. When they returned to heaven after crossing the disaster, they would still drink Mengpo soup. At that time, they could not remember what happened in the world, and they would not exist to seek revenge. Moreover, it is not us who have suffered them like this. We just obeyed the will of the Empress Dowager. Even if they want to settle accounts, they should settle accounts with the queen.

"But I'm still not at ease. When I first saw the emperor in heaven, how outstanding he was, dazzling, but he was the girl who refused to marry the queen, so she offended the queen. Now that she has fallen into the mortal world, it is so fateful and his family is ruined. Look at his current appearance, how can he still be? When he was in the sky, he was so aggrieved and had to be manipulated. Alas... The cold-faced fairy king, who was as cold as the evil emperor, still asked him to go through a love disaster to torture Yaozhou. After that day, the mother was also vicious and brought these two people to the lower world to suffer, which made her heart. At the beginning, I just didn't want to help Zhou to make up for his mistakes, so I deliberately took Yaozhou to modern times. I thought that separating the two people could help them escape. I didn't expect... Alas, it's still a miscalculation."

When Si Mingxing heard what he said, he also sighed, "After that, my mother did something too much, but what can I do? Your Majesty is to avoid her. What can we do as subordinates..."


Su Siman woke up from the cold. When he woke up, he lay face down on the shallows, holding the driftwood in his hand.

When I opened my eyes, there was a dim starlight around me, and a cold moon hung diagonally in the sky.

She knew that she had a dream, but what happened in the dream, she only remembered a few words. She didn't know that these were all the soul-suppressing beads on her neck. This soul-suppressing beads have aura. They absorb her spirit day and night, and after a long time, they can be psychic. Su Siman's ability to capture the wizard of Hebanxian and Siming Xingjun in her sleep is thanks to this soul bead.

It's sad that the family is destroyed, and she remembers these seven words.