A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 75 Detailed Analysis

Secretly observing the queen's expression, Su Siman's mind was complicated. The queen's originally dim eyes did suddenly brighten up when she heard her nonsense. If this concern was fake, then the queen's acting skills were indeed enough. And it can still be like this in illness, which is really admirable for dedication.

Su Siman lowered his eyes, frowned slightly, and his eyebrows were darkly depressed. He turned his face slightly: "No, hasn't His Royal Highness been sent to inspect outside the palace? He hasn't come back yet, and his ministers also hope that he will come back as soon as possible."

While saying this, Su Siman continued to secretly observe the queen's expression, but when she saw that the hope on the queen's face was immediately replaced by loss, her spirit immediately collapsed, and her heart was suddenly blocked and her heart tightened. It is said that the most ruthless emperor's family, why did she come to this point... Forced back tears, she kept hinting that she wanted to be rational. At this time, she must not be disturbed by emotions.

Next, Su Siman no longer explored whether the queen's feelings for the prince were true or not, but carefully considered the wording and asked the familiar questions that he had memorized. However, as the chief outstanding representative of the harem of the previous dynasty, the queen was far more mature and sophisticated than Su Siman expected. As a result, Su Siman was directly turned into a scum and wanted the queen to get some information in her mouth, which was more difficult than going to the sky.

Although the queen is weak now, her brain is no worse than usual, and she is still meticulous. Su Siman tried her best to throw the brick lightly, but did not attract the jade. Instead, she was recognized by the queen at a glance and was quietly led by the queen to her nose for a few turns. After answering two rounds of questions, Su Siman realized that his skills were really not the same as the queen's. He was worried that he would be trapped by the queen. Instead, he inadvertently revealed his important information to the queen and stood up and left.

Yes, when you are not as good as your opponent, running away is a wise choice.

On the way, Su Siman reviewed the previous conversation, chewed every word he said and the queen's answer, and felt more that he was really not the queen's opponent. That's right. She is an outsider, not an insider. The queen has been struggling in front of the harem for decades. She is too young! The answer just fell down, but there was no big mistake, but I accidentally mentioned Liang Shaoxuan's visit to Anqin Garden. I don't know if the queen who has always been clear about Qiuhao will understand anything from here? I hope she is sick and lacks energy and doesn't notice anything.

Returning to Anqin Garden, Su Siman asked Bixi to send a letter to Huangfu Chong, inform him of the whereabouts of Huangfu Yunhuangfu meteorite, and asked him to secretly go to Bailing Mountain in the suburbs of the city to pick up the old emperor and other people and move the place. Naturally, the transfer of place is especially aimed at the old emperor. Since Su Siman has made up his mind to go straight over the old emperor and push Liang Shaojun to the position of the 95th Five-Year Plan, of course, it is impossible for outsiders to easily find the old emperor. The more secret the hiding place, the better. And that place was also selected by Zhong Yeli before. Su Siman secretly went to visit, and it was indeed very secretive. Su Siman is not worried about Zhong Ye's appearance. In this matter, they are on the united front, because if he wants to protect his father's life, he must not let the old emperor have a come out. Otherwise, the first person the old emperor wants to get rid of is obviously his fake father.

Everything is going well. The palace seems to be calm, and there is no movement on the side of the emperor's noble concubine. It seems that everything is normal.

But Su Siman's life was still frightened. Her eyes and eyes secretly paid attention to the news. Liang Shaoxuan sent to search for the prince went one after another, but there was still no news of the prince. Liang Shaojun seemed to have disappeared in this world. Susman's response to these news was naturally mixed. But at the same time, it is even more heart-frying, because after so many days, Liang Shaojun's whereabouts are still unknown, which will never be a good thing. She has been forcing herself not to make that ominous guess, because she is not willing to have an unbearable ending that is subconsciously suppressed.

The East Palace is very quiet and a little lonely. The eunuchs are still as enthusiastic about chewing their tongues and drooling as usual. The atmosphere is no different, but there are still some differences. Since the last time Feng Wanxuan sent the person to get the medicine was smashed by the crown princess, Feng Wanxuan has been guilty and has been unable to get sick. Until now, he still reports that he is in good health and can't go to Anqin Garden to say good care.

There are people staring at Feng Wan Wan. Su Siman is relieved, and a Feng Wan Wan can't make a big wave. On the contrary, Feng Wanyuan is the servant of her father's military department. This person is worth noting. Now he has defected to the prince's camp and transferred to Liang Shaoxuan. Although he is not a general who holds heavy troops, he has also been in the army before. There are some connections. According to Su Siman, he has some friendship with Qiu Zhongshen, the general who guards the Gyeonggi area. Qiu Zhongshen was originally a party of the deposed prince Liang Shaoyi. When Liang Shaoyi and Liang Shaoxuan formed an alliance, Liang Shaoxuan once showed his favor and won him, but somehow he failed. Later, because Zhong Yeli blatantly "graped" Ruyifang, his relationship with Liang Shaoxuan was once very stiff. Although he didn't understand what the entanglement was between them, Su Siman could vaguely guess that they must have had a suspicion long ago, but the "grabbing Ruyi Square" incident made the contradiction more acute and white-hot.

Liang Shaoxuan has no military power in his hand, and now he must be trying to attract Qiu Zhongshen, and Feng Wan's father is likely to be a lobbyist, which has to be guarded against.

Obviously, Su Siman would never be happy to see such a scene. So while waiting for the news of the prince, she sneaked out of the palace several times. It is to create a perfect environment for the glorious return of His Royal Highness and win his support.

Su Siman also figured out a question about this matter, that is, why didn't Liang Shaoxuan take advantage of the prince's absence from the palace and directly seize power in his palace? After all, his mother's concubine is also quite powerful. In fact, Su Siman was puzzled for a long time and didn't figure it out. Only then did he suddenly realize the matter of military power.

If Liang Shaoxuan directly abolished the puppet emperor's self-reliance, the first thing to face is the Zhang family, which is stronger than the Shu family. Maybe he will be driven down before his position is stable. Secondly, if the prince is still alive, his abolition of the emperor will be a little untenable. He will be criticized morally, so even if he wants to launch a palace change, The prince must be eliminated first, and it must be eliminated. In one day, the prince will not be able to do anything. It is unrealistic to force the palace or something, because the people in the front department of the palace are basically under the command of Xu Yang, the father of the late Xu Baolin. Because they have not left a trace of treatment, Xu Yang not only did not have a gap with the prince because of his daughter's death, but also supported the prince more, so it is unlikely that he will force the palace from the inside. The last and most important point is that he has no troops in the Gyeonggi area. The thief soldiers he raised are still looking at the distance. If they don't enter the Gyeonggi area, they can't quench their thirst far away. If he has military power, he doesn't have to allidate with his mother's Turks. And the Turks still can't put out the fire in the distant water, and he wants to force the palace to succeed smoothly. In addition, although Liang Shaoxuan has also fought, his influence and reputation in the army are absolutely not as good as his prince brother who once led the three armies. He may not be able to incite those non-commissioned to follow him. On the other hand, the queen has half of the talisman in her hand. Although she can't mobilize all the troops in the Gyeonggi region, it is definitely more than enough to control the guards.

The praetorian guards are all elite. There are several ordinary soldiers. If you want to win, you can only rely on the number to make up. Obviously, Qiu Zhongshen's army of hundreds of thousands stationed in Gyeonggi is absolutely suitable. Although Qiu Zhongshen does not have the right to mobilize troops independently, after all, his prestige in the army is there, and the generals below listen to him, so his appeal is definitely much better than the title of Fifth Highness. Therefore, Liang Shaoxuan is 100% sure to pull over him, because this backup force is too heavy!

She had seen Qiu Zhongshen before for the Ruyi gambling house (in fact, to help Liang Shaojun raise disaster relief silver). At that time, she knocked on him a large amount of money and estimated that he hated her teeth.

When she went, she was only 30% sure.

One, Qiu Zhongshen is a greedy person, and a greedy person is usually not a fool. He has a limit to his loyalty to the deposed crown prince Liang Shaoyi.

Second, there is obviously no future to follow the abandoned prince Liang Shaoyi, because Liang Shaoyi has long gone, and there is no possibility of starting again (although he is an alliance with Liang Shaoxuan, he was killed by his brother in seconds. If there is any plan to act, unless he needs to be used, Liang Shaoxuan will not inform him.) Qiu Zhongshen follows the abandoned prince. It's not a day or two, which must be clearly seen (financial fans are usually very shrewd), so it is very likely to give up the abandoned prince to find another new owner.

The third, and the new owner is basically a choice without suspense. Whether Liang Shaojun had won him before, Su Siman didn't know, but she knew Liang Shaoxuan's way to him. However, in view of the various entanglements mentioned above, it has not been successfully won. Despite this, Liang Shaoxuan must be willing to invest his capital at such a critical moment, and it may be possible to win over with a lot of money.

Now Su Siman is more embarrassing. First of all, she is just a female streamer. They may not listen to what she says. Secondly, the strength of the enemy and us are very different. She is usually not involved in the government, and few officials she knows. She has no intersection with the prince's confidant. Fortunately, there is a Li Yuan, but she was also sent to Liang Shaojun. . Fortunately, before Li Yuan left, he was a little angry with those colleagues, so in the past few days, several prince's confidants have visited An Qinyuan in the name of visiting her. She also sneaked out of the palace several times to discuss them.

This time he went to see Qiu Zhongshen, Su Siman did not go alone and specially found someone to accompany him.