Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 29 Girl's Intuition

Li Tianfeng rushed to the front and saw a large group of people coming from afar. As soon as he got close, he saw Li Tianyan, who was the first to go. He was extremely depressed and said regretfully, "The pursuers are only several times more than us. As long as you persist for a moment, the young master can come. It is not difficult to completely annihilate the pursuers!" Xiao Mei, you misunderstood my Li family!"

"How do I know Dad will arrive so soon!" Xiao Mei roared back louder. In order to show how wronged she was, she cried out with a "wow".

"Mier!" Li Qingyan rode over his father and galloped to Xiao Mei's side. He turned over and got off the horse neatly. He picked her up and asked nervously, "Where's the injury?"

"Wow, my whole body is hurt. Uncle Jiu also blames me for not revealing the heavy treasure to the pursuers. No matter how good the baby is, he must live to enjoy it! Whoo, if the pursuers hadn't been busy looking for treasure in the pool, we would have been shot into hedgehogs. While crying, Xiao Mei secretly observed the expressions of the nine Highness and others who followed him through his fingers, and found that they should have believed their words, so they could calm down. Of course, she was covered with blood and mud, and how embarrassed she was, which also increased the credibility of her words to a certain extent.

Li Tianfeng did not look at the people who followed Li Tianyan. He roared and urged Li Tianyan to take people to grab the treasure with him, and revealed in public that the treasure was very heavy. People who did not have spiritual cultivation in the pursuers could not fly away with the treasure. It should be too late for them to chase them now.

Seeing Li Tianyan's move, Xiao Mei shouted, "There are at least 500 pursuers. The people led by my father are less than half of your people combined. Is it to grab treasure or deliver vegetables? If you want to chase, you have to ask your father to transfer some more people. Besides, there are still His Highness Jiu here, and even a piece of oily skin can't afford to pay for the Li family! Uncle Jiu, don't let the profit make you dizzy, okay?"

"Let's go and have a look! Your Highness is not so delicate." Long Tianlin said in a hurry.

Knowing that Xiao Mei would not stop him for no reason, but Long Tianlin spoke, and Li Tianyan had to say, "Then go and have a look, Tianfeng, lead the way."

"Mei'er is injured. I'll take her back first." Li Qingyan said lightly and turned over the horse.

"Don't, follow them. I want to see how they were beaten by the pursuers and didn't believe me, hum!" Xiao Mei shouted angrily, full of childishness, which was in line with her age and washed away her suspicion. Although Long Tianlin was shrewd, she could not see that she was performing.

Long Tianlin jumped down first and asked Li Tianfeng to lead the way. The two left. In addition to Li Qingyan and Xiao Mei, the rest also quickly followed. Li Qingping and other three women fell to the end before. They couldn't figure out the situation and followed everyone back together confusedly.

"Can you hold on?" Li Qingyan asked worriedly.

"If you can't hold on, you have to hold on, or I will die of anger. Alas!" With a fake cry, Xiao Mei said aggrievedly, "What a piece of wood. You don't know to ask your father for a healing elixir for me!"

A elixir flew in the air and landed in front of Xiao Mei. Li Qingyan reached out and took it, fed her, and then carefully hugged her and chased her. It's better to say that he is chasing, rather than wandering, because it is inconvenient for him to expose his cultivation, and it is really inconvenient to walk on the rugged mountain road, let alone hold a person.

After walking less than ten miles of mountain road, the people who went up the mountain came back. There were more than a dozen injured people. Even Long Tianlin's arm had a blood stain on his arm. Obviously, after a fierce fight, Xiao Mei looked at it darkly and said, " Even Your Highness has been injured. It must be Have you got everything dirty?"

Long Tianlin was unhappy after suffering from the sadness and asked: "You seem to be sure that we will suffer losses?"

"I just made it very clear that there are hundreds of people on the other side. If you don't lose money, you will have a ghost!" Originally, she was going to sneer, but she only keenly felt the danger emanating from this guy, and she closed her mouth again. This guy's hair is loose, and his tight robe outlines muscle lines to show that his vigorous body is full of vitality. It looks like an elegant cheetah. The blood-eating violence lurks under the thin and soft coat, which is simply more dangerous than a wolf.

"There's so much nonsense after being injured!" Li Tianyan scolded angrily with a cold face. After Long Tianlin left, he put his hand on his son's arm and flew up with two small volleys. The ten-mile mountain road passed in a blink of an eye. He returned to the place where he got off the horse and threw the two littles on the back of the horned horse ridden by Li Qingyan. He also fell on his mount. When Long Tianlin urged the horse to leave, he urged the horse to follow.

Returning to the Li family, Long Tianlin said that he would take medicine and went back to Jinhuayuan. He did not allow the Li family to accompany him, but only the children of the families he brought accompanied him.

The senior officials of the Li family led by Li Tianyan gathered in the council hall to listen to Li Tianfeng tell the story. Xiao Mei and Li Qingyan also had a role in listening, while Li Qingzhang and other elite children could only stand on the porch and wait.

It turned out that the treasure was called Huoying, and it was the essence of the fire spirit that had bred the seeds of the fire spirit. It was extremely heavy. It was guarded by a high-level spirit beast. When Li Tianfeng patrolled the defense area, he occasionally found a strange red light, so he went to inspect it. He happened to meet a group of people besieging two red fires. When the war between humans and beasts was fierce, he was decisively Masked, he grabbed the ordinary but incomparable heavy stone and retreated like lightning.

If it hadn't been for the spies who entered Li Tianfeng's guard, the news that he won the spirit of Huo Ying would not have been leaked. After complaining, Li Tianfeng's curiosity prevailed again. He took the initiative to ask Xiao Mei, who curled up in Li Qingyan's arms like a cat, "How do you see that Li Gang carried a heavy treasure?"

"The load is different. Other people's horses stand steadily, but the legs of Brother Li Gang's horse trembled a little, causing the people on the horse to sit unsteadily. Although it is not very obvious, it is very obvious when the people next to them are as still like petrochemical, and when the horses run, I heard a different horse The sound of hooves.

"Why does Uncle Jiu's head also belong to the other party's target?"

"Intuition." The use of abusive excuses couldn't be more useful. Xiao Mei said it righteously.

"Why didn't your intuition make you think that the young master would arrive so soon?" Li Tianfeng was still uncomfortable and gave a small blow.

"My intuition tells me that it's useless even if Dad arrives in time. It turns out that this is true."

"Fight you, er, forget it, Uncle Jiu doesn't care about villains and doesn't have the same experience as you." Although she felt that the arrogant girl smiled dazzlingly, Li Tianfeng could not say that her decision was wrong without conscience. Now calm down, when he thinks that Long Tianlin is with the children of many families. Even if he can take back the heavy treasure, the Li family can't touch it. He may not eat mutton to make him coquettish, so he is afraid for a while.

Li Taizhen said solemnly, "I feel fortunate that the girl Mei revealed the treasure and let her opponent get away to avoid a great disaster for the Li family. I always feel that there are forces plotting against us. His Highness has been not going to Li's house, which may have something to do with this conspiracy.

"Do you always think that the whole incident is actually the suppression action of His Highness Nine specifically against the Li family?" The second master Li Yulin took a cold breath.

Others were still suspicious, but Li Tianfeng believed it and clapped his knees and shouted, "No wonder that no matter how many soldiers I am, changing cars and boats, the pursuers can keep biting. So it is!"

The two little Li Jing, who was listening, accompanied Li Tianfeng, the last seat. The elders were silent. Xiao Mei took a step closer and whispered, "Mier still has an intuition. Do you want to listen to Uncle Jiu?" She rubbed her fingers in front of Li Tianfeng, and didn't care that the expression of the money fan was damaging at this moment. Her black eyes sparkled. I don't know if she regarded Li Tianfeng as a gem.

After playing this girl's chestnut, Li Tianfeng laughed and said, "This girl is simply out of money!"

"I can't help it. Li Mutou and I were swept out of the door by our father. Seven things opened the door, firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, all by ourselves. If there are fat sheep coming to the door, they won't be slaughtered for nothing."

"Who is this fat sheep talking about?" Li Tianfeng deliberately pulled down his face, and the murderous spirit condensed by his many years of military career spread around him. Except for a few people present, they were more or less affected.

"Oh, who is next door? Maybe Uncle Jiu doesn't recognize it." Xiao Meipi smiled and said that she was one of the few people not affected by the momentum emitted by Li Tianfeng.

With a look of appreciation in his eyes, Li Tianfeng restrained his momentum and smiled, "Is this good? Your intuition is that if Uncle Jiu sounds good and looks good about your father's collection, Uncle Jiu will help you get it.

Li Tianyan pulled the corners of his lips, but he didn't squeak.

"Mier is not picky. Uncle Jiu can get anything from his father." Xiao Mei clapped his hands and smiled, and then said something that stunned everyone present.

"Mae'er feels that there is still a cat hiding in the dark. His goal is His Royal Highness and His Highness Jiu."

Looking around for a week, I found that all the elders listened attentively. Xiao Mei talked very freely: "I thought the action against the Li family in Tongcheng was originally done by His Highness Jiu, but that guy relied on the Li family and obviously knocked more on the Li family. Uncle Jiu escorted Chongbao back and died on the road. His Highness was the most suspected. If His Royal Highness Jiu hangs up, it is also difficult for the Li family to clear the suspicion. At the same time, the governor of this province and His Royal Highness are grasshoppers on the same line. This can be seen from Long Tianlie's casual attitude when he got along with Long Congxuan. As long as His Royal Highness Jiu dies here, Long Congxuan and his son will definitely be guilty, and His Royal Highness will also be implicated in this matter. Therefore, this is a stone and four birds, but the Li family Long Congxuan and his son are all incidental trophies.

There was silence in the room, and the men of the Li family were thinking about the possibility of bleak words. What surprised them was that the more they thought about it, the more they felt that the yellow-haired girl was right.