Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 39 Sovereignty

The sovereignty issue was not negotiated, and Xiao Mei simply refuted it: "I don't want it! Li Mutou has to listen to me for everything. If he is disobedient, he will be punished to kneel on the clothespan.

No matter how ugly the elders looked, Li Qingyan said indifferently, "It's getting late. Yan'er and Mei'er left first." Holding Xiao Mei to salute the elders, as soon as he turned around, he picked up Xiao Mei and followed the stone ladder down the cliff.

The two little figures blended into the night. For a long time, Yu Feiyan said with no taste, "This stupid boy is finally settled for that girl!"

"I think it's the cleverness of this boy. He is a waste material. It's impossible to keep the heart of the bold little girl. Li Zhiye said smartly.

Li Tianyan smiled and did not comment.

"Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and we can't control this much." After sighing, Li Zhiyun said solemnly, "Ye Di, hurry up and refine Huo Ying. Yaner, you should seize the time to stabilize the situation. Let Taizhen take the lead in the family affairs. There is an old man watching. It's okay.

"If it's still a girl, both of you brothers will try their best to attack the Spirit King, and the old lady will watch the family matter." Yu Feiyan turned to the direction of the two children leaving and said with a smile, "It's fun for the old lady to chat with that girl when she is bored."

Under the cliff, Xiao Mei, who was lying on Li Qingyan's shoulder, was excited and muttered vaguely: "Who is calculating sister?" The soft lips inadvertently touched the side of his neck, which was already itchy and numb. She stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked her lips, and the tip of her tongue slipped gently, making him heart pounding.

Put the girl down and hold her horizontally in her arms. Li Qingyan, who was not green, looked at her half asleep and half awake nervously. Just then, a wisp of silver moonlight fell from the gap between the torn drooping clouds and fell on her delicate face. The jade-like skin flowed like silver beads, which tempted him to jump more quickly. The ghost bowed his head and kissed the trembling eyelashes like butterfly wings and walked away.

I thought she was stealing incense without knowing it, so the girl squinted and said lazily angrly, "Li Mutou has also learned badly." Li Qingyan blushed and asked, "Mier, um, are you awake?"

"Nonsense, are you talking in your sleep?" After yawning and curling up, Xiao Mei buried her face in front of his chest, licked her lips like a greedy cat, and smiled secretly. Oh, she deliberately licked his neck just now, and the honest child was quite **.

Back to Biezhuang, Li Qingyan sent Xiao Mei back to his room and hurriedly ran out, like a ghost chasing behind her, which made her cover her head and laugh for a long time. Finally, she sighed: Although her husband was going to be a child, the age difference should not be too big, otherwise it would be very hurtful not to eat it!

After thinking nonsense for a while, the fatigue was gone, and Xiao Mei simply went into Yulanghuan to practice.

One day after his work, Xiao Mei was very dissatisfied with the spiritual power that could not see the obvious increase and howled: "I am the one who travels! The speed of strength improvement is not as fast as Li Mutou. Why can't he even compare with his father? Sister, you have to work hard!"

Looking at the pool of water next to the jade tablet, Xiao Mei was whimsical: Well, the water in the world should be rich in water spiritual power. As long as the spiritual power structure is analyzed, it must not be difficult to get the essence of water spiritual power into the body to form a Taiji map with the spiritual power of fire, and create a new skill, right?

It should be said that the ignorant are fearless and didn't even try the water temperature. Xiao Mei just thought about it, and then jumped into the pool. Oh, my God, it's so cold!" Before the voice fell, her body was frozen and fell to the bottom of the water like a popsicle.

It's over. My sister became the first time traveler in history to freeze to death in her own magic weapon! Wanting to cry without tears, Xiao Mei condenses a little unfrozen spiritual power in the Dantian in the difficult cycle of the body to maintain the body from necrosis. At the same time, she used her spiritual power to analyze the water molecular structure of the pool.

With previous experience, it is not difficult to analyze the molecular structure of water. Xiao Mei detected the structure of water spirit from a drop of water locked by spiritual power without too much trouble. There is no teacher to guide the water spirit nucleus from her palm into the body and swim all the way to Dantian along the route that does not interfere with the fire spirit in the body.

Fortunately, the fire spiritual power in Dantian was basically frozen, and there was no incompatible water and fire after the water spiritual core entered. She was delighted and continued to guide the water spiritual core into the body until the energy in Dantian was full of desire.

Reviewed the relevant knowledge of Taiji diagram and entered a state of excitement unique to scientific research maniacs, that is, began to build a Taiji diagram of yin and yang fish.

The ring of Taiji graphics is Taiji, black and white return to each other, white is yang, and black is yin. Xiao Mei gathered the spiritual power of fire to make a white fish, and gathered the spiritual power core of water as a black fish. It was strictly according to the yin flourishing in the north, and the sun rose and thin. At the beginning of the earthquake, it was yin and yang, and the self-shocked and separated and mixed to dry. The law of Yang Sisheng made the yin and yang fish to be in place.

The black fish was fine. She just came in from outside her body and was quite well-behaved. It didn't take much trouble. The frozen fire spirit consumed her strength to become a fish. She almost collapsed mentally. She was pitiful and sponsored some spiritual strength in time, giving her the opportunity to give full play to the hard-working spirit of ants moving. Drag the fire spirit to the right place little by little.

The good luck of yin and yang fish means that the universe is moving. When it moves, it produces yang qi. When it moves to a certain extent, it produces yin qi. When it is relatively still, it produces yin qi. With such a movement and one quietness, the yin and yang qi are the roots of each other, and the operation is infinite and endless, so the changes are endless. This is easy to understand, but it's nerve-racking to make two dead fish move.

After N brain cells died, it suddenly occurred to me that yin and yang fish all have eyes. The white fish and black eyes indicate that there is yin in the yang, and the black fish has white eyes and yang in the yin. Isn't it a dead fish without eyes? What a pig's brain!" After scolding himself, Xiao Mei was busy for a long time, depleting the spiritual power sponsored by Yulang Huantian, and finally succeeded in making the yin and yang fish rotate.

At the moment of the operation of the Taiji map, two bright lights emerged from the fish's eyes, forming two extremely cold and hot spiritual forces flowing out of Dantian. Limited to mental lack, Xiao Mei simply did not care about the heat flow, but only used his spiritual power to pull the cold current to make a big Sunday cycle under the principle of not interfering with the heat flow. Fortunately, the heat flow automatically follows the old route according to the skills learned since childhood and does not go over. After a cycle of one Sunday, the flesh, muscles and bones of her whole body and inner blood were given life at this moment, and some magical changes took place. Unfortunately, her spiritual strength was also completely exhausted and she fainted happily.

Youyou woke up and opened his eyes to Li Qingyan's worried eyes. Xiao Mei was about to release the biggest good news. Suddenly, a sour smell poured into his nostrils with the morning wind blowing outside the window. She rolled up her sleeves and saw that her pink lotus-like arms were coated with a layer of dark oil, mixed with trace of blood, and immediately burst into an earth-shaking laughter.

"Mier, are you all right?" Li Qingyan asked nervously, and his facial features were about to squeeze together.

"I can't be any better!" He suddenly hooked Lang's neck and pulled him down. After a "bo" kiss, Xiao Mei laughed wildly again.

Covering the kissed lips, Li Qingyan was more worried: "Isn't it crazy? Meier, calm down."

"Sister is a time traveler, gone crazy? It's absolutely impossible!" After another burst of crazy laughter, Xiao Mei finally calmed down and talked about the success of making a Taiji picture in his body. Seeing his stunned look, he laughed again: "Li Motou, isn't your IQ covered?"

Catching the jade hand on his face, Li Qingyan looked at the brilliant face and asked in a hoarse voice, "Can you stop playing so crazy? Or, let me stay with you."

Only then did he notice that there were dots of tears on his thick eyelashes. Shocked, Xiao Mei asked in surprise, "Li Mutou, have you cried? Tell me what's going on."

He suddenly buried his head on the side of the girl's neck. Li Qingyan choked and said, "You don't save time for three days and nights. Dad came to see you and said you were fine, but I'm still very worried."

"Three days and three nights!" Xiao Mei screamed, and thought that the time flow speed in Yulanghuan was different from that outside. He sighed, "Time is like an arrow. It's really a year of cultivation."

Ignoring Xiao Mei's emotion, Li Qingyan said to himself, "I know that you have always regarded life as a game and look down on life and death, so you act fearlessly. In fact, you have always hoped to return to the previous world. You must still want to find a man named Lin Xiang or like Lin Xiang.

"You are stupid! What does this have to do with Lin Xiang? Oh, Li Mutou, don't think nonsense. Looking up the honest child's face, Xiao Mei said seriously, "Even though I don't yearn for a peaceful flower and moon garden, I look forward to flying with you and never leaving in the wind and rain."

"What you said, fly with wings and never give up." He smiled happily and thought that his handsome face was sunny. Li Qingyan said with great interest, "Then I will also go to get the Taiji picture."

"Oh, Li Mutou, I'm starving to death." With a weak shout, Xiao Mei's boneless body curled up and squatted over, which meant to let Li Qingyan hug her to eat.

He immediately left the matter of Taijitu behind. Li Qingyan ordered people to bring porridge quickly, and thoughtfully asked the maids to carry the bathtub into the bedroom, soak her comfortably in the bathtub and eat the porridge he fed. Although she went into the bathtub in her middle clothes, his face was so red that it could drip blood, and his eyes didn't know where to look.

Looking interesting, Xiao Mei stirred the splash and said jokingly, "Li Mutou, tell me honestly, is there some unhealthy thoughts in your heart? Be frank and lenient, resist and be strict."

Listening to the sound of water, Li Qingyan blushed even more, and was unwilling to let the girl laugh and bravely fight back: "Frankly and lenient, sit through the prison, resist strictness, and go home for the Spring Festival. I won't tell the truth until I'm stupid."

Outside the window, peach blossoms and orchids covered their mouths and smiled secretly.