Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 113 The Holy Spirit

"Since this messenger has opened the road to the Nether Yellow Spring, don't be ignorant and go!" A small cluster of flame-like red light suddenly appeared on Ye Shaobai's originally smooth forehead. All his fingerprints glowed with the strange black light, like a monster that chose a person to devour.

The cold voice sounded in an instant, and all the people who fled to the mountain trembled like falling into an ice cave. Their foreheads were silently affixed with black fingerprints. The people who fought desperately just now shouted heartbreakingly together, and some people showed a crazy look on their faces, proving that they also wanted to die together. However, no matter how afraid they were, they could not escape the fate of the silent melting of their bodies.

People who stay in place and remain motionless are secretly cold. The only mood that is not affected is not only Longyan, but also Xiao Mei. She even knows the strength of Ye Shaobai better than Longyan. She knows that he is the stage of a spiritual saint, which is not resisted by Longyan, so she is also more anxious: the good luck of this time traveler will not come to an end, will she?

"Long Yan, do you want to stop this messenger?" Ye Shaobai asked jokingly and answered that he was Longyan waving his sword and thundering. The wind passed by, and the black shadow melted like ice and snow, just like the black wave that turned against him.

With the help of the transparent display screen, Xiao Mei could see clearly, and the black gas that came out of Ye Shaobai was a little thicker. The knife wind with the black wave was shaken away when it touched the black gas.

Long Yan's face was calm as usual, but Xiao Mei observed clearly: his finger joints were a little white, and obviously the pressure was not light. It seemed that Long Yan really couldn't resist. Is this a mistake or the hegemonic's strategy to lure the enemy?

"It's still this move, Longyan. Over the years, you haven't made any progress at all." Smiling gently, Ye Shaobai was obviously not afraid of Longyan's tricks. Under absolute strength, any strange conspiracy is in vain, he firmly believes.

I have to say that Ye Shaobai is really strong. When fighting with Longyan, he actually had the strength to explore his palm to catch Long Tianlin. The black fingerprints stringed into a black long rope, entangling Long Tianlin and flying towards him.

In several exclamation, he was dragged in front of Ye Shaobai. The blood and jade beads hanging on Long Tian's neck burst, and the blood-red jade beads burst into the blood-colored light, like a sword to ward off evil, breaking the black gas and inserted it directly into Ye Shaobai's throat. He took off with the power of the jade beads and quickly retreated by Long Yan.

"Ignorance!" Ye Shaobai flicked his finger carelessly. The sharp light of blood shone on his face, which had not been sunny all year round, and added a little rosy.

From Xiao Mei's eyes, Ye Shaobai is too beautiful, so his strength needs to be so strong, otherwise the man who wants to blow up his ** can line up from Zhucheng to the provincial capital, no, or even more!

That is, Xiao Mei can still think so far for Ye Shaobai at such a critical moment. If he knows, he doesn't know whether to flatten her directly.

That is, after such a short time, the situation in the field has changed dramatically. Ye Shaobai's face was a strange flush, and the black robe on his body curled with smoke. After a meal, he flashed without even a word of the scene.

Ye Shaobai's foot stopped, and the huge flying peak seemed to be broken by a prehistoric beast. The mountain was two parts, and the people who stayed on the top of the mountain fell one after another among the rocks.

Up to now, Xiao Mei can't figure out what the crossing-through immortal cultivation system has mutated into. It can always flash automatically when she needs it. Now, she looks around through the transparent display screen and falls with the chaotic falling stones. Most of the time, she only needs to make a small body swing to avoid the impact of the rocks. She was almost hit by the big stone next to her twice, but she also avoided it.

After landing, Xiao Mei just got up with a gray face. Long Tianlin, who landed safely by Mr. Zhong, came over, grabbed her arm, looked up and down indifferently and asked, "Isn't it hurt?"

He pulled back his arm and ignored Long Tianlin's disappointed eyes. Xiao Mei put on his clothes and asked, "What kind of medicine powder is in the jade beads string? How can it be effective for Lingsheng?"

"Do you know I took the medicine?" Long Tianlin did not answer the question. Longyan, who had just fallen behind him, was also very surprised.

"Nonsense, I didn't know I asked you! After all, I don't have time to listen to it.

"It is a ruthless pollen. It has a miraculous effect to restrain the dark attribute spiritual power of ghost messengers, but after touching the qi, it will naturally dissipate, so it is preserved with a string of jade beads. This ruthless pollen is extremely domineering. Even if it is not removed in time and effectively, it will precipitate on a part of the body and affect its function.

Hearing the words, Xiao Mei frowned. Of course, she could hear what Long Tianlin meant by "precipitated in a certain part of the body", so she had to doubt that Long Tianlin carried a string of beads to restrain the ghost messenger, which was not without the meaning of Li Qingyan. It seems that you are really prepared. This time, I asked you to use it as a gun again, so I won't give you an explanation. She asked.

"How dare you be used as a gun? It's the ghosts of the people in the Fire Hall." Long Tianlin said with a laugh.

"Do you want to say it's a dozen soy sauce?"

"Soy sauce? Well, your words are as strange as those of Long Yu's father-in-law.

"Long Yu's father-in-law is from Huaxia Village, right?" Without waiting for Long Tianlin to answer, Xiao Mei said, "Don't talk to my sister. It's not so easy to calculate. If you don't give an explanation today, you will bear the consequences."

He has been ordered by him to cut 17 or 8 yuan, and he will not care about this threat with no substantive content, but he really dares to ignore Xiao Mei's threat and quickly said, "Let you take over the territory of Qinghumen. Er, I'll ask the local government to assist you."

"I occupied the territory of the blood knife gate on the other side of Wulin Ling Mine, and my sister also took it."

"All right." After agreeing, Long Tianlin saw that Mr. Zhong wanted to stop talking. Obviously, he didn't agree with it, so he reminded him: "The names of these two sects can't be changed or combined."

"An! Sister, don't you want to expand the Flower Shadow Gate? What name should I change? My sister just lacks hard work to open the auction.

"Is it true?" Long Tianlin asked with a smile.

"I can't guarantee that everything I say is true, but I can guarantee that I will feel guilty when I lie. Do you think my sister looks guilty now? After prevariably, Xiao Mei didn't bother to care what Long Tianlin thought and called the people he brought.

The disciples of Qinghumen can run, taking advantage of the chaos just now, and the rest are seriously injured and can't run. The battle is completely over. Xiao Mei was also counting the number of people. Seeing that two dead and five injured, the bodies of the deceased were rotten. She herself dug a pit, buried the dead, and cut a monument on the spot. At this time, Qiu Yueqin came with the person who had been vetoed under the peak and helped heal the injured.

The monument was erected, and Xiao Mei said with a heavy face to the raised tomb: "Let's observe a moment of silence for the dead together." This statement was very fresh, and no one reacted. It was not until she said the hint again that Qiu Yueqin took the lead to stand beside her and stood silently. Only then did the disciples of Huayingmen and the assistants observe a similar silence.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Mei made a brief speech, affirming that he would respect the opinions of the families of the deceased to move the grave or repair the tomb on the spot.

Not to mention Long Tianlin and those Qinghumen disciples who were seriously injured and couldn't run, even the defense team members were surprised. After all, the defense team members are essentially mercenaries. They take money to do things and are responsible for the death and injury. The employer only needs to pay the previously agreed fees. It's good to have an employer to bury it when you die. There is no such thing as respecting the family members moving graves or repairing tombs.

"This girl is buying people's hearts." Mr. Zhong said.

"It's just that the girl's heart is soft." Long Tianlin smiled. But only God knows what he thinks in his heart. Like Xiao Mei's insight into his conspiracy and tricks, why can't he see through her little tricks? As the ninth highness of the empire, he should ruthlessly suppress this little ambitionist, but as a man who appreciates and hopes to control her, he is willing to give her a stage of talent, which is more interesting to conquer.

"You are playing with fire." It's hard for Mr. Zhong to say this. As a teacher and uncle, Long Yan can say that.

"Do you think this fire is worth playing?" Long Tianlin asked back.

Longyan is speechless.

He sneezed violently and ended his speech. Xiao Mei, who intended to enliven the atmosphere, opened his mouth and scolded, "It must be some grandson who is calculating sister again."

Long Tianlin made his saliva chop for a while. Long Yan and Mr. Zhong looked at him and smiled at the same time.

Looking over suspiciously, Xiao Meipi said with a smile and said, "Sister, you need to know which grandson is thinking crookedly. If you want to trick me, you have to peel off his skin and light the sky lamp."

Long Tianlin, who made the two old guys laugh boringly, finally couldn't help saying, "Women, it's better not to be so bloody. It's good to enjoy flowers, poems and play the piano at home.

"My sister still needs to be talented and talented, and she is not the same as the canary you have at home. Don't insult your sister with their standards. The disgusting wave of his hand made Long Tianlin go away. Xiao Mei said to the defense team members again: "It is also a rare fate for everyone to have the opportunity to work together in ten years. I hope that everyone will work together during the working period. Naturally, I also share the difficulties and blessings with everyone. I dare not boast about anything else, but I eat meat and will never let everyone only drink soup.

When they come to be the coordinator, they must be the children of ordinary people or small families who are forced to live. Generally, employers are arrogant. They have heard this kind of words and didn't want to believe it, but somehow they actually believed Xiao Mei so easily, and they felt more or less on their faces. A moving look.

"Tianlin, you're right. This girl is worth fighting for." Long Yan sighed and said, "This girl is by no means a thing in the pool. If she can't be subdued, she must deal with it as soon as possible and must not be tolerated."

"Heaven comes to save." Long Tianlin didn't have this idea, but the more he had contact with Xiao Mei, the more he felt that it was unusually difficult to really attack her.