Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 122 The deterrent power of pseudo-spirit

(Dear friends, today's second update is at 7 p.m., please stay tuned.)

Xiao Mei's last sudden roar made him tremble with fear, and then Lan Ruocheng was so aggrieved that he wanted to cry: I was at least a spirit king, but I was actually roared by a little spiritual master. What's more angry is that this little spiritual master is still a woman. But no matter how aggrieved he was, he could only accompany his smiling face and say, "This is Lan's fault."

It is clear that Lan Ruocheng's words are insincere, and Xiao Mei still wants to beat the water dog: "It's wrong!"

The smile squeezed out finally collapsed. Lan Ruocheng asked angrily, "How are you doing?"

"There is no reasonable explanation. My sister will destroy your blood knife door, and the chicken and dog will not stay." Xiao Mei's voice was cold, and the desolate and majestic breath that seemed to come from the ancient flood appeared on his body.

After successfully getting the spin ice and fire Taiji map, Xiao Mei had her own attack skills, but did not compress the spiritual power through the Taiji map as originally conceived. The spiritual power entered the Taiji map and failed to completely peel off the attached material in high-speed rotation, and she has never been able to touch the spiritual core again. At this time, a flash of light flashed in my mind, thinking of reversing the ice and fire Taiji map in Dantian. At the moment when the Taiji map turned and reversed, the Reiki nucleus appeared again.

This is not the first time that this breath appeared on Xiao Mei, but Li Qingyan was still so shocked when he felt it for the first time. Not only him, but also made Jiuyou's knife tremble, and even made him feel that he was afraid. The rest of the people present performed worse than him, and most of them collapsed to the ground in fear.

It was obvious to feel that the previous spiritual saint was a dark attribute, which was completely different from the breath that exploded now. Lan Ruocheng couldn't help but be shocked: it was the two spiritual saints who came together! Although he had seen the two people hidden in the black fog, he couldn't believe that it was a beautiful young man who had mistakenly thought he was a dark saint, and the stronger breath just broke out came from this beautiful baby.

Not only the people in Qian Ren Valley, but also Long Tianlin and Long Yan, who can't stay outside the valley, and Lin Sanxia, who was ordered to guard at the mouth of the valley, are also extremely shocking.

"It's a spiritual saint, and there is a spiritual saint in the blood knife door!" Long Yan cried out.

"There must be a spiritual saint, just to see if it is a blood knife door." Long Tianlin said with a complicated face. He neither wanted Xiao Mei to have an accident, nor did he want a spiritual saint in Huayingmen.

"Is it still a spiritual saint who is a bodyguard with two little guys?"

"It's not impossible."

Lin Sanxia, who is more than 20 feet away, is straight like a javelin. Long Tianlin and Long Yan's words were heard in his ears, and his eyes looking at the valley became hot. Behind him, the defense team members who stood in line according to Xiao Mei's request also had a little resentment in their hearts. They thought that maybe they could see Lingsheng with this employer, and everyone's hearts were hot.

In the canyon, the defensemen who were originally defeated were like victorious generals. The Blood Knife Gate is full of sad clouds from top to bottom. Whether the compensation conditions proposed by the senior management of the Blood Knife Gate, where Lan Ruo became the leader, have a kind of sadness of doomsday.

Finally, a low-level disciple of the Blood Knife Gate couldn't stand the mental pressure. His self-control collapsed, knelt on the ground and howled crying: "I want to join the Flower Shadow Gate, Saint, let me join the Flower Shadow Gate!"

At the beginning, someone immediately followed the trend and suddenly knelt down. There were low-level disciples and middle and high-level officials of the blood knife door. At this time, it can be seen that only nearly 40% of the disciples standing still are loyal to the knife door, most of whom are the mainstay of the blood knife door.

Xiao Mei did not say that Li Qingyan naturally did not squeak. Jiuyou knife carried them and moved, and the cold and black air wrapped around. Even if the spiritual saint did not show his real body, no one doubted the existence of the spiritual saint and would only disdain to appear as a spiritual saint. After all, the concept that the monks under the spiritual saint could not fly in Qianren Canyon has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

The sweat on his forehead oozed out, the size of dense soybeans, drop by drop rolling down, and the sound of every drop of sweat falling to the ground was like a hammer in Lan Ruocheng's ear. After holding on for a while, another group of people joined the ranks of traitors. His psychological defense line finally collapsed and sighed: "Holy, the responsibility for attacking the Wulin Ling Mine is Lan Ruocheng. I would like to take the crime with this cheap life, and only ask the saint to continue the Blood Knife Gate."

The burly man who was half a shoulder behind Lan Ruocheng roared, "Master, that order is under my command. Fengyun is responsible for one person to do things, and it is also a matter of Fengyun to kill and kill."

"I'm the master of a family, and I have the final say." Lan Ruocheng said in a low voice.

"The blood knife door can't live without you!"

"I don't know if the blood knife door can exist."

Fengyun opened his mouth and finally said nothing more.

With a bitter smile, Lan Ruocheng said again, "Holy one, Lan Ruocheng is willing to die to thank for his sins, please be gravited."

Listening to the guilty minister shouting "Your Majesty's kindness" in the TV series, Xiao Mei wanted to laugh a little. Blood Knife Gate is more evil than the Qinghu Gate, which has always bullied the fish and meat village, so she has no psychological pressure to suppress these two sects. The owner of the Blood Knife Gate is definitely not a good person, but his performance at this moment made her secretly praise her "good", so she didn't want to embarrass him any more. She said bluntly, "I don't want you to apologize for your death. Blood Knife Gate can continue to keep it, but a set of teams and two brands are the bottom line, and there is no discount."

"Please make it clear." Lan Ruocheng said carefully, afraid that the saint would wave his hand and destroy him. After all, although he had the will to die, he could not die, and he could save the blood knife door. He still hoped to live.

"The sign of your blood knife door is retained, but the person of the blood knife door is also the person of the blood knife branch outside the flower shadow door."

"This--" hesitated for a moment, and Lan Ruocheng gritted his teeth and said, "Oku all."

"Our headquarters will send supervisors to supervise and convey tasks, and you must obey unconditionally."

What kind of task needs to be completed? Can you make it clear?"

"At present, Wulin Ling Mine is now contracted by my Huaying Gate. If you need people to mine, you can arrange some manpower." Thinking that it can't be too cheap, Xiao Mei said, "At the same time, we should regularly provide the poison of Qianrongxia and the 100-year-related elixir. No matter the variety, um, it will be returned to Chengdan at a ratio of 30%."

Lan Ruocheng's eyelids jumped and blurted out, "Does the headquarters want to alchemy?"

"Nonsense, if you don't do alchemy, will you still steal the elixir from the sect?" Xiao Mei jumped down from the Jiuyou sword and fell in front of Lan Ruocheng. Because of her short height, she needed to speak with her face up. For this reason, she immediately jumped on a stone next to her and said, "However, my sister said ugly words before, the age of the elixir must be sufficient. In addition, don't do evil like before, which will ruin my reputation outside the flower shadow door. My sister may destroy the blood knife door at any time.

Lan Ruocheng said in a low voice, "If the amount needs to be large, it may not be easy to complete 100 years of elixir. Can you limit it to more than 50 years?"

"It's not like feeding pigs. Why do you need such a large output! Fifty-year-old alchemy is too bad, and there is nothing to refine. Specifically, you talk to the inspector. I will make the request clear to him. He waved his slender hand and motioned Lan Ruocheng not to say anything more. Xiao Mei shouted to the defense team members, "Brothers, take the bodies of the fallen brothers and let's go back."

Many of the defense team members only heard "go back" and took two steps to react. Many people's eyes turned red at that time and quickly joined the search team. They are very happy to get their lives back today. Now, they feel very relieved. Even if most of them are strong now, no one complains.

The 500 defense team members who came in had only 317 living people and 137 bodies when they left, and the rest could not even find the bodies. Such a result made Xiao Mei feel very uncomfortable and couldn't help thinking: if he didn't hit the idea of this bloody knife door, would those people not die, or even the bones would be left.

There was an elderly defense team member next to him, with a burning yellow beard on his chest, and his old eyes flashed wisely. He saw through what Xiao Mei thought and took the initiative to comfort him: "The tile pot is inevitably broken in the well. You don't have to be sad about these brothers who died in battle. In fact, even if we don't die here today, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, we will die in another place, and no one will even collect our bodies.

Another defense team member squeezed over and said, "Yes, I feel at ease when I think of someone collecting the body, and even thinking of the word brother who died in battle. Boss, don't retreat."

"That's right, the brother who died in battle, my grandson feels warm when she listens to it."

"My brother also died on a mission with others. Ten days after the body was exposed, I had to believe it and rushed to collect the body, but his body was so spoiled by the beast that he could not see his human form. He died and still didn't complete the task. He only took a deposit.

"This kind of thing is not uncommon, and my father died like this. Lao Su said it well that the crock will not be broken from the well. We are all ready to break it at any time, but we hope to follow the boss and break it properly.

The defense team members gathered around and said so sincerely that Xiao Mei was both moved and ashamed. She felt that she had done nothing for them. She was completely using them and extracting their lives. In particular, before she figured out the strength of the Blood Knife Gate, she rushed in with these 500 people and completely killed them. However, they not only did not blame her, but also came to comfort her, which made her feel embarrassed. Question mark

Lan Ruocheng looked at the scene in front of him. With his worldly wisdom and shrewdness, he could naturally see that the words of these defense team members came from the bottom of his heart and couldn't help but be curious. He was not as resistant to the two brands of a team as before. Not only Lan Ruocheng, but also the backbone of the blood knife door around him, especially when they learned that the defense team had distributed elixirs before the mission.