Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 148 Dispute

"Well, let me think about it and reply tomorrow, okay?" Xiao Mei said hesitantly, as if he refused to believe Li Tiansheng's words.

Finally, he was unwilling, and Li Tiansheng's grandparents had to leave. Taking advantage of the fun and returning in frustration, the depression of their grandparents and grandchildren can be imagined. Li Yuya and Li Tianfeng, who followed, turned out to be in the mood to try, but their dreams came true. Li Tianfeng, who became the head, also got what he wanted, and they were in a very good mood.

Wait for the four people to leave, Xiao Mei, who was alone in the hall, laughed and shouted "Alas", which scared Li Qingyan to arrive quickly. When asked, he also smiled: "Let Uncle Jiu be the head. Thank you for your courage to say it."

"When adding a head, Uncle Jiu is also happy." With a naughty smile, Xiao Mei wrote a letter to Wu Meier, the emperor of the sword, talking about the five moonstones to attract the peak spirit.

Holding Wenxiang and soft jade in his arms, Li Qingyan said dissatisfiedly, "What urgent letter? I can't wait until tomorrow to write it!" Look, it's going to be dawn."

"I am a time traveler and a monk. She is a typical example of a great appointment. I can't waste time. An inch of time and an inch of gold. How can I waste such precious time on sleep!" When speaking, Xiao Mei yawned, ran out in a hurry, put the letter on the open space outside the gate of the villa, and said, "The master of the Bajian Sect has heard it. This letter is for your suzerain's wife. If you miss something wrong, you will be very unlucky!"

Around the flower shadow villa at night, it is dark, and occasionally two night owls cry in the distance. The moon hid behind the clouds and only showed a line, and the leaked moonlight did not wait to fall to the ground, which was covered by the night veil.

Xiao Mei turned around and went back after shouting. Before long, the wind that was flat on the ground rose with the wind and floated leisurely to the dark depths of the night like wings.

"The letter flew away?"

The council chamber of the Li family was brightly lit, and the chiefs of the Li family gathered together. When the son of the Li family who reported the news confirmed that Xiao Mei's letter outside the Zhuang Gate was not flying. Although he did not see the whereof of the letter clearly, everyone believed that it was the master of the Sword Sect who took away the letter. It is estimated that tomorrow, the letter will be placed in Wu Meier's The desk.

"The Li family doesn't have to think about those five moonstones. However, it's okay--" In the middle of the words, Li Tiansheng stopped talking, but fixed his eyes on Li Yuya. He is at night. It's hard to say that he let his uncle spit out the meat, but he believes that an elder will say it for him.

Sure enough, several people from the jade generation mentioned that Li Yuya's two-month Yuexi stone should be handed over to the family.

In fact, on the way, Li Yuya exchanged views with Li Tianfeng and understood that the five spiritual stones attracted Ling Zun, and they would definitely hand over part of the Yuexi stone they got. But he had to hand it in voluntarily, not forced to hand it in. Therefore, he said stubbornly, "It's okay to hand it in, but it's up to me how to distribute it."

Li Tiansheng said smoothly, "Well, let's distribute it uniformly."

Li Tianfeng said, "You can just say it's up to you."

"Is the ninth brother criticizing the third brother for being unfair?" Li Tiansheng said fearlessly. Now, the uncle Li Tianyan is missing, and the second master's old injury has relapsed and is sick. His third master is in charge of the Li family. In terms of talent, qualifications and strength, the brothers below him can't compare with him. Therefore, he will never show weakness in this kind of scene.

These days when I went home, I saw Li Tiansheng eliminating dissidents and making the Li family smoky. Li Tianfeng was also very angry: "Justice is in the hearts of the people. Do nothing! Anyway, from tomorrow, I will take my head into the flower shadow door as a coolie. If some black-hearted families have the idea of blackening Yuexi stone, hey, maybe the Yuexi stone will fly away with long wings.

Several elders of jade and Tai characters scolded Li Tianfeng, which made Li Tiansheng unhappy, but the next moment, his face turned black. Because Li Yuya said toughly, "Tianfeng's words are my words. Before I went there just now, Tiansheng, the little bastard, excluded me from two places. Why didn't you fart!"

In Xiangmei Garden, Li Zhiyun, who used his energy to pry into the situation of the council chamber, said depressedly, "Yuya is really a fool! The family is in this situation now. He is still so reckless, and so is Tianfeng's little boy!"

Yu Feiyan said disapprovingly, "What are you doing? I think the two kids are right! They won this month's Xishi, and of course they have the right to deal with it.

"Obviously, it was sent by Yan'er, but they didn't win it."

"The key to the problem is that they did fight for it, and they don't know that Hua 19 is a girl."

"He is the head of the family, and it is impossible to cover everything. We should be considerate as elders. Speaking of this, Li Zhiyun bowed first before saying, "Sister-in-law, although I don't want to talk about it, I still want to say that you are a little prejudiced against Tiansheng."

"Well, prejudice, maybe." Without refutation, Yu Feiyan said irresponsibly, "Anyway, Meier said that the third wife is a black horse. Now if the Li family wants to revive, it is her who has to rely on it. Naturally, I listen to her."

"How can that girl say such irresponsible words!" Li Zhiyun made a face. I guess Xiao Mei will definitely be scolded by him in front of him.

"Well, you were so angry when you heard what the girl said." Yu Feiyan learned from martial arts with some bad taste. She learned Xiao Mei's accent at that time and said word for word: "The Li family's internal mischief is endless. It's simply a plate of scattered sand. Except for a limited number of people, we dare not trust it. Especially in the third room, Mei'er told you that you can't let them know the inside story of Huayingmen, otherwise we will have to abandon the Li family.

"It's against her. How dare you say such a rebellious thing!" Li Zhiyun blew up and was about to go out with his sleeves.

stopped Li Zhiyun, and Yu Feiyan sighed, "Mame also said more angry words. You can leave after listening to it."

Li Zhiyun suddenly turned around and asked angrily, "What else did she say?"

"Anyway, the long house is now thin, and there is no expectation for the Li family to live. Even if the Li family collapses, it will not have much impact on the long house. Therefore, whether the Li family is worth it or not depends on what the Li family does. Xiao Mei's tone was still learned, but a few words were slightly changed. After that, Yu Feiyan sighed and said, "We all know that the girl is lawless temperament, and the useless boy of Yan'er is obedient to her, so I didn't say anything."

Li Zhiyun swayed and sat back sullenly.

"Actually, this girl is too arrogant, but her heart is still towards the Li family. We can't deny this. If she hadn't been willing to take Qingyan's attitude towards the Li family, the Li family would have died, and he would not have ignored it. Speaking of this, Yu Feiyan was also depressed: "Tianyan doesn't know how to discipline this child, which makes him indifferent and has no sense of family responsibility and belonging. It's better for Meier to kiss me."

Daughter-in-law is not as good as son, which is also Li Zhiyun's deep-rooted concept, so although he also feels that Yu Feiyan's complaint is reasonable, he wants to justify Li Qingyan, who is flowing the blood of the ancestors of the Li family: "Qingyan is just not good at expressing, and there is still a Li family in his heart. Don't misunderstand him. "

"Anyway, I can't get along with that boy, that is, Mei'er kisses me, so I listen to what Mei'er says. By the way, Meier said that if the bottom of Huayingmen is leaked, she will not care about the life or death of the Li family.

"This hateful girl!" The idea of teaching Xiao Mei disappeared, and Li Zhiyun just cursed. I said goodbye, but I don't know why I relaxed. Of course, the two moonstones in his arms were also the main reason for his relaxation. With these two moonstones, his hope of breaking through the Spirit King again increased a lot. Besides, Yuexi stone is not a rare thing now. Two yuan is not enough. If he uses 20 yuan, he doesn't believe that he can't break through!

The discussion hall that became a pot of porridge also returned to calm. The main reason is that Li Tiansheng was soft in front of Li Yuya and promised that Li Yuya would be responsible for the distribution of Yuexi stone. Of course, there is a prerequisite: the urgent first takes care of the spiritual master who needs to break through the bottleneck or close to Shouyuan.

According to the principle of emergency first, Li Taiyan has to rank in the top, which is one of the reasons why Li Tiansheng is willing to be soft. Another reason is that there are too many discordant factors in the Li family now. He is also afraid that the more he will become more rigid, causing chaos, or alarming his ancestors, making them feel that he is incompatible and unfair, and let him hand over power.

Yuexi Stone has not arrived yet, and the Li family has preliminarily determined the allocation quota here. The crowd dispersed, and Li Tiansheng returned to his residence with his grandfather. Then he remembered that today was his wedding night, so he asked his grandfather to visit Xu Yong, the bloody door, and he quickly entered the bridal chamber.

As soon as he entered the room, a bright light flew up in the black light. Li Tiansheng was caught off guard and let the bright light shine only half a finger away from his throat, and then he held up the spiritual mask to take the blow. With a crack, the bright light burst open, and the spiritual mask shook, and the fishy sparks splashed everywhere. He did not fight back. He stood still and shouted angrily, "What are you doing!"

It is naturally the dragon and magnolia. She had taken off her heavy wedding dress and abandoned it on the ground. She sat at the table in the middle of the house in a big red blasphemy, with melon and fruit cakes and wine pot in front of her, while she held an empty wine glass in her hand. Putting the glass on the table, she said drunkly, "Don't you understand?"

Li Tiansheng didn't move and whispered, suppressing his anger, "Don't lose your temper. Since you married, it's my Li family, no longer the daughter of the Long family. You have to guard the woman's way."

"What if I don't keep it?" As soon as she patted the table, Long Yulan suddenly stood up and shouted, "How dare you kill your aunt!"

"You are drunk, take a rest early. Come on!" Li Tiansheng shouted and said coldly, "Who brought the wine for my wife today? I will go to the room to do chores by myself tomorrow. The rest are not allowed to visit the room without permission.