Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 152 Shining Soul Stone

It seems that the bright light source is the power source of zombies! Xiao Mei was a little happy about this small discovery and actually wanted to go out to see if the ape-shaped zombie was completely dead. Curiosity killed the cat. She felt that she was born with the inferiority of pursuing stimulation. Now in addition to the feeling of heart hair, she also has curiosity about this unknown place.

The cat licked its lips like a fish. Xiao Mei asked, "Is there any way to find the shining thing?"

The mastiff didn't squeak, raised his claws and grabbed it. A black claw figure flew away and grabbed a blue stone from the cracked forehead of the ape-shaped zombies, which was a little like turquoise, and the surface was dull.

As the stone was caught, the huge body of the ape-shaped zombie fell down, and the dust and debris on the ground splashed and covered it, forming a small mound, which is also its grave.

With his hands together, Xiao Mei bowed to the ape-shaped zombie seriously.

After taking a look at the stone, the Mastalisman was not interested in throwing the green stone to Xiao Mei and said, "The lowest green soul stone will condense such a stone after death. It is non-toxic. Human monks can supplement their spiritual power and it is very convenient to absorb."

"What? Supplement your mental strength!" Xiao Mei almost lost the green stone.

Then he grabbed the green stone like all miser holding gold bricks and reconfirmed with his eyes: "It can replenish spiritual power and absorb it very easily. It is not poisonous. Will undead creatures condense such a stone after death?"

"Yes." The Mastiff gave a simple answer.

This unexpected situation made Xiao Mei's blood boil, and there was an idea of getting the faint light out of the zombies' heads, but this idea almost made her spit out all her internal organs. After all, these zombies were human beings, even some of them were only semi-human.

"Then it's a blessing but not a curse to come here this time!" Xiao Mei smiled so happily, and her eyes quickly searched on the transparent display screen.

"There's something wrong. The zombies rioted collectively." The mastiff said nervously.

Just like when the flower saw Jinshan, he only saw the flash of gold in his eyes. Xiao Mei did not mention the words of hiding in the jade world. Anyway, he found a hidden cave nearby. The mastiff was embarrassed to say that he hid, and the newborn puppy also got into the cave. He was very puzzled and looked at her with unusual excitement.

The zombies on the screen have different shapes, most of which are mutilated limbs, but you can also imagine their original appearance, mostly semi-human species that Xiao Mei has never seen. These zombies have green light spots in their brains. According to the brightness and size of the light spots, the speed of movement of zombies varies.

How can such a small light spot be used as a power to support the activities of zombies? With this strong doubt, Xiao Mei began to explore constantly and observe the changes of those highlights with the help of the transparent display screen.

Most zombies have several inches of green hair, often suddenly move, move irregularly, and bump into each other. There are always one side that is smashed apart before it ends.

When Xiao Mei estimated that there was no space without the sun and moon, Xiao Mei estimated that he had observed for three consecutive days and concluded that the zombies' activity time reached 20 hours a day, indicating that the bright spots of the energy source would go out, and they would fall to the ground and their foreheads cracked by themselves. Then, when the bright light reappeared, they repeatedly moved violently.

makes Xiao Mei feel regretful that the time of their activities is slightly different. For example, when she was thrown in just now, no zombie has ever come out for activities.

It seems that there is some undiscovered energy here to charge the zombies, and the cracking of the ape-shaped zombie's forehead does not mean that it hangs completely, but reveals the soul stone to absorb that energy. This is also equivalent to saying that it is safe to go out to avoid the time of zombies' activities! Xiao Mei seemed to see countless soul stones wading to her, and her mouth was crooked with laughter.

"We need to hurry up and find the way." The mastiff reminds.

"If you come back empty-handed into Baoshan, you will be struck by lightning." Directly take the words of the canniff as a breeze and peep at the inactive zombies nearby. Xiao Mei quietly swept out and began to collect the soul stones exposed from the cracked zombie's forehead.

The Mastiff was very depressed and followed this greedy woman to help collect soul stones. Although this soul stone can also be absorbed by the spirit beast, its most indispensable thing is its spiritual power. Now it can't even wait to exhaust its spiritual power and fall asleep.

I don't know the idea of the mastiff. Xiao Mei was busy like a hard-working bee. One soul stone after another was thrown into the world by her. She didn't remember how many stones were thrown, and she didn't expect to dig a faint blue light in the minds of the zombies before. Instead, she became more and more excited.

After a long distance from the hole where he hid, Xiao Mei had been extremely skilled in collecting soul stones and acted more carefully, because he could already see the active zombies not far away.

"Enough, find the way." The mastiff couldn't help reminding him again.

"Oh, Mastiff, I'm a little greedy. You know, you need to understand how much it is to see Baoshan not digging home. Just collect a little more, just collect a little more." He narrowed his eyes like a cat, and Xiao Mei gave a sweet smile to the Mastiff, so that the Mastiff could only sigh with frustration.

I found another huge thing that is no smaller than the ape-shaped zombie, but it is not a green stone, but a purple stone, a little clustered together like wild grapes, with a soft purple luster. Even if he didn't know it, Xiao Mei knew that he had picked up the treasure. He happily took the bunch of purple grapes in his hand and asked flauntly, "See, purple pearl string!"

"This is a purple soul stone formed by the zombie royal family. Every small grain is formed, it takes thousands of years. You have at least 20 in this string, which is a zombie king who has survived for 20,000 years. It just happens to enter the moulting period, and its protection is the weakest at this stage, otherwise you can't see its soul stone at all, let alone get it. The mastiff really envies Xiao Mei's luck. Although it is not interested in those low-level soul stones, such a strange treasure as the purple soul stone is enough to make it move.

The shrewd Xiao Mei saw through the idea of the mastiff, threw the purple soul stone in his hand to it with a smile, and said, "Okay, this is yours. This thing should have some effect on you, too.

"Give it to me?" The mastiff was stunned and let the purple soul stone fall on its feet.

Xiao Mei, who flashed to a zombie next to him to collect the soul stone, and said without raising his head, "Of course, everyone is rich, and I don't eat alone. Well, if you don't like it, I don't mind taking it back."

As soon as he heard of "recovering", the mastiff immediately swallowed the purple soul stone for fear that Xiao Mei would regret. On the surface, she didn't look at it. In fact, she had a panoramic view of its movements and expressions through the transparent display screen. She felt that it was so funny and much cute that she couldn't help laughing out loud.

After eating the purple soul stone, the attitude of the mastiff is no longer indifferent, and the speed of collecting the green soul stone is also significantly accelerated. Soon, it came to the edge of a huge sinkhole with Xiao Mei.

At the bottom of the pit, there are no zombies with green hair, only fine bone fragments. There are huge human footprints clearly imprinted on the mound formed by bone fragments. Dozens of slightly smaller footprints are distributed around, deep and shallow, all in the same direction.

"Would those be footprints left by zombies?" Asked himself, Xiao Mei answered himself again: "If it were a zombie, it would definitely not leave such a regular footprints. In addition to zombies, there should be living people here, at least after the catastrophe, there were still people who survived. I just don't know how long I survived.

"Well, it's the footprints of the giants." The mastiff's eyes fell on the huge footprints of the human race, and he wanted to stop talking.

Xiao Mei didn't pay attention to what the mastiff said. On the transparent display screen she stared at, a leopard-shaped zombie came this way, which was only high or low compared with the ape-shaped zombie. It moved faster and less that sense of stagnation. The action was obviously much smoother. If it hadn't been for the green hair, it would not have been difficult to find that it was a zombie.

"Daw, there is a big guy coming this way, and there are many small zombies behind him. We can't retreat, so we have to cross the sinkhole to find the way." Xiao Mei whispered.

"Come on my back!" The mastiff said decisively. The bottom of the pit looks calm, but who knows if there is a fatal danger hidden underneath? It can't let Xiao Mei have an accident. Even if it is not the master Li Qingyan, he sent a purple soul stone for her without hesitation just now. It is a mastiff with clear kindness and resentment, and he knows how to be grateful.

The body of the mastiff suddenly became more than ten times bigger. Xiao Mei sat on it and said something that made him want to vomit blood: "It feels much shorter than riding a horned horse, but it can be done." I kind of wanted to throw this bad money fan into the sinkhole, but after trying to hurt her, he couldn't explain it to Li Qingyan, so he forcibly put up with it.

flew out, and only one breath crossed the sinkhole and fell to the other side of the sinkhole. The Mastiff no longer stopped and went away with Xiao Mei in the direction pointed by the footprints at the bottom of the pit.

The level of green-haired zombies on Tiankeng seems to be much lower, their bodies are not big, and their movements are much slower and rigid. The speed passed by Xiao Mei with the mastiff was comparable to lightning. As soon as they reacted, they could no longer catch the shadow of the mastiff and Xiao Mei in their sight.

On the contrary, the leopard-shaped zombies on the other side of the sinkhole and the zombs behind them are more sensitive, but they dare not go straight through the sinkhole, but want to take a detour to chase them, the farther the distance is getting farther.

About two hours later, a ruin like the bottom of the sinkhole with only fine bone fragments appeared in front of him. The Mastiff's heart beat wildly, stopped, stood on the edge of the ruins, and hesitated to move forward.

Xiao Mei, whose eyes were scratched by the knife, closed his eyes early. At this time, he opened his eyes and saw the fine bone pieces stacked, which was a bit like some sequence structure, as if this place was covered with something. What did you find, Cang?" She asked curiously.

"Nothing." The Mastiff obviously crossed carefully forward while paying attention to every detail around it. As long as there was something suspicious, it stopped and carefully observed before carefully moving forward inch by inch.