Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 157 Forbidden Land

"Let's find out where it is first." As soon as Yu Lao's words fell, he heard a majestic voice in the sky asking, "Who broke into the forbidden place of my colorful clothes hall?"


Xiao Mei spewed out in one breath, followed the sound, and saw a beautiful woman in colorful clothes riding a crane.

This woman's waist is high, and she looks more and more angry. Even if the flying crane lands smoothly, it can't avoid exaggerated ups and downs. It belongs to a man's blood at first sight. Only the naturally cold and proud color on her delicate face makes people feel awe-inspiring as the goddess of ice and snow. In short, this is a collection of charm and coldness. A gorgeous woman.

While it was amazing, Xiao Mei sighed oilily: Compared with her, her figure is the undeveloped Princess Taiping. Wow, fortunately, she didn't let Li Mutou follow!

About seeing Xiao Mei alone and a young girl, her aura eyes dripped, instantly showing exclamation, appreciation, resentment, happiness and other complex emotions. The beautiful woman in colorful clothes smiled: "Which disciple? Go the wrong way. Be careful next time and don't go around again."

"Well, chasing this stupid dog, I don't know how I got here." Ignoring the head question of the beautiful woman in colorful clothes, Xiao Mei patted the mastiff who shrank her body before entering the teleportation array, raised her cute smile, and asked in a delicate voice, "Where should I go? The roads are exactly the same, and there are no road signs?"

"Who said there were no road signs? It's just that you didn't pay attention." The beautiful woman in colorful clothes smiled, and the soft voice was extremely pleasant, making people feel the warmth of the spring breeze.

With a soft tongue, Xiao Mei continued to pretend to be cute: "Everyone says that they are simple and cute, not a little confused. The eldest sister is jealous, uh-huh, yes, it's jealousy.

"Ha ha, do you call me sister?" The beautiful woman in colorful clothes asked with interest.

"Do you want to call me sister?" Xiao Mei opened her eyes wide and asked seriously.

A burst of happy laughter rose, and the beautiful woman in colorful clothes disappeared in place, followed by a gentle force. When the mastiff was ready to fight back, Xiao Mei's hand was pressed on its head to signal it not to be impatient.

Despite the unpleasant look in his eyes, the mastiff still did not resist and let the force roll it up and Xiao Mei and throw it on the slope on the north side of the opposite peak.

On the slope, there stands a broken stone gate tower, which has a long history. Dark cyan moss grows in the cracks of the stone pillar. The four women in colorful clothes stood on both sides of the stone gate building and suddenly saw Xiao Mei falling from the sky, and they were as energetic as duck blood.

Xiao Mei rushed to say hello: "Hey, sisters are on duty!"

The woman in colorful clothes with a round apple face is probably the head and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"Hey, who am I? You don't recognize me. Take me to see Ning Caiyun." I guess he couldn't be fooled. Xiao Mei decisively pulled out Ning Caiyun.

In Xiao Mei's thoughts, Ning Caiyu's words are full of great importance to Ning Caiyun. The names of the two are so similar, and the relationship should be very close. It should be okay to take the flag out of the current predicament.

"Do you know our young master?" The woman with a round apple face softened a lot, but she still maintained a vigilance in her expression. Obviously, she was a highly vigilant woman.

"I saved the girl's life and came to collect the debts. Hurry up and take my sister to see her. I still have a lot of things to do!" The king of hell is easy to see, and the little ghost is difficult to deal with. Xiao Mei feels that although it is not appropriate to use it here, he thinks that he can't have more entangled with this guard disciple.

Some people just bully good and fear evil. When Xiao Mei's face was full of smile, the woman with a round apple face put on a frame of interrogation. At this moment, Xiao Mei expressed her impatience, and she softened again: "What's name is the girl?"

"My name is Hua Nineteen. Hurry up. I'm not free."

"Well, okay, Sister Lu, show the way to the flower girl."

"Well, find someone to take me to see Ning Caiyu. Oh, it's Ning Caiyun. If you have any questions, ask her directly. Sister Sheng has a lot of things to do." Xiao Mei complained and rushed out with his feet.

"Wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" Looking back at the beautiful girl Lu Wei, who said hello, Xiao Mei saw a crane-shaped paper-cut in her hand. When she threw it in the wind like a trick, she turned into the crane riding by the beautiful woman in colorful clothes before. She couldn't help but brighten her eyes and shouted, "Oh, er, it's so interesting. Ha ha, later, I'll ask Ning Caiyu to send more paper cranes later. ."

"Please come up. The young master is in Yulong Mountain. There is a way from here." Lu Wei greeted softly.

Xiao Mei jumped up with the mastiff in her arms and joked with the girl surnamed Lu, "Sister, don't drive too fast."

I didn't understand what "seasickness" meant. Lu Yu answered randomly and flew up. Her skills really made Xiao Mei not flattering, and she flew crookedly, which almost made Xiao Mei think she was going to fall down several times.

The jade-like shiny Baishi Mountains in the sun inadvertently winding in front of Chen's eyes, making Xiao Mei suddenly forget to be on the flying crane. He happily patted Lu Yu's back and shouted loudly. This pat scared Lu Wei, and the flying crane dived down. Both of them fell from the crane's back. Except for the mastiff, which was not surprised, it immediately stabilized. The figure stepped down in vain, Xiao Mei and Lu Wei both maintained an upside-down posture and drew two parabolas and fell down gracefully.

The speed of falling is too fast, and it is flying at a low altitude, and it is about to fall into the lake below. A strong wind came and pushed the two women flat to the shore, and the posture of falling upside down also turned into a flat position. When Xiao Mei suddenly stood up, the fish jumped up and saw Ning Caiyun standing in front of him with a stunned face.

"Hi, Ning Caiyun, you don't need this kind of ghost expression to see my sister!" Xiao Mei stared at the falling mastiff and secretly scolded it for being unrighteous. Seeing that she was going to fall to the ground, she didn't say help her.

The humanized teeth of the Mastiff showed an obviously ridiculous smile. Except for Xiao Mei, who was familiar with it, no one could see that it was laughing. Ning Caiyun and Lu Yuan present made his teeth tremble, even if it had restrained a strong breath.

Looking at the mastiff in surprise, Ning Caiyun said in surprise, "Is this the mastiff? How old are you?"

As soon as Lu Wei heard the young master's words, she knew that she did recognize the woman who suddenly appeared, and she was secretly relieved.

Knowing that Ning Caiyun regarded the mastiff as a little black, Xiao Mei did not explain. Wow, "Even if I didn't come to see you specially, at least you should do your best."

"Well, it's not a special trip to see me, so what do you want to do when you come to my Caiyi Hall?" Ning Caiyun frowned and asked. She is not sure what attitude she should use to treat the woman in front of her. This arrogant woman seems to have saved her life.

"Debt collection, you won't say that you didn't save you in the Yunwu Mountains."

"Debt collection?" Subconsciously repeating a sentence, Ning Caiyun looked at Yue Yu again and said coldly, "You step back."

"Yes." Lu Wei didn't seem to think that it was normal for Ning Caiyun to send people away without asking anything. He bowed and saluted and left. When she fell just now, she had time to let the crane spin around and fly when she fell to the ground, so she was not as embarrassed as Xiao Mei, and the paper crane was not damaged.

Xiao Mei's felony of mistakenly entering the forbidden place of the colorful clothes hall disappeared invisibly. How can this make many disciples of the colorful clothes hall punished for mistakenly entering the forbidden place bear? Especially when Li Qingyan learned about it later, she scolded: "What a shit!"

After Lu Wei left, Ning Caiyun didn't know what to say. She looked at Xiao Mei's big eyes for a long time, or Xiao Mei broke the silence: "Hey, sister just want to visit the Caiyi Hall by the way, and I don't want your Yuexi Stone. Why are you so nervous!"

"How do you know that I got Yuexi Stone?" Ning Caiyun blurted out that he looked like facing a big enemy.

Looking at Ning Caiyun in a strange way, Xiao Mei curled her lips and said, "Oh, this is not a strange thing. Lord Ning has told me that he still wants to protect his sister's secret!"

"Impossible! Aunt can't tell you!" Ning Caiyun shouted.

"Is Lord Ning your aunt? What's the age difference between you? Tut, are you also an old vegetable gang to pretend to be a tender cabbage? Xiao Mei asked very gossipy questions.

Ignoring the previous few sentences, Ning Caiyun almost roared: "I'm not an old vegetable to pretend to be a tender cabbage." It's really difficult for her to listen to it again, just to repeat Xiao Mei's embarrassing words.

"But Lord Ning is at the same level as the two old monsters of Ye Xinghe and Long Haiqing. It must be old enough. You are only one generation away from her. I'm afraid you are old, right? Well, can you be the grandmother of Lu Yuan?" At the moment of fake cough, Xiao Mei's word "sister" slipped to the tip of his tongue. Suddenly, he was alerted that this was to let Ning Caiyun take advantage of himself, so he temporarily changed it to "Lu Wei".

"My father is of a high generation, and it's up to you!" Ning Caiyun looked over with white eyes, but his voice was not so cold, and he also said, "Come in and have a cup of tea." After saying that, regardless of whether Xiao Mei kept up or not, she turned around and walked away.

Walking around the shore of the lake, Ning Caiyun had no intention of talking, and Xiao Mei was also silent. Behind, the Mastiff followed slowly.

The sparkling lake rips up the fine golden light of a lake. The sound of the water patting rock is soothing, echoing with the soft wind, composeing a soft music, making the noisy voice from a mountain peak in the distance also appear ethereal.

Walking about half a miles along the lake, there is a lush coniferous pine forest, and you can faintly see wisps of green air floating between the branches and leaves. Walking in, the fragrance of pine leaves penetrated into the heart and spleen, and Xiao Mei took a deep breath and was refreshed. Well, it seems that this pine forest helps to clear the mind, and the background of the Caiyi Hall is really profound.

Girl, don't make such a fuss. It's just a green jade pine forest. The value of any tree in this jade world is higher than this whole pine forest! It is very disdainful to be a fisherman in the world.

Any tree sapling is not at the mercy of my sister! Xiao Mei thought very depressed.