Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 167 Strange Murals

"The mural has changed, and I found it! Lower left corner, look!"

Longjiangzhu heard his son's cry and quickly looked to the lower left corner and found that a clump of roses were slowly blooming. At this time, he heard several people saying that they had seen the mural change. He looked at it one by one and became more and more shocked: "Is it my eyes dazzled? I have been looking at this painting for decades, and I have never seen any changes. It's too evil!"

"The rage eats the sky, hasn't the rage been cleaned up!" Xiao Mei lost his voice and screamed and found himself in a flowery valley. Birds and beasts leaped among the flowers. The dead barbarian commander actually stood in the flowers and smiled at her, smiling at her. Xiao Mei heard her voice and asked, "Who are you?" The barbarian commander turned slightly, turned around, and then changed his appearance and became a beautiful teenager with a beautiful face. He threw away a rose petal between his fingers and said gently, "Tianchen Emperor." The ancestor of the Long family was an old man when he died. I just saw his portrait. Don't lie to me." This is what I looked like when I was young.

looking at the man, Xiao Mei said in his heart: What this man said may be true. Then, another voice roared, "What did he say true or false? What does it have to do with my sister?" Now that I'm trapped in a rage, I have to find a way to get out!"

"Isn't it good to live a carefree life here with me?" The beautiful teenager asked with a bewitching meaning. Xiao Mei was already in a trance at this time. The word "Okay" rolled to his mouth. Suddenly, Li Qingyan's voice said in his ear, "Mayer, I can't live without you!" She was suddenly shocked and quickly contacted Yu Lao with her mind and didn't get a response. She raised her hand and threw out a mini version of the ice and fire Taiji picture.

"No one wants a woman who is too fierce!" Mei Shao said a word with a smile and disappeared. The ice and fire Taiji map was also swept away by him, and not even a spark splashed out. Get out of here!" Xiao Mei was anxious, and one after another, the ice and fire Taijitu threw out to the place where the beautiful teenager disappeared, until he fell to the ground. The final consciousness focused on one point: I must leave him!

When he woke up, he was dizzy. When he found himself lying on a soft couch near the window, Xiao Mei woke up in an instant and suddenly sat up and shouted, "Who, who!" No one agreed, and Xiao Meiyu jumped up and shot at the open door. Outside the empty door, a gray shadow suddenly appeared in the door. The gray cloak was as long as the heel, and he couldn't see anything. Only the hoarse woman's voice said, "You can't go out without the emperor's permission."

Xiao Mei opened her mouth to speak, and the woman in gray raised her hand, and a soft spiritual wave pressed her, forcing her blood to surge, unable to speak, and her body drifted back uncontrollably. Treat your sister as a stray dog and stay quietly in the corner waiting for the master to be summoned! Xiao Mei was furious and threw away the ice and fire Taiji picture the size of a vegetable plate and hit the woman in gray fiercely. The ice and fire Taiji diagram, which flashed with ice light and flame light, hit the aura shield that suddenly lit up in front of the woman in gray, and exploded. Countless ice light and flame fragments scattered in the air. The woman in gray's aura shield broke, and her cloak also blew away, and the corners of her mouth spit blood and foamed on the ground.

Looking at Xiao Mei with a pretty face, the woman in gray asked in surprise, "What a strange spiritual attack, who are you?" You don't need to know my sister's name. After saying coldly, Xiao Mei stepped over the old woman lying in front of the threshold and walked out of the hall. She felt that the barbarians attacking the fortress and carrying a rage might be premeditated. In front of us, it may not be just a rage made by the leaking rage.

Maybe only the beautiful teenager who claimed to be the Emperor of Heaven could be solved, and Xiao Mei decided to find him out. When she went out, she found that it was a maze-like palace. She walked to her chest and felt a little depressed. She accidentally turned around and found that there were two women dressed as maids behind her. Where is the guy who claims to be the Emperor of Heaven? Do you know? Xiao Mei asked hopelessly, in fact, he just wanted to find someone to talk to and find a feeling of survival.

The maid walking in front of her bowed slightly and replied respectfully, "The emperor is usually drunk at this time." She was quite clever. She didn't have to open her mouth and lead the way by herself.

Holding the idea of soldiers coming to block and covering the water and earth, Xiao Mei followed along the way, and there was leisure to enjoy the scenery on the roadside. After wearing two courtyards, there was music and women's noise. Bah, that color embryo is not doing that or anything, is it?" She stopped and frowned.

"There is the Yiqing Pavilion over there, and the emperor is drunken Sendai." The maid said respectfully.

Xiao Mei followed the maid of honor suspiciously, intending that if the Heavenly Emperor had any bad intentions, it would be better to do it first. After walking for a while, she found that the music was completely opposite to the direction of the woman's play, so she felt relieved.

"If you go in, you will be drunk." The maid of honor saluted and disappeared in place, so that Xiao Mei couldn't find anyone to ask.

"What a gray machine!" Xiao Mei took a sip and looked helplessly in the direction pointed by the maid. In the mirror-like pool in front of her, there was a drainage wave, which suddenly danced like wind and willows, suddenly like a horse running wildly, and suddenly like water guns, and the clusters of fountains floated out of the heart of the earth, which surprised her. Girl, is this pool still interesting?" The voice of the beautiful teenager who claimed to be the Emperor came. Xiao Mei didn't think about it and followed the sound. Around the pool, I saw a whole piece of jasper carved hexagonal platform. At the north end of the south, sitting was the beautiful teenager who claimed to be the Emperor of Tianchen. On his side, there was a palace beauty with high temples, pearly head and half-covered fans. There was a deterrent nobleness in her radiant face.

"It's really here!" Xiao Mei was relieved for no reason.

"Why, are you so eager to see me that you have decided to stay?" The beautiful teenager smiled gently.

"You laughed a lot. Didn't anyone tell you?" Xiao Mei asked seriously.

With a stiff smile, the beautiful teenager twitched slightly and said, "No one has ever said that." After that, he returned to his usual appearance, smiled gently, and did not ask Xiao Mei what he was doing.

Xiao Mei learned to sit cross-legged on the hexagonal platform and asked, "What are you two talking about? Let's talk about it. It doesn't exist to be a sister."

The smile on the face of the palace beauty suddenly disappeared, and the fan covering one side of her face was removed, revealing the half of the dry black face. She screamed sharply, "Why is this wild girl of unknown origin so arrogant?"

"This is a little too much. Although it's not your fault, it's not your fault to come out, but you don't have the right to attack my sister, do you? It's still so easy to bully!" Xiao Mei shouted, but there was not much anger. After all, you can't ask a beautiful woman to maintain a good mentality after being disfigured.

"What a sharp-toothed wild girl! Go to hell!" The palace beauty angrily waved a blow.

The beautiful teenager reached out and grabbed the handle of the fan and said, "Qing'er, don't mess around. I have something important to talk about with Miss Yue.

"Are you from Yue's family? No wonder he is so kind to you!"

Looking at the face distorted by jealousy, Xiao Mei suddenly felt pity and said slowly, "Please, I'm not surnamed Yue. It's also the first time to meet this hypocrite guy. Don't be unnecessarily jealous.

"If you don't have the surname Yue, there will be a treasure of the Yue family - Yulang Huantian!" Qing'er said viciously.

With a roar in his mind, Xiao Mei was a little dumbfounded. Some sealed memories emerged, which made her seem to capture something. For a moment, she completely forgot where she was and the people and things around her.

looking at Xiao Mei, Qing'er's expression returned to normal and asked with a little surprise, "She doesn't seem to know that she is pregnant with the treasure of the Yue family. Where did you find her?"

"She is looking at the murals. Unexpectedly, it was an outsider like her who discovered the secret of the Long family. How can I bear it!" The beautiful teenager stroked his nose very boringly.

"Our moon, cough." After clearing her throat, Qinger said as if nothing had happened, "No matter what they say, she is also the daughter of the Yue family. She is already spiritual."

"Maybe you can go back to Yue's home and seize this opportunity." The beautiful teenager looked at him with pity, and his eyes were a little affectionate, which was completely different from him, who was ruthless in historical records.

Shaking her head, Qinger changed the topic: "Let me do it, just want to confirm whether the piece on her body is jade or not?" Now I confirm that it is the heirloom of the Yue family. There is no problem with her identity. How to cooperate? Talk to her by yourself. I can see that this girl is also a clever man and will not be cheated and sold by you like me.

A helpless look flashed on the beautiful teenager's face: "I really didn't lie to you. It was really an accident back then."

"Chen Guzi is rotten, what else!" With a faint sigh, Qinger got up and walked graceful, disappearing behind a fiery pomegranate tree in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Mei returned to his mind, and the beautiful teenager did not have any impatience. In a blink, she said, "Open the skylight and talk. What on earth are you thinking?"

"Let's talk about a deal, which is beneficial to both of us."

"Well, let's talk about it."

"Exchange all the mange you have caught, provided that it is a map of an ancient monk's cave on the wild plateau."

Business pays attention to the sky-high price and pay the money on the ground. Xiao Mei understands that the treasure map is really not attractive to her, so she is not interested in saying, "Change the conditions, the treasure map is not attractive to my sister."

"What about the clues of your enemies?" Afraid that Xiao Mei didn't understand, the beautiful teenager said again, "You have the treasures of the Yue family, so you won't say that you are not interested in the clues of the Yue family's enemies."

Yu Lao's warning is still in my ears, but Xiao Mei's heart is itchy. She can't help licking her lips and sighing, "Sister, take a risk and be a person to deal with the devil."