Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 175 The two evils are lighter

"If there is such a scene, how do you choose?" Yu Lao is also calm, but it is an active volcano that is about to erupt. The once high-ranking forceful prestige broke out, and even the canalisman couldn't help but feel the feeling of worshiping on the ground. Li Qingyan and Ye Qingyin were not stable at all, and they could not afford to stand on the ground one after another. Only Xiao Mei and Li Qingyan were as safe as before.

"Choose the Li family to abandon the Yue family." Xiao Mei answered decisively without any hesitation.

Li Qingyan was so moved, but he couldn't bear to give up. He pulled her body hard, hugged her in his arms, and muttered, "Mayer, you don't need to choose. We don't have to worry about the Yue family and the Li family.

Ye Qingyin and Li Qingyan, who were moved by Xiao Mei, began to scold Li Qingyan again. And Yu Lao also became more and more unpleasant to see Li Qingyan and had the impulse to strangle him. Instead, the Mastiff looked at the weak owner very interestingly.

** With Li Qingyan's face, Xiao Mei said with tears in her eyes, "Oh, stupid wood, our world is not only for each other. Don't forget that my father ventured into the sea of flames to find us, and my mother also died for you, as well as my grandmother and Qingyan. We can't turn a blind eye to what they have done for us."

couldn't listen any more, and Lao Yu jumped his feet and scolded: "Heartless stinky girl, what about the Yue family? You don't mention it. Although your own mother and I didn't take care of you, it is also the enemy's prosperity. In order to keep you thorough, I tried my best to send you to take refuge in this Lingchen mainland. Just now, he pretended to say that he didn't want the old man to die. The old man thinks that the old man doesn't die fast enough!"

Still lying in Li Qingxuan's arms, Xiao Mei sucked his nose, tilted his head and looked at Yu Lao and said, "The Yue family has you, and there is a mother and son whom Meier has never met, but the Li family has father, grandmother, Qingyan, grandparents, and most importantly, there are Li Mutou, which is more than the Li family. If you don't force Meier to choose, Meier must have the right to take the light of the two evils.

"The two evils are lighter than the two evils, and the donkey's head is not right!" Yu Lao actually wanted to laugh a little, but at this time, it was too undignified, so he tried to maintain an angry expression.

"Mier knows that you won't force Meier to go that far." After giving Yu Lao a step down, Xiao Mei quickly pulled away the topic: "Now let's get back to the story and talk about what the hell Long Boxun is doing. This barbarian invasion should have something to do with him.

Li Qingyan nodded and said, "Long Boxun said that the barbarians came to grab the space of the rage this time. This time, the barbarians spent a lot of money to clothe a moving secret array with mirage, just to sense the position of the mirage space.

"Secret array? A low-level rejuvenation array, I don't know. Yu Lao smiled contemptuously.

Shuang Shuang, who had a tacit understanding, ignored Yu Lao's words and asked with concern, "How did you get out of the rage space?" The dragon monster didn't embarrass you, did he?

"With him, he doesn't have that much ability." It's really not to show off, Li Qingyan is still indifferent.

Yu Lao gave another extremely contemptuous smile.

Xiao Mei quit, and his mouth was so pout that he could hang the oil bottle: "Okay, Yu Lao, just complain enough first."

"What's the complaint?"

"I want to say something bad about our Li Mutou, and pour it all out at once. After that, the attitude is correct."

"Do you still need to have a good attitude?" Yu Lao wanted to laugh again, so he felt that he had probably stayed in this world for a long time and his brain was abnormal. Otherwise, according to his personality, he should have wiped out Xiao Mei and Li Qingyan with one palm.

"Well, that's a must."

He didn't ask what to do if his attitude was not correct, because Yu always knew what kind of answer the girl would give. In order to avoid being angry, he decided to shut up. After a while, when he saw the girl staring straight at him, he felt a little nervous and affirmed, "Look at what the old man is doing. The old man didn't say anything."

Blinking, Xiao Mei smiled and said, "Mayer is just curious why you didn't say anything."

"Does it work!"

"That's true."

Ignoring Yu Lao's resentful eyes, Xiao Mei looked at Li Qingyan with a smile and said, "Let's continue."

Get used to Xiao Mei's jumping thinking and the wind and rain conversation. It seems that the topic has not been interrupted in the middle. Li Qingyan naturally continued: "Mirage space is not an independent space, a bit like a karst cave group, holes connected, holes in the caves. The strange mural of Liuhua Fortress is the entrance to one of the largest spaces.

In order to show authority, or even compete for favor, Yu Lao took the initiative to introduce: "According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 1,300 kinds of mercenes scattered in the space of worms. By age, there are more than ten kinds of lizards over 3,000 years old, about 20 kinds of lizards over thousands of years old, and the rest are less than 1,000 years old, most of which are about 300 years old. The three-hundred-year-old rage is a new adult, and its strength is comparable to that of a spirit. This is too general. How can there be a three-six-nine divine horse!" Xiao Mei was worried about eating radishes, and her mind turned jumpy. The mastiff felt that this was ridiculous: "You people who walk upright, your brains are complicated when you are far away from the ground. It's very simple. I always like to make it so complicated. The rage beasts for more than 3,000 years have turned into reality. They are intelligent. The rage beasts for more than 1,000 years are condensed and their intelligence is beginning to open. Less than 600 years is only in the stage of gasification, and there is no much thinking ability. So it only takes three boundaries of 3,000 years, thousands of years and 300 years to distinguish all mirages." Isn't there a birth in every race of the rage?" Dragonfly, please pay attention to the word 'mrage'. There was a little contempt in the words of the mastiff. Xiao Mei said unconvincedly, "The rage is also a beast. Since it is different, of course there should be old and young." Yu Lao couldn't listen any more and sighed, "Woman, you are still the Yue family. It's embarrassing to say this! A worm is neither an egg nor a fetus, but is born by gasification. There is only one kind of worm. The energy of the rage space limits the number and type of condensation of the rage. The excess part will return to gaseous energy.

"That is to say, the rage space needs to maintain a balanced energy to maintain the space from collapsing?" Xiao Mei keenly grasped the key point, and then followed this idea. She thought of another question: "Did Long Boxun deliberately reveal the place of the space of the rage? The barbarians take the rage to find it, and then catch the rage to maintain the stability of the rage space. Well, the energy in the rage space should be insufficient.

"It makes sense." Yu Lao nodded and said. Thinking began to jump again, and Xiao Mei said a little unfairly, "But this is very unfair to the worm." Even the mastiff smiled: "Don't everyone talk about the law of the jungle, do you talk about fairness?" Well, Mastiff, it feels like you have something else. What are you insinuing at?"

"No, just comment truthfully. People, you call bad people, not to mention your so-called good people, on the one hand, destroy life, and on the other hand, they have to flaunt their good and goodness. It's really hypocritical and shameless. Er, it's far away. Moreover, there is absolutely no insinu. It's rare for the Mastiff to have a good talk, and Xiao Mei is even more energetic: "Many good people don't destroy their lives. They don't even eat meat. You don't understand?"

Yu Lao, who was unwilling to be lonely, interrupted: "The old man has basically seen all kinds of things in the world. I think it's the most shameless act for Buddhists to eat fasting. The mastiff nodded and said, "That's right. What are you talking about to kill, and the vegetation has a spirit, and the spirit of destroying vegetation is killing. In a very vulgar saying of you human beings, you are both a bitch and set up a archway. The words are poor, and the topic of debate is meaningless. Xiao Mei's topic changes again: "Is Li Yang's father, who keeps the Bihai Tianshu, an anonymous name of the Yue family?"

"No, Li Yang's mother and son are not the bloodline of the Yue family, so his father is definitely not. At the beginning, Bihai Tianshu was stolen by Yueqing before she died, and her whereabouts are unknown. Li Yang's father must find him. Yu Lao's face was about to come again. Xiao Mei quickly pulled up Li Qingyan to prepare to flash, and listened to him say, "Wan, the thing you promised to the mastiff has not been fulfilled."

"Oh, don't be too much trouble. Meier just has to wait for the mastiff to open his mouth or not." Looking at the mastiff with his head tilted, Xiao Mei smiled and said, "By the way, you are really calm. I was so induced just now that I didn't let you speak."

"Have you been induced?" The mastiff asked blankly.

"Oh, he vomited blood and died!" Lying back in Li Qingyan's arms, Xiao Mei made a grimace and told him about it. Sure enough, he dissolved the contract with the mastiff without saying a word, which was completely a model of his wife-only order.

After solving the matter of the mastiff and coming out, the remnants on the ground, together with Li Yang's house, were burned clean by the fire, and even the mud embryo wall was broken into powder. I really don't know how the fire can burn so clean, and it is not long. After a look, Xiao Mei asked Li Yang, who was sitting on the floor, "What are you going to do in the future?" Let's wander around the world." As soon as he showed a little melancholy temperament, Li Yang immediately looked at the debt collection: "The prophecy has been sent to you. Can you send my mother to you?" No problem, you can also send it together. Anyway, you don't have anywhere else to go.

"It's not that I grow others' ambition and destroy your prestige. If I go, the masters of the Dragon League will rush to you, and your little temple really can't bear it. Please take care of my mother." Longmeng, it doesn't sound murderous. It's a loose monk organization. It's not famous. I've never heard of it. How could I have a grudge against your father?" Xiao Mei pretended to ask casually.

"You must know nothing about the cultivation world outside the Lingchen Continent." First, he gave a comment, and Li Yang introduced the situation of Longmeng.

The Dragon League is one of the top ten forces in the cultivation world of Zhongzhou, with three spiritual saints, several spiritual kings and groups of respected masters. The alliance leader is a common disciple of three spiritual saints. He belongs to stamped his feet, and the Zhongzhou mainland has to be shocked. And the woman who came today is a registered disciple of the leader of the Dragon League.

"The name is still so dragging. When I'm free, I'll go to the Dragon League to be a disciple of the alliance leader."