Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 188 Out of the Wolf

When the last ray of yellow sunlight was about to fade away in the sky, the wolf cubs finally fell asleep. At the moment when they stepped out of the black wind, they saw the sunshine for the first time in their lives. They actually resisted from howling and looked up quietly. Until the sun faded for a long time, they remained still.

"Let's go. When you get home, you can see it as you like." Xiao Mei said softly, with a sour nose.

Angry and howled, slowly turning around and walking towards Xiao Mei. It was full of wolf, and the invisible pressure emanated, making it difficult for Xiao Mei to equate it with the shy anger in the cave, and there was no way to call it a good wolf anymore. Instead, he said solemnly, "Nuyan, I need to put you back to the world again and wait until the Flower Shadow Villa to release you."

Nuyan nodded in agreement.

At this moment, the sudden sound of gongs sounded, and many full-frame armed archers flashed in all directions. They occupied the favorable terrain in an orderly manner, shot arrows, and shot at the wolves like rain. The sound of arrows breaking through the sky sounded, and the puppet roared angrily and rushed out first. Its body has half of the soul of the wolf king, and the wolves naturally follow. Xiao Mei can't even take them into the world.

is originally on the edge of the black wind gust, and there is an unobstructed open area in front of it. The wolves rush out, completely as targets for people. Xiao Mei was very anxious and roared at the anger accompanying him, "This is not a live target!" Let everyone withdraw quickly into the black wind.

Nuyan raised his neck and howled, and the wolves turned around and ran back. Riot hesitated and ran back. Entering the black wind gust, Xiao Mei checked the numbers and unexpectedly two dead and five injured, which made her particularly annoyed: "How can there be such a white death!" Nuyan, tell this stupid man to follow his orders in the future, or he will come back from nowhere now. In addition, divide the wolf cubs into groups, take turns to go out and shake them. Don't fall in love. If someone comes to chase them, they will come back. There was a confused look in his eyes. This sentence was still too complicated for it, and Nuyan didn't seem to fully understand it. However, it was smart enough to quickly figure out Xiao Mei's meaning and let out a series of howls.

The wolves quickly separated, and they were all in five or five groups, and they were lined up, looking like a well-trained regular army, and they were obviously obedient to anger.

With the order of anger, a team of wolves rushed out of the black wind, and a long arrow shining with fire shot head-on. They leaped quickly in the rain of fire and arrows. This time, it didn't seem to be a timely panic. A cluster of fire arrows wiped their bodies and slipped down, without damaging their fur at all, not to mention the disability or even hanging directly. The wall moon shone in the sky, putting silver gauze on the earth and adding a hazy beauty. The arrows that passed by were as beautiful as a meteor shower, and the arrows that exploded the arrows of the arrows. When the ground area were thick, the wolves moved significantly slower. At this time, a loud voice raised: "Brothers, it's time for us to go!" A team of heavy cavalry with helmets covering more than half of their faces rushed out and rushed to the wolves in a fan.

Another long howl, the wolf dodged in the rain of fire and arrows turned around and ran back to the black wind. Let the heavy cavalrymen who chase half of the ground sigh.

After getting the guidance of Li Zhiye Laozu and learning that the other party was the archers and heavily armed cavalry of the regular army, Xiao Mei couldn't help scolding: " Even the heavily armed cavalry has been sent out. It's soulless!"

Yu Feiyan said worriedly, "What should I do now?" A group of wolves appeared in the cemetery. I'm afraid they will no longer be peaceful. Soon the Sword Sect will send people here, right?

Li Qingyan has quietly thrown out the leader's order and flew behind the enemy under the control of Mei Ying.

Through data sharing, Xiao Mei found Li Tiansheng's grandfather and grandson from the transparent display screen and couldn't help laughing, "Our good third uncle will not be stupid to that extent. He just wants to occupy this place and serve as a stronghold for the blood rune gate. Don't worry, the situation here will be tightly hidden. Unless God wants to destroy the Li family, it happens that a high-level leader of Ba Jianzong will pass by.

Thinking that Xiao Mei was petty, Yu Feiyan also advised: "Mier, your prejudice against your third uncle is too deep. How can this matter today have something to do with the third uncle?

Pointing to Li Tiansheng's position, Xiao Mei asked, "If Mei'er said that the third uncle is there now, next to the commander of the heavy cavalry, do you believe it?"

"Impossible!" Li Zhiqiu blurted out. He just stayed outside with Li Qingyan and tried his best to get into the range of the ice-eating spirit array. Until Li Qingyan came over, the boy actually said, "You just wait here" and flashed away. He was so angry that he really wanted to beat the boy who ignored the elder, so he was even more respectful Li Tiansheng in front of him. Heavy. Therefore, Xiao Mei said that Li Tiansheng was not, and he didn't like to listen the most.

took a deep look at Xiao Mei, and Li Zhiye's eyes followed the direction of her finger. Despite the barrier of the black wind, his spiritual power could not be detected, but he said with determination, "I believe you."

"However, if you believe that the third uncle is there, you won't believe that the third uncle hides evil intentions." After waving his hand to end the topic, Xiao Mei said again, "Oh, forget it. Anyway, don't tell anyone about today. After Mei'er and Li Mutou rushed out with the wolves, you can sneak out from the other direction.

"Since your third uncle brought it here, is it necessary for us to sneak away?" Yu Feiyan asked puzzledly.

"Because Meier doesn't want the third uncle to know that this wolf has something to do with us. Mei'er thought that he must have recognized Mei'er and Li Mutou, and he was calculating us. Xiao Mei hummed unplealy.

San Lao felt that Xiao Mei's reaction was excessive, but he thought that it was not a bad thing for her to be cautious. He did not persuade him any more. He watched her command of wolves to disturb the enemy through anger.

All the Yanlang team came back in a circle, and the riot was still suppressed by the anger. It had been impatient for a long time. When the anger ordered it to fight, it ejected out. It was extremely agile that it could not be seen as a puppet. It couldn't help but make people sigh with the strength of half of the spirit of the wolf king and Li Qingyan. The skill of refining puppets is skillful.

tossed back and forth in the middle of the night. At this time, the heavy cavalry were tired, the vigilance of the bow and the hand was reduced, and the reaction was much slower. The speed of the riot was not comparable to the previous bluff wolves. The bowman's arrow had not been put on the bow. It had arrived in front of them, and a shadow leaped, and the bowman lay down crooked down. , all of them were slapped and smashed.

Xiao Mei still told him in advance through anger. Riot was not killing the enemy. He only rushed out of one channel, led the other party away, and let Xiao Mei take the wolves to break through from the other direction. The masters who came up to intercept the riot were all slapped away by its claws, and the weak ones were directly slapped to death. It was so **, unimpeded, and soon rushed into the dense forest in the distance. The shadow of the tree covered hides the wind-like wolf shadow, and the pursuers only felt that their eyes were blurred and lost its figure.

The pursuers were in an uproar, and the commander regarded it as a great shame and personally took most of the people to chase the riot. Xiao Mei, who saw this scene from the transparent display screen, snapped his fingers, turned around and took Li Qingyan's arm, and ordered vigorously: "Action according to the original plan!"

The so-called plan is that after going out in the direction indicated by Xiao Mei, the wolves ran wildly until they got rid of the pursuers, and then let her take them into Yulang Huantian and bring them back to Huaying Villa.

Xiao Mei's choice of breakthrough direction is contrary to the direction of Huaying Villa. It is the blind spot of the encirclement, and the wolves are fast. The wolves ran far away before the pursuers came, but they were left far behind.

Along the way, Xiao Mei found that the ground seemed to have suffered a catastrophe, deep, and the stone peaks in his memory collapsed in many places. Looking at the situation, the thunder that delayed Li Qingyan for more than ten minutes was not very powerful.

"There is a firelight over there." Li Qingyan suddenly said.

stopped thinking. Xiao Mei stared at the transparent display screen and saw two piles of fire lights on the slope on the other side of the dense forest. At the edge of the small fire, there was a handsome man holding his female companion who was still vomiting, surrounded by a group of guards holding torches, one by one, as if they were in trouble. Another dozen men and women with swords lay or lie down, surrounded by the big fire in the middle, and their mounts drank water in the mountains and streams on the slope.

Seeing that the pursuers have been dumped, Xiao Mei asked Yu Lao to help bring the wolves back into the world, and then joined hands with Li Qingyan into the forest, as leisurely as spring.

At the right time, the shadow of the wolf flashing in the mountains and forests shocked the horses drinking water by the stream. A jujube red horse was so scared that it fell into the mountain stream, as if it had an infectious disease, and the rest of the horses also fell into it one after another. The group of people who were talking and laughing on the slope were alert. I don't know who shouted, "There is a situation!" Everyone jumped up and stood up together, and a pair of beautiful people who came together also came into their eyes at that time.

"Do you need help?" Xiao Mei raised his voice to the edge of the small fire.

"Oh, thank you, no need." The handsome man replied that his voice was mellow and magnetic, which made Xiao Mei think that he must be fascinated by singing love songs. Seeing that Xiao Mei did not mean to turn around and leave, he said again, "It's getting dark. Do you want to come and warm up by the fire? Wait until tomorrow."

If this person is not a good person, he is uneasy and kind-hearted, or he is worried that if he leaves, he will reveal his whereabouts, so he wants to leave him behind. With a change of mind, Xiao Mei smiled without hesitation and said, "I dare not invite you."

you yily slow down and enjoy the stars in the night sky. Slowly walked to the small fire. In less than half of it, a person flashed by the side of the fire and said with a smile, "Please sit here. The fire is big and warmer."

"Can I choose?" Xiao Mei asked with a smile.

"Do you still need to choose?" A beautiful woman stood up beside the fire. Her bulging figure was extremely hot, and her waist was twisted so much that she worried about whether it would break.