Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 194 But Yueqing

(I finally caught up in time, I didn't lose my words, I applauded myself) slowly raised my head. It was a face full of sadness, and the confused eyes were dripping. Yueyin choked and said, "He has always loved me so much and loved me. I didn't expect that he would betray me at all. How could he? I can't figure it out."

Looking at Yueyin, Xiao Mei asked sharply, "Then tell me, how did you betray the whole Yue family? They are all your blood relatives. How can you let the parents who gave birth to you understand?" The moon sound is speechless.

"You have suffered retribution for your sins, and you have to impose your suffering on another Yue's daughter and rebirth from her. Yueqing, how can you bear it? No, you have no heart at all!" The more he said, the more angry he became. Xiao Mei said harshly, "Your parents should strangle you when you are born!"

Yueyin, no, it should be called Yueqing. She defended with tears: "Yueyin has been poisoned and is not far from death. She is not pregnant, that is the reaction of poisoning. Love is poisonous, and emotion will die. Long Tianlie asked Long Tianyi to take her to Liuhua Fortress for medical treatment. She arrived on the day when the Li family destroyed the rage space, but the strange doctor who lived in seclusion in Liuhua Fortress was called into the army, and his life and death are unknown. Even if I don't give up, she will live for less than ten days. I told her that she volunteered me to take her away and only begged me to take care of her son. I promised to treat her as my own.

"Yueqing, you go. I don't want to see you." The pain in her heart made Yueqing walk with difficulty, but she forced herself to walk out until she could no longer support it. She tripped on the threshold, broke her forehead and saw blood, and fainted.

The deliberately cold and hard face suddenly softened and sighed. Xiao Mei held the fainted Yueqing and sent it into the inner room**. As soon as she turned around, she saw Yu Lao standing behind her with his eyebrows tightened. You should slap her to death!" Yu Lao gritted his teeth and said.

"She is dead. What about Yueyin's son?" Xiao Mei talked about a reason. Although she also knew that this reason was too far-fetched, and Yueqing really deserved to die, Yueqing was Yu Lao's biological daughter after all, and it was quite difficult to persist together in the form of a soul body until now. Let her atone for the sins she has made. It's not easy for her to persevere until now, so let her make a wish, and she can apologize with death.

Naturally, Yu Lao ignored the previous reason. He could listen to Xiao Mei's words later and looked at Yueqing, who fainted. He left a sentence, "No, don't give her detoxification, don't give any help, and let her die." He flashed back to the world.

Stayed on the side of the couch until Yueqing woke up. Xiao Mei didn't even dare to feed her a mouthful of water.

Opening her eyes, Yueqing said quietly, "Am I still alive?"

Without a trace of pity, Xiao Mei said lazily, "Well, I'm going to let you die. After all, your body is Yueyin's, and I can't do it.

"I hope you can do it and die in your hands so that I can feel at ease." Yueqing said miserably.

"Nonsense, what resources do you have to trade? I won't help you in vain. In this Flower Shadow Villa, you have to pay for even a mouthful of water. Knowing that Yu Lao must be listening, Xiao Mei deliberately said viciously.

restrained his sadness, and Yue Qing said indifferently, "Long Boxun has also come out, but I don't know which son of the Long family he is. Can this news be exchanged for water and rice?"

"Well, it's enough." Xiao Mei shouted for people to prepare meals, and then asked, "Is there anything else that can be traded?" Sister, there are quite a lot of resources available for trading here.

The magnificent temple that I saw from afar flashed in my mind, which had a sense of history. Yueqing nodded and said, "I can see that this is like a gate school in ancient times. You have hit a lot of luck."

"But it's still not as good as Yue's family." After stabbing Yueqing, Xiao Mei comforted Yu Lao again and announced passionately, "So, if you eat the Yue family, you want to spit it out for my sister, take the Yue family, and return it back to you. I want the Yue family to make the glory again!"

I don't know that my father in Yulanghuantian was relieved by Xiao Mei's words. Yueqing poured cold water inappropriately: "Dreams are beautiful, and reality is cruel. You don't know how terrible the enemy you are going to face. Therefore, calm down, so that the Yue family can live a better life is what can be done now and urgently needed to do.

Yu Lao almost jumped out and slapped Yueqing in the world.

"Dreams are happy, and reality is bony." Waving her hand like a fly, Xiao Mei said without hesitation, "I know, I don't need your reminder. As long as you know the news, or other things, as long as it is needed by my sister, you can make a deal with my sister. Well, don't disclose your sister's message to anyone, which must be kept in mind.

Finally, he was still full of fighting spirit when he was not affected by Xiao Mei's words, and Yu Lao was slightly gratified. In order to avoid seeing Yue Qing dazzling, he simply flashed into a corner that no one knew and cut off contact with the outside.

At the moment when the contact with Yulang Huantian was interrupted, Xiao Mei secretly sighed, nestled in the chair like a boneless, and said lazily, "Yueqing, tell me what you know about the situation of enemies or clans."

"Trade now?" Yueqing didn't know what she thought of, and her face looked a little strange.

"Transaction? Bah, trade a P! What you said just now is to save your life. Still trading!" ren ren Not saying the existence of Yu Lao, Xiao Mei waved his hand impatiently and said, "Take the initiative to pour out all the beans in the bamboo tube. Then, what you need, make a list for yourself, and I will ask you to bring it to you."

I don't mind that Yue's descendants, who don't know how many generations of Yue's family have been in front of her. Yueqing asked in disbelief, "What I need, can you give me?"

"In addition to the secrets of skills, elixirs, and magic armor arrays, what else do you need? Spiritual stone? Sister, do you want to build a grave for you? Xiao Mei mocked maliciously.

I want to say "you just blow", but at the tip of her tongue, Yueqing swallowed it again and felt that under the eaves, why not bow her head? Besides, she just needs to move her mouth, and she doesn't care about anything to make money.

Yueyin, who was robbed, was actually the niece of Yue Changkong, the head of the Yue family. Because her brother's fight and leaked her identity, the identities of nearly 100 people, including their family, were exposed. She was chased and killed by the enemy. In response of a team of dead men sent by the owner of the family, she fled across the sea of flames to this Lingchen mainland. The dead died, and more than half of the clans who arrived safely in Lingchen mainland were killed and injured, leaving only her and the troublesome brother who died in Yueyin's family.

In order to make a living, Yueyin opened a piano workshop in the provincial capital and met Long Tianlie. After knowing Long Tianlie's identity, she entrusted herself to Long Tianlie in order to give the clan a good living environment.

I don't know that Long Tianlie is really as he said. He is afraid that the tough wife in the house will abuse Yueyin, or for any other reason. He made Yueyin top the name of Long Tianyi's seventh concubine, because Long Tianyi is good, and his wife died less than half a month after entering the house. There is no concubine in the house, and Yueyin will not be bullied in the past.

What's the idea of that sinister Timberwolf? Xiao Mei secretly suspected, but she couldn't think of any reason, so she pressed the idea and listened attentively to Yue Qing's words.

In Long Tianyi's mansion, Yueyin is surrounded by people sent by Long Tianlie. She is strictly guarded, and she is also a very cautious person, but after giving birth to a son, she is still poisoned by love. Strangely, Long Tianlie let Long Tianyi hide her poisoning and only secretly sent a doctor to ask for medicine. After more than a year, it was not until the toxicity could no longer be suppressed that he let Long Tianyi take her to Liuhua Fortress to find a retired imperial doctor for treatment.

"Will Long Tianlie know about the Yue family?" Xiao Mei asked worriedly.

"It has not been revealed in Yueyin's memory, but that guy is very powerful. She is not sure whether she will secretly investigate anything. I can only think that I have given birth to a son for him, hoping that he will not do something to the clan.

"You can't hope that Long Tianlie has a conscience." He was very uneasy. Xiao Mei frowned and said decisively, "I have to get all the people to Huaying Villa. Do they have any specialty? Sister can release tasks according to their strengths, and they can come here justly.

"The moon family does not have a dragonfly, and their strength is greatly damaged. They can't take any job as a bodyguard in the home. Generally, they do some small business and eat some hard work. Yueqing said very gloomyly.

The Yue family fell, and Yueqing had an inescapable responsibility. The more miserable the people lived, the more she blamed herself. And these feelings have never been felt before during the long years she was trapped in the rage space. In those long years without knowing the passage of time, she just complained about the unscrupulous people she met. All she thought about was how to revenge, but she never thought about atone for her sins. Even she didn't think that she had committed a crime against the clan.

"You go to the library to find out if there are any secrets that the clan can't use. Take them back and let them learn first. It's almost done. Just bring a letter, and I will release the task."

"Why don't you just let the people come here? They are asking for a living everywhere."

"Huaying Villa looks calm, surrounded by eyeliners. More than a dozen or twenty ethnic groups come to make a living. Others don't think it's strange, but if they all come, they will be seen by people with intentions. Moreover, it is impossible to gather all the people together. If you send them yourself, they must come by themselves. Even if they take the tokens, how can I tell if they robbed the tokens to impersonate them? Do you want to take blood tests one by one?

"There's nothing wrong with blood tests, right?"

"Stupid, even if the blood test proves that it is an impersonation, can it kill people? Doesn't the forces behind him know that there is something wrong with these people who have entered the Huaying Villa? Don't the people go out when they enter the village?"