Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 216 Such a breakthrough

"The so-called big move, but that's it!" Knowing the actual power of Ye Can's blow, Xue Shura shamelessly mocked: "After preparing for a long time, the power is nothing more than this. The castle is actually some useless miscellaneous fish! It really made me look forward to it. I really don't want to do it anymore. Just let's get it."

Even Ye Can was speechless. Others thought that the words were empty. Only Xiao Mei knew the general situation through the prompt of the transparent display screen and saw the low morale of the disciples of Juebao and scolded: "A little brainy. This guy relied on the bloody cage of Shenma to introduce the attack wave into the ground, so he barely resisted the blow. Now It's the end of the strong."

Like a heart-strengthening agent, it cheered up the disciples of Juebao. Xue Shuraqiang shouted calmly, "Wo, you still want to fight the trapped beast, or I will take you!"

"Sister is going to cramp you and skin you!" From the peeling of the skin on Xue Shura's face, it can be seen that the man's skin was freshly peeled off. Xiao Mei was sure that Ye Song had been killed by this guy and had the intention to kill him to avenge Ye Song.

"Very good, I have to see who skinned whom!" Blood Shura roared fiercely.

Xiao Mei wanted to move, but Ye Can shouted, "Get out of the way, let me do it!" Just now, his momentum was suppressed by a word from Xue Shura, and he almost lost his fighting spirit, which made him very ashamed. If he could not let go of Xue Shura at this time, even if the danger was saved this time, his mood would leave a gap for him, leading to difficult entry.

Xiao Mei flashed aside and shouted hatefully, "Okay, remember to peel off his face. I'll take it to sacrifice to Grandpa Song."

"Do as you wish." Because of Xiao Mei's seemingly natural tone, Ye Can's mood was relaxed and his momentum rose sharply, stronger than his previous peak. Suddenly, the crack that had been shackling his bottleneck suddenly appeared, and the spiritual power in the room surged towards him like a tide.

In addition to Ye Can, the most powerful one among these Juebao disciples shouted, "Bang, Brother Ye is going to break through!"

"It's a good thing to break through, why do you shout out!" Xiao Mei blurted out. Yu Lao told her in the world that because the blood-colored cage isolated the aura of the outside world, the aura inside was not enough for Ye Can's spiritual king to break through the realm. Even if it was enough, others would suffocate to death because of him.

Ye Can is really depressed to spit blood. This breakthrough is so sudden and so easy, but he wants to forcibly stop it, and his strength will be greatly damaged.

Xue Shura laughed loudly: "God helps me too!"

"With my sister, God doesn't dare to help you!" Xiao Mei could see that he didn't want to take out the bottom card. Although the blood Shura was also the end of the strong, only one who could restrain the blood Shura at the scene was Ye Can, so Ye Can's strength could not be damaged.

He has always had inexplicable confidence in Xiao Mei. Hearing this, Ye Can looked at her eyes for help.

"Elder Ye, let's divide the work and cooperate, and I will pass on the spiritual power to you. You try to maintain the state of attack and break through at the same time. Nuyan, remember to follow Elder Ye closely. Xiao Mei finished quickly. While others were still in a daze, Nuyan obediently took her behind Ye Can.

Fortunately, the spiritual silk in the room was absorbed at this time, and Xiao Mei did not need to be distracted from condensing the sword arc grid, as long as he concentrated on conveying spiritual power to Ye Can. But even so, this scene made the disciples of Juebao frightened. After all, there is no way to break through the bottleneck in the combat state, but there is no need for others to transport spiritual power at the same time. The most outrageous thing is that the strength of the main child who transports spiritual power is still several levels low.

Ye Can actually let Xiao Mei put his palms against the vest and slowly raised his sword to the blood Shura.

Obviously, he was so angry that Xue Shura gritted his teeth and said, "Ye Can, how dare you humiliate me!"

He didn't dare to be distracted. At this time, Ye Can felt a pure spiritual power input from the vest, and his mood was even more relaxed. The long sword stabbed out, and thousands of sword shadows danced like willow branches in the wind. His swordsmanship actually understood from Xiao Mei's set of swordsmanship, and now he has learned it and sold it to deal with Blood Shura.

The disciples of Juebao were dumbfounded. Only the one who was called "bad" was happy and made sure that the aura in the room would no longer surge towards Ye Can. He was relieved and smiled, "Let's hurry up and break this cage." Everyone woke up like a dream and attacked the bloody cage together.

The blood-colored cage is integrated with the blood-sura. The attack power he receives can be transmitted to the ground through the blood-colored cage. Similarly, the attack on the blood-colored cage will affect him.

When Ye Can has not fully adapted to the breakthrough in the combat state, it is crucial that the blood-colored cage is affected by the attack on the blood Shura. So Xiao Mei roared, "All attack with all your strength. Don't be like you haven't eaten for three days. Don't ask to break through. You can fight anywhere, as long as the attack is strong!"

Jurebao's disciple now has a blind mind towards Xiao Mei. She can listen to whatever she says. This voice roared out, and everyone used the strength of milking, what attack was strong and what made. For a moment, the blood-colored cage began to shake again. Xue Shura didn't know whether he was angry or injured, and actually sprayed a mouthful of blood.

"It really works. Let's work harder!" The plateau shouted in surprise.

If you find that if you drag on any longer, the situation will be more unfavorable to you. Blood Shura roared ferociously, "Since you are all so eager to die, I will fulfill you! Blood thorn!"

Bloody thorns suddenly emerged, and more than half of the unprepared disciples were stabbed by blood. The top castle masters on the plateau were not damaged, but his ferocity was stimulated and he took out a thunder charm, "Jump up!" He shouted, everyone jumped up, and he scattered all the thunderbols.

The thunder was like anger. In an instant, the space in the blood-colored cage was full of purple thunder, and sad howls came one after another. Those peerless disciples, whose strength was slightly lower and not like those guarded by masters on the plateau, either died or injured, and fell to the ground one after another. Fortunately, the bloody thorns were also flattened by thunder, which was regarded as a way of them from being pierced by the ground.

The plateau is so hot-headed that I didn't expect such consequences at all, and I was stunned to see the tragic situation of my peers. The master who protected him couldn't say anything. He just sighed and quickly went to see Ye Can. After all, he hoped that Ye Can could kill Xue Shura. He hoped that he would not be too affected by the thunderbol group explosion just now.

Ye Can was actually unharmed. Just now, a mass of white light appeared on Xiao Mei's body, which covered him with Nuyan. However, Xue Shura was affected by the explosion of the thunder charm group, and his hair was upside down with electric sparks.

Xiao Mei, who saw the whole change process through the transparent display screen, sighed, " plateau, you are really a human-headed pig brain. Fortunately, my sister and you will not be an eternal ally, otherwise you will be ready to be killed by you at any time."

The plateau honestly did not refute, but said, "I really didn't expect this."

"Hurry up and treat your fellow family. Don't interfere in the next thing. I won't let him have time to stab those things." Xiao Mei especially told her that she was afraid that the boy would commit trouble again. She really wanted to take refuge in Yulanghuan with anger. In this way, unless she put her mouth or imprisoned these peerless disciples, the secret of holding Yulanghuan would be revealed.

I didn't know what I said, which won the gratitude of the disciples of Juebao with low strength and no background, and the masters of Juebao also greatly increased their affection for her. Xiao Mei increased the spiritual input to Ye Can, so that he tried to separate the extra parts and start to strengthen the attack, and gradually improve the attack intensity.

Ye Can unthinkingly according to what Xiao Mei said to improve the attack strength. What makes him speechless is that the total amount of spiritual power transmitted can always be adjusted according to his attack.

"Don't be distracted!" Sensing the instability of the spiritual power in Ye Can's body, Xiao Mei quickly prompted.

Can this girl still distract me from the operation of the spiritual power in my body? Ye Can almost screamed, so he would be forced to withdraw from the breakthrough state. At this time, a strong spiritual force guided the spiritual power in his body to swim away quickly, directly breaking through the thin but unbreakable bottleneck.

As suddenly, the strong spiritual power was so abrupt that Ye Can could not see a trace. But he knew that it had something to do with Xiao Mei. Now he also knows that Hua 19 is Xiao Mei, but he firmly believes that Huayingmen does exist, which is a huge thing that even a castle can't afford to provoke. Therefore, he did not ask what was going on with the strong spiritual power.

"Woman, take a break. The blood Shura has been handed over to the old man." Ye Can said with a big smile.

"Did you break through so soon, or did you fail to break through?" The plateau asked foolishly.

"It seems to be a breakthrough. Master Ye seems to be very happy." A peerless disciple said in the corner.

Facing the sudden rise of the power of Ye Can, Xue Shura wanted to scold his mother: Laozi's breakthrough is always thrilling. Ye Can's breakthrough is like drinking boiled water. This is a little effort, and he breaks through!

"We are all watching the play. Be careful of this guy's battle!" Xiao Mei shouted angrily. Only then did the disciples of Juebao hold up the spiritual mask one after another, or release the defensive spiritual weapon to protect their bodies.

"Let's die together!" Forced to a desperate situation, Blood Shura held the idea of burning jade, tried to damage the blood, and gave a "blood demon's praise". His body was like a spring, with bleeding waves swirling into the air, forming a powerful blood-colored storm in the blood-colored cage.

The blood-colored grille cage is enhanced by the emergence of the blood-colored storm, which no longer shakes and slowly squeezes inward. The disciples of the castle and Xiao Mei were all involved in the bloody storm. A sword light suddenly appeared at the top of the bloody storm. The thin sword light, as light as feathers and as thin as willow leaves, fell calmly. At the moment of touching the blood light, the rising blood storm suddenly stood still. The people and wolves who were pulled into the bloody storm were thrown into the bloody storm and hit the bloody cage one after another.

Xiao Mei and Nuyan came out one after another, but her movements were not as fast as anger. The wolf cub jumped up and rushed to her position, just made a meat cushion for her.