Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 229 The wicked have their own evil man's mill

Yu Huan immediately appeared and smiled happily, "Do you get the fairy baby again?"

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and Xiao Mei asked feebly, "Do you think Xianying is a cabbage in the ground?"

With puzzled eyes, Yu Huan asked seriously, "Does the cabbage need to be dug? I remember that the cabbage was on the surface. Did I remember it wrong?

Ha ha, Xiao Mei asked, "Do you think you can be more stupid?"

Yu Huan closed his mouth tightly.

Yu Lao played the rounds beside him: "Miao, the old man doesn't know whether the cabbage grows on the surface or in the ground."

"Well, Meier was wrong. Mei'er should ask some high-level questions. Looking back, Xiao Mei changed his question: "Yuhuan, I want to build a training base here. How many people can accommodate at most?"

Training base? That has to make a mess here." Yuhuan said reluctantly.

"What to ask, what to answer, so much nonsense!" Xiao Mei shouted angrily.

As soon as he frowned, Mr. Yu was going to teach Xiao Mei a respectful lesson. He might as well accompany Yuhuan with a smiling face and said, " boss, I'm just saying it casually." He was speechless. Later, he heard Yuhuan say, "There is no problem in building a small town. To expand into a city, you need another fairy baby to replenish energy." He lost his voice directly.

Think about those years, he took at most 20 people to practice in the world, and was also complacent that he was a strong father. Compared with Meier, he really doesn't want to live. With a long sigh, Yu Lao was about to speak, and Xiao Mei shouted again.

"Doesn't your bully sister understand the market? According to the system test, this heavenly energy can fully support people from half a country to come in and settle down.

"It's not calculated like that."

"Sister, that's the immortal cultivation system. Isn't the calculation accurate enough? Do you dare to say a word to my sister?"

"Don't get angry, boss, listen to my explanation."

What does it mean that the wicked have their own evil people? Yu Lao felt that this was what was in front of him. He is respectful to Yuhuan as if he had seen his ancestors, but Yuhuan is always unreasonable. No, he hasn't even met before. But as soon as Mei's girl lost her temper, Yuhuan became honest. Well, she also got tables, chairs and fragrant tea, and let Mei girl sit and drink tea!

After sitting down, I saw that Yu Lao was still standing. Xiao Mei said to Yu Huan, "It's a little eye-catching. Yu Lao is still standing." When Yuhuan changed a chair and asked Yu Lao to sit down, she said again, "Yuhuan, say it."

"Yulang Huantian has not been repaired, and the endless vitality consumed by Yulang Huantian's self-healing is still in short supply. Therefore, I have been limiting the number of people entering the space. After being supplemented by Xianying, although the situation improved, the boss brought in the wolves. Their progress speed was too fast, and their vitality was more than three times higher than that of human monks of the same level. Coupled with the loss of removing the spirit of death for the leader's order and the loss of raising the level of the leader's order, it is really not appropriate to let too many people in in the near future.

"Oh, that sounds reasonable." Xiao Mei nodded, frowned and shouted, "Administrator, you are going to die!"

The transparent display screen came out, and the sweaty little beaver's head flashed, with typewriting next to it: Boss, what's wrong?

"What's wrong with my sister? You didn't hear Yuhuan's words. Why don't you explain it?

The words on the transparent display have been changed: there is no way to explain, the system only has detection items and no analysis items.

"You are cruel, get out of here and die!" Depressedly driving away the administrator, Xiao Mei waved her hand and said, "Well, in the future, I will try to minimize the number of people coming in. The wolves will also find a place to settle down as soon as possible.

"It's better to get a few more fairy babies." Yuhuan added.

"Slowly dream, when your sister becomes a fairy, it will be the time for your dream to come true." Xiao Mei smiled dryly and turned his attention away from the world.

The black sea of fire is still burning, and there are few people left in the sea of fire. They gather together, as if they are brewing a joint blow. At this time, one hour is almost the time limit.

is the final confrontation! Xiao Mei thought and was ready to pull Li Mutou in at any time.

Li Qingyan held Jiuyou's knife and waited for his opponent's dying counterattack. The faint flame jumped on the knife, reflecting the cold smile on his face, reminiscent of the smile of death.

"Li Mutou has also become an arrogant madman. Men are all the same in their bones. They are all crazy people who love to be heroes." Xiao Mei sighed and did not change Li Mutou's intention, just as she could not bear to annihilate all the besieged on the scene, but did not insist on letting him stop. In this cultivation world of the law of the jungle, her heart is soft-hearted, which will only make her relatives hurt their enemies happy. What she can insist on is that if people don't offend me, I won't offend them.

"Stupid wood, that's why it's commendable." Yu Lao rarely spoke for Li Qingyan again.

"Are you ready?" Li Qingyan asked, and the other party replaced the answer with action.

"With the blood as the medium, please come to the blood demon!" With this roar, a huge bloody shadow suddenly appeared when everyone stood. As the people's bodies burst, the blood shadow quickly condensed, and the form was extremely ferocious.

"Black Ice Field!" Li Qingyan also roared, and the knife light rose again. It was no longer a jumping black flame, but a cold flash, like the reflection of the ice in the dark night, gloomy and evil.

The blood-colored virtual shadow rushed towards Li Qingyan and hit the cold flash, roaring loudly, and a bloody mushroom cloud rose from the ground. All the black flames are raised by mushroom clouds, forming a layered black and red interlayered mushrooms.

Where the mushroom cloud rushed up, the ground after the black sea of fire disappeared seemed to have a layer of black ice, and even the river had a section of frozen black ice. In the black ice field, it is as smooth as a mirror, but only Li Qingyan is still standing. He stood with Jiuyou's knife, and most of the weight of his body was pressed on the knife. Strangely, the tip of the knife can't break the ice.

The mushroom clouds rising from the sky are covered by high-altitude clouds, making an earth-shaking explosion sound above the clouds, which sets off the tranquility between the world below.

Only the sound of the wind blowing slowly.

When Xiao Mei came out to help Li Qingyan, he listened to the sound of the wind blowing slowly and suddenly wanted to cry. Li Qingyan stroked her thin face speechlessly, but he couldn't say anything about his guilt.

Siting together quietly and listening to the sound of the wind. How long did the two stood without realizing it. It was not until the sound of the swaying in the river that they woke up.

"In the white waves, under the idle clouds, the freedom is like a fairy."

The unpleasant voice came to her ears, and Xiao Mei smiled slightly. She pressed Li Qingyan's hand with a knife and asked loudly, "Who are you? Does Xiao Mei want to thank you for yesterday's lightning technique?"

In the awning boat parked in the middle of the river, a Confucian student with a book came out. Is it the man last night? Xiao Mei didn't know much about it. She just heard him say, "You are so strange. Is there any need to thank her? Can't you judge by yourself?" She laughed again.

"It may not be true, and my sister is also suspect that yesterday's lightning technique was actually aimed at myself, and the unlucky guy happened to hit it." Xiao Mei said half jokingly. She could feel that this person was not malicious, but this person was easy-to-understand.

A very similar man's voice came from the black canopy boat: "What a conscienceless girl!"

"Yeah, it turned out to be two people. Now that you're here, why don't you show up and see it?"

The man who didn't show up read strange words and laughed, "Woman, there are many hours, and I can only say that we are destined to see you again."

"It turned out to be--" Before he finished speaking, Xiao Mei suddenly stopped, pulled Li Qingyan, and bowed deeply to the awning boat drifting down.

Following Xiao Mei back to Yulanghuan, Li Qingyan asked curiously, "Naeer, who are those two? What kind of wind, devilish, so strange words.

"The wind blew all night and howling in the fields. Like a group of hungry wolves, the storm called the tone of evil wild ghosts, making heaven and earth hellish darkness. This is what my sister said to fool the two uncles, which seemed to be crooked and made them feel the opportunity to break through. Thinking about those years, Xiao Mei smiled mischievously.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Li Qingyan was even more confused.

"Master Yun and Uncle Lu are my father's two brothers. We met when we were in Tongcheng. They must have heard that someone besieged me and came to help. With a smile, Xiao Mei said with a pretty face, "It seems that among the people we killed today, there are high-level officials of the Ba Jianzong."

"I'm going to the imperial capital." Li Qingyan said with hatred. Trapped in the strange building of the palace, it was simply embarrassing for Meier to take risks and save himself.

"Naturally, the imperial capital will go. Isn't it too bad for us not to turn over the sky of the imperial capital? However, it is imperative to figure out the state of Dad first. Dad picked you up. Do you know what happened to him? By the way, why are you so stupid that you are so stupid that you have been introduced into the imperial capital and so far away from the Liuhua Fortress? Don't say that you can't find a chance to escape. Looking at it with a bad face, Li Qingyan can't say a reason. Xiao Mei wants a frame that can twist his ears off.

"The guy Long Boxun took away was a colleague with his eldest brother. The eldest brother was with him and was used as a shield by him. I can't be saved. As soon as I chased him, I will chase him to the palace. Seeing that Xiao Mei's face was even worse, Li Qingyan quickly added, "I thought it was not a problem to protect myself with the order of the head."

Li Qingyan's eldest brother, Xiao Mei really has no impression. He only remembers to call him Li Qingrui. She suspected that Li Qingrui intended to harm her brother, but she couldn't say this, so she changed the topic: "Where's Dad? Didn't you meet Dad?"

"At that time, a person who looked like my father appeared, but another group of people also appeared at that time. They were very strong. They fought together and then went. I didn't pay attention to where." Li Qingyan said guiltily.

"Dad, it must be all right." Xiao Meiyu said.