Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 243 Two Schemes

Wait to fix the boy Li Qingyan, Xiao Mei had already laughed back and forth, and Yu Lao couldn't help laughing again. Then he killed the girl's forehead and laughed: "That's happy! Girls are outgoing.

"Hee hee, don't explain." Xiao Mei spit out his tongue mischievously and smiled at Li Qingyan.

Looking at the two like-minded people, Yu Lao said earnestly, "If you don't die by fighting a snake, you will be bitten by a snake instead. You two are right to clean up the Li family, but it is not thorough enough. Beware of being devoured. Especially Mei'er, you girl just open your mouth. It's better to lift stupid wood and let it go.

"Well, this is Meier's shortcoming. Let's change it if there is a chance."

"Don't laugh!" With a low scold, he found that Xiao Mei laughed more happily, and Yu Lao had no choice but to stop. Thinking about the past, which of the younger generation of the family dared to listen to his words like this girl, but strangely, he did not feel angry.

"Well, bye, Li Mutou and I flashed. Yu Lao, remember to deal with the bloody disciples caught. Waving his hand, Xiao Mei took Li Qingyan and flashed out of the world.

Inside and outside the Li Mansion, it was still crowded. There were even people standing on the roof, and there were still uninvited guests. Six Master Li did not leave, gathering around Li Qingrui and roaring excitedly.

Xiao Mei and Li Qingyan appeared at the door of the hall. The first person he found was Li Qingrui. His eyes did not hide his hatred, but he squeezed out a smile on his face and said, "Second brother, sister-in-law, there is news about my father."

It's about Dad. Xiao Mei first ignored the holiday with Li Qingrui and asked, "Come in and talk about it."

Li Qingrui answered and left, and Li Tianren, the sixth master, also brazenly followed in. The hall has returned to normal, and they looked at each other with a wry smile. Obviously, their hearts did not die.

"The news came from the clan that the bloody prison confirmed that his father had not been arrested." Seeing that Xiao Mei was also as murderous as Li Qingyan, Li Qingrui saw sweat on his forehead and hurriedly said, "But the bloody prison department instructed the blood rune to help us dominate the sword sect to search for his father. Moreover, a disciple of Blood Rune said that he had found traces of his father in the fog.

"Mist field?" Xiao Mei's heart beat and quickly asked, "What time?"

With an indescribable smile in his eyes, Li Qingrui said with considerable certainty: "The time is right. There are masters in the sect to investigate. I believe there will be a definite answer soon."

"Fog, shall we go and have a look, Li Mutou?" Xiao Mei was a little hesitant. Originally, it was reasonable for her father to go to the fog, but somehow she always felt something was wrong in her heart.

"Let's go back to Zhucheng." Usually, he doesn't make up his mind, but when Xiao Mei asks for his opinion, Li Qingyan will also be very independent. Like a big tree, he silently opened the umbrella cover and sheltered her from the wind and rain when needed it. This feeling, as he grew up, like the drizzle blowing from the spring breeze, infiltrated her thoughts. Even she usually didn't realize it. When the upheaval happened, her experience was particularly profound.

"Oh yeah, let's go now." When Xiao Mei was about to move, he turned around and said to Li Qingrui, "I really don't want to tell you that the past is not to blame, but look at the face of father and mother, please forgive you once. You can cheat in the name of Huayingmen. You can go to Huaying Villa to get any cultivation materials, but it is limited to your own cultivation and you can't use it to make profits.

There was joy in his eyes, and Li Qingrui said sincerely: "Believe it or not..."

Interrupting Li Qingrui's words, Xiao Mei shouted, "Don't try to fool us as fools! Remember, you only have one chance to repent. Next time, Li Mutou can tolerate you, and my sister won't let you.

stood awkwardly, waiting for Xiao Mei and Li Qingyan to leave. Li Qingrui turned pale and said hatefully, "This bitch is getting more and more rampant! That's not the case!"

Looking at Li Qingrui's anger, Li Tianren added another fire: "Qingrui, isn't Uncle Six complaining about your grandmother? This little bitch is spoiled by her. Our child daughter-in-law is also the best, and Qingyan is really outrageous. Look at them making such a smoky miasma. Alas, the more they talk, the more angry they become!"

"Grandma, well, I'll go to grandma." Li Qingrui's face turned gloomy and clear.

"Isn't your grandmother already?"

"Grandma was brought back by her in Huaying Villa and seems to have recovered."

"Uncle Six will go with you."

"Grandma's place, it doesn't work if there are too many people. Just stay in the imperial capital and wait for the news."

"Six uncles listen to you. Anyway, you are also the eldest son of Li's parents, and you should inherit the family property. Although Huaying Dongtian was found by Qingyan and his wife, according to the ethnic rules, they have the obligation to hand over Huaying Dongtian to the family. That is to say, you should have been in charge of the flower shadow cave.

Shameless and there is no lower limit. Li Qingrui knew that Uncle Six was sovoking discord, and the reason was really ridiculous, but because he was right, he also looked indignant: "That's right, thanks to their doves occupying the magpie' nest, they are still so righteous."

"However, just tell your grandmother and let her do justice for you. Not to mention that she may not support you, she spoils this child daughter-in-law more than your father. Even if she supports you, her words will still work."

"What should I say?"

"There are two plans, depending on which one you choose." Li Tianren looked at Li Qingrui, just looking at the greedy fish. He was sure that he would be hooked and smiled so insidiously.

The first plan is to ask his grandmother to help him plead with Li Qingyan and Xiao Mei, indicating that all actions will be directed in the future.

The second plan is to poison Li Qingyan and Xiao Mei, take their spiritual treasures and replace them.

Li Qingrui didn't consider the first of the two plans at all, while the second plan was thieves and fearless. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said, "I won't go back until there is a better way. Well, Dad may be back soon."

"Hope." Li Tianren no longer persuaded. With his worldly wisdom and shrewdness, it is not difficult to see that Li Qingrui has actually accepted the second plan, but his fragile conscience is still struggling. I believe that it won't be long before there will be the results he hopes for.

"Uncle Six, please tell me about the situation of Huaying Dongtian again." As soon as Li Qingrui opened his mouth, he saw a white light flashing. He reached out his hand to catch it. It was a special summoning jade dragonfly for the sect, and the information on it was to make him quickly return to the divine machine camp.

Serving in the Shenji Camp is also to complete the sect task. For disciples at his level, this sect task is simply to take care of, so Li Qingrui has always been very proud and maintains a considerable sense of superiority. Now, he feels very uneven and has a fire in his heart.

According to the description of Uncle Six, Huaying Dongtian is simply a fairyland on earth, and there are plenty of cultivation materials. These actually belong to his waste brother, but they are not his eldest son. He can no longer deceive himself and maintain a sense of superiority, and it is inevitable that he hate his useless brother because of jealousy. Moreover, most importantly, although Xiao Mei said that he was not to blame for the past, he couldn't believe it. Besides, why does he need the child daughter-in-law to forgive?

On the way from the Li family to the Shenji camp, all kinds of thoughts in Li Qingrui's heart were intertwined and stirred up. Finally, it was Li Tianren's second plan that suppressed all the ideas. He was like a person who sold his soul to the devil without any conscience.

In front of the gate with a sense of historical vicissitudes of the station, Li Qingrui was stopped by the guards, saying that there was a message from the palace and asked him to quickly enter the palace to meet the elder Zong.

After a little accident, Li Qingrui added another charge to his waste brother in his heart: This is the first time that the great master has been here to come to the emperor for so long. This is the first time to call himself to see him alone. Needless to think about it, it is also because of the flower shadow cave. The sect must want to occupy the flower shadow cave. Can't the waste brother be handed over secretly? Send it in, isn't it recruiting people to rob it?

At this time, Li Qingrui has fully accepted the views indoctrinated by Uncle Six and automatically transferred the ownership of Huaying Dongtian to his name. Naturally, he did not want the sect to occupy it. So I was reluctant to go to see the master, but I had to go.

He lingered into the palace and went straight to Taihuaju, where Zong Limin lived. Li Qingrui found that the five elders sitting in the imperial capital were all here. He said to himself: Sure enough, I guessed correctly! Hard to see the ceremony, the five elders who were rarely seen talked to him affectionately. Instead, he was even more worried, so nervous that his palms sweated, and his answers were incoherent.

"The tiger father has no dog son, Tianyan is excellent, and his son is also extraordinary. Needless to say, Qingrui is also quite good. Zong Limin said with a smile that he was very kind.

Li Qingrui secretly slandered: Praise me and praise me. Why talk about that waste material?

As if he deliberately wanted to make Li Qingrui more uncomfortable, Long Wuhen sighed, "Tianyan should also be beaten. Two of his three sons were brought into the teacher's door, but he hid the best talent. Are you afraid that your son is too excellent and that anyone in the master will be black-hearted?

After all, it is the most outstanding direct disciple, and Zong Limin also wants to maintain it: "There is no doubt that Tianyan is loyal to the teacher. There should be no skill suitable for Qingyan. I heard that there are great castles who want to take Qingyan as apprentices and leave them to practice skills.

"Well, I've heard about this too. Speaking of which, it's amazing that the little guy Qingyan can explore and cultivate to the current level by himself. Long Wuhen laughed and said to Li Qingrui kindly, "Has the little guy Qingyan come back from the flower shadow cave? If you come back, help us old men and invite him over.

Do you want me to be a messenger? Li Qingrui felt that the blood all over his body was pouring towards his face. After suppressing that anger, he said, "The couple went back to Zhucheng. When they come back, the disciples will bring them to speak to the elders.

"Please? Ha ha, we dare not think about it." Long Wuhen smiled, asked some more about Li Qingyan and Xiao Mei, and then turned the topic to Huaying Dongtian. Hearing Li Qingrui say that he did not go in, the smile on his face faded, and he said a few words without saltiness, and then sent Li Qingrui away.

Is it called for that waste material? Li Qingrui was so angry that he almost wanted to scold his mother, and he added a letter of guilt to his waste brother in his heart.