Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 251 The Savior Appears

Bloomily, Yuhuan's voice came, which was not really heard, but it was enough to make Xiao Mei ecstatic. It's just that Li Qing's face, she can't show joy, so she has that strange look. It was not until Li Qingping finally left that she laughed out loud.

"Mier, what's so happy?" Long Tianlie suddenly broke in, sat straight at the head of the bed, looked down at Xiao Mei, and his mouth was full of wine.

Unable to move his body, Xiao Mei could only resist being smoked by the wine and scolded: "I heard that your sinister and vicious wolf will not die soon. Of course, I'm happy."

"Who is so bold to curse me?" Long Tianlie was not annoyed. He smiled and lingered unscrupulously at Xiao Mei's open neckline.

Afraid of this guy's disorder after drinking, Xiao Mei scolded: "Forest Wolf, don't get drunk here. Go to the woman in your harem."

"You are the first person in my harem." Long Tianlie pretended to be crazy through alcohol, leaned down with an evil smile, and groped under the quilt.

"Long Tianlie! How dare you!" Xiao Mei shouted in shock. For a moment, he had no good idea and was so anxious that his head sweated profusely.

"The sound of screaming is so seductive." Long Tianlie ate and laughed, as if it was such a funny thing.

"P!" In a hurry, Xiao Mei burst into a rude mouth, but her mouth was blocked by her wet and hot lips and tongue with the breath of alcohol. Deep powerlessness and anger filled her chest, and tears filled her eyes, but she endured it and said secretly: Even if she is blind, she will not cry. Sooner or later, my sister will skin this wolf!

After ending the long kiss that almost suffocated Xiao Mei, Long Tianlie muttered contentedly: "I want to kiss you like this for a long time. Meier, the taste is better than expected."

He opened his eyes and looked fixedly at the top of the account. Xiao Mei turned a deaf ear and just thought of two words: don't cry!

Xiao Mei's unusual calm made Long Tianlie surprised and angry. He sat up straight and pulled away Xiao Mei's clothes angrily, thinking that she would at least scream. He didn't expect her to still be like a statue without any expression fluctuation.

The big red chest makes Xiao Mei's condensed jade skin more crystal clear, and the slightly undulating chest is also particularly attractive. Long Tianlie looked at it, his mouth was dry, but he did not continue to think about it, and even had symptoms of atrophy somewhere. The feeling of frustration hit his heart. He jumped up and rushed out without saying a word.

Tears can finally roll down unscrupulously. After crying silently for a long time, Xiao Mei surged tired and fell asleep with tears in her eyes. When she was sleeping sweetly, someone pushed her to wake her up. Looking at the dark shadow in front of the bed, she opened her mouth to speak, but was covered by the other party. Then, another person came up next to peel off her clothes.

What is this going to do? Xiao Mei was horrified at the beginning, and Ji'er thought that if it was Long Tianlie's instructions, he would not be sneaky. If his woman secretly harmed her, it was useless to resist, so her tense heartstrings relaxed again.

With the faint light, Xiao Mei recognized that one of them was the maid of honor who had come that day, and his heart suddenly collapsed. After that, it was strange: didn't it mean that three days later, this was the next day?

Help Xiao Mei change her clothes, and even the angry bottle was stuffed into her arms. The maid of honor took her out, and the other person put on her changed clothes and lay down to **, which seemed to fake her. Let Long Tianlie find out that people will die! She was anxious and said, "She can't stay."

Holding Xiao Mei's maid of honor directly covered Xiao Mei's mouth and floated out of the house ghostly.

In the night, the heavy hall looks ghostly, and the swaying tree shadows and the bird shadows passing from time to time are more like ghost shadows drifting. The maid of honor with Xiao Mei took advantage of the shadow of the palace, bypassed the patrolling palace guards and quickly swept to the southwest.

The building in the southwest direction gradually became sparse. The maid took Xiao Mei into a desolate garden and made two cat calls in her mouth, and two cat calls in a room inside. Then a person came out, silently took Xiao Mei, and quickly swept back to the house. The maid of honor stayed outside and did not follow up.

The person who took over Xiao Mei is also a woman, with a petite and exquisite figure, but her speed is soaring fast. Xiao Mei didn't have time to see the surrounding environment. He only felt that the tunnel was brought into a well, full of dark and humid breath, and there was a faint sound of water below, which was probably very close to the underground river.

Because of the airtightness, Xiao Mei feels very breathless. I don't know how far I have gone. I only felt a serious lack of oxygen. I suspected that I would suffocate directly after a while. Suddenly, a wind with a fresh fragrance of vegetation blew. Taking a breath greedily, she opened her eyes and saw a few twinkling fireflies flying on the grass.

The half-man-high grass stretches to the edge of the forest in front of us, and the silver-white moonlight enveloped the dark forest, and the wind brushed the forest and made the leaves ring.

"It's so beautiful!" Xiao Mei blurted out and quickly shut up again.

"It's okay. This place is already outside the imperial capital." The man holding Xiao Mei said that her voice was very soft and slender, which was in line with her petite posture.

"Who are you? Why did you save me?" There is no living Lei Feng who never forgets to repay, but Xiao Mei doesn't want to owe a favor. In addition, it is an organized action by the other party, and it is unlikely to help her for no reason, so she thinks it's better to ask clearly.

Flying away with Xiao Mei's grass, the woman whispered, "Madam, we are all disciples of Huaying. Disciple Hua Qing, that was Hua Yun before.

"Huh? Are there any disciples of Huayingmen lurking in the palace? Who is so wise?" Xiao Mei smiled stupidly.

"Appointed by the elder sister." Hua Qing was afraid that the explanation would not be clear, and said, "It's Sister Qiu Yueqin. Because she is the eldest disciple of the doorkeeper, we all call her the eldest sister."

"Well, in front of the flower shadow door, what are you doing?" It can be said that Qiu Yueqin is the eldest disciple of Kaishanmen, only the first disciples who joined Huayingmen that year, but Xiao Mei has no impression of Huaqing.

"Did the young lady forget the little girl Qinger who did chores in Xiangmei Garden?" Hua Qing gave an understanding explanation.

"It's really the 18th female college has changed! Damn, I said, why don't I have any impression at all?" Xiao Mei was finally at a good time. Of course, there is still constant vigilance.

"Madam's jade pendant was also taken back, but it was coated with something, so we can't get rid of it." Hua Qing held Xiao Mei in one hand and took out a jade pendant in the other hand to show her.

The jade pendant is green, and you can't see the original color. But Xiao Mei was sure that this was Yulanghuan, but she didn't tell the truth, but said doubtfully, "Is this my jade pendant?"

"Definitely that's right." Hua Qing said with determination.

Once bitten by a snake, I was afraid of the well rope for ten years. Although Xiao Mei felt that Hua Qing's identity should not be fake at this time, he could not trust her. He smiled and said, "Then take a closer look when I recover."

"Also, this antidote is said to be useful, but we can't be sure." Hua Qing hesitantly took out a bottle of elixir.

"Feed me, how bad can it be now?" Although he was wary, Xiao Mei did not hesitate at this time.

Hua Qing hesitated and said, "If you don't wait any longer, let's go to see a famous doctor."

"No, feed me the medicine now. Well, the bottle in my arms is filled with water and feed me some. Xiao Mei couldn't wait at this time. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, she would take that medicine. Even if she was poisoned, it didn't matter. And she deliberately didn't mention the mystery of the bottle that is likely to have something to do with Yulang Huantian.

She folded to the lake and filled the bottle with some lake water. Hua Qing poured the elixir down to Xiao Mei with some trembling hands. Under normal circumstances, Xiao Mei should refuse to eat, but she smiled and didn't know how to worry at all. Instead, Hua Qing asked tremblingly, "Madam, are you all right?"

"It's not so fast, isn't it? It's not a three-step poison. Let's go and try to get to Zhucheng quickly. There was a little uncomfortable in his stomach, but Xiao Mei smiled indifferently.

"Are you going to Zhucheng? But Zhucheng is not safe now. Hua Yun said that there was news that Huaying Villa was closed and could not get in at all. The Li family is now in charge of Li Qingrui, who wantonly suppresses our Huayingmen disciples, and now the disciples of Huayingmen are hidden. Hua Qing said worriedly.

"Flower Shadow Villa closed? Haha!" Xiao Mei laughed, but tears also gushed out like a spring at the same time. Huaying Villa is a game prop, which is controlled by the immortal cultivation system and the leader's order. When the immortal cultivation system failed before, there was a leader's order, and Huaying Villa is still not affected. Now the villa is closed, indicating that Li Qingyan is critical and even dead.

"What's wrong, madam? You can't laugh so loudly. Hua Qing quickly prompted.

At this time, it was far away from the imperial capital, passing through a rather remote village. Hearing Xiao Mei's laughter, the dogs in the village barked.

Hua Qing quickly sped up and flew away.

Xiao Mei's laughter stopped, and tears still surged. Until Hua Qing asked again if she wanted to go to Zhucheng, she suddenly raised her hand to wipe away her tears and burst out from her teeth: "Go to Zhucheng to see people and die!"

"Madam!" Hua Qing suddenly screamed.

"Have you arrived?" Xiao Mei turned her head and asked calmly, which made Hua Qing scream again. Seeing that there was nothing abnormal behind her, she was a little puzzled.

"You can move your hand and your head." Hua Qing said excitedly.

"Nonsense, I'm not a dead person, of course I can move--ah!" Xiao Mei also screamed and struggled again. He landed and stood down, "Oh, my God, it's not a dream!"

"No, that medicine really works!" Hua Qing cried, "I won't lose my life to Huajiao."

Shocked, Xiao Mei asked, "A sister died for this antidote?"

"Well, Hua Jiao got the antidote and was arrested that night. Hua Yun committed suicide that night when she heard it." Hua Qing said sadly.

Xiao Mei is silent. Huajiao chose to commit suicide that night, which must be to avoid leaking the antidote under torture. How will she repay this?