Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 271 Blocked twice

The sun pierced a cloud of gray floating in the sky, and gradually fainted a bright feather in the clouds. The gray clouds gradually became bright and light, fluffy and fluffy.

When Xiao Mei rode the wolf, the white and fluffy clouds also drifted in the sky. Looking from afar, a flame on the ground supported her to fly, and a fluffy white cloud above her followed her. The red flames and white clouds reflect each other, which makes her more beautiful.

50,000 elites of the Tianchen Army lined up in a gentle slope before returning to Yanshan. Under the banner of hunting, the veteran Lou Daoming sat on the horse and looked blankly at Xiao Mei coming out of the crowd.

In order to avoid the poisonous beast from accidentally hurting people, Xiao Mei asked sabre-toothed dragon to restrain the poisonous beasts and follow her. The wolf group is divided between her and the team in front of her. At this time, she and Nuyan came to the front of the two armies. The wolves followed and acted neatly. The saber-toothed dragon also roared and rushed to the front with the poisonous beasts, making a loud dragon roar to the opposite Tianchen army, and the poisonous beasts also made their own roars.

Looking at these beasts, Lou Daoming's heart began to beat drums, thinking that his superior sent him here, which was completely unintentional. When the dragon roared and the roar of the beasts, the mounts of the whole army hissed in horror, and the soldiers tried their best to keep them stay in place, but they could not keep quiet. The hoofs of 50,000 horned horses hit the ground at the same time, and the shock wave made the stones back to the top of the wild geese begin to roll down, as if there was about to be an earthquake. In his heart, he greeted all the eight generations of his boss's ancestors.

"Quiet." As Xiao Mei raised his hand and stopped, the sabre-toothed dragon obededly shut up and released the dragon power to press the poisonous beasts, so that they could also shut up.

Can the beasts obey her? Lou Daoming's eyes were awept, and his eyes quickly glanced at the sabredodon and poisonous beasts, and then looked at the neatly arranged and quiet wolves, and his pupils shrank again. When he looked at Xiao Mei again, he could no longer maintain his expressionless face and pulled the corners of his mouth. He squeezed out a barely friendly smile and said, "My niece came from afar and waited for my uncle for a long time."

Nima, bring 50,000 cavalry to wait, this welcome ceremony is really grand! Xiao Mei felt that he was enough to talk nonsense, which was still slightly worse than this person. As it is said, she reached out and did not hit the smiling man. In addition, her grandfather's death had nothing to do with Lou Daoming. Her face also brushed like a spring breeze and replied with a smile, "General Lou is polite. Xiao Mei doesn't dare to bother General Lou to welcome him from afar. Er, he still waited for a long time. This makes my grandfather know that he must have scolded Xiao Mei with his dream."

"If the marshal knows under the spring, he will be relieved." Lou Daoming smiled, and the smile on his face was not so reluctant. He really pinched his sweat just now, afraid that Xiao Mei, the girl would not get in, regardless of the fact that he took the beasts to fight first.

"Hope." Xiao Mei smiled and said seriously, "General Lou has brought a lot of troops here. Is there another military business? If there is anything Xiao Mei can do, please say it bluntly.

My niece is indeed a woman who doesn't give up. Thousands of clothes are worn, but they are not flattering. In order to successfully complete the task, Lou Daoming patted his old face first, and then said, "Uncle is asking for his niece. Please look at the face of Marshal Li, restrain your subordinates, and don't make trouble in the defense area of the Northwest Legion to which uncle belongs."

In terms of Tianchen Army, some people were not ashamed of their words and deeds, but at this time they also secretly praised him. After all, they were not willing to fight with the poisonous beast frenzy and the obviously well-trained wolves.

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. General Lou can rest assured that Xiao Mei can guarantee that his subordinates will never take the initiative to cause trouble. Xiao Mei was also happy to agree. She is not a killing maniac. As long as she can kill Long Tianlie and his main accomplice, she does not intend to implicate Taiguang. Of course, if Tianchen's army was blocked by Long Tianlie's order, she would also kill as much as she could without mercy.

Lou Daoming poured another ecstasy soup for Xiao Mei. It was not until she was too lazy to listen to say goodbye again that he was really relieved. However, inadvertently, his eyes were connected with the eyes of the plateau, which made him a little frightened by his dark eyes.

Without looking back, Xiao Mei took the expression of the plateau and Lou Daoming in his eyes with the help of a transparent display screen, and showed a thoughtful look.

In the name of escort, Lou Daoming followed with 50,000 cavalry until Xiao Mei and his revenge army left the defense area of the Northwest Legion. Anyway, there is no harm to this, and Xiao Mei does not object to it.

Smoothly walked out of the defense area of the Northwest Legion and entered the intersection of Longxi and Jiangzhong. To Xiao Mei's surprise, he was intercepted by the local army.

By the beautiful Songxia River, 30,000 miscellaneous soldiers lined up along the river. Because the herd was ordered by Xiao Mei, they were all blocked by the woods at the bend. Therefore, these miscellaneous cards were so arrogant that they all put on an expression of "God, my second brother", which made the disciples of Huayingmen laugh.

Speaking of which, before the disciples of Huayingmen left, many people were worried that this visit would be nine deaths. Those who were at home on the wild plateau solemnly said goodbye to their families, and some deliberately sacrificed their ancestors. When they set out, they were in a desolate mood.

Unexpectedly, he easily walked out of the recolored red grass swamp, but when he first came out of the swamp, he was hit by the Tianchen Army, with nearly half of the casualties. After that, the Huayingmen was as leisurely as if they were swimming in the mountains and rivers.

At this time, seeing the miscellaneous army in this place, the disciples of Huayingmen did not have any awareness that they were about to fight, and actually argued in groups of these local military products.

Xiao Mei, who stood in the front line, heard the funny comments behind him and couldn't help laughing. He felt that he was not serious enough and roared: "I'm sweating to death! You scum, your discipline is not even as good as the miscellaneous soldiers on the opposite side.

Plateau is the actual commander of the disciples of Huayingmen. Xiao Mei's words are equivalent to blaming him for improper management, so he roared: " Stand in line, don't make noise!"

The disciples of Huayingmen were quickly arranged neatly, and the spiritual outlook of the whole team changed. The poisonous disciples who were still riding in the canned cart behind were also amazed.

Give a miscellaneous army, the local army was not happy to be led by the fat man, and he couldn't stop scolding. They should belong to the hostile forces of the Li family, and they are obviously clear about Xiao Mei's child daughter-in-law, so they not only scolded her by name, but also humiliated the whole Li family.

The news that his father is not dead has obviously not yet come, and the situation of the Li family is estimated to be precarious. Thinking of this, Xiao Mei shook her head slightly and said secretly: My sister is too lazy to care about the survival of the Li family.

The mood was upset, and Xiao Mei lost his mind for a moment. She didn't give an order. When she heard the shouting and scolding from the opposite side, the disciples of Huayingmen turned a deaf ear, but the disciples of the poisonous sect were unhappy to scold them. This situation did not last long. When the herd appeared, the miscellaneous army suddenly lost its voice.

Xiao Mei said leisurely, "If you scold again, why don't you scold? The barbarians of the Li family went back to the barbarian plateau. Well, you also told Long Tianlie about this, and I won't feed your body to the poisonous beast. Her tone was soft, and there was no smell of fireworks, but it made people feel a chill.

There was only the sound of running water, the occasional sound of fish jumping out of the river into the water, and the sound of chickens and dogs barking in the distance. The nearby mountains, forests and birds and beasts seemed to be suddenly banned by some mysterious force. Suddenly, this world was very quiet and strange.

With a "plop", someone fell into the water, as if sending a signal. In the local army lined up along the river, a large row of people standing near the river fell into the water. As for whether he jumped by himself or fell into the water, it is impossible to verify.

"Don't talk? Then, my sister automatically thinks that you are going to fight to the end. Xiao Mei's soft and slow voice clearly reached the ears of the people present, and his side was fine, and the other party was immediately scared that a group of people diving.

"I, we are from Jiangzhong Mansion, of--" Because of the fight between the two rows of teeth, the fat-eared local military commander couldn't finish his words.

"Jiangzhongfu's, um, I wrote it down." Xiao Mei nodded and said very kindly. She didn't say what to do after writing down, but it was these understated words that made people see the bloody scene of the sea of corpses and blood in front of her, as if she could smell the strong smell of blood.

"I'm not, not Jiangzhongfu--" I was too nervous and eager to explain. The more urgent the fat commander of the local army, the more he couldn't speak, and he was so anxious that the cold sweat on his forehead rolled down.

"It's not Jiangzhong Mansion, but it's also your Jiangzhong Mansion." Xiao Mei smiled softly, as if discussing which restaurant to invite the other party to dinner, which was very easy-going. The next moment, she shouted solemnly, "Xiao Long, attack!"

The high-boom dragon raised, and the poisonous beasts lying on the ground jumped excitedly, rushing forward like a torrent. The majestic sabertoothus swept away from a low altitude, and then came first. It slapped down with one paw obliquely, and patted the fat leader's meat pie.

Only the smell of blood spread in the air, even if it was weak, it was enough to stimulate the bloodthirsty nature of the poisonous beasts, and the momentum suddenly climbed a lot, making their faces more ferocious.

The local soldiers who had no fighting spirit, except for those who scared them, all fled, and some of them dived and fled directly, which was the only way to survive. As sabrex quickly came and intercepted on the shore, the only way to survive was also blocked. All the people who rushed to the shore were equivalent to hitting its claws and being patted into cakes one by one. The skillful and fast action made Xiao Mei sigh.

The battle will be over soon. In addition to diving and fleeing, and a small number of wise people who chose to surrender at the beginning of the battle, the rest of the local army were all gone.

The plateau has never expressed any comments. Looking at him strangely, Xiao Mei didn't say anything. He seemed to subconsciously say, "I didn't say anything."

"It's strange that you don't say anything?"