Iron Soldier

Chapter 2 Obelisk's Giant Soldier

After the monkey came to this world, he found that he had become a 15-year-old teenager. He was still black-eyed, black-haired and yellow-skinned. He was not handsome, but he was not ugly. It was very common. Usually, as long as there was another person on the street and threw him up, he must not be the focus. This child's talent is also average. The fifteen-year-old first-level and third-order optical magician is the only extraordinary thing. In this world, the fifteen-year-old first-order and second-order are very common, but magicians are different. Here, as long as he is a magician and has a grade, he is a nobleman, and the first level is the Lord!

Inherited the teenager's body, and the monkey of memory also inherited the teenager's name - Will Lawrence.

The recovered monkey is Will's beginning to slowly digest the inherited memory.

Will is lucky. In this world, his family can be said to be a rich family. He is the only son of the only first-class duke in the kingdom. However, his family is very shabby. The mansion is very large and absolutely worthy of the Duke, but there are only two servants - completely the old replica of the renter in Kung Fu. The mother and a dead-faced housekeeper who did things in full accordance with aristocratic etiquette and asked Will to do so. Then the pocket money of ten silver coins a month made Will very depressed.

As for why this happened, we have to start with Will's father, Yuantang Lawrence.

Yuantang Lawrence, this name is known to everyone in this world! When it comes to this name, people's first reaction is powerful! As one of the five strongest people in the mainland, his strength is beyond doubt!

Here we will mention the law of power in this world - there are three professional types according to the energy used: warriors who use fighting spirit, magicians who use magic, and clergy who use holy power. Only the Holy See of Light and the Dark Council will use the Holy Power of Light or Darkness to become clergy! The power of the world is also very fine, and all creatures are divided into nine levels with one energy level:

Level zero - ordinary human beings without cultivation are at this level.

Level 1 - the trainee class of practitioners has initially mastered the use of energy.

Level 2 - the primary stage of the practitioner begins to be able to use energy to kill the enemy. At this time, the practitioner can deal with dozens of ordinary people. If he joins the army, he will be a low-level officer.

Level 3 - The intermediate stage of the practitioner is more proficient in the mastery of energy and begins to systematically understand the energy system. The practitioners who can reach the third level are more talented. Most of these people are learning in the college, rather than looking for a job early.

Level 4 - the advanced stage of the practitioners. At this time, the practitioners can already be called masters, enough to deal with hundreds of strong men and are the backbone of the ruling class.

Level 5 - the scholar-level stage of the practitioner. At this level, you are a member of the ruling class of this magical civilization. You are a real enemy who can communicate the energy between heaven and earth.

Level 6 - the division stage among practitioners. This level of practitioners will be called masters, and few of them are high-end existences of magical civilization.

Level 7 - the god level among practitioners. The warriors at this stage will be called sword gods or martial gods, and magicians will be called magic gods, which is the top combat power of the whole magical civilization.

Level 8 - This is no longer a traditional cultivation. They have the ability to destroy the world by waving their hands. They are the gods walking in the world in the magical civilization! One person can fight against the whole world! They are also known as the strongest!

Each level is divided into three levels, which are the initial level that has just entered this level, the stable middle level, and the high level that is ready to reach the peak of this level at any time.

At present, there are five people at the strongest level: Pope Peter VIII of the Holy See; the Speaker of the Dark Parliament, Stern; Catherine, the Elf Queen; Irina Bokova, Dean of the Magic Academy; and the first-class Duke of the Aufre Kingdom, Yuantang Lawrence, who guards the third new Tokyo Fortress - that is also Will's father.

The Pope belongs to the clergy system and has a unique profession in the Holy See - the priest! It belongs to the attacking caster, and the Holy See also has other unique professions, such as the auxiliary caster priest, the healing caster priest, the attacking Templar and the defensive paladin.

The Dark Speaker belongs to the unique profession of the Dark Parliament - the Dark Speaker! There are other names for the world - Divine Punishment Summoner! The destroyer! Other professions in the Dark Council include: warlocks who are proficient in curses, dark prophets who harm others and interests, secret recruits and black knights who deal with demons all year round.

The Elf Queen is a magician, and Dean Irina is a wind archer.

And Will's father, Don Lawrence, is more special - Death Knight! A profession that should not exist in the world! The original truth that the living cannot become a death knight has been broken, and he has become a death knight, but he is still alive!

Yuantang Lawrence, the father, put everything on the fortress he guarded. The home of the imperial capital almost does not return all year round, and no one knows why Yuantang, who is more than 1,000 years old, suddenly has a son and who is the mother of the child, even Will! From the beginning of remembering, Will lived in the mansion of the imperial capital, and only these two servants rarely met his father. This time, he was injured and became a vegetable for a year. Yuantang Lawrence just came back to have a look and left the next day. Until the third day when Will changed his mind and woke up, Will's father in this world arrived.

When he actually saw this father for the first time, Will was still relatively worried. After all, it was not original. In case it was exposed, he would not die even if he wanted to die!

Nearly two meters tall, huge gorgeous armor of unknown materials, carrying a giant sword made of crystal, and a dead face like a housekeeper, although handsome but without any expression! This is Will's first impression of his father!

"Here you are." Yuantang's first words after the meeting almost scared Will to death! There is no tone, just like the narration of a movie.

Just when Will thought it was revealed and didn't know what to do. Yuantang Lawrence continued, "Let's go, my son." After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the house.

"Go, where?" Will is very nervous!

"back to the fortress!" Father's voice is beyond doubt.

Will's understanding of the third new Tokyo Fortress only stays with his father stationed for many years and an aunt named Lvzi there, and he knows nothing else. In fact, not only he knows nothing, including the king, and even the big forces such as the Holy See or the Dark Parliament! That place is a complete fortress! There is no ordinary people, and there are not many spies, but it's like a stone sinking into the sea. There is no bubble, and there is no message at all! And Will, who has been in and out of the third new Tokyo Fortress several times, only knows that there is an aunt named Lvzi in it!

Sometimes Will is even thinking that it's not a fortress at all. Maybe it's a peaceful nest between father and aunt Lvzi! After all, no one is brainless enough to choose the strongest!

In fact, in the past, Will also suspected that his father and Aunt Lvzi had a lot, but once he deliberately went to break a good thing and rushed into the secret room of the private meeting between his father and Aunt Lvzi with expectation. As a result, after seeing the two people's expressionless disassembly and suture and hatred, he was not interested in their affairs at all. Er, don't you know what hatred is? It is to sew the corpses of human beings and warcraft together, and then resurrect them with evil rituals. He is three or four meters high, two or three meters wide and powerful, full of corpse poison and plague, and the earth trembles one step!

Will honestly got on the carriage with his father and went to the third new Tokyo Fortress. The road was very calm. The strongest man's car was not to mention a thief, and the dragon would not rob him. In the face of his expressionless father, Will's back was almost soaked with sweat, and he was speechless all the way. Three days later, The father and son arrived at the destination of this trip - the third new Tokyo Fortress!

The fortress is not very large, with a radius of only ten miles, or a castle is more appropriate, but looking at the dense Tongtian towers in the fortress, I have to admit that even if there is no strong man guarding it, this is also a fortress that will never fall!

Tongtian Tower - 200 meters high, with a huge crystal ball at the top, which can fire energy-gathering magic rays at 360 degrees. It is the main gun of Tongtian Tower. The power of one gun is equivalent to the full blow of the seven-level strong! The tower is 15th floor, from the fifth floor to the 14th floor, with a total of 40 secondary guns on each floor, each of which is equivalent to a full blow from a six-level strongman! Thousands of towers, if enough energy, even if they are enemies of the whole world, you can rest assured here!

All the way into the fortress, led by Dad, all the way down from the central castle, about 150 meters underground, an empty hall, where Will met another acquaintance - Aunt Lvzi.

Little Will, you are finally here! We have been waiting for this day for a long time!" Aunt Lvzi is as enthusiastic as ever. In the past, Will would have thought that this was the early stage of Aunt Lvzi's intention to be her stepmother, but after experiencing the hateful anatomical incident, Will completely gave up this idea! Anyway, people who can live with perverted father all day are definitely not normal people!

"Ha, hello, Aunt Lvzi, you are getting more and more brilliant." After thinking about it, Will still greeted politely. Although Will's soul is a small citizen, the standard aristocratic etiquette trained by the dead face butler for 15 years has been reflexively deep into the bone marrow.

"Okay, don't waste time and get straight to the point!" Dad is still so cold and direct. After looking at Will, Dad continued, "I called you this time to give you something and let you experiment with its actual use effect."

"What is it? Is it dangerous?" Will is quite depressed. Why is the experiment always his own!?

"That's it! It's really dangerous. I called you here this time just to give you this. If you don't want it, you don't have to stay here!" The voice is still flat, as if there will be no tone for ten thousand years! As one of the wall opened, a blue giant metal puppet appeared with ten meters high and four meters wide, with sword-shaped wings on its back and shoulders full of metal bone spurs.

"This is the giant soldier of Obelisk, the latest weapon developed by the fortress." Aunt Lvzi's interface begins to introduce.

"When it comes, the scorching wind will blow the desolate land, and the living will become corpses!" Aunt Lvzi's voice seemed to sing.

"His eyes can shoot hundreds of meters of flames that are hotter than the magma under the ground. His movements are faster than the wind. His body is indestructible, and his strength is invincible!" Aunt Lvzi, who was afraid that she was not shocked enough, added, "In his anger, the strongest will also disappear!"

"This, this, so powerful!" Will was indeed shocked! What is the strongest? It is a living god! It is a symbol of invincibility! Now, this invincible is about to be broken!

"Why does such a powerful guy want me to use it?" Will was surprised that Dad was not a person who spoiled him to such a point.

"Because the world is so big, only you can use it!" Dad's words are still so direct.


"You don't need to know why, just know that only you can use it!" Will's words were directly interrupted by his father. Now, just tell me whether you want it or not!"

Will, who didn't want to take risks, subconsciously wanted to refuse, but suddenly he saw hope in his father's eyes! This is the first time he has found that feelings actually exist in his father! Well, since I inherited your body, I also inherited everything about you, including Dad and his expectations!" He said silently, then raised his head and looked directly into his father's eyes.

"I want!" When he said a simple word, he seemed to see relief in his father's eyes. For a moment, even Will himself was not sure whether it was an illusion.

"How to use this?" Since he decided to inherit everything and fulfill his father's expectations, Will's mentality relaxed and no longer cares whether he is original or not.

"Go up from here, and the chest is the cockpit. After entering, drip blood on the control panel to recognize the master." At this time, Aunt Lvzi began her work, holding a notepad and preparing to record the test at any time.

Will climbed into the cockpit according to Aunt Lvzi's instructions. The space inside was very small, only one seat, and the seat was very large. After sitting down, he was completely wrapped and fixed, but it was very comfortable without any discomfort. In front of him was a silver-gray disk engraved with an extremely profound magic array.

According to what Aunt Lvzi said, after biting her finger and dripping a drop of blood, the silver-gray disk rotated. Suddenly, the disk emitted a line of light, more than three feet high, and there was an object on it, seven inches long, eyebrows and eyes, and two white light, covering Will's mud pill palace. Will was stunned and found that he couldn't move. Then the thing went straight into Will's eyebrows and disappeared.

Will found that he had regained his freedom, and then there was something in his mind, including how to control and use this huge puppet - the giant soldier of Obelisk!

As his mind moved, the giant soldier began to move forward, but stopped after two steps. Will's face was pale and powerless, but only two steps completely consumed the magic of his first-level and second-order magician, and even exhausted his physical strength! After a while, his mind moved, and the giant soldier disappeared in an instant. Will appeared on the ground. At the same time, a blue tattoo appeared on his arm, and the blue metal puppet with sword wings on his back was the giant soldier of Obelisk!

Aunt Lvzi quickly appeared next to Will to help him. It doesn't matter, Aunt Lvzi, there is no problem with the control, but it consumes too much. Even simple movement can't be done at my current energy level. Fortunately, the consumption of collecting and releasing giant soldiers is not very large. Otherwise, I don't know how to get down, hehe."

"It doesn't matter. As long as it proves that there is no problem with his design, the problem of energy consumption will be fine when you improve your level. There is nothing left here. You can go back to the imperial capital tomorrow!" Dad spoke very smoothly when he took off the grinding and killed the donkey, just as it should have been.

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