Iron Soldier

Chapter 4 Formula One 1

Standing on the streets of the imperial capital, Will is like a bird that has just flown out of the cage, full of curiosity and yearning for everything outside. Although I have a certain understanding of the world from the memory of my predecessor, after all, I have not experienced it in person, or that my predecessor has not experienced it, which is just a matter of hearing.

Will's capital is called Pompeii, which is the political and economic center of the Ofre Kingdom. And the power of the Ofre Kingdom is at a lower level in this world that is still in a feudal system.

Here is the overall distribution of the world: because the whole continent is shaped like a moon, it is called the string moon continent. The gap of the crescent moon faces due south, and the most powerful are the three empires: the Bright Empire at the northeast end of the continent, the Dark Empire at the northwest end and the Orc Empire in the middle of the continent. The northernmost part of the continent is the barbarian kingdom. The business alliance formed by the elf kingdom and a group of merchants live in the east and west corners of the moon. There is a dwarf kingdom between the merchant alliance and the dark empire, and the Ofre kingdom between the elf kingdom and the light empire. However, in recent hundreds of years, the strongest of the orcs have been defeated, and the orcs have also declined, losing the power of the empire and becoming the orc kingdom.

Because the hostile light and darkness can't reach anyone between the barbarians and the orcs, the orcs and barbarians can fight. The dwarfs and elves are also gentle races. The remaining two countries are the weakest and no one can beat them. The remaining small duchires are mixed between the big countries and there is no waves, so at present, Xianyue A peaceful scene on the mainland.

Will, who went to the street for the first time, was curious about everything around him, but he still maintained the good habit of only looking and not buying. In fact, Will was also forced to be helpless. Although his allowance changed from ten silver coins a month to two gold coins as an adult. But Will still feels very tight!

The currency of Xianyue mainland is composed of copper coins, silver coins and gold coins, and the exchange rate is 100. Two gold coins are enough for an ordinary family of three to live for three months. Even in the imperial capital, they can spend a month. But in this world, the social elite group, which accounts for only 5% of the total population, including practitioners and nobles, controls more than 90% of the wealth of the mainland, so whether as a magician or the son of a duke, Will is already poor and can no longer be poor.

In the Xianyue continent, it is not easy to become a practitioner, magician? That requires talent! One in a million talents! Martial arts do not have too high requirements for talent, but martial arts practice requires nutrition to keep up. They not only need to eat meat, but also often use medicine to recuperate to prevent hidden injuries in training. This is not affordable for ordinary people at all. As for the clergy who use holy power? They have to ask God about their selection method.

But there is no doubt that the practitioner is strong. Even a first-level practitioner can't deal with it!

While Will was lamenting that he was a poor man, he suddenly found a large group of people in front of him. Onlookers are the nature of farts, so Will naturally came forward and saw an imperial list on the notice wall, inheriting everything from his predecessor. Will naturally knows the language and words of the world like the palm of his hand, and he was surprised at first sight!

The list is as follows: according to heaven's transportation, the king's edict said that there is an envoy of the Duchy of Wagua in the East China Sea to challenge our country's capable people at Pompey Station in the Continental Formula One next month. If our country wins, it will pay tribute every year. If other countries win, they will be independent. Now in the world, if there is a capable person who recommends himself to the court and wins it, he will be awarded the title of Marquis of Ten Thousand Households and give him millions of gold.

Will understood, but he was confused again, because he had no idea what the Formula One competition was for! So he stopped someone and asked, "Brother, excuse me, what is this Formula One competition for?"

As soon as the person asked heard it, he was very impatient with the guy from the mountain who didn't even know about the Formula One competition, but when he turned around and saw Will, he was stunned, and then immediately became kind: "Oh, little brother, you said this Formula One competition, this is the largest horse in the Xianyue mainland. The car event is over!"

"Racing, horse racing?" Will was stunned, but then realized that from the performance of this person just now, his low-level charm is really not a copycat, and it is really effective!

"Yes, it is said to be a horse race car, but now it is almost all a Warcraft puller. After all, the horse's physical strength and speed are far worse than Warcraft, and the requirements for the carriage are also very broad. As long as it can carry one person, that is, the driver must sit in the carriage and cannot ride a horse. Except for not destroying the track and directly attacking other players and their carriages, the race is very free and wonderful!" I don't know whether this passer-by is very talkative or Will's low-level charm. In short, this person began to explain endlessly.

"But the little Japanese are really bold this time. As a country, they still want to challenge their masters. They should really teach them a lesson." Finally, the passer-by finally ended his explanation with an angry comment.

It's almost dinner time. Thanks to the passer-by, Will began to walk back, "Racing car? The world is really interesting! I think it should be similar to F1.

After dinner, Will, who walked to his room, accidentally threw himself back from the third new Tokyo fortress to the carriage, Dad's car, and the skeleton horse-drawn white bone chariot!

Although Dad doesn't care about the supplies around him at all, this carriage is absolutely unambiguous! The white bone chariot operated by Aunt Lvzi is completely airlifted from the underworld - space transportation, from the ghostly white bones in the depths of the Mariana Trench, the center of the sea of white bones! This kind of white bone is stronger than pure gold, but it is as light as a feather, and is no longer afraid of the power of the light system. It ignores any attack below level 5, and even if the strong man at level 6 does not cut for an hour, they can't destroy it!

The four skeleton horses pulling the cart are relatively ordinary. Aunt Lvzi imported a batch of first-class skeleton horses from the undead world, but the quantity is slightly larger, one million! Finally, by devouring each other, the remaining ten skeleton war horses have reached level five, and unless the power of the Light system, other departments can't hurt them at all. The most important thing is that because they are mounts, in order to cooperate with the knights, the attack power of these skeleton war horses is very low, and the main direction of development is speed and impact. Force. It is said that Aunt Lvzi is accumulating materials and plans to import a large number of skeleton horses until she cultivates a seven-level mount for her father! So the speed of these four skeleton war horses is no less than that of the six-level warcraft!

Seeing these babies, Will's heart couldn't help but live up. If he takes them to participate in some Formula One competition, not to mention that he must win the championship, it is indeed the same to win a small Japanese melon, and although these horses are undead, as a level 5 creature, it They are completely wise! So you don't have to drive a carriage at all, just tell them what the target is, and then lie in the carriage and wait for the prize.

is easy to say, but the problem is also that these horses are wise. They just send Will back, but they don't listen to Will's command at all, but they listen to the housekeeper, so the question now is how to settle the dead face housekeeper within a week. Although the game will be held next month, the newspaper It's only been a week!

After returning to the room, Will slept in his upgrade and was speechless all night.

The next morning, "Young master, it's time to get up. Breakfast is in the lobby, as a son of an aristocrat..."

Will, who has experience, is naturally not in a hurry to wash up. After breakfast, Will went back to his room and began to plan tactics. How can he move the housekeeper? Let him order those horses to listen to himself. Only in this way can his pocket money plan succeed perfectly! It turned out that Will planned this matter so deliberately in order to get rid of the hat of his own noble and poor households and went to give millions of gold.

About an hour later, Will frowned and came to his mind. After a while, at ten o'clock, the housekeeper came on time to inform him that it was time for morning tea. When he came to the flower hall, the housekeeper had already prepared black tea and dessert, and waited for Will to sit down and stand on the oblique side.

After tasting the black tea, Will frowned and looked sad, "Butler, what do you think is a nobleman?"

"Young master, nobles are privileged classes that have been crowned by the king or emperor for merit, contributions or other reasons. Nobles have the right to serve and respect the common people, and nobles have the obligation to protect civilians from harm when they are in danger." A textbook answer from the housekeeper.

Obviously, Will had already expected the housekeeper's answer, so he continued: "That country is in trouble. Should we stand up as a nobleman?"

"Young master, this is the duty of a nobleman. Even death cannot be feared, otherwise he will not be called a nobleman!"

"Good! That's what you're waiting for!" Will was overjoyed. Then he continued to say with a sad face, "Yesterday, I saw His Majesty's list on the street. The Duchy of Wagua dared to challenge the majesty of the heavenly dynasty in an attempt to abandon the patriarch! Take the Formula One competition as the platform, first damage my heavenly prestige, and then make an independent retrograde! As a nobleman of the Celestial Empire, I am willing to contribute to the country and defeat the tricks of Japan! However, the family has a good BMW car, but there is no way to order!"

Will's words were impassioned and heard by others, and they must have thought that he was an excellent young nobleman who was loyal and patriotic. But if you know that the target of this product is only the simple million gold coins, you have to spray him to death with a mouthful of salt soda!

"Young master, if you want to say it directly, the carriage. The master has given them to you as an adult gift, and since the master, no one in our family has taken the kingdom seriously from master to servant, but your set of words just now is really good. I'll write it down and find someone to frame it up and hang it up. In the room." The housekeeper exposed Will's thoughts with a blank face, and finally did not forget to sarcastic Will.

Will was directly blinded and stared at the housekeeper for a while. Damn, this dead man's face was clearly smiling! Will was not shocked by how rebellious the housekeeper's words were, because no eighth-level strongman took the king as a green onion. He was shocked that this bastard's dead face could laugh! The saddest thing is that this bastard laughed at him for the first time!

After drinking black tea, he was lucky. In the end, Will didn't see it. After all, he was still waiting for the housekeeper to give the carriage to himself to make a lot of money out of poverty, and Will did not feel that none of the two servants in the family were simple goods. In the end, he can only classify it as either the perverted father who infected the family, or that things gather in kind and people in groups!

Will, who finally got the command of the carriage, suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen the landlady for many days! So he asked, "Housekeeper, I haven't seen the wet nurse for several days. How about her?" That's right! That landlady's mother is Will's wet nurse! Moreover, he dares to shout in his heart the two "yahao" of "rentlady" and "dead face". Although there is no reason, Will absolutely believes that as long as they call out, these two will definitely have a way to remediate themselves and make themselves uncomfortable, and they can't say anything!

(Ask for red tickets, please collect! Please, everyone!!)