Iron Soldier

Chapter 10 Hunting Orcs

Will knew that there could be no longer delay, "appear! Obelisk's giant soldier!" A giant puppet with a height of ten meters suddenly appeared in front of the orcs. At the same time, Will disappeared in an instant and appeared in the cab of the giant soldier.

The sky-blue body made of unknown metal, the huge sword-shaped wings inverted behind, and the sharp armor shining with cold light on the shoulders all show that the guy in front of him is definitely a killing machine!

With limited energy, Will did not dare to delay and step down directly. Two stunned orcs and a werewolf officer were trampled into mud in an instant, and then followed with a punch in his left hand, and another werewolf officer also followed suit.

Other orcs immediately fled when they saw this. The orcs were not afraid of death when facing an opponent who was equal or a little stronger than themselves, and when facing this giant killing machine that could not be shaken by human power, no matter who would be timid and who would tremble! At this time, the 50 soldiers brought by Will were also demoralized. Two orcs were killed after a cover-up, and the rest were escaped. After all, human beings could not compare their speed and endurance with these orcs who raced with lions all day long.

Will slid down the body of the giant soldier, and then disappeared. Fortunately, my level has been upgraded. This time, I just ran out of magic and my physical strength is still abundant, but only two movements consume so much. It seems that the days of using the giant soldiers wantonly are still far away!" Although he complained about the huge consumption of the giant soldiers, it was obvious that Will was very satisfied with his performance this time.

"Report, sir, four orcs and two werewolf officers were killed in the battle just now, and we have zero casualties! In addition, the fox girl who just captured an injured ankle. The soldiers commanded by Will came to report the results.

"Take the fox girl and let's leave here first, find a hidden place to rest, and then return to Zabuharak." Will, who has lost his combat effectiveness, is not willing to stay in this place at all. If there is another wave of orcs now, he doesn't think that these 50 ordinary soldiers can play a role, and the fox girl must be an important person just now. The other party will soon conduct a close search, so he must evacuate quickly.

In a small mountain more than 20 miles away from the low point of the battle, Will's team began to rest. Soldiers set up tents one after another. Obviously, they can't make a fire casually in such a place where they may encounter orcs at any time, so everyone can only nibble on dry food with cold water.

And Will also took advantage of this time to interrogate the fox girl, which is indeed one of the three most beautiful races in the mainland. Although this fox girl looks only about 14 or 15 years old, her slender figure, exquisite curves and beautiful face all affect every man's heart. The girl was dressed in a long white dress with a small hole in the back, revealing a big hairy red tail, which made her look particularly cute.

Although the eldest princess is also extremely beautiful, and she is not inferior to the film and television superstar in Will's previous life, it looks a little dim in front of this little fox girl. Unlike the elegance and purity of angel girls, the freshness and elegance of the elf clan, the fox girls are born with a charm, which makes people eager to rush to love them wantonly.

However, for both the past and present life or the dead ex, Will's experience in dealing with girls is almost zero. Although he is full of thoughts about this little fox girl, it is obviously illegal for Will, who has received higher education, to be strong, but Except for Yongqiang, he obviously doesn't know how to communicate with girls. Therefore, in addition to shouting that he is innocent, poor Will can only honestly ask questions about the prisoners under normal circumstances.

The little fox girl is obviously not a profound person, and she doesn't even need Will to threaten to ask and answer anything. It is obvious that she is an ignorant girl in the world, so Will easily got more information than expected.

It turned out that this fox girl was originally the granddaughter of the fox patriarch, but this time she came to Draksalon Fortress to go on a blind date with the third prince of the orc. Although Zabharak is known as the forgotten city, the fortress opposite Draksalon is highly valued by the orc empire. It can be said to be a wholesale place for orc military achievements and a gold-plated factory for the children of nobles!

Although Zabharak has not been fighting all year round, the orcs are the opposite. The reason is that Will's father, Yuantang Lawrence, the eighth-level strongest man, will obviously have many experimental results, such as enhanced hatred, ghouls with special abilities, cave demons carrying necromancers and so on. Since there are results, it is always better to test the effect of these experiments. The orcs bordering Aufre and the overall combat effectiveness of the soldiers have become the best touchstone, and the Draksalon Fortress naturally becomes the test ground.

At the beginning, the orcs thought that Yuantang Lawrence's army attacked the Orc empire, which was a national mobilization and a deployment of troops. Finally, they found that the other party only fought for a while and fell down. After a few days, they came to fight for a while. As a result, it ended with the destruction of strange undead creatures. The other party did not increase the number of troops. Each time they sent The amount is also very small. But the destroyed undead orcs cannot be moved, otherwise they will attract a large number of undead to rob the bodies, and even destroy all the orc armies present.

No one can stand being bullied like this, especially when the orcs were still empires. How could the most powerful country on the continent swallow their anger? So the strongest of the orcs immediately became angry and rode alone to find Will's father's theory. Orcs are uneducated, and even the strongest are no exception. Naturally, it is inevitable that the export will become dirty, and Yuantang is not ambiguous. If you dare to scold me, I will cut you! As a result, as an old beast emperor, as the veteran strongest, was cut outside the third new Tokyo fortress by Yuantang. The orcs lost the support of the strongest and were immediately attacked by the two empires of light and darkness. After a hundred years of war, the orcs were completely compressed into the keel wilderness and became the orc kingdom, so the orcs were in front of Yuantang. I didn't dare to stab before.

And after several battles, the orcs also understood that they were just using their own army to test new undeads. At this time, the orcs were a little want to cry without tears. Just because of such a small thing, they were forced to fall from the empire to the kingdom. But this is the end, just like the classic saying - life is like that. Since you can't resist, let go of your body and mind and enjoy it! Therefore, later, the orc empire also used this kind of battle as training. The second-line troops were transferred here to fight against the dead. Although there will be some casualties, the effect is also very significant. Soon the second-line troops can become elite and then be transferred to fight against the barbarians. Because the number of undead is very small every time, the orcs are in a state of beating, and the commanders are very safe, so this place has gradually become an ideal place for noble children to gil their military exploits.

The third prince of the orcs is gilded here. When the military position reaches the general, he can go back to attack the barbarians and prepare for inheriting the throne of the beast king in the future.

After the little fox girl arrived at the fortress of Draksalon, the spoiled lady must not be able to stand the dullness of the barracks and run out to play. As long as she did not go to the area where the dead would appear, it was absolutely safe under the protection of 15 soldiers, so the third prince of the orc did not care too much. Unexpectedly, Will picked up a bargain.

As one of the five nobles of the orcs, the pearl in the palm of the patriarch can obviously exchange a lot of ransom. Will, who was still fascinated just now, fell into the eyes of money in an instant and began to plan how to avoid surrendering to the army so that he could swallow it alone.

The next day, Will began to return to Zabharak City with his team. When he passed by a farm, he handed over the little fox girl with zero combat effectiveness to a peasant woman. Under the help of five gold coins, the peasant woman readily agreed. Will immediately ordered that all the military merits and rewards for the killing of six orcs be given to these soldiers, but, Ask these soldiers to make sure that they have never seen any fox girls. Then he returned to Zabharak City in the eyes of a group of soldiers. Although Will knew that these big soldiers were wrong, he did not explain to the soldiers with the idea of swallowing the ransom alone.

Vieira couldn't help but be furious when she received the news that Will returned safely and killed six orcs. If she couldn't even do this little thing, what would the eldest princess think of herself and when will she be able to come out? Vieira, who was ashamed and angry, no longer cares about clear rules and unspoken rules. After finding an excuse to remove a thousand-chief at will, he ordered Will to take over and attack the commander-in-chief of Madraksalon Fortress. It will last for a month. If you don't come down to the city, come to see you!

(Strongly ask for collection! Ask for red tickets!)