Iron Soldier

Chapter 21 The City of God

One night, there was nothing to say. In the morning of the next day, Will and others set out to leave the Wallis wheel and go to the border city of God's punishment city of the dark empire. Speaking of the city of God's punishment, there is another legend. According to the historical records of the Dark Parliament, more than a million years ago, the gods and demons fought a decisive battle in the continent of Xianyue. At that time, the dark gods were the god of revenge and the god of light. The god of war joined hands to deal with the sixth demon king of the demon clan, and finally died in battle with the god of revenge. The god of war launched a super magic skill at the cost of serious injury - the fire of divine punishment, seriously injured the sixth day demon king. The endless Rocky Mountains were burned out of a glazed valley, which was as smooth as a mirror and stronger than gold! This canyon is also named after that - God's Canyon. Later, the Dark Empire established a pass here and named it the City of God's Punishment.

After entering the Scourge Canyon, Will and others opened their eyes. If this thing is really done by manpower, it is really unimaginable for people who use such powerful tricks. The whole canyon is 300 miles long and 50 miles wide. The bottom of the valley is more than 5,000 meters from the highest point of the peak, and there is no grass or tree in the whole valley. Isn't that nonsense? The whole valley has been burned into glaze. What other plants are there? The mixed material of various rare minerals is harder than refined gold. If anyone else masters this formula, it will be developed! Even if there is no formula, these glazed shells cannot be melted again, but some people still come up with a strange trick to cut down large glazed shells and then grind them into swords to become a specialty here - the divine punishment glazed sword! Although the practice of this divine glazed sword is simple, it is comparable to a four-level weapon and worth a hundred gold. Although more than a dozen craftsmen can complete one in a year, this is also a rare medium and high-level weapon that can be mass-produced. Therefore, the city of divine punishment is also known as the home of the least technical high-level weapons.

However, because there is no technical content, it has unquestionable quality and quantity. This God's canyon has brought unparalleled wealth to the city of God's punishment and the whole dark empire.

"Ding Ding•••••" With the crisp sound of the strike between the horseshoe and the glazed ground, Will and his party are slowly heading for the city of God. In the luxurious white-bone carriage, the little fox girl Lilith is leaning on Will and playing with the Huarong Road made by Will's bamboo pieces for her, and Will continues She continued to play a big-eyed game with Princess Linglan, but Princess Linglan seemed to be a little absent-minded. From time to time, she glanced at the new toy in Lilith's hand, and her eyes showed curiosity and eagerness to try.

The City of Scourge is a little biased towards the Dark Empire in the middle of the Scourge Canyon. After entering the canyon from the barbarian Empire, it will probably walk about 180 miles. Although it will take almost not take long to reach it at the speed of the white bone carriage, those carriages and servants with large bags of luggage can't keep up. Although Will's time was tight, they were not urgent, so they did not speed up the way. In this way, they seemed to have nothing to do on the way, and the bumps on the carriage made the two rookies unable to calm down to meditate. At this time, Will's gadgets became popular. But Will is not a professional. It's good to be a Huarong Road, but three people have one toy, and the trouble comes.

The result of the final guessing was obvious. Lilith played Huarong Road, and Will and Linglan played big eyes. At this time, a sudden dazzling light enveloped Will, and violent magic fluctuations rose to the sky and returned to normal in an instant.

But all practitioners knew that this was a vision produced during the promotion. Lilith stared curiously, and Princess Linglan's chin was about to fall to the ground.

"What's the matter? Haven't you seen a handsome man?" Will asked puzzlely about this promotion. As early as Will expected, he had reached the second peak for a period of time, and sitting in this carriage with a gathering spirit array was actually equivalent to deep meditation all the time. The magic growth is naturally faster. You should know the magic gathered by deep meditation. It is completely different from ordinary meditation. It is almost the patent of masters above level 5. If a magician below level 5 occasionally enters a deep meditation, it is like winning a lottery.

And Will's high-speed upgrade is not without cost. Recently, his low-level light magic crystal is about to bottom out, and the senior one really dares not use his small body.

Will took it for granted, but Princess Linglan didn't calm down. Are you kidding? I meditate for two hours every morning and evening, and I usually have the opportunity to practice. Up to now, I have touched the second-level edge, and I am called a genius girl, but this bastard! She didn't know how this bastard practiced before, but she saw everything along the way. This bastard has never practiced at all! Now he has been promoted instead! Why? At that time, Linglan wanted to point to God and ask the gods and demons all over the sky. Why?

Will saw that Linglan's face was full of envy and hatred. He had no choice but to comfort her. Otherwise, according to the girl's endless personality, what might happen today?

"Don't wonder, there is something wrong with my carriage. Don't you think there are many light magic elements?" We are not going to hide the meditation array. This thing itself is not a rare array. Although it is not enough to listen to eight paragraphs for a penny, most large forces still have it. But he didn't expect that his energy array called meditation array was different from the energy array used by others. This energy array called "Meditation Array" by the dead face housekeeper is actually a super enhanced version, although it only has one more function than the general energy array, that is, indoctrination and extract it in a gentle way. The magic that comes out is instilled into any magic container in the magic array, including people. But at the level of Will's array, he feels that the gathering array is like this.

"Although there are plenty of light magic elements, I haven't seen you meditate!" Linglan, a strong light magic element, can naturally feel it. When she practices, she will also arrange a gathering array. Everyone is rich and powerful. When practicing, she will naturally create all the convenience conditions as much as possible. Although it is not as strong as this carriage, it only shows that this loser uses a second-level magic crystal. It's not first-class, and it's not worth it at all in terms of cost performance. But this is not a reason not to meditate.

"Of course, my brother is very talented!" When he said this, Will was righteous and proud! Because he thinks so too!

"•••••" This time, the surprising Linglan did not object, because there is indeed no other reason other than this. She can only sigh again for God's injustice. Such a good talent has given such a lazy guy! But she didn't think that if she really had such a talent, wouldn't it be specially prepared for lazy people?

Although Lilith didn't understand what happened, it didn't prevent her from coming to a conclusion - Brother Will looked awesome! But even that super demon can be subdued. Isn't it natural for Brother Will to be very powerful? So the little fox girl didn't think much and continued to play with her gorgeous face.

The carriage continued to move forward, and Lilith played with her as usual, but the two people who stared with big eyes were different from before. Will was stared at the corners of Linglan's mouth and was uncomfortable. The latter stared at him with a bitter and resentful face, with a pair of beautiful eyes without blinking, which were full of envy and hatred.

At noon, Will was finally liberated, because their party finally arrived at the city of God's punishment, because everyone had to get out of the border port to get off the horse for inspection.

When he got out of the car, Will saw this majestic city. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the strongest city on the mainland. The whole wall is made of huge square stones polished with glazed shells in the valley, which is comparable to pure gold. Although it is not as aggressive as Dad's fortress, this turtle shell is really indestructible when it comes to defense!

The routine inspection is very smooth. After all, there is no war now, and the soldiers defending the city are not blind. Such a large team and the fifth-level undead are pulling cars. Who will go up and die if they have nothing to do?

"Captain, what's the end of this group?" Watching Will and his party go into the city, a gatekeeper's military academy asked his head in a low voice.

"Shut up, why do you know so much? Dare to walk around the streets with the dead openly, which is not what we can talk about! The more you know, the faster you die!" The gatekeeper stared at the small colonel and gave a stern warning.

The little school understands that this is for his own good. It is really difficult to deal with those who play with the dead on the mainland. These perverts made a big undead empire 20,000 years ago. They played with the sea of skeletons and almost didn't flood the whole continent. The heroes of the continent who were scared were scared to encircle and kill the undead professionals for more than 10,000 years. It was not until more than a thousand years ago that the third new Tokyo Fortress rose across the sky, and then the great god directly ascended to the throne of the strongest, which stabilized the undead professionals and will no longer be chased for no reason. In the end, the god signed an agreement with other gods. The undead professionals like to play with each other, but they can no longer engage in the performance art of the sea of skeletons, which has neither technical content nor artistic pursuit. In exchange, if you don't like to see the mainland heroes, you don't want to see them. If you love to reject them, you can't reject them, but you can't chase and kill the undead professionals for no reason.

So now, on the mainland, whether it is an undead mage, a lich, or a skeleton king, it is generally not very suitable to be seen. Although no one deliberately chases you, there are also self-knowledge. They all do their own experimental research with the horns and rarely come out. Today, these three young men and women not only bring the undead beasts. Go for a walk, and it's level 5! In the whole fortress, only the general is a six-level professional and three five-level deputy generals, but there are four five-level people in the area, which are still used to pull cars!! This identity can only be the eldest son of the dark empire! No second son, third son or illegitimate son can have this treatment!

Regardless of the thinking of the soldiers guarding the city, Will and others have entered the city. After arranging his bodyguards to find the hall station to settle down, Will began to look at the city seriously. The perpetual stability has made the border fortress gradually evolve towards the trade gate, and the city is very complicated. Hua, there are a few people who buy and sell.

Entering this city, Will has a feeling of returning to his hometown, not an architectural style, not a local customs, but an atmosphere. Unlike the rigorous and solemn Empire of Light, it is full of freedom. The dark empire, which believes in the dark gods and advocates freedom and kindness, is obviously closer to the free world of his hometown. Although it is called an empire, Will feels that it is more like a republic. Both the parliamentary government structure and the public atmosphere are very similar to those of the Republic.

Except for basic civilian materials, the shops on the street sell almost all glazed products. From jewelry, decorations, handicrafts to armor, weapons and giant tower shields, they are all glazed. There is nothing we can do. The only specialty here is glaze.

Weapons and armor and so on. The three wizards of Will can't do anything. Obviously, they can't use it. However, although the jewelry with corners is not as good as magic jewelry, the colorful glaze reflects a dreamy light that is not inferior to gems in the sun. With this alone, they are fascinated by two. The woman can't walk. Will bought a few small jewelry for the two women to leave with them.

It's not that Will is stingy. It's okay to go shopping, but you have to wait until you settle down and drag your luggage with a carriage. It's not a good time to go shopping!