Iron Soldier

Chapter 24 Eagle Selection

The process of selecting eagles is very complicated. Sun Yang heard the chirping of chicks and seduced them with raw meat. Will and others couldn't understand it at all.

During this period, Will also tried to identify with the wishing technique, but the young bird was too small, and the difference between them was too subtle, and the points consumed by the wishing technique were only accurate to one decimal place, so there was no difference at all.

With the wishing technique, Will remembered that he hadn't had time to see the processed box. There was always something to do these days, and he was so busy that he forgot it. He had to check it anyway tonight.

After making the decision, Will naturally got up to do nothing, so he also followed the two women to play with raw meat to tease the eagle. The ferocity of this eagle is really not covered. Although he hasn't opened his eyes yet, it is accurate and fierce to bite raw meat! The second woman was also afraid for a while. She picked up the raw meat with a small stick. The young eagle even bit off the wooden stick with thick fingers, not to mention her little tender hands.

After a meal, Sun Yang came forward with the clerk. The clerk held a small wooden box with three young eagles in it. Sun Yang said, "The old man checked all the young eagles sold here. The strongest of them are these three chicks. As for which one to choose, it depends on which one is related to the young lady and the prince." Obviously, Sun Yang thought that Will, who was also a mage, naturally chose the Eagle of the Jiang family, so he helped him choose it together.

"Oh! She will choose it. I don't want this." Will has a six-level thunderbird, which naturally looks down on the four-level war eagle in this area. His target is the Song family's war eagle. After all, the six-level thunderbird has wisdom, can speak, and it is really unreasonable to use it to walk on time, and the Song family's war eagle can fly double! Thinking of this, Will couldn't help showing a strange smile, and Princess Linglan almost kicked her.

resisting the impulse to kick Will, Linglan stepped forward and looked at the three cute little guys, and there was no way to do it. At this time, she saw a little young eagle arching its head hard towards her, and sniffing vigorously from time to time. Maybe this is fate!" Linglan said to himself, "Since you are so willing to be with me, let's fight together in the future!" After thinking about it, Linglan pointed to the eagle and said to Sun Yang, "Just this one!"

"Okay!" Sun Yang agreed, and then moved the chicks to a separate small box with his buddy. At this time, Sun Yang asked, "The price of War Eagle is 100,000 gold coins, and my commission is 1%. By the way, miss, do you need the help of the store to draw the contract array?"

Since the seller can provide it, Will and others are also happy to save trouble. In the short time, Linglan finished the contract with the chicks. Linglan, who is connected with the chicks, can finally safely touch the fluffy body of the chicks, and the little fox girl beside her is envious.

"Don't worry, you will have one soon!" Will, who came back from the checkout, hurriedly comforted him.

"Hmm!" Since she will soon have one, the little fox girl immediately became happy again, hoping that she could also touch this hairy cute little guy.

"Son, miss, if this war eagle is fed according to the general, it can only be fed meat. After three months, it will open its eyes and enter the growth period. Three years later, it will become an adult. If it is fed with the second or third-level magic crystal or magic core of the same attribute, it can open its eyes in seven days and reach adulthood in half a year. However, due to your level, the war eagle will The contract is suppressed at the same level as you, but it does not hinder riding and fighting. Once you advance, the war eagle will also advance.

"Oh? That's good. I'm worried about when this war eagle will be used! Everything that can be solved with money is nothing!" Will said boldly with a wave of his hand. With two awards and the bonus of the racing car, Will is now also a small rich man, and naturally he will not be vague about the second-level and third-level magic crystal.

Out of the store of the Jiang family, Will and his party went to the Kong family's store and entered the inner courtyard. The layout here is almost the same as that of the Jiang family, but the war eagle in the iron cage is indeed one size smaller, less than three meters tall, six or seven meters of wingspan, all snow-white, without any color, inadvertently bringing up bursts of action. Cyclone, you can know at a glance that you are proficient in wind magic!

She also relied on Sun Yang for selection. After the selection, Will went straight to pay the bill and leave, because it was impossible for Lilith to sign a contract with the general contract array and the Warhawk. Lilith, who had promised to help her succeed in the contract, did not let go with the box.

Finally, when he learned that Will wanted the Song family's war eagle, Sun Yang didn't say much. He took a group of people to wait for the Song family's store and entered the inner courtyard. This time, it was different from before. The iron cage was placed in the middle of the yard, which was obviously three times bigger than the Jiang family! The war eagle in the cage is six meters long, and its wings are nearly 15 meters long, which is enough for two or three people to ride. Blue feathers flying high in the sky are a natural protective color, which is extremely difficult to find. There are faint wind magic fluctuations on the body. Obviously, they can use a few hands to assist acceleration and other magic.

After the selection, Will also completed the contract by the way, but Will did not hold the box like the two women, but directly put the chicks into the contract space. Let the little eagle and the half-damaged thunderbird accompany him.

After the task was completed, he said goodbye to the old man Sun Yang. Will and others returned to the gold-inlaid rose and ignored the two women who were focused on communicating with their young eagles. Will returned to the room, first took out the communication stone and began to contact Xiong Buer. After all, Lilith was still waiting for the scroll.

At a young time, Xiong Noer's voice appeared: "Son, long time no see. Is there any business to take care of me?"

"Hmm! I also want a forced contract scroll and two bamboo dragonflies. Will really likes bamboo dragonflies. After all, he gave it to Lilith. He needs one and owes one to Linglan. Although there is a flying mount, this thing is also several meters high, and its wingspan is more than ten meters. The bamboo dragonfly is both secretive and dexterous. Although it is not fast, it is very practical.

"Okay, it's still the old rule. One thousand bamboo dragonflies will be given to you two additional compulsory contract scrolls!" Xiong Noer agreed very simply, " By the way, where are you now, son?"

"I'm in Modreza, and I still live in gold-inlaid roses."

"It's a little far from the headquarters, but it doesn't matter. I'll deliver the goods to you at noon tomorrow!"

Originally, it was a little far away, but Will was still very worried. If he had to send it for ten days and a half months, Will really couldn't wait, but as soon as he heard that it would arrive at noon tomorrow, Will thought to himself: Although he didn't know the origin of this chamber of commerce, it was really powerful enough. Not only the goods were awesome, but also the price was cheap, but also It's a direct second kill of federal express or Dragon Gate Dart Bureau.