Iron Soldier

Chapter 73 Let's go! Towards the Jingge Forest!

Will returned to the villa alone. As soon as Linglan and Liana saw that the little fox girl did not come back, they asked Will curiously. Will told the two women about the little fox girl to learn art and went to the master. Linglan and Liana were also very reluctant to leave the little fox girl. This clever and naive The scheming girl is usually very popular. Since the little fox girl has left, although several people are reluctant to leave, they have to do so. Fortunately, the time is not long. Only one year will soon pass, and the day of reunion is not far away.

The days continued day by, and the three of Will were also working hard to practice magic. A month later, one day, the three of them received news from their respective teachers at the same time: the college will organize students below level 5 to explore the Jingge Forest. In principle, they will go there voluntarily, and there will be a mentor to lead the team in order to inquire about Jing Is there really a dragon in the song forest?

Will was very happy to receive the news. He hadn't gone out to practice for nearly half a year since the last trial of the creator. This time, he happened to go out for an activity. Will told the two women about this decision. Liana, a restless little girl, naturally raised her hands and feet in favor and put her heart. Linglan, who was on Will, would naturally not let Will go alone. After the three of them signed up, Clark, who got the news, was naturally restless and immediately said that he would go with the three people. At this time, Clark was not what it used to be. In half a year, he has taken his strength from the beginning of level four to the fourth level, and has reached At the peak of middle and low-level practitioners, once you enter the fifth level, you will become a senior warrior!

Although Will has made progress in recent months, the high-speed improvement brought by the meditation array has slowed down, only reaching the fourth-level middle level. Although the two women have worked hard, they are still at the third level. Even Liana is stuck in the bottleneck of upgrading and can't advance. The little girl now puts all her hopes for promotion. This trip to Jingge Forest.

Because it was an organized expedition, everyone set out together. When we gathered in the square, Will also saw a lot of acquaintances, including the Son of Light and the Saint, who had a good relationship, and of course, Prince Jianren, who was disgusting when they met. Will and his party were waiting in the square. The little girl, Liana, suddenly didn't know where she had gone. There was not much time. The little girl ran back with a little white fat man behind her.

Will still has some impression of this little fat man. He had seen him in the entrance examination. At that time, the little fat man was played by Lian na and was accepted as his younger brother without reacting. This boy named Mochi seems to be the son of the city owner. I don't know why Lianna pulled him here.

As soon as Liana came back, she hugged Will's arm and said to Will, "Although the college organized an expedition, it is definitely impossible for so many people to act together when they arrive in Jingge Forest. Most of them still have to be grouped. Only four of us are a little weak, so I pulled Mochi over. He is a three. What about the middle-level dark prophet!"

"Oh?" Will also became interested when he heard this. Now he is not what he used to be. He has learned a lot of knowledge from his teachers. Naturally, he knows the rare profession of the dark prophet. This auxiliary profession of dark attributes is only described as the most appropriate word "despicable". The standard self-interested type can extract the vitality of the enemy. Enter your own body to accelerate healing, extract enemy magic to help your own people recover magic, slow down, break defense, and various obscene skills. In addition to low damage ability and one-on-one weakness, this profession is very abnormal in the team.

At this time, Mochi, a little white fat man, was staring at Will unconvincedly. Since he knew that the goddess in his heart was robbed by Will, a despicable bastard, Moqi was very unconvinced, but it was not easy to attack Will in front of the goddess, so he stared at Will like this and planned to Kill him with your eyes!

"Ha" Will was happy when he saw the little fat man's appearance. He also knew that the little fat man secretly fell in love with Lianna. As a result, now he has cut off his beard. Naturally, people will have resentment towards him, but there is nothing he can do if he has resentment. He will not release Lianna, the little girl, his five-finger mountain because of this little fat man.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Do you want to fight alone?" Will smiled and poked Mochi's weakness.

"Hmm!" Moqi also knows that he is not only inferior to Will, but also not good at single-handedness, and even his family background is far inferior. In front of the famous tall, rich and handsome man in this continent, he is really a loser.

"Ha" Will smiled and shared his hands with everyone. This kind of rival relationship can't be reconciled unless one side gives up.

Fortunately, with Liana in it, Maki wanted to perform in front of Liana in order to win back his heart, so he joined the team. Will, as the advantage party, naturally has no resentment. It is naturally better to add a combat power, so there is no problem. In this way, this is not a harmonious team. It is composed.

After a while, the team gathered, and then set out for Jingge Forest under the leadership of three CET-6 tutors. When they arrived in Ye City, everyone began to buy some adventure necessities. Will and others were idle because they had already prepared. Will and several women had space rings, so they had more. Clark and Mochi each received a space package, which surprised them. After all, this kind of space equipment is very rare, but unlike Clark's gratitude to Will, Mochi counted all the favors on Liana, only saying that he received a gift from Liana and did not admit the space package. The original owner of the package was Will. Although it was a bit of a cover, everyone laughed it off.

Because the distance of Jingge Forest is not very far, even if everyone just walked on the outer edge of the forest that afternoon, as Lyana said, the three CET-6 tutors decided to let these nearly 100 CET-4 students form a team freely, and then go to explore, but don't go too deep. After all, the three major No matter where the adventure land is, there are endless dangers in the depths. Although this time I came here under the banner of dragon hunting, it is to turn around the middle and outside to sharpen these young and energetic teenagers.

Will and his party were not in a hurry to enter the forest, but set up a camp outside first. When they went in early tomorrow morning, it was still Will and the two women living in the space tent. Clark was no longer alone and had a little white fat man to accompany him to suffer outside. Watching Will and his goddess live in an agreed tent, Mitch's face was even more embarrassed, and he couldn't wait to eat Will raw without dipping it in small sauce. After Clark's explanation, Mitch knew that there was a different hole in it, and his face was better, but he kept telling himself that the goddess and Will were innocent and innocent!

Will did sleep innocently in the small bedroom as Mochi wanted. Because he didn't take care of him, he suddenly changed from delicious food to ordinary barbecue. Will was really uncomfortable, but fortunately, the upcoming adventure attracted most of Will's Attention.

Although Jingge Forest is called Forest, it is not composed of ordinary trees. There are ancient legends that Jingge Forest was once an ordinary forest, which was once the hometown of blue dragons. Later, there was a dragon war. The Blue Dragons and Black Dragons had a tragic battle here, and many blue dragons When he died here and the battle was unfavorable, when the Blue Dragon King cast a spell to freeze all the black dragons, the energy in the air accidentally strengthened the spell, resulting in the whole green forest like a crystal. Later, when the war ended, most of the dragon clans moved to Dragon Island. At present, the only residents in this place are green dragons and crystal puppets. These green dragons are hybridized from green dragons and unknown creatures. They are mentally retarded, but they have three or four levels of strength and obey the command of the green dragon family. Those The crystal puppet is sent by the storm giant in the divine city of Odal, deep in the storm mountains, to collect crystals for their research.

This is the information Will got from his teacher about Jingge Forest, which produces various high-grade minerals and can be said to be the ideal exploration place for soldiers. Although Will's team is strong, it is a little biased. Only Clark is a warrior, and the others are casters, so these outputs are of little significance to Will. As for the lack of melee personnel, there is enough space here, and the golden light of Linglan's War Eagle should be sent big. Use it!

(Still beg for some collections and recommendations!)